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Active, Pdshinö and Relibale. - Sberbacn & Son can always be relied upon to oarry in siock ihe purest and est goods, and sustain the reputation f bemg active, pushing and rehable, by ecommending articles with well eatabshed merit, and such as are popular, laving the agency for the celebrated )r. King's New Discovery for consumpiou, colds and coughs, will sell it on a )O8itive gaarantee. It w ill eurely cure my and every aflection oL the throat, ings, or chest, and in order to prove our laim, we ask you to cali anj get a trial jottle Free. .t a Vermont hotel: Guest - "Ia there i bar oonnected with the house? ' Vaiter - "No, sir; this ain't the season or p'ar. WONOEBFUL C'CBES.- W. 1). Hoyt & 'o., Wholesale and Betail Druggists of {ome, Ga., eay: We have been selliug )t. King's New Discovery, JËleetric Jittera and ISucklen's Árnica Salve for íwo years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such niversalsatisfaction. There have been ome won derf ui cures offected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of ironounced Consumption havo been intirely curud by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in onnection with Electric Bitters. We fuurautee thom always. Öold by Eberjach & Son. A poem called 'Farewell to Nature" las been written for Longmau's Magaine. The author is probably preparng to enter society. To prevent typhoid fever, take Laxaor, the golden regulator. Price only 5 cents. Babies will cry! It is the nly way to teil us that they suiler froru ain. Do not stupefy jour little ooes y administering laudanum or otüer piates, but use L)r. Buil's Baby Syrup hich will relieve the baby of all pain '. the bowels, &c, and thereby restore ;'s happinesa. Price only 25 cents. A prudent wau, "according to Hoyle," or out, and bruise, and burn, and boíl Vill use at once Salvation üil. "Never as heard such a terrible curse," as the nan got olï about his stubborn cold. ould it be possible that be Jived in vilization and had not heard of Dr. uil 's Cough Syrup! Let him take the ld reliable; and stop swearing. Price 5 cents. "Pomp, w'.ien your master died, he eft word in his wiil that you should be urried in his vault." - "Ithank, ma'am," laid Pomp, "I thanka you for that ar; ut I'd rather not." - "Kather Dot, Pomp! why?" - "Cause, missus, I'm feared that hen the duvil come for old rua-sa, he night make a miatake and take old 'omp." BuckiEn s Abnioa Salvb. - The best n the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ui ers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chap:d hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin ruptions, and positively cures Piles or 0 pay required. It is guaranted to give (erfect satiafaction, or money refunded. 'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by íberbach & Son. VVhen a man goes home and finds no upper ready, the flre out, and hia wife isiting the neighbors, it is likely to be ondy. COLLINS & AMSDEN, - DEALKRS IN - Stone Lime. Water Lime, Cement Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, and AND 5IASOXS' SUPPLJES IN GENERAL. Also all kinds of WOOD and COAL. - ALSO - Flour and Feed and Baled Hay. OFFICES, No. 33 and 36 East Huron M. P. VOGEL, iisht years with Henry Matthews, has oponed a Meat Market No. 18 East I-Iiiroii Ht., n.l will keep on hand Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, and Game when iu season M. P VOGEL. Ann Arbob, Mich ,7 NBW kán Store 1 give the BIGGEST BARGAIN3 in the County in the Furniture Line. 'all, See and be Convinoed. No. 11 Sast Ann Street, eiz doora Eaat ot ihe 'oatoffice.


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Ann Arbor Democrat