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Thanksgiving Day

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A proclamatioti. lly the President of the i ntttd Staten The coodnf s nnd the raarcy of God whirh have followed the Am ir ban people allthediysot' the past year claim thoir greattul reeognition nnd humble ueknowledgmo:it. 1 lis omnipotent power He taasproteeted usironi w r .n lpestilenod nnd irom every national calamity; by llisgrnciousfavi rthooHi'th b:is yie dtd a generous return t tho laboi' of tüe husbündraan, end overy psith of honest toil has led to confort miel cont n tinent ; by His ovin'i-l-inilness the bearts of our people hn o bjen repknished with fraternal sentiaietii, on.l p-itriotic eiideavor. aud by Hie unerring we liave been directedin the way of nalloual prosjcr.ty. To the end that we niay. with accord, te.-tity gratitudo for all thesa bleesings. !, (irover t'luvoland, pre: ent of the United States, do bereliy ileign .t and set apart Thurday. the th day of November, as a ilay of thaaltgiving and prayer, tu be observed by uil tho people of the'land. (Jn that day let all secular work and employ ment be 'suspended; and iet our peo pie assomble in "tholr accustomed places of woiship and with praver nnd SOngü of praise give thanks to our lleavenly Kather lor all that He has done for u . while we humbly implore the forgiveness of our sins and a continuante of His morcy. Ijet families and kindred be united on that day ; and let their bearts, ftlled with kindly cheer and ailectionate eur.nisccn c be returned i tbankfulness to the sonríe of all their pleasures andtheGiverof a!l that makes the day glad and joyous. And in the midst of our people und our happiness let us rememljer the poor. tha needy and the unfortunate, and by our gifts of charity and real bonevoleneo let us increas the numbftr of those who with grateful hearts shall join in our thanksgiving. In witness whereof 1 h:-xve set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to he atüxed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-fifth day of Uctober, in the year ot our Loril one thousand eight [stau] hundrei an 1 eighty-seven, and of the independence of tho Tjuited Stato.s the one hundrn.l anrl t welf th. (Signed) Güover Ci.kvii.and. By tho President: (Signed) Thos. F. Bayard, secretary ot state.


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