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Council Proceedings

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Monday evenine was the city father'ö regular monthly jubilee, and thcy got through with their work in a very peaceable raanncr, with no absentees. PRE8ENTATI0N OF PETITIONS. Of James Quinlau, H. C. Exinger and cighteen others asking for the cstablishment of an electric llght at the corner of Puller and 13th sts. Ucferred to General Fund Committee. Of N. V. Checvcr, John Koss and eleven otbora asking for a crosswalk across 4th at. , f rom tlie sonthoast corner of the court house square. Rcfcrred to the Sidewalk Committee. Of M. C. LeBeau, P. O'Hcaru and nino others for a sidewalk on the cast sido of Thaycr st. between North 8t. and Huronst. Iteferrcd to Sidewalk Committee. Of Evart H. Scott, llrs. H. W. Hogers and sis others, asking for the construction of a sidewalk on the soutli eide of K. Ann st., between División and State sts. Referrcil to Sidewalk Committee. Of Z. P. King requeating permistión to build a platform two ft. widc anü twelve feet long for the purpose of loading and unlonding trunks in front of the Cook House. Rcferred to General Street Committee. A communlcation froin Ex-Mayor Robison calling the attention of the Council to hls unjust usage in the matter of the grade in front of his premises on N. Main Bt.. and asking that somo action be taken thereon. Keferred to Geueral Street Committee. The re8ignation of Albert Sorg as chief of the firo department received and on motlon of Aid. öwift tbe same was aecepted. The injunction of Messrs. Cliecvcr, Treadwcll, Gruner, et al was bronght to the attention of the Council, and a committee consistlng oi' Aids. Ware, Wines and Herz appointcd to confer witli the city attornoy, and givcn power to net in the premises. REPOnTS OF COMMITTEER. The Committeo on Finance roporlcd the following expenditures for the month : jtwardfund 3S1 "1 j „„ 8 15 4 " 1 50 tb " ■ , 114 66 m ' 2h 25 th " " 38 3 leneral Street tund 113 33 leneralfund 606 10 'ontlngent fund.. 421 70 Total 1,7-29 79 Two otlicr bilis were allowed on the lontlngent fund $10.40. Several bllls rom tlie flre department were referred o the Coramittee,,on Fire Department f or :ertification. On motlon of Aid. Allmendinger hcreifter no bilis are to be audited for tbe ire department not certifled to by the hairman of the Fire Department Cotnnittce. AU. Allniendinger from the Gentral Fund Committee made a written report ecommenclingthat no changebe madn in ocation of the light at Forost 2.1111 Cemïtery entrance. that few changes of the lights now in use wcre necessary but at ome future timo a general raising of all he llghta would be desirable, especially in the 2d, 3d and 5th wards. That the long promised poles hadarrived and been placed except the one on Fuller st., which the committee would recommend to bo placed at the corner of Fuller and 13tu ;ts., instead of at the railroad crossing, for several reasons, which were given. Mr. Swift moved that the report be acsepted and adopted except that portion relating to the chantre of the Fuller st. light. Mr. Allmendinger moved as a substitute that the report be adopted, which was lost by the following vote: Aves- Aids. AHmendlnger, Sntberland, Martin, Nellbammer, Hammond and the Recorder- 6. Nays- Aids. Herz, Kearns, Swlft, Ware, Wlnes and the Mayor- 0. No further actlon belng taken the report was rejected. The liquor bond of D. Lajoie approved. Aid. Kearns, from the General Street Committee reponed in favor of opening and grading Second 8t. from William to Jett'erson st. and that the expense be taken from the contingent fund. Which was adopted. Aid. Herz from Sldewalk Committee reported in favor of grantlng the petitlon for a sidewalk on the south slde of Anti st., from División to State sts., wltli the necessary resolutlons to property owners ; also for a walk in front of Francés A. Booth's premtses, on V. Jefferson st.; for the establishment of a special idewalk grade on the north slde of Monroe st. f rum State to Thompson sts. ; for crosswalk un the west side of S. Main st. across the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. ; also for a crossing on the new street to the M. C. R. R. depot and leading to the Detroit st. bridge - these to be built by the city out of contingent tumi. Mr. T. J. Sullivan asked and was itranted perniissiou to repair hiseidewalk in front of his store on Huron at. on the grounds that stone could pot be got this euson, and upon proinising to relay it with stone next spring. Ex-Ald. Poland was granted permission to cali tlie attention of the Coancil to the unsatisfactory conditlon of the approache to the Detroit st. bridge over the M. C. K. R. tracks, pronounclng them narrow, dangerous and outrageous. Aid. Ware moved that the city obligate itself for one-third of the expensa of a telephone to the water works. Carried. Aid. Herz. moved that the telephooe at the Michigan Furuiture Factory be taken out by the city and placed whereever the Fire Department Comraittee thought best. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Moore reponed the following balancee on hand in the various funds: Contingent fund, on band f 1,005 14 General " overdraft 8.Í64 78 Uen. Street " " 628 68 lat ward " on hand 772 2ü 21 ward " " „ 127 05 3d ward " f' 694 87 11 ti ward " overdrftft 48 6'J 6tli ward " on hand - , , 73 07 6th ward " overdrafl 34 43 City cemetery fnnd on h'd 44 82 Dog tax " " 225 0 Delinquent tax "overdraft 1,228 09 Water works fund on hand 788 S3 Conrt bouse ald, " 28 00 Total on hand W.659 98 Total overdraft 5.302 67 Balance on hand $1,357 31 City Marshal Sipley reported the following disbursemeut of the poor fund for the mout h : lstward $5 00 2d " . . 18 S9 3d " 17 77 4th " 72 Sj 5th " 45 80 6th " - 2 00 Total 150 3 The marshal also reported tour arresta and convictions during the raoiiili: MOT1ONS AND RE3OLUTIONS. By Ald VVlnes: Resolved, That the city attorney Ik hereby is structi d to draft an ordlnance a lowing citizu to widen the grase u'ate in front of residencee to six teen feet Iroin line of lencas upon pctltinn o otberwixe as inay be deemed best ; the city to ex carate guttere aa may be ncceeaary . Carried. By Ald. Wlnes: Resolved, Tiiat the city englneer la heretiy In stracted to lurnlah this body witb an estímate o probable coat of a map of this city, furDishiug all neceeeary detail and datn looklni; forwaid to futnre Improvement in general and the introducilon of aayatem of eewere la our etrcew In particular. Carried. By Ald. Herz: Resolved, That a special ftm&e be glven by tiie city inrvcyor on the north slde of Monroe at., between State and División sta., commenclog sast of Prol. Jones' drlveway grade down to the weet corner of Mr. Joe T. Jacobs' reeldecce. Carried. By Aid. Herz: lietolved, That the city ouglneer estnblieh A ;rade on theaouth iideof JË.Ann rt. bmwpen X. tatc and N. División stp. Carried. By Aid. Allinendiner Rttolved, as the supei-visois liavc uot yot pread Ihe City Improvoinent Fund don the rol la hat the same be lowered to Í2.500 for this year in 'iew of tbe nnexpertd Iiicrett of auo county taxatiii. C8rricd. (From tbe Courier )


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