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The central committee of t'ie uni n labor parcy ot' -.íchiui woro in secret ui in Detroit a few dttys ago. 'ihe atteudance was large, about a score of i knuwn inen trom various portions Of tbe state being present. J. M. Potter or the Luu iiig bentinel is ehainnan of the cotu uitieu. Among others present were i'. alt M. , .; . ... o of ihe -'cuünel, Geo. 8. v .son oí Jaokson, Ben Calvin of st. Charles. K i Spaan of the sixtü district. Jamea A. Lam lort oí Nile;. J:hn O. Z abel at Petersburg, rancia Murphy of yandotte, nnd . ei on Ira aml, Ledger St. Joliu and P. M. Auru.uI the tenth district Cbairmao 1'otLer pre-ent-id bis report o the Unano a condition of the unión labor party. After coiwderable discussion on th ■ tubjecl it wns decided to hold the t:tt ■ imi vt-ii tion, to select delegates to ntti'iiil the uational convention at LanIng on May 23. The committee wát -, p.-tructed to issue an address to the votors of the state in the uear future. outlining tiie position of the party on all exaential politica] qnestions in accordance i ■■ the ter ins of tne Clncinnatl platform. The stute central committee was iuvited to appolnt i sub-committee to confer with il. e executive ommittee of the united labor party regardiog the harmonizing of existin dlfferences and elfectiuj; a unión. J. 5!. Potter was made chairman of thi, co mitteo. and bis associates are H. A. ilnnuiiii. Detroit; George A. Peters, Scio; ben Colvin, St. Challes; Fiauk M. Fogg. l.ansiiu. In Uie.evening tue comniittea dircu sed the proposed work of this feUbcoin tnittet'. It was asserted thatthe union and united labor partiea were practieally a unit on fiuancial and trunsportation question, and the progress was being made towurü i land plank upon which both partios co u d unite. The foliowing platform i Lopteü: 1. Wede:i)tiiid aval mtionon a'lunoceupie 1 and -p iculatlve an Is coinmeusurate with that value which loca tion, settlement and suiTouudin impi-ovurnents give tbereto to the eztent that -peculatiou and wltbbolding the same froin improvement and settlement shall be ren lered impos.-ible anii i! onopoly iu land bo lorever destroyed. 2 The niran-i of communication and transuortation should be owned and controüed by tlio people, as in the United States postal system, and equitable rates everywbere established. ;i. iu establishment of anational monet' ry system in the interest of the product r, by which a eirculating medium in necessary quantities and fuil legal tender shal. w issued direct 10 the people without tlio iut'-rveniiion of banks, or loaned to citi'.ens on ampie security. 4 The right to vote is inherent in citienship irrespectivecof sox. :. i rcessive wealth resultiug in luxury and Idleness on one hand and excessive toii and poverty on the otUcr lead to intemperance and vice. Tbe measures of reform here demanded will prove to be the scientitic sofution of the tsmperauce qnostion Bay County Harder. Wüliam Harriion Fisher disappeared from l)is homa in Mtmtjr township, Bay county, last fall, and it was reported that he had gone Mysterious actions on the part of his wife and one Henry Wallace led to an investigation, which revealed the f act that Fisher had been murdered. Constable SlcUrath of Monitor township,. who has charge of the case, took the boy, Chas. Fisher, a son of the missing man and of the woman, Caroline Fisher, who. with Henry Wallace, is under nrre.t on suspicion, home with him and induced the lad to make a coufession so far as he kuew. The boy said he saw Wallace como fronri the farmhouse with the dead i o ly of his father on bis back, and that v allace started across the cleariugs. He had been told by bis mother and Wallace to teil p -rsoMs asking about the disuipeurance ot his f.ithu to say that bis fathor had gone est. Mrs. Fisher was seen. In the face of hor sous statement she could not deny tbe murder of her husband. but made a clean breast of it so far aa süe knew. She said tbat about the middle of November Wallace, Fisher and her self were talking in tbe house and warm words en-uod. One word brougbt on another and l-isher was slapped in the face by bit wife. This was followed by a blow t rom a hammer in the hands of vTallace. Fisber dropped as it shot. Tae woman says she turned her head and does nqt know il more blows were struck, but in live minutes Fisher was dead and Wallace put him on his back and carried him away. She washed tbe blood ol!' the hanimer and Hoor. She claims not to know wbere Wallace took tue body, but he was goue al out an bour. Wallace deuies aü. He say s he wouldn't believe Mrs. Fisher under oath; that he is innocent and when he goes before his Maker he will be an innocent man. Chas. Fisher, the son, makes a deposition that after his father was murdered Wallace and his mother ocoupied the same appartments and lived as husbaud and wile. He was afraid to ask about his futher feariug he would be killed. SeroeR to be Honored. At its last scssion the legislature appropriated $2),Ü.Ai lor nionumentsou the Held of Gettysburg to perpetúate tha memory of gallant Michigan soldiery iu that battl. , The carrying out of the plan was intrusted to Gen. Geo. C. Briggs of Urand Hapids. Lieut. Peter Linnon of Lennon, and Lieut. Geo. W. CrawCord of Big Kapids. They visited Gettysburg during the summer and located the monuments to be erected. They then asked the representativos of all military organizations to confer with them, and thé meeting was held ia Detroit on the 5th inst., the First, ThirJ, Fourth, Fiftb tJeventh, ijixteenth and Tweutyfourth infantry regiments, and the Michigan cavalry brigade baing represented. AU expre-sel themselvesentirely satistied, and the commissiou nas decided to expeud theappropriatiou asiollows: lonutuents lur lour coinpanies of sharpshooters, S500 each; ouo battery, 1,OUO; seveu infantry regiments, ï.l,-i5U in all; tour cavalry regimeuts, (5,400; expenses oí committee, fel, lxi. The balance of tbe money will go lor roadways and artistic improvementof the grounds. The monumems will be of gruíate, the makers to be determined by competition, and as massive as the ainounts to be expemled will i i-rmit. To insure proper inscripLions, the commission would like inforuiatiun forwurded to Col. briggs. chairman, Grand Rapids, as to tbe number, name of. regimeut, battery or couipany, with brigade, división or corps to which attacbed; precie time duiiug the principal enagenient lor wbich it heid the positlou where the monument is to stand; other Important póaitiong and inoveiiients briefly stated; its casualities in butlies. which must corivspond with the otlicial reports on lile iu the war department; brief summary ot the history Of the regiment, battery onompany. The inscriptions determino 1 upon must conlorm with ofücial records 31 c iara .'s Sliare in .lio Ciaciuniti Kxpositio i. The Michigan commissionera of the een teunial exposition oL the OUio valley and central stiltes, held a meetiug in Detroit a few duys ago, tbefoUowing commissiouers beitig present: Gov. Cyrus G. Luce, hx-Gov. D. H. Jeroiue, Ularenco A. Black, ü. H. Blodgett, Gen. W. 11. Wbithiugton ar.d James H. iStone. The commission orjan zed by electing Gov. Luce chairman, and James H. Stone secretary, Consider able discussion followed on the question whether it was practicable to have a state exhibit at thé exposition, whicb begius July 4 and continúes 1UU days. Lnlike otboi's ot the norih western and soutliwesterii states the Michigan state legislature has made no appropriatiou. A committee cousistiiig of Loramissionera Black, v'iihington and tttoue was appointed to 'onsult with prominent business men and manufacture, and alo witn the ollicers of the exposition at Cincinnati and roporc tha resultof their investigation to a meeting of the f uil board to be called by chairman Luce at souie future dats. The exposition promises to be a groat affair. Illinois, indiana, Keutucky, Tennesse and other states have made liberal appropriations for state exhibas, lt will be held to oomm"mrrate tha lOOth annlversary ai the ti ement oí the aortawestern toi'ritory,. and wil' ollow the Máriett celebratlou "f Apr.l 7. The city of Cincinnati ha r.iised over 1, 000,000 as a guarantee tumi which iusurus its auccess. The exp.sition w 11 lis gre iter tban any similar a fair ever beid in tuis country, except the one ue' t n'. ''hiladelphia. Decisión .m--. rved The question of tho constitut;ona'ity o the iiquor law enaeted at the last session of the egislature was argued before the supreine court on the lOth inst. Judge Mnrston opened the attack on the law, and Edwin K. Conley oí Detroit rep'.ied, maintaining its constitutionality. Charles A. Kent made an argument on the same side of the question. Prosecuting Attorney Hobison of Uetroit offered two briefs, upholdiiiK the law, except the section relating to policing the townships. Fred A. 1 aker closed the nrgunients against the (onstitutionality of the act. The decisión is reserved. _ The 8alt Inspcctor's Report. Tbe sa't iispection year of 1S83 commenced Dec. 1, 1SS7. The quality inspected duriug December was as lollows: County. Barre's. Sagiuaw ■ 68,4811 Hay 7S.270 Manistee 68,038 Hurón 3,0J St. Clair 8,011 losco '-i' Mason 18,818 Midland ■■ 3,457 Total 252, m WOLVERINË WHISPfiRINGS. Col. F. W. Worden of Uran 1 Rapids; United States timber agent at Reed City, bas purcbased of Messrs. Wachtel, Metheany o Blmplon a half block of lots at Oden, a few miles north of Petoskey. on which he will erecc a hotel and sauitarium early in the spring, in tune for next season's trade. John Flinn of Marshall, agoi $0 years, has been sent to the lonia house of correction for three montlis for beating his wit'e. The Lindermau & Gray box manufaoturingcompany of Whitehall has now deflnitely promised to remove iti works to Muskegon for $5,000 bonus, which amount, they state, will ba required to pay the expense of moving. Two sites have been offered them- one at Lakeside and one at North Muskegon. A verdict was rendered in the case of Willie R. Smith of Baldwin against Dunham, Peters Co. of Manistee, for 5,000 damages. vVillie was an employé of tbe lirni at thoir mili in Chase. He fellthrough a hole in the Hoor. Trying to savehimself he had hi, hand cut off on the law. He sued the flrm for damages for negligenceWflliaTi H. Hunter, a piano tuner of Alpena, was fo.und frozen to death near Oscoda. He was terribly frozen, his tongue cleaving to the roof of his moutti and his ex'tremitles being like sticks. Albert J. Scott was killed in an accident on the logging road of Pitt & Crange, near Ogemaw Spring i. ïshpeming has been named as the place, and Wednesday, Jan. '5, as the date, for holding the republican congressional convention to nomínate a successor to the late cougressmon Moffat. Wm. Harrison Fisher, a$ed 53, a farmer living in Monitor township, Bay county, bas been missing since la-it October or early in November. The authorities have arrested his wife and one Henry Wallace and will hold them pending an investiga ■ tion of tbe case. Antrim county poor house was opened Jan. 1, 1888. Myatt Kyan, the Karen who waseducated at Kalamazoo college and the medical department of the U. of M. ia doing very finely in hos i til an 1 general medical practice at Moundee, Burmah. His oldest son is named Edward Olney. An epidemie of tpphoid fever is raging in Jaclisin perison. Ñew commis-ions have been issued from the Adjutant-lieneral's ollice for the tollowing-namod olllcers of the Michigan state troops : Company G., First Regiment, Muskegon, Geo. H. Armstrong, as second lieutenant; Company H.. First Regiment, Jackson, Edward L. Lennon as first lieutenant, Frank M. Drumra, second lieutenant; Company B., Second Regiment, Grand Rapids, Vm. S. Kinney as captain. Jacob Schroiler. second lientenant; Company H., Seconl Regiment, Manistee, C U. Crane, as captain, John L. Thornburn' first lieutisnant, J. V. Melntosh, second lieutenaut; Company K.,Third Regiment, Houghton, Ed. F. Douglass as captain, George Miller, second lieutenant. Certificates of re-eleetion were i"sued as follows: Jolin A. Tyrrell, captain, Company H., First Regiment, Jackson; W. W. Staley, caitaÍD, Fred. Sliubuh Jr., first lieutenant, Andrew Purcell, second lieutenant, Company E., First Regiment, l.ansing; (ieo. K. Childs, captain, F. A, Aldrieh, first lieutenant, Chas. S. Martin, seoond lieutenant, Company A., Thirl Regiment, Mint; Joseph Vr. Kerns, captain, F. J. Schmidt, tirst lieutenant, H. C. Thurber, second lieutenant, Company E., Third Regiment, Kast Sagin nv; Chas. Dupont, captain, Geo. W. Co nis, first lieutenant, Henry B. Lathrop, second lieutenant, Company D., Fourth Regiment, Detroit. Mrs. Uordonier's grocery store in Coldwater burned the other night. It was the oldest business place in the city. Dr. Mitchell says the epidemie of typhoid fever in Jackson ií caused by poi.soned milk. Mrs. I. Slater and Mrs. M. Huntley of Lapeer have been sentenced to pay $25 andcostsor 9J days in the Detroit house of correctiou for robblng clothes lines. The contract to manufacture 4U0 cars for th9 Chicago, Milwaukee .t St, Pau' railway has been completed by the Mus kegon car company. The contract prioe for the work was in the neighborhood of Í2HJ.IÜ '. An organ factory is tobe aelded to Charlotte's industries. Plans are being made to start a knitting mili at Mendon. Five men started to ride to the surfaca in -Nu. 5 shaft of the Champion ron mine at Champion in Mariuette oounty. Three of them, John Casey, an Irishman, Cari Johnson,, a Swede, and W. H. Craddock, a Cornishman, were riding in the ore skip and two, Frank Uleaon and ('has. Johnston, were standing on the bail holding the cable. When betw jn the fourth and fifth levéis the skip lef t the track and was (ïumped, precipitating Casey, Johnson and Craddock to the bottotn of the shaft, nearly 700 feet, where their bodiei were horribly crushed. The other two escaped, one by hanging to the cable, the other by jumping. All were old minor ■.. The Canuciiau ion company of ïshpeming, which has heen financially embarrasse I, has been reoranized on a flrm basis, with P. Lachapelle, president, H. M. Crocker. vice-president; Moses Toutoff treasurer; D. F. Wadsworth, secretary; W. J, Ufllcer, mine superintendent. The property of this mine is noar the celebrated Chapín mine at Iron Mountain. The senior cl:iss of the state normal numbers 102. The democratie eongressional convention for the eleventh district, has bssn called to meet in Marquette on the 26th inat. to nomínate a suceesüor to the late CoiigressiiKin Mollutt. The state department cominamier of B. A. K. warns the members of that order to beware of a man calling hlmself Maj J tíDunhaiu. a VVesr l'oint gradúate, 'il years a soldier, aal tis baring heen wounded nine time-i. He 'is posted by Cominander Rutherford as getting drnnk, borrowing money and beating hotel bilis, and as being in everv way a dead beat. He has been in Ohio, and is now doing this state. ÜTIii' And re w Jackson association of Jack son county held its -!4ih annual meeting on the Tth insl. The Ford River lamber company have platted the town oí Ford Kiver. John Little 'ohu, an inmate of the Van Buren county poor house, ju mped (rom the third story window of that institu' tion and was instantly killed. Mr. Littlejobn was once a talented man. He was a temporáneo lecturer, preacher, and bad attained the age of 86 years. For a long time past he bas been looked upon as a singular character. He roamed about the country a Rood deal, speaking at different towns. He was a brother of the late Judge Littlejohn of Allegan. "Joe" Logan died on Mackinac island, aged 92. He was in employ of American fur company in early days, collectingpeltry along the shore of Lake Michigan from Indian traders. The enorinou. (lour train from Minneapolis, oonsi.sting of 107 cars, crossed the new bridge at the Sau.t on the 9th inst., and ia the h'rst train to perform the feat. The coustitutionality oí the state s wamp land act is to be decided upon by the supreme court before apportionments will be made to countie or money already. apportioned under clerical error that act was to take immediate effect, and recalled to await expiration of ninety-day limit, will be retui'ued. Hastings has rai ed$i5,O0;j bonus for the Lowell and Hastings road. ('arpenters and joiners of the two Saginaws are on a strike. They demand nine hoursaday, an.l pay for 1) hours' work. The capital stock of Benton Harbor's new railroal is 10.000. Mrs. 8ophia Mosher, aged 83, died in Jackson a few days ago. She settled in Jackson county in 1835. Kd. Barry was accidenta ly killed while huuting n ar Barryville, Barry county. Mrs. tíeo. ,uiglty, reiding three miles east of Stanwood, Mecosta county, while returning home from church the other evening in company with her husband, was run into by a sjeigh loa 1 of people. She was struck and instantly killed, thetongue of the sieigh breaking her back. . Her husband escaped Without injury. Deceased was .in o,d resident of the county. the mother of twe ve children and highly esteemèd by a-U wlio knew her. Allen Wood of Tekonsha. nged 8) years loaded au oíd shot-gun, placed the niuzzle against his chesl, touched tho trigger with liis foot and blew his heart to shreds. He had been suiïering frum an incurable disease for many years. About 20 teachers of Grand Rapids public schools acconimodated an encyclopedia agent by writing tljeir names and addresses in his book so that he might cali upon them aad discuss hi voluma .' Anotber in.ui oame long later to cnllect $ái) subscription from each. They refuse to pay. He says he will sue them. Thomas Wilson lost tbiee horses and a oad of camp supplies while crossiug the ice from bt. Ignane to Cheneaux island. Wi 1 Zorn. i:sistint postm-;ister at Cheboygan, is charged with appropriating money from the mails. It is proposed to rebui'd the roller flourng milis receutly tnirnelat Vermontvflle.Over 0, KOT,(X)ü pounds of eopper were shipped from theMicnigHii coiper district luring Hecember. Samuel Frantz of Sunlield, aged (i." and somewbat demeuted, is wandering the state at large. Any infoimation regardng him will be gladly receiVed by Christian Frunce, at KuutieM. Jackson wants to entertuin thosoutheastern grand army encampment this year. and has raised Í5H) for that purpose. The Scandinavhm labor club of Menomnee has adopted resolutions stipporting Hon. Bartley Breen of that place for con gress. The Fine lake district shipped 75,000,001) shingles last year. Ninety new buildings were erected in (irayling last year. W. D. Mark , superintendent of the Michigan state flsh hatche y at Paris, Mecosta couuty, says: "We have now in the housi! 2,U0),0 Obrook trout eggs, which will be ready to place in tue streams by ;he flr.tof March. Ali having brook trout streams in Michig n must get in their orders at once to secure a supply. About two inonths ago the state board of education oí New York state, advertistd for competive plans for six classes of school buildings and invited all archltects of the United States to compete in any or all of the classes. Wm. P. Appleyard of this city, and E. A. Bowd, hls assistant, entered competitivo plans for the flrat,second and fourth classes of buildings, and Mr. Appleyard ha3 just received telegrapbic notice tbat he is awarded first pri.e in all the classes for wuich he entered plans. - Lansing Republican. DETROIT MARKETS. WnK.vr, White 6 @ 90 " Red S7 @ 87U Cokn-, peiba ai (g 53 Oats, m " 36 (Ui 3iV Bahlkï, 1 HO de 1 50 Malt 80 @ 90 TimothySeeu 2 05 {t 2 25 Clovkh S i ii. por bag 4 IJ @ 4 25 Feed, per cwt 17 00 (u20 0(1 FlOlr- Michigan patent... 4 75 (c(i 5 00 Michigan roller 4 85 @ 4 35 Minnesota patent.. 5 00 @ 5 2" Minnesota bakers'. 4 '15 Ui, 4 50 Michigan rye :i 25 0Í 3 50 Buckwheat, yerewt 2 00 (g 2 50 Ai'ples. new. per bui 'J. 25 ( 'i HO Beaxs, picked 2 15 ( 2 ;so " unpicked 150 (S 1 70 BkeswaX 25 (è 30 Butter 18 ( lfl Chkese, per lb Vi i Vï% Uried Ai-i'LK, per 1b 5 @ 6 EiiGS, perdoz 1U ($ 20 HoNEY.perlD 18 (o) a Hors Si (3 30 Hav, per ton. clover 7 00 (# 8 00 " " timothy 10 50 (rtll 50 Mai.t, per bu 70 fa 75 Onions. per bbl 2 00 @ 2 25 Potatoe, perbu 70 (tg 75 Pocltky - Chicken8,per lb.. 10 @ lov Geese 10 @ 11 Turkeys 10 (u U Ducks per lb 10 (a) 19 PO visions- Mess Pörk 15 80 (ci 15 75 Family 15 75 (j10 00 Extra mess beef 7 00 (té 7 50 Lard 7 ' 7V Dresscd hogs.. 6 50 {il 6 75 ' Beet.... 2!(i 4 " (alvos... ti (u 7 ' Latnus... 5.,Y(() g Hams 10 ttt 11 Shoulders 7 no 8 Bacon 11 (ó HJ Tallow, per Ib.. 3 (w 8U' HiDE8- Green City per Ib... 5 (3 f,v Country 6 @ iv lireen Calf (í Cured ? uj 7: ; Salted 9 bheep skins, wool.. 50 @ 1 25 L1VK BTOCE. Cattle- Market steady; steerg, $33 S 15; stockers and feeïers. $2i 4); cows, Bulls and mixed. $1 "i. @i 10: Texas cutt o ti osos. Hoos - Market strong and a simde high er; mixed, Í5 l.Vcg") ú); heavy, $5 5U( 5 85; light, $4 70@5 ."; skips, 15:ít 66 Sueep- Market xlow'; cómmoa to cioice $2 75''t8"; western .'t M 4 N); Texans, $2 BCa 50; lambs 4 60(46,


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