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READ THIS! A$a WASHING MACHINE PREE! ' Luit yt ar wo placed upoa the niarlcet tb pat. ■t labor-aaTing luvention' of thft liJlh ceatury. It wal a Mií-ortritiu WiKkiot MjKhiiie. It wmIici iht clothiDi clean WITHOUT THE WASHBOARD OR A)fY IlUBBINli W1IAÏEYER. , We adveninrd afww humlred fre to introiloce them, and through thew fre amp]fl oid O7r 8O.000. One lady In Cliicaao illn, McPrmott, SM W. 15th St.,) vru eo irell ptoaitd wilb hersainplQ that aho bcoame aa agent and ld oTírlaXlin fon montlji. W. C. HamiU, Dbx 357, Toronto, Ont-ordcre! over 600 after Kiting hit um;fe Wc ha fcwi of }ut uch examplcsas Uiii. I pays "to cai-t yoar bread upon tho waters." o UK GKEAT OFFKR. Thli fiarwo invnil to Bell Bot Itn tlian ONE MtLL1O.N WASHKKS, and to do tliin wa wlll int tart off by QI VINo AWAT 1000 ismple. All ir ftfik of thoe who receivo 0D6 ís that thej wiU ïiT It a Rood trial end ir jatijtactonr ncommtnd it to thoir frieudK. Aenu kr coiuloc monev. Wo tjaro sererat who are mnaiog %iv per day an.l npwarda. ' Kirst mrne, Crst serrtd. So lf yon want ooe from tha lot we m eonft t glTO awHT, ipnd n ymir name and addrea fc! onoe. Adlrer,, MONARCH r.UXHRV WOÜKa CO Wabaslt Are., Ch!tai;o, 111. (llcctlon paper BROPSV Wm TREATED FREE. Have tron.t?d Dropsy and lts compücations "flth th most woncierful rucccss, upo rasotAbla retned sentir. ly harn.Iess. Iïemovo all syinptoniH of dropay ín cfgrht to t went y (laya. Curopatlcntíí pronount-ed liopcles !y the best o f physicians. rroin ti:o firtdO68 thesymptomi rnpiit: dlaappeor, and in ten dajs atlcust two-tlilrds oí all syriiptoms aro removed. Soine niny cry humbup; without knoning anytlifny aboutit. Kemember It does not cost yoo nnythimrto realizo the mcrit of our trcutrnont for yoíiiiítlf. V% are constantly curlnaf omh of lon itamHnj - case thathavo bt'on tappeu a numbcr of times antítlie patiënt declai ui unable tolivea week. Givoafullliistory of case, iiAino, apro, scx, how lons afflicted, Ac. SítkI for free pamphift, containuog tetttJmontals. TendayR troatmont furnishcd FREE by mail. lf vou order trial &eiitl 10 ceiits in HUunps tu pay poetase. Epllepsy (Kit potfa ÖTeiy cureU. iríVentionthispauer.i IH. H. GREEN & BONS, M. l's., S50M llaríttta Street, ATH5TA, CU. Imm, Farms d Hum, If in want of Vetertnary Medicine, or if you want tour favorite recipe ïlllod by a competeut pertOD, If you bavc a, lame or Sick Horse or Othsr Animal, Callatorwrite to the only drug store deToted to the wants of tb e horse or other dómenle anímala. DBTKOIT VETERINAKT PHARHAOT 27 Lafayette are., Detroit, Mich. WEAK. NERVOUS PEÖPLkT -.íáta. And othen sufferinr wiU , rhtumitism. npurxlc, kid HHRHMgPHB ncj aid czfiuetin{ chTAaii RsuXCnflCyH] Biliseivfces, prenmtttro deUi H'fWMtl Vof young crold arpod(áTtj' '%LÏ9il Hp 'ur-.l l'V Dr. Ilorne'g fimta B ElEtiKÓ-ÏIAGNKTIC BILT. TTonsandiraEfn vtt Stato in th Union have bs curedT elSÜSkctbiUtt imiantlyfelt. Pia-ontdad suld 10 Tears. Wholo fainlly can wear the sa me boit. KI.XCTKIC SlSPlNSORlItS frts wlth ma! hult. Ato vnthle?imitfttion. KI.I1TKU TttlStES FOlt RGmW. 7Q0cured ín '8ti. Bond itanip for pampbleU ., 191 WASASH AV„ CHICAÉ8.' OneAKOnttMerchamOnlyjwanted in every town ior OFFER XO. 17C. FRB12- To MEBCnAN'TS Ünl : A threofoot, French glass, oval-front Show Case. Address at once, R. W. TanSILL & Co., 55 State St., Chicago. tDR. HOBENSACK'S NERVOÜS DKBiLlTY ?IIÍS. Asure and nafe ipeelflc f er w#aknuS3 and dijbiiliy vt the norvotu systom, and general exhaustlon ; nrislng froinimpruüence, cxcpsbcb utkI ovorwork of body and braln, OAUBtng physicnl and mental weakness, loss of memorjr and Incpoclty. ('urf'M Oíd And Yonne Prlce i$l per box. Prepared ad for sale ut Ir. H'lkfiif a ok'a Laboratoxy. Na 206 N. 4d St..rhUdi-lpliiu. Pa. Soh'l f or clrcobtt Dr. Isaao Thomoson's U ï:m:hkati:ih:vb; vate Thls artltie In a carefully prcpireJ Physlolan's pricrlptlon, and has bren In constant use ncarlv acanto ry, nd notwithutandlnK the manv othrr proparationi tnat have been latroduced lato the market, the sal of this rtlile lconstantly Incrcaslnr. If the rit ree tions are ft.Üuwrdlt will nevcr fall. v, partlcularly Invite the aitention of tihystclans to lu tnerlis JOHN L, THQMPSÓX1, SONS A Cü.. TKOT. N. T. I CURE FITS! Whon I say cure I do not men morely to stp tham foratimeand thon haro them rlurn a.iin. I mem a radica) cure. I ha made tlin dineasa ot I 'ITS, EP1L EP8y or FA1XINU BlUKNKSSaJife-longatadf. I warrant my reiueciy to ourO the norst c.tsf. BtiAU cithershAve failed ia no reion for nut innr reouirinc cure. Ki-nd at once fur a trentiaw iid a Frce Bot ti of mv inf.tlhbie rt-m!y. Give Expresa aud Post O tic. 11. 0. BOOT, UU O., 1S3 Tearl tst. Wew Yorlu IJOSEPHCILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-I87Ö. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Hflgj Piflo'fl Ilomnly for i";:t.irrh is the I H IÏHüt Kiisit-'St. to Lto, i'iid Cheap66t. Hl Sold bv drnjnïistit or Bent by maiL Hh H 50c. K. T. Jlaztfltine, Warren, Pa, I j."Lv v jfy 'fti" " M.iM. ÜFUOinilO ÍOrrs. t'rnctlceluPernloBi KBI" BBXBlIWX ,t ■-.,.; ;i,T(-lalMi. Succea hliWiWIIWornn tees. Sínd for ntw laws. C. :.I.-SITES&Co.,At!yS, Wasl]lngton.P.q 0E? TO A DAT. Samplet ■■ l.aO Sk"i FÜKK. Unes nol unter Ce horse'tfeet. Wriii WW retener aleiu Hem Ui,luer CoMoUy, Midi. IIIAni#':i VI. 1. KJ) wuok and expenl nflIKK ti i liil. ViiuiaWe Ollin. nd prtlo II WftlTaularsfrtie. I'.o.vlikcrr,Augula.Me. tt%tkt%A hostil .iv) ís wantea. st best nll JW V 411 Ingartlclt'.ilii tlieworld. 1 samnlo Fret. (jlfaWU Aiklros.H.7.1 1" JIROA'SOX lleírúU.Mich. F llbk CutU. B(K3I & 00., Cia.ianati. a CAI n lêworth$500pr Ik. Pettlt'sKreSalTtUwoia ÜULU HUW, bul is old at 36 oentí a box t.y dualsr W.N. U. D.-5-46 Whon wiititig to Arirertisers please BH0 fon r the ad vcrlif emnt in this l'apcï


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