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Two companies of the Sixth infantry have been ordered f rom Ft. Douglaa, Salt l.ako City, to tho new military reservation noar Chicago. Maj. V. J. Lyster will i niiunand the post. No other troops will be of-derod there for tho present. The ob f garrisoning the post is to protect the govórnment property during the winter, and prepare for tl. o beginning oí work early in the spring. The troops will bo avuilable in case there should be any anarchist riots at Chicago, but it is statcd at the war departmeut that this is not the primary cause of ordering tliim there at present. Nineteen thousand more people have emigrateil trom (iurmauy thus far this year thaii for the entilo 12 nionths of 1SS6. '1 wenty-two bodies of th victimj of the Vernon disaster have been picked up. Unly seven have beeu identifle i. A verdict of mu rder in the flrst degrea was rcturned in the case of "Blinkey" Morgan at Ravenna, Ohio. Morgan is the man wlio shot Detectiva Uulligan near Uaveiina in January last, was subsequently captured at Alpeua, and fired the shot whiehcaused the death of Sheriï Lynch of Alpena. The report that Jeff DavU i in a precarious condition is douied. His health is Letter than it has been for somo months. (leorgeKing of Franklin parish, Miss., gave a dance. Af ter slipper nearly all the guests were taken sick. A physician said the illness was caused by poison. Heven persons have died, and 25 others are in a dange'rous conditiou. How the poison gut into the supper is not known. John Hodel, a silk weaver of Hebron, Conn., shot his wife the other night, and then sst liro to the house. His two children were burned to death. ï. S. üliver of Faulker county, Ark., went out in tho fieM to work the other day, andshortly after his wife joined him, leaving the threo children alone in the house. The house was some distanco from the ñelds, with a grove between. They saw a cloud of smoke in the direction of the house, and running home, found the house burned. The charred remains of the three children were found close togother. It is not known how the fire originated. The corouer'i jury recommends the arrest of the inspector who last inspected the steamor Vernon. August Spies, Samuel Fielden and Nicholas Schwab have signed petitions to Gov. üglesby. The other four condemn. ed men persistently refuse to ask for a commutation. Dr. Moses Gunn of Chicago, one of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in ibis country, is dead. The Hon. Phiiip L. Spooner, Sr., father of United States Senator J. C. Spooner and P. L. Spooner, ex-insurance commis-ioner of the state, died at Madison, Wis., a few days ago, aged 76 years. He was bom in New Bedford, Mass. He carne to Madison in 1&9 and foüowed the practico of law. T. J. Mosier, a on the Kansas City Times, was assaulted on the street the other night, and his right jaw broken and his head and face fearfully mashed and bruised. Arthur B. Campbell, book-keeper for the Armour packing company of Chicago, has bejn senteneed to two and a half years in Joliet foreuil ezzling 3,200. The yellow fever epidemie at Tampa Florida, is subsiding. fecretary Fairchild says all cholera in fected vessels should be turned back immediately upon their arrival here. The Rev. Fr. Zenon Loshawichz was found dead in bed at Kingston, Pa., the other day. I'oul play is suspected. Charles S. Brownfleld of Louisville, Ky. while tomhorarily insane, killed his wife, his brother-in-law, his little daughter, and then suicided. Thomas Wallace, a convict in New Jersey state prison, was killed by the guard wUile attempting to escapa. The trustees of Plymouth church have called Rev. Charles A. Berry of Wolverhampton, England, to the pulpit formerly oecupied by Rev. Honry Ward Beecher. Herr Most says he will raise money and erect a monument to the seven condemned anarchists. Policeman Koegan of Chicago, was murdered while on duty the other niïïht. The business portion of Castolia, Ohio, was destroyed by fire the other night. The New Hampshire legislatura has passed a bilí to prevent bribery. The business portion of Trenton, Ark., was destroyed by fire the other day. Loss $258,000. Secretary Fairchild decides that logs cut in Minnesota and sawed in the pro v. ince of Ontario are not entitled to free entry on their return to the states. Mrs. Pally Nenr died at Vernon, N. Y., t)ie other day, aged 104 years. Twenty men were frightfully burned by the explosión of about four tons of Molten metal in the Springfield iron works near Springüeld, 111., the other day. A battle occurred near Crow Agency, Montana, the other day. One soldier and fevoral Indians were killed, the eliiof Sword Bearer among the number. Shady Grove, Ky., was completely wiped out by fire the other day. The extensivo foundry, machine and pattern shops at Whitehaven, Pa., were burned to the ground the other morning. Twenty-five valuable horBes were burned to death in a livery stable fire in New York the other day. The Sfc Joseph Valley Register, published at South Bend, Iud., the paper founded by the late Vice-President ÍSchuyler Colfax, and owned by him for 20 years, was sold at public auction a few days ago. Gen. J. T. Owen, who rendered distinuished military services on the union side during the war, died in Philadelpbia on the f tb inst. The Moitimer apartment house in Mlnneapolie was burned the other day. Loss $150,003. Four striking Negro cañe cutters were killed by the militia near Pattersonville, La., the other day. New York City is makiug preparations to celébrate :Oüth annirersary of Washïngton's inauguration, April 4, 1SS '. Judge Zane of the suprema court of Utah, will appoint a receivor for the Mormon i huren property. maintaining that the Corporation is holding more real property than the law contemplates. Jenny Lind was buried at Malvern on the 5th inst. The patchwork quilt, presentei to the songstress by children of the t'nited States, was buried with her. Twenty freshmen of the state univer" sity of Wisconsin are under arrest for bazing a son of Prof. Rosenstengel of the univeraity. They had a rope around the young man'i neck and were dragging hinj towards Lake Mendota when the polica interfered. I'ivo men were smoking near open kegs of powder at Bridgeport, W. Va. Two were instantly killed, and the other three will die. A tunnel on the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus road, 12 miles west of Cleveland, caved in the other night, and siz men were instantly killed. Kvansville.Jnd., wa vUited by alf 200,00 fire the other day. The fire rocord for October f hows losse in the United States and Canada to be $9,769,8M, against a loss of $12,000,000 in October, 1SS(!, and S",730,030 in October, 1885. Total loases for the first tan months of the curreut year foot up $10','J 8,:C5 against $10,400,000 for the corresponding period of 188 X l'niteil Ktates Marshall Dyer has been appointed reeeiver of the Hormon church at Salt Luke City. 'i ha rusidcnce o( Oeorge Rosport, near Attica, Oliio, was burned with its contents the other day, Mr. Kospert, 10 years of age, rushed into the burning building to tav $000 in silver and a gold watch he had concealed in the house. He was SO liorribly burned that he died in a few hoor. John Friel, latea memberof the sooialistic colouy of A. K. Uwens at Topolobampo, Mor., who ia now in KI Faso, Tex., reporta tbe colonista suffering for food. It U about a year since th work of colonization began. Ovr 400 pers ns went to Topolobampo and Friel says that about 150 remain there, tbe rest havin died or come back to the United States. Clayton, N. Y., a lummer resort on th St. Lawrence river. had a $1ÜD,OOÜ fire the other day. Every store in town was burned. The grand jury invsstigation of the railroad disaster at Koutsi, Ind., ha been concluded. Though the jurors' report it not yet made public, it is thought indictments have boen found against Enginer Dorsey of the freight train, and Conductor Parks of the passenger. Ün account of the common law having been abolisbed in all criminal cases in Indiana, and as no special statute exists to cover, criminal negligence, the lawyers there ars of opinión tbat a prosecution will be fruitlesa. AU the refractory Indiana among the Crow tribe hare surréndered. Twelva Indians ere killed before th surrender. It is thought there will be no further tro u ble Judge John M. iicrry of the supram court of Minnesota, U dead.


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