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ím jgp Vi ? SEEKING Tr 1 nyÉBmBfflBW!! :llill síl!"1'1 am' U0Igy 9 SHOULD pijBj3BlgHJAYoi(l Drugs, Secret Medicines, Etc, %''Ei AND SEXU FOB ' -- TBBB" rhe Review," or Heaüh anü ü tfDt MlTpN Sren8th Re8ainecl' W ImbillllS AMLIJTSTIUTKDJOURNAT, L I - K-w n Published for Their Benefit. - --riiiiï-m ïreats on llcaltli, Hygiëne, Pliysical Col IV Alfr ture and Medical Subj('('; ■ 5 HC 3f- ' Í?V íftí? B 6, An I is acomplete Encycloptediaoí inforimiium for sufferinfc J I á I fe ÍJ] '- í' ) fJ b &P hnmanity aMicted with loug-standins, chronic, ncrvous, eif. I d%y ffU I B i " I hausting, or painf ul disease3. Every bears oa - - - heulth aud human happinesi receivcs attontion in its pages, ' S ■ "i .':.' -■ ' ri nn(i the many questioiis asked by ailing persons and invalida who hare despaired of a cure are answered, and valuabls &k. 0 y fl BH é&k B"B V BBB Information is voliintoered to all wl o aro in need of medical ■" r p HJB B BH d M8 Bk9 n Ba advice. No similar work has ever been published. Every F 8 ■■ ffiP ■ M BBÍ KSB 19 -ick and ailing person should Lavo it. YOÜNG AND MIDDLE-AGEO MEN. and others who suffer f rom nervons and physical debility, oxhaustod vitaüty, premature decline, etc., are espociallv benefltted by consultin its contents. Evíiytlnng Buch si-.llerers wish to know la ful. y given in its pages. IL in noed oL ineaica'1 aid or counsel, read it before "doctoriiiK" or in medicines or applian :os of any doscription, and you will save time, money and disappointment. lf using medicine or medical treatment ot any knm, reail it and learn the better way. , ..,..,, TUK REVIEW exposes the frauds practiced by quacks and medical Imposters who profes to "practico medicine," and points out the only safe, simplo and effectivo road to heulth, vigor and bodily energy. Beware of sham curativS articles called Shields, (Jenerators, Uirdles, l'ads, Brushes, Corsets, Clothing, P.asters. etc., now deceptively advertisert ns Electric, Voltaic or Magnetlc. ïhese articles aro as entirely spurioua as tho udvertisuüients coucermug thcni are insiduous. This can be easily detected by a simple test, which is fully bxplained in THM 7.7 l . Ir. Electric Belts and all curativo nppïianees are trealed upon- all about them. Belts on thirty days' trial (!) and other fallaciei reviewed. Thousands of dollars saved uervous debility tutferers and others by the advice given. Keader. are you allüeted, and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength and energy oxpononced in forinor years? Do any of the follovving symptoms, or clasa of sj r.iptoms, mcet your diseased condluon I Are you stiltering from íll-bcaltb in any of its inany forras, consc(]ueut on a lingerinp, nervous, chrouic ür fnnctionul disensei Lo yon feel nervous, debilítate, fretfuU timid, and lac-k the rower of will and actioní Arf you subject to lossof tuemory, have spells of faiuting, fullness of blood in tho head, feel listless, mopiiiR, uníit for business or plea.sure, and subject to fits of nielnncholy f Are your kiclneys, tomacn, urmary organs, liver or blood in a disordered conditionl Do you suffer trova rhcunnitism, neuralgia, or other aolics and painsi Are you timid, nervous and forgetful, with your mind contiñually dwelling on tbe Bubjecti llave you lost conlidence ín yourself and energy for business pursuits! Are you sul.jtct to íestless nights, broken sleep, niphtmare, dreams, ]alpitation of tho hcartj basnfulness, confusión oí idtap, aversión to society, dizziness in tte head, c'iniles of sight, pimples and blotches on tho faca :nil back, and other despondent svmptomsí There me tliousands of young nien, middlt-oped, and oíd who sufFer from nerTOUS and physical debility. There are "thousands of femóles I roken down in health and -jirits, w ho, from false modesty or neglect, prolong their V hy further neglect your health and future bappinees, or continue to be dosed, drugged andquackcd, when Til E RJSVISW, which cO6ts you nothing, teaches us the true and only way to permanent health, strength and vigor! "TBL ■'. 17. It," or "Jll'Al.'lH ÁNli ÜTSÉXQTIi MKUAJNJJ)," contain's particulars and information worth tbonsands to suffering humanity. TBS REVIEW is now in its ninth year of publication. Completo i icinicn copits inailed free. Address 1164 Broadway, New York. Nowis the time to yonmay not see tMs notice again, Senü yonr afldress on Hostal cara to-uay namina; mis paper.


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