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Some fellows tbink it a dry joke to steal another raan's umbrella on a rainy day. lt isn't though. IMPORTANTTO THE CITIZENS OF ARENAC COUNTY. . The Circuit Court Commissioiier's ïicport. Standisu, Mich., Sept., 15, 1SÜ7. D. W. Richardson: ïhat modicine you sold me, I ruean "Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup and Piasters," is the greatest retnedy inthe workl, 1 truly believe. Kor years I have been a great sutt'erer with rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia aud kidney troubles; have doctored with many physicians, and have taken nearly every medicine on the raarket, and 1 teil you that I am a different man since takiugit and somufchimproved as to be able to do considerable labor; whereas, before taking it I was a eoufirmeil invalid. I believe it is the best and has no equal for a dyspoptic person. Yours truly, ROBKRT (ÍAUNER, Circuit Court Commissioner for Arenao County, Mich. Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup is put up in large packages and is the greatest Blood Furifier Kuown. lts peculiar combination makes it a great Family Kemedy. For a dvspeptie, bilious or a constiputed person it has no equal, acting upon the stomacu, liver and kidneys in a pUasant and healthy manner. Kead our pamphlet and learn ot the great medicinal valué of tho remedies which entor into its composition. j Price $1.00 perbottle; six bottles Í5.U0. For sale by all druggists. The man who borrows 55 from you and neglects to return it is often thought to have a poor memory, "when in fact, the man is poor and not the memory. ('onNiimplloii Surely l'ui'Ctl. To the Editor:- Please inform your readers that I have a positivo remodv for the above named disease. By its timely use ten thousanda of hopeless cases have been t ermanently oared. I shall be glad to send two bottles j of my remedy free to any of your reader3 who have consumption if thëy will send me their express and F. O. address. Respectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl St., New York. In this enlightened age, true greatness consi8ts in smoking three dozen twentyfive cent cigars a day, and having asiguature that nobody can read. Knopen letter, Which Is More iully Bxplalned by one from Rev. J. Kol:rtn. Pastor First M. I-;. Cliurcli, I'remont. Midi. Rheumatic Sjrup Co., Jackson, Mich. : Gentlemen- From tho fact that several reinarkable cures by Hibbard's Rheuniatic Syrup cameundermy observation, among which were those of Kev. J. Berry of ilorley, and Mrs. Herrhigton of Altona, 1 recomraended Rev. .1. koborts to have nis daughter give the remedy a trinl. As 1 xpected, it broke up the disease, and j day the young lady is free from pain and almost well. 1 unhesitntingly recommend Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup and Piasters as remedies of great mcrit. O. C. Pembbhton, Draggist. O. C. Temberton: My dauhter Mauil has used Hibbard's Iheumatic Syrup and Piasters, which you j so 6trongly recommended her to try. lt has now been abotit eleven weeks since she commenced, and her iullammatory rheu ' matism is nearly broken np. Her linibs were tmrtly swolleu, and the poor girl was in terrible agony. In the midst of the pain we wound the Piasters about her limbs, and as a result, the Bwelliag was reducedand she becanio quiet and rested. The Syrup rorrected her indigestión, cleansed the rheumatic poison from her blood, and she is now able to be around the house. She stiil uses the Syrup and Piaster, nnd will continue to do so until entiroly well. We consider Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters remedies of great merit. Kkv. J. Hoiif.kts, Pastor First M. E. Church, Fhkmont, Mich., -ct. X, ÏSST A leading tailor makes all his trousers without pockets. His customers have no use for them after paying for the clothes. Tho Special om-lof THH YolTIl'd COHPANIOH, which we have published, includes the admirable Doublé Holiday Numberfor Tbanksgiving and Christmas, with colored covers anü full-page pictures, tweuty pages each. These with the other weekly issues to January 1, 18, will be sent free to all newaubscribers who sondíl.75 fora year'B 8Ubscription to Januory, 1SS9. The Companion has been groatly cnlarged, is finely llustrated, and no other weekly literary paper givet so much tor so low a price. If some of the keys of a piano were utilir.ed to loclc it up, this world would be a little brighter. The man who cnrries a brick in his bat nlll nover own a tilock of the same material. IIKOXIIA IIVUBTG. There probably never was a simple thing like it that ever created so much ecitement. Hs power over the liquor habit hit the temperance and rum people hard, and it is tho iirst thing the women have struck that will stop nervousness and take the terrible tired feeling away without stimulation. It is cheap, contains no alchohol, and is harinless. That makes it popular with everybody. even the deacons. We hope it will sustain itself. for it is just what tue world wants to-day. lts safe is said to the largest ever known. The record is all rlght, so far. The Englishman who said that huïging was '"armless," was wrong, lt is 'armful. BURNS and Scalds are lnptantly rendcred painles and Invarlably curod without a ecar, by tho use of t'arbolisalve, the great skin remedy. 25 and SO cents, at Drujrjjists or by maiL Cole & Co.. Black Rirer l'alla, Wis. There may be nothing uew iu this world but there's a heap that'i li If Lang! 't i)ftroyed (o net exceit tbat 1 r. Pierce's "Goldon Medical tMscoTery." will make new ones for yon. lí i au dö mu h but not impossibilities. Ji', however, y u have not yet reached the (ast stage of eonsumption, there is hope for you. Hut do not uelay. lest you cross the fataJ luie where help is im possib'.e. ïlie Discnveiy has nrrested the aggntvatliig i'ou&h 01 thousands of consiunjitivf-, eurjd their nijjht-sweats nnd bectic fevers, and restoren them to bealtb and happineg. A human ske'ct)n which was placed in the halhvay of tlie medical college at Los Angeles for tbs purpose. as explained, of scaring burglars. bas been stolen. Thousanilx of curo; tollo w tbo uso of Dr, Sage's Catarrh Kemedy. LOjeeuts. The man who i bripht Iay not always b-ii.iit. "Close the door gently, And bridle tbo broath; I've one of headacues- I'm siek untodeatb." "Take 'Purgative Pellets,' They're pleasant and sure; I've soruo in my pocket I'll warrant to cnre.' Sing a song of cipher. There's a wondrous key Wbicb makes a simple epitnph A thing of mystery. Dr. Pjerce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" are both preventiva and curativo. If you happen to feo a telcgraph wire lying on the ground, you will flnd it a very safe thing to let alona. Fiso's Remedy for Catarrh is agreeabla to use. It is not a liquid or snuff. 50c Vermont ha-s ten living ex-governors, of wbom four are each over S0 yearg old. Jay Gould is quietly buying large tracts of western land. AU he wants is the land that jines his'n. S'smah's Pkptonizeti BbefTouic, only preparation of beef contaiuing its enfcire ï.utritious proporties. It containg bloodmaking, force generating, invaluable for indigestión, dyspepia. nervom prostration. all forms of general debihty, all enfeebled conOitions, whether result of exhaustion, norvqus prostration, ovorwork, or aci:te diseasos; particularly if resultinpr from pulraonaiy complaints. Hazard, Hazard & Co., Props., New York. Bold by druggists. Joshua stopped the sun, but it would have puzzle! hiin so stop a bob-tailed street car after it had passed bim a rod. Catarrh CuredA clergytnan, after yearg of sufforing from that loatbsoruo disease, C'atarrh, ana vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prese ription which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dradf ui disease sending a slf-addressed stampedenvelope to Prof. J. A. Lawrenee, 212 Kast Ninth St. New York, will receive the recipe f ree of charge. The peal of the breakfast belldoesn't always tiring a man down, but the peal of a banana will do it every time. w 1TPIITO I3 y"' erperlenco ; 4 yf nra' rA I hN I rxHmlnprlnQ.S.PatentOmce [Hl til I O StinilniodPlorsketohforrree opinión whether patent oan Ik1 secured. New VKok on putents free. Referenre.s:Coinnifssloner of Pat entrf or nnj' other Official of the U. S. Pateut Ofïlco. E. B. 8TOCH.ING, Attgrney. 11FSU Washington, D. C. ■PTlvsW Ely's Cream Balm WaI' f AM ynvol ' 'll0 lie8t remedy for children ■ folyíSg LrJH I eufloring from RfgèS i Cold ia Head, Simfflcs iSi CATARRH. ■B,,rt5Po,ö5B P'y Balm into eh nostrli. ■KW??í1ííLS' BROS., rs Green lch St.. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wliolly Unllke ArliBcinl Syitcm. Any Dook Lenrned in One Rendlnir Recoramendec by Mark Twais. Richard tor, tho Si'lentlst, Hons. W. W. astor. Jcdah P. BrajAMix, Dr. MixoR.rt'. ruiw.-f luocolumbla Law Students : 200 at Merirten 250 at Norwlch S50 nt Oberlln ColleRe; two Cliusjsra if 200 each at Tale; 4lX)at Universlty of Penn.. Milla. : 400 at Wellesley College, nnd tliree lare Cianea at Chatauqua ünlTslty. -ic. Prospectus r"r i-rkb from Prol'. LOISETTÉ, '37 5tb Av., New 1 oru. NOTED AMERICANS. STATESMEH, JURISTS, DIVINES, AUTHORS, SCHOLASS, IMVEHT03S, DISTmaUlSHED WOMEN. CREAT QALLERY OROUPINO. AimrlUtiflrlHmpli ut' t-r lit-frcai-liU-% ril-L'nlque collubortttlon t'i l'hutoertiplu'r nnd Mncrovcr - Wortlij wnl' of nny llbrary ordrawlngroom. Every Portrnfl perfoot ï" IVnttire mul pxpreaslolli t'i-l eaoh rnmiheieil toeorrespond with name on t-he ■ hun atcmniuiijiug tbeinarreloiu [rroup-pioture, Size oi' i'iiinrc. ilxii inrlirn. llcavily Hounleil lor frnmlng. TT1B MBTROPOlilTAN, Amcrlca'a low-priood, popular literary Monthly, nnwn its third yoai. ha. ensraved nd oopyrKshtéd this comiensed portrait (fOMO lmiMlred livinK and recentnoted Amerlcans, and will present a oop; "i it to overj peraon ■endlng n vearly mlwertpUonof li.l eenti for '1 II h METROPOIilTAN, and live rtx.addltloliH Lfor prepayment of pustaee on t he pin ure. o i, I y :O een i , whieh may be sent In postpgeitampi, wiiinecuro , avear's stlbecrlption to TUB UBTllOPOUÏAN. aiid ft copy of this admirable picture, post-pald. Not il copy of tlif uicliiro will Dr nold t eau onlr be had bv rnir snbscribers. Acldreas THE MtTROfOllTAN, 44 ROADWAT, HEW YORK.


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