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P. M'KERNAN, 1 TTOENE Y-A T-L A W. CoUectlons - promptly atended to. Money to loan Eouses and luts or sale. Ollice in Courl House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 87 North Main Street, opposite th( postoffice, dealer in Frosh, Smoked auc Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. THE GERMANIA HOTEL. riORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND J strcet. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprletor. Sam tie rooms for traveling men. Every room b' ated by steam. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main streets. Reeidence No 6. Suuth División street. Office hours (rom 2 to i and ! to S p. ui. Telephone No. 114 D. A. McLACIlLAN, M. D„ OFFICE IN MASGN1C TEMPLE BLOCK. Ann Arbor. Ofllee hours froin 4 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Kesidence 48 Thompson street. Telöphoue No. 138. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEW IS, proprietor, Ypsilanti, Mleh. House heated with steam. DEAN M. TYLER. M. D. PHYSIU1AN AND SOGEON. Omoe and regidence over postoffiee, flrst floor. NIOHOLS BROS. W. W. A A. 0. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonlc Temple filock, over Savings Bank, Ann Ar hor. JOSEPH CLINTON, TlfERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines 4 13 Worden's. All work guaran teed or no barge. JOHN F. LAWRENCB, ATTORNFY ATLAW. !■ Office, nos. 3 and i, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mtch. K. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a eeneral law X collection and conveyatice business. A moderate patronage Is resoecttully sollclted. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 Sonth Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, AnnArborlllcn. WILLIAM HEKZ, CTOUSK SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco XI PainttT. Gilding, Calclmlnlne, Glazlng tnd Paper Hansing. All work done In the best stTle and warranted to glve satisraction. Bbop, No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. UMON' BOTTiIXG WORKS. In the Union Hote! BlocK, corner of Washington nd 6eot}d treets, Anu Arhor. Beer by t' e Bottle or bv the Case, delivered to any part of the city. I have alio Pure Wines and Liquors. JOHN SCHKE1DKR, Jb., Proprietor. MARY C. WHITING. A TTOKNKY AT LAW. K"al Estáte, Loan, x Coliection and Insurance ofüce. Private ccniultation of ladies sacredly regarded Oillce 80 East Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. H. R. ARNDT, M. D. OFFICE over the First National Bank. Offlce hours from 9 to 11, a. m., 2 to 4, p. m. Sundays from 3 to 3 p. m. llesidence 23 South State street. Ann Arbor. C. W. VOGEL. ■LW MA.RKET. C. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Late of Chelsea, at Thomas Matthews' old stand on Ann street Fresh and Salt meats kept on "land, FKEDERICK PISTORIUS, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Official corresponül dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Estáte, Collection, Insurance, Steamship and Loai Afiency. Offlce No. 40 South Main street. ifïMlCHIGAN1 ' Timb Tablb, Nov. 14, 1886. Standard Time. e om o EAs. r -i i KATIOHS. á J. A Á II 2 ?__?L ?i?o.áa a_ A. X. A. M. P. T.U. P.M. 3hlcago_. _Lv. 6.60 9.00 4.40 8.15 9.10 Kalamazoo.... 1.50 9.37 12 38 2.8Í Battle Creek... 27 7.81 1.80 8.20 A, 11. Xsckson.....Ar. 8.14 4.23 9.15 8.15 4.50 &.nn Arbor 4.:13 5.30 lO.Ï'i 4.85 6.08 Detroit ar. 00 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.80 Bt. Thomas Ar 11.16 ' ' 9.50 '.8U A. H. Falls View 1 19 Buffalo Ar 8.85 2.45 7.50 BO1MQ WEET. 5 éi a -SS SÍ L?ll.l Mil A. H. P. M. P. H. A.M. A.M. Buffalo L. 11.80 10 00 11.86 A. M. P.H. Niágara Falla 12.40 p. h. 12.E Bt. Ihomas... 4.iO 110 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 9.1Í A.nn Arbor..... 8J6 10.25 5.30 9.52 10 86 r. m. Jackson 4r. 9.85 11.39 7.10 10 52 Battle Creek... 1.12 8.52 LM. 1X1 12.12 Kalamatoo 1.50 9.45 4.45 l.0 2.8J Chicago Ar 5.15 6.40 10.20 7.00 8.0C The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chisago at 8.10 Kal tmazoo 6.68; Battle Creek, 7.33; Jackson, 8.49. Ann Arbor, 9 45; arriving In Detroit at 10.45 P. II. The C hlcago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. Ann Arbor 2. 3i; Battle Creek, 4,40 ; Katamazoo, 6.15: Chicago, 9.30. Suuclay ezeeptcd. iSatorday & Snnday ezcepteO tDally. O. W. Rdoolsh, H.W. HAYE8, O. P '1 A.. Ciieaao. AgU Ann Arbor. Important. Whon yon Tlsit or leav New York City hare baggag, expreisaga, and t3 carrlag hlre, and top at the Okand Usioa Hotki. pposiU Grand Central Depot. tiir rooms, fltted op at tb ooit of ons millton dollar. $1 and npwardf per day. Euroi'in plan. KI "ator. Prestan runt ■upplied with the best Hors cars, stagea and eleTated railroad to all depots. Families can lire botter for lesa money at the Grand Union Hotel tban at any oüiar first-olass hotel in thia city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat