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EUCENE OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, TXotni-y ïulliOé Monevs Ooüecteü in any part of Burope Drafts jSBUdd And paid. Corregí ondent uf th imperial Germán Consul Ate, I In iniiftti. Atceni fur the American line of RtüaajeraTunnlDg betwi en Philaiotphiti, Hamburg. LlTerpool, and all the principal -eaports in North Geruifiny; of llie line b ■ twt-en Nw Vork and Rotterdam, aod f iho Kew York ana breinen Line Powerof attorney legally mailt out, for any place In Europe, and tnonev col ected on dal me, OFFICE: No. S Aet Liberty Street, Aun Arbor, Mich. New Restaurant ! JOHNLONEY, Proprietor. Warm Meáis Sei ved. Oold Lunch Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue. Tripe, and Oysfcrs, etc. Restaurant open from 6 a. m., untll 12 o'clock midnight. No. 23 North Main St. ! Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 South Ham street, Ann Arbor. The oldest (■ency iu the city. Eatablished a quarter of a century ago. Representing the following ftrstclass companies, with over $30,000,000 assets. Home InR. Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. Co., ofN. Y.; Niágara Ins. Co., of N. Y.: Girard Ins. Co., of Pliila.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Oc ! meroial Uuion of London; Liverpool and London and O lobo. BS1" Kaie low. Losses liberally adjusted and prouiplly paid. C. H. WILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keps a First-clau MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. ■ Prioea Reasonable. rhanking those who hare so Hberally ' Eed me in the past, I also cordially solicit trade rom new patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor Mich, Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." Only Düwit Route to Marquette and the Iron and Copper Regions of L,ke Superior. Traversin the Most Picturësque Portjon o Uppe' Michigan, Thougn a Territory Unequalled for HUNTING, FISHING and CAMPING. ' Two Through Express Trains daily In Each Dl rectiou, to wtiich are attached NEW, ELEO ANT AND CO5IMODIOÜ8 OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS AND WAGNER SLEEPING COACHES. Tickets over thia route are on sale at all ' cijtttl ticket offices. Full informationasto rates, etc., copies of maps and folders wiU be f urnished upon appücatioQ to E W. ALLEN Gen. Pass. and Tk't Agt., Marquette, Mich. IV!ACKINAC, Ths Most DcJijlitfal BÜIVlER TOUR Talaeo Steamen. Low Bat Tour Trips per Weelt Betwean. DETROiT AND MACKIlSiAO And Bvery Week Dey Bctweeu 'fc.'ROlT AND CLEVELAND ; Writ for our ■' r'icturesque Mackinac," lllustratec ContAina Pull Particulars. M&iled Fre. Detroii & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOM8, Gin. Pass. Agt., DETROIT. MICH. Ai Arïor om Üs D. F. Aümsndineer Manuf acturer and dealer In fi, örpis, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTE Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyone calllng at the work, foot of Washington street, eau examine goods and prices. I can convince you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am offorlng. D. F. ALLMES D1NGEB, ANN ABBOB Fred. Brown ! At Clarkkn's Oid Flaob. Fl ffK ! LqL"-Os and Oiejars. HOT LDNCH EYEBY DR EBERBACH &. SON. AND PHARMA.CISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALEIÏ8 IH - Drugs, Meeli eines, Chemicala, Dye Stufli, Artlst's and Waz Flover Materials, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc Pire fiies ui Lipors ! 8peutal attentton paid to the furnishlne of ïhysloians, ChemlsU, Schools, etc, wlth philo■ophlcal and Chemical Apparatua, Bohemlan Chemical tllassware, Porcalalst Ware, Pure Hfagents, etc. Physlclans' Prescriptiens Carefully Pri'pared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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