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EUCENE OE8TERLIN. Insurance Agent, U Notnry I?ullie. Monevs üoüected in any part of Europe. Drafts j Issuedard paid. Correspondent of the Imperial Germán Consulate, Uiminuati. Aeent for the American line of steamers running between l'liilaiclphia, llamimnr, Liverpool, aud all the principal -eaports in North üermnny; üf the line bv tween Nw Yorï and Rotterdam, and of the New York ar.a breinen Line, Powerof attorney I legally made out, for any place in Europe, and moiiev col ected on claim. OFFICE: No. 8 est i.iberty Street, Ann Arbor, Jlich. New Restaurant ! JOHNl.ONEY, Proprietor. Warm Meats Se ved. Cok) Lunch, Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue. Tripe, and Oyslers, etc. Restaurant open from 6 a. m., 12 o'clock midnight. No. 23 North Main St. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, No. 4 South Mam street, Ann Arbor. oldost agency in tho city. Estaulished aquarterofa pentury ago. Kepresenting the followinjr flrstclass companles, with over $80,000,000 assets. Hoine Ins. Co., of N. Y. ; Continental Ids. Co., of N. Y.: Niágara Ins. Co., of N. ï.: Clrard Ins. Co., of l'hiiii.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of I.ondon; Liverpool aud London and Globe. y Kaii's low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. O. H. MILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS " Ketps a First-ciasa MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Srnoked Meats, One Door East of Franklin House. Píricos Rcasonable. rhanklng thoso who have so liberally patrónmed me in the past, I a!so cordially solicit trado rom new patroos. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street - Ann Arbor, Jlich Dulutti, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAT. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." Only Direct Route to Marquet' e and t1 e Iron and j Copper Regions of i.'ike Superior. Traversing the Most Picturesque Portjon of : Michia", Th-ough a Territory Unequalled for HUNTING, F1SHING and CAMPING, Two Through Express Trnlns daily In Each Dl ! rection, to which are altached NEW, ELEO A.HT AND COMMODIOÜ3 . OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS AND WAGNER SLEEPING COACHES. Ticket over this route are on sale at all principal ticket offices, l-'iill Information as to rates, etc., copies of maps and folders wlU be furoished upon appiication to E W ALLEN Gen. Pass. and Tk't AgV, Marquétte, Mlch. j mbB I 11 JVACKINAC The Most Deliehtful BUMÍVIER TOUR Palaco Stcamers. Low Iliitsa. Fout Trips per Weok Betweon DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Ivery Week Day Bctwcen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrater, ContaüiB Pull Particulara. Milod Freo. Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. Act., DETROIT, M1CH. Ann Arïor oren fforïs D. F. Alimentar Uanufacturer and dealer In Pianos, Orpis, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT& Repairing and Tuning a Specialty, Anyono calllng at the worlcsi, foot of Washlng ton street, can examine goods and prices, I can convince you of the Great Bargains ! I am offeriag. D. F. ALLMENDINQEH, ANN AJBBOR Fred. Brown ! At ('labken's Old Placb. IE MS ! Hjq_-uloxs a.xa_d. OLjao?s_ HOT LÜNGH EYERY Pil EBERSACH &. SON. AND PHARMAÜÍ8TS, No. 12 South Main Street - DKAIiEBfl 1M- Drugs, SJLedicinos, Chemicals, Dye Stuflfe, Artlst'g and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcles, Trusses, Etc Pore Wïnes aii Lipors ! Special attentlon pald to the furnlshlne of thysicians. Chemlsts, 8chools, etc, with plillocophlcal and Chemical Apparatua. Bohemlan Chemlca! O'.xssware, Porcaltia Ware. Pur ScagenU, etc Fhyiilclans' Prescrlptlens Carefully Preparcd kt all hours. EBERBACH & SON, MÁRVELOÜS MEMORY DISCOVERY WlioIIy uiiIIZlc artificial systems. Any booU Icarnetl In one reftdlnff. FusniMEVTALpBiNcirr.icsof theLoIsettlnnsystom. I. WüolH-unllke Mnemónica In Conception, Procesa, Dt'velopnient and UesultF. II. The Natural Memory Itestored to its right vse and nimio powerful. PMdseiy as tho Microscope and Telcscopc coustitute a Scientífle extensión of tho Natural K vpMkIK, so Ís th Sficmlilcnlly tralned Memory an extensión of the Natural Memory. I1L Tne power of Contlnuous Atteution growing apace wlth (he Memory. IV. Memory and Attentlon bolnp strenethened to the lit;liOKt derive liy thc ílve lessona, the System Ís no longer used, except lu raro cases at flrst, and afterwanls in none at all. "Prof. Lolsetto gave mea newniemory" - Hon. Judah F. Ben jtt mili "It hasgreatiy strengt hpned ray natural niemory "-Hon. w. W. Asíor, lote U. S. Minister to Italy "Prof. Lolsette's system appcars to me to warrant the stronest Indorsement" -John C. MI nor, M.D. "I rogret that it (lid not form a part of tho curriculum of our schools'- Stephen Kmid, Esq., Paymoster of the U. S. Navy 'T)iere Isnot one instítution of leamhig in the land that wonkl bo without itsald lfits worth were knovrn"- Rev. A. J. SIcInerney, Rector of S(. Mary's Church, Annnpolís "I nave formed onccJassby correapondenee; and havo dccldcd that hereafter I shall try to induce al) my Mudenta to master thla system before theyongagnin thc.irlingutstic studies under my dlrection"- Hev. Fmiu-ls I!. Denlo, Professor of Htibrow In the Bangor Theuloglcnl Seinlnary - "Trof. ï.ulsotte's svstem Ís a great boom not only to the student, of shorthund, but to the veteran reponer"- W. W. Wilson, Stenographer "Since learninjï your System, I flnd I can soon learn toplay any piece of muslo without notes, a feat iinpoaslole to me formerly "- El Iza Cau-thorne No man has a memory bo noor that thjfl mothod wtll not great ly ald it ; nor has any one a memory so goou as uot to stand In nced of tlie help wnlch it can furnish" - Prof. Vm. Ií. Harper, of Tale- - " By hls System I have airead y Icarned one book In one leadlnp, and I Inteud to Uarn inany more In the same way" - Sir Edward H. Morcdyth, Bart.- - " I coníldcntly recommend your system to all wlio dcsire to&trengthenthclr memory and cure theirnilnd wanderlng" - Bcrnard Elija, Ksq, "It Isa perfect memory system"- Wt-eklv Budget "I do nut say I made myself a wolklng Hume or Mucaulay, but I do say that what I had learned, I knew perfoetly, thnnks to your systeni. Thft rcsult was futí nmrfcs (150)"- Regina ld K. Murray, Esq. "I havo Just como ofT top Ín a Bursaryexamination, and I owe my uccesa Ín great measuro to tho general Improvt'iiu'tU which vuur system had cffeeied Ín my rvtfutlvenoas ana acumen"- Thomas Talt, Ksq. " I have no hcslUitlon in thoroughly recommeuding the gystem to all who are In earnest lu wlshlng to train thelr memories effectively. and are therefore w 111 ing to take rcasonable palos to obtaln bo useful a rcsult"- Mr. Richard A. Froctor, the Astronomer " Prof. Lolsette did not crente a memory for me; no, nothingof tho klnd. And yet he did forme what amounted tot he samothing, rorho provod tomethatlnlreadv had a memory, a thing which I was notaware of tlfl t hen. I had before boen able, llke most people, to store up and loso thlngsln tfaedark cellar ofmy memory.but h eslío wed me how to light up thc collar. It Is tne differencc- tochanethe figure- bctwoen havíng mouey whero vou cant collect It, and havincr It Ín vour poekoí. The iiiformotioncost me butlittlo vet I valuó itata nrodlgioua figure- S. L. ClemenstMark Twain)- - " There is thia all Important diflereuce tiet ween other systems and that of Prof. Lotaettethat while the former are arbitrarv and artificial the latterls entlrely based upon Physioloplciil nnd Psychologlcal prlnt'Iples'1- Thc Peoples Kriond "I thus üaved twenty hours out of twenty-four In Iearnlng the two sermona"- Rev. S. H. Lee. Classof lOOColumbla Lnwstudents ; two classes of 300 each at Yalo ; 400 at Welleslev College and 400 at Unlvcrelty of Pennsvlvania: iflOat Meriden ; 250 at Norwich; SSOatOborlIn College, and threelargc classes at Chaiitatiqiia, Frospec tuses sent POST FTÏ.EE, wlthopinionsln fuïl of eminent people In both continente. Qreat iuducements to correspondence clarst s. Address PROF. LOISETTE, 237FIfth Avenn. Kw v„. Veves pills. BEWARE OF I3I1TATIOXS. AZWATS ASK FOIt IB. PIERCE'S FEZLET8, OK LITTLE SUQAB-COATED PILZS. BeiiiE cntircly vegetable, they operate wltliout di6turbance to tlic system, diet, or occupation. Put uj) in fflaM vials, hermetically scalod. Always frtsh and reliable. Aa a laxativo, alterativo) or purgativo, theso littlo Pelleta give the most perfect sattefaetion. SJi HEADICHE. gl Bllions Hoadaclic, KJit Dizziiioao, 'fe tion, Iiidijtestion, kí }■, Bllious Attacks.andull R VtèMairderanifoinoiits of the A V BS1 acb and bowcls, are wL BBr lyrelievedandpermanently Jïgt vB' cured by tho use of Dr. l'icrce' Pleasant Purgativo Pelleta. In explanntion of tlie remodial power of these Pellets over so great. a variety of discases, it raay truthf ully be said that their action upon the system is universal, not a gland or tissuo escapingr tlieir sanativo influence. Sold by dru?gi8ts, 25 cents a vial. Manufacturad at tho Chemical I.iibonitory of World's DispeksARY Medical Associatio, Buffalo, N. Y. MPirTraMk is offcred by thc manufacturar" "rere of JDr. Sage's tiatarrh Wf v - S Keniedy, for a case of f WA iêf Chronic Nasal Catarrh which : ■'-. W i ■ ïr.J they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARnH.-DulL heavy headachc, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges lalling from the head into tho throat, soinetimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at ethers, thick, tenacioue, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the oyes aro weak, watery, and intlamed; tliero is ringing in tho ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clcar the throat, expectoratlon of offeusivo matter, togethcr with scabs from ulcei-s; the voico is changed and has a nasal twang; the brcath is offensive; smell and taste ara impairod ; thero is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depreesion, a backing congh and general debility. Only a few of tho above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. ThousanJs of cases annually, without manifesting half of Uie above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the gravo. No discaso is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less iinderstood by pliysicians. By lts mild, soothing, and licaling propertles, Dr. Sage's Catarrh licmedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, ''cola in tlie Iioad," í'oryza, and Catarrbal Ilondaclie. Sold by druggista everywhere; 50 cents. "l'ntold Agony f rom Catarrli." Prof. W. Hadsner, the famous mosmerist, of lthaca. N. y., writes : " Some ten years ago I suffered untold ngony from cbroiiic nasal catarrh. My fiunily pbygician gavo me up as incurable, and said I muat die. My case was such a bad one, that every day, towards sunset, my voice vould becoino so hoarse I could barely speak ubovea whisper. Inthemorning my cougbing and clearing of my throat vould almost strangle me. By thc use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rcmedy, in three months, I vas a well man, and the cure has been permanent." "CoiMtautly Hawkiiig and Spittlug. Thomas J. Rushinq, Esq., 2903 Pinc Street, St. Louis, Mo., writes : "Iwasa great suffercr from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constp.ntly hawking and spitting, and for the last eigut montbs could not breathe through tho nostrils. I thought nothing could be dono for me. Luckily, 1 was advised to try Dr. Wage's Catarrh Heraedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be tho only sure remedy for catarrh now manufacturad, and one has only to gíve it a fair trial to eiperience astounding resulta and a permanent euro." Tliree Bottlcs Cure Catarrh. Eu Robbins, Rwiyan P. 0., Columbia Co., Pa., says: "My daughter had catarrh when Bhe was flvc yoars old, vcry badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh llomedy advertised, and procured a bottlo for her, and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle effocted a permanent cure. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty." CREAM BALM 7 ij! Clea n s e s thc E fClfLAU RAAI Nasal P M 9AT$mK&$ sages, AnaysBSgíggirHEÁa Pain and ln-wtiisrrvrtw!u ki Ham ma t (ni.tJJftr' V MA II e a 1 s t h eE. á,r GsP Soro s, R e-HT %$k stores tli Sbbb- fíeI ana SmelL 14 TRY the CÜRE-hJKt-fever A partida n ap!lod fnto fnc! notrll and Is ajireeabte Prlce 50 couts ut driifcrwts: by inaiL reslstere.i 'o ents KlA' BROTHERS, W Grean; wo i St.. Nmv Vnr:% DROPSV ■ TREATED FREE. II;ive treatti Dropsy and its complica tion a wlth the most wonderf ui succa&s ; u&o veROtaole remedies en tires y harmlcsH. Removo all symptoms of dropsy in i-lght to tvsnty days. Ciiro pntlents pronounccd horwlca hy thebcstof phyülcians. Promtbe r.rstdoBcthcsyiiiptonis rapldly dleappear, md ín tenüaya ut lea." t two -UiLnlu et uil BymptonÜ are removed. Sorao uiny cry huinbua without knowinu anythlnj aboutit. KcmcmbiT It does nut cost you anylhingtp realizo the merit of our trefttmen for youi-wlf. n% ar constantiy curing cases of long standing- c&so j have been tappcd a nuinbcr cf tlmea anathep ! tfentdeclared anablo to llvo a weck. Oivoafull hfslorx of tui&e, name, afre, pox, how lon(cafflicted,&c. Sc rul for freo pamphlct, contoinlnp testimoniáis. Ton day ( mentfurnished FREE by mail. lf you order trial rend ' iOceoUin etamps to pay postapro. Kpilepsy (I-'it.--) Lvely cared. (tjyMeiitionthiapaper. H. H. OREEN A SONS, M. ITf... 250í MarioUa Street, Atlanta, U. j ÊDR. HQBENSACK'S NEHVÜUS DtBXLiTY PILLS. A snro aud safe Rpcclflc for weaknes and debility oí tho nervous systom, and general exhaustlon u)isin: from imprudoncc, excfises ma nvcrworkof body and bruin, causlnRph.Vhk'iiland mental ' ness, loss of memory nnd incapaclty. CnrcAOia nnd Younr. Prlce flil per lwx. Preparrd and for salo at Dr. Hobrnsack' I.ahoriin.r.v. No. ï2Otf N. l Sf..ï'htla(14-litlitn, Pa. tiend for clrculM 1 OOO OOO T'ft'ïies wanted to umï oue ' -l,VVV7,V7V7V "MaKnotieHairplns." They nelloTeNervonsUoRdachc and ibedl-comfortoilen caued by all other halrnins. Sample Box lOc. ! Address Q. B. M. CO.. Vineland. New Jaraer.


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