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P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. CoUeotlona A promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houses and Iota or tale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postoiBce, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard In any quantity. THE GERMANIA HOTEL. nORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND - streets. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprletor. Sampie rooms for tiaveling men. Every room Et ated by steain. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main streets. Realdence No. 6. South División street. Office houra from 3 to i and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. D. A. McLACIlLAN, M. D„ OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE BLOCK. Ana Arbor. OfBce houra from 4 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. Renidence 48 Thompson street. Telephone No. 12S. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEWIS, proprietor, YpMlantl, Slloh. House beated with steam. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHTSICIAN AND SUGEON. Office and rei!dence over postofïlee, flrat floor. N1UHOLS BKOS. W. & A. 0. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental T T office Masonlc Temple Block, oyer Saylngt Bank, A dd Arbor. JOSEPH CLINTON, MERCHANT TAILOR. 8hop OTer Wines & Worden'. All work euaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFTATLAW. A Office, noa. S and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. E. B. N0RRI3, i TTORNET AT LAW. Doe a general law tl. collectlon and conveyacce buslnesi. A moderate patronage U resoectfully oUclted. Ofiice In tne court house, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 0. C. JENKIN8, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Micb, _ WILLIAM HEKZ, JOUSE, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Paintcr. Gilding, Calcltnlnlne, Glazing tnd Paper Hanglng. AH work done in the best style and wárranted to glve satlstaction. Bhop, No. 4, West Washington itreet, Ano Arbor, Mieh. TTNION BOTTLINQ WOBKS. In the Union U Hotel Block, corner of Washington and Second streets, Ann Arbor. Beer by the Bottle or by the Case, delivered to any part of the city. I have also Pure Wines and Liquors. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Ja., Proprietor. MARY 0. WHITING,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, Loan, Coliection and Insurance office. Private ccnaultation of ladies sacredly regarded. Offlce 86 East Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. II. R. ARNDT, M. D. OFFICE OTer the First National Bank. Offllce bours from 9 to 11, a. m., 2 to 4, p. m. Sundays from i to 3 p. m. Resklence S3 South State street. Aun Arbor. C. W. VOGEL. VTEW MARKET. C. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Late of Chelsea, at Thomas Matthews' old stand on Ann gtreet Fresh and Salt meats kept on tand, FKEDERICK PISTORIUS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Official correspondent of the Germán C'onsulate, Real Esta, Coliection, Insurance, Steaaiship and Loai Kency. Office No. 40 South Main street. Tdjl,,,. CENTRAL Wtllr..Vr'.lba Nut!!{á 33 Tilia Table, Nov. 14, 1886. Standard Time. OOINO IABi, ■ 4 AíÍÍÁÍÍ l L.U. k.V. P.H. P.H. P. II 3hlcago_. .Xv. 6.60 9.00 4.40 „ 8.15 9.10 Kalamazoo.... 1.50 9.37 13 83 2.38 Battle Creek... 2.27 7.31 1.80 8.20 i, u. Jackeon.....Ax. 8.14 4.83 9.15 8.15 4.60 Ann Arbor 4.33 6.30 10.2 4.35 6.08 Detroit ar. 6.00 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.80 P. H. P. H. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.16 S.50 8.80 Falls View. 1.19 Buffalo Ar 8.85 2.45 7.50 ome wet. i Úi si ! TATIOHi. d J S „4 gg ?5 iiiliíí.Míi i. M. P. M. P. K, A. M. A.. Buffalo L. 11.80 10 00 11.35 A. h. p. a. Niágara Falla 12.40 p. h. 12.Í6 Bt. Thomas... 4.10 1 10 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 9. Aun Arbor 8.16 10.25 5.80 9.52 10 3 Jackaon... „Ar. 9.85 li.39 7.10 10 52 Battle Oreek_. 1.13 8.52 A.K, 1.87 Kalamaioo...... 1.50 9.45 4.45 1.40 2.3S Chicago Ar 5.15 6.40 10.20 7.00 8.0Í The New York Express, a fast traln leaves Ch!. sago at 8.10 Kalmnazoo 0.08; Battle Creek 7.33; Jackson, 8.49. Ann Arbor, 9.45; arrivingin Detroit at 10.45 P. M. The C hicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m Ann Arbor 2.81; Battle Creek, 4,40 Kalamazoo 6 15; Chicago, 9.80. Snnday exceptod. JSaturilay & Sonday excepteo O. W. RrooLBS, H. W. HAYES, O.Pttl. A.. OhXcaao. AaU Ann Arbor. Importen. Wken yon vlsit or leare N w York City hare bargage, expreisac, and $3 carriaj hire, ana ttop at the Obasd Usiov Hotii. oppoilt Qrand Central Depot. 615 rooms, fltted np at the oost of one million dollar, $1 and apwaxdi per day. Earoptvia plan. K] ator. Restanrant ■upplled with the best Horse cari, stages and elerated rallroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other ílrst-elaüs hotel la Uüa city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat