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EUGENE OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, - AN D U "ton' ' part of Burope. Drafts psued and entofth Imperial Germán Consufal tof the American ' prs running between !Jlulajle!' !, and all tho . ny; of tho luie b - twben Nw York mul Kotterdam, nd of the fsew York aoa breinen Une. Power of attoiuey ■ Irfrally made out, for any pl.ieu in Europe, and moüf-y col ected OPFICK: Ko. 8 'itsi Liberty Street, Ann - Arbor, Jlich. Ñew Restaurant ! JOHNLONEY, Proprietor. Warm Mcals Se) ved. C'oUl Lunclr Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue. Tripe, and Oysfers, etc. Restaurant open from 6 a. m-, until 12 o'clock midnight. No. 23 Worth Main St. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, No. 4 South Main street, Ann Arbor. The oldest atrxncy in the city. Establielied a quarter of a eentury ago. Reiirpseuting the followiiif; firstclas conipariics, with over $30,000,000 assets. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. Co., ; of N. Y.: Niágara Ins. Co., of N. Y.: (jirard Ins. Co., of l'liila.j Orirnt Ins. Co., of Hartford; O mmerclal Union of London; Liverpool and London and Globe. H Kateü low. Losses liberally adjustpd aud promptly paid. C. H. MiLLEN. HÊNRY MATTHEWS Eepa a First -class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln Houso. Priccs Beasonable. riianklnï tbose who haTo bo liberally patronced me u the past, I also cordiallv olicit trede rom new patroon. HENRY MATTHEW3, Huron Streef Ann Arbor, Mich, DuJiith, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." Only Direct Route to Jlarquette and tbe Iron and Copper Regiems of l.ske Superior. Traversing the Most Picturesque Portion of Upper Michigan, Through a Territory Unequalled for HUNT1NG, FISH1NG and CAMPING. Two Through Express Trains dafly in Each Direction, to which are attached NEW, EI.EOANT AND COMMODIOUS OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS AND WAGNER SLEEPING COACHES. Tickets over this route are on salo at all princíi-al ticket offices. Ful! information asto ratea, etc., copien of maps and folders wili be furnished apon applicatiou to E W ALLEN Gen. Pass. and Tkt Agt., Marquette, Mich. iV!ACK[NAC. The Most Dclight f" BüfVUVlER TOUR ïalaoo Steair.ers. Low ïttr„ Fout Trip per Week Eet ween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Eotween CrROIT AND CLEVELAND Writo for our "Picturesque Mackinac," lllustratetr. Contains Pull ParticuUrs. Hailod Pree. Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. Agt., DETROIT. MICH. Ai Arte oren Worts D. F. Allmendineer Uanufocturer and dealer In Ras, Orpns, AND MUSICAL INSTKDMENT8. Repairing and Tuning aSpecia!tyt Anyone calling at the worka, foot of Washlng toa streot, can examine goo Ja and prlces. I can coavince you of the Great Bargains ! 1 un offering, D. F. ALLMENDINQEB, ANN ABBOB Fred. Brown ! A.T ClAEKEN'S OliJ PliAOB. IE II ! Xjc3_-u_oz?s axLd Oiejars. HOT LUNCH EYEBY Bil. EBERBACH & SON. AND PRABMA.CXSTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DE1XEBS I - Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuilsi, Artlst's and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Artlclea, Trussoa, Etc Pare Wies ai Liprs ! Special attentlon pald to the furnighlns of ï'u; alcla-oa. ChemlstR, Schools, etc, wlth phllo BopuiurJ and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemtan Chemical Glassware, Poroaiaia Ware, Par Ecipent, eto. PbyslclaM' Prescrlptlens Carefullj Prepared t rII hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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