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- Senator Davis of Minnesota, has intro. duced a bilí to rostore Maj. Reno to his ' army rank. Keno is the man whose failure at the Little Big Mom was the cause : of the destructiou of Custer's army. Mr. Brewer, of Michigan, has introduced a resolution calling for the publication of i '.'0,000 copies of the recent special report i of the bureau of statistics, entitled "Wool I and Manufacturera of Wool." Mr. Brewer desires to use copies lor campaign purposes at home. fhe ireater portion of the village of Louis Court Mousu, Va., was destroyed by fire Jan. 7. Bernal, the famousMexican bandit, ■was killed in an eucounter with Meilcan troops the otlier day. (!uu. Black has sent out letters of inquiry to ascertain the number ot veterans employed by railroads; hkewise the nuinber in the employ of cities. This is done for the purposo of making some material changes in the pension lws. The Pennsylvania niiners' strike continúes to spread, and business men are ruuch alarmed. ïhere isa scarcity of coal, and a total suspension in all mines is Tory probable. The general oíHcers of the Knights of Labor are to be sued by the malcontents. A freight train on the Chicago, Santa Fe & California railroad ran through an open switch at Carrollton, Mo., and was badly wrecked. Charles Coverts, lireiuan, was killed outrigbt, and Engineer Chas. Thompson was mortally wounded and died before night. Al; tiie anthracite coal mines are to be shutdown, and the outlook for an early settlement of the Keading strike is gloomy. Secretary of the Interior, L. Q. C. Lamar, hae resigned in order to prevent further delay on cabinet nominations. Two Chinamen, Dan Lee and Phil Wing, were formally baptized and admitted to the churcli on probation at the Uanson Place Methodist Episcopal church in Brooklyn Suaday, Jan. & They are believed to be the first Mongolians ever received in a church of this faith in America. Ueneral AlfreJ Terry is seriously ill in Ney York. Two elevators, owned by tb.9 Northern l'acifle and Christian & Co., respectively. burnnd at New Kockford, Dakota, and SÜ,ÓÜO bushels of wheat. Sir A. 1'. Caron, Minister of the Militia for Canada, says there ii no truth in the report cubled f rom England that the militia Service of Canada is about to be reorganized. He thought it wás as'well organized and as elïective as it could be consideriug trie aniount of the animal appropriations ■ f OT the service. . ■■ A rich deposit of bituminous coal has been diseoveVed some dijtance northwest of Snn-Antonio, Texas. Frank Green, a resident of C eveland county, N. C., after lö years' absence in Texas, returned to his family in North arolina a few days ago. When hls absence h d I een satUfactoriiy explained to his ftunily there was a happy reunión and a few days later the re-auiteJ faraily went to Texas. .:n. Washington Soawell, one of the óïdest generáis on the retired list, died in i-ttn Francisco Jan, 10. Gov. Forakor was inaugurated at Coluinbus, ühio. on tbe i'tli lust. Hon. James S. liollins, an ex-member of congress, dld at his hume in Columbus M.or Jan.lil, ' A sírious accident occurred on the Union l'aeific road near Edsou Station, W. T., the other morning. A pasKenger train stoppel lor repair at the station. After adeay, and when the train had proceeded a few hundred yard.s, a freight train running at a high rate of speed, rounded a curye and crashed into the rear car of the passenger train, telescoping two cars. whicu at once caugut lire and were c'onsumed. Two persons were killed and sev. eral others eriouftly injured. A meteorij stone weighing 2 tí pounds feil in i' .orilla Jan. 10. Anthony Comstoek, as the head of the society for the prevention of vice, at Ihe head of a lot oe pólice made a raid on the anatomical museums of New York City. half a dozen of them were visited ana tueirpro,irietorsand employés arrested. The oiBcers also seized some wagon loads of wax llgures whioh were declarad to be lewd and altogether unfit for public exhibition. The senate committeer oa territorios has instructed its chairman to report favorably a bilí for the división of Dakota and the admission oí South Dakota as a state. John B. AVright of Tennessee, chief of the mineral división in the general land ofiice, has been appoiuted chief law clerk of the general land ottice, vice John Lebarnes, removed. 3A paper was read at a meeting of Methodist preachers In Baltimore the other day entitled "A protest against the action of President Cleveland inseudiog a cony of the constitutiou of the United States to Pope Leo XI II. on the occasion of the recent jubilee of the latter.'1 ;t is claimed by those who favored the protest that it is an ollicial recognition of the Pope's office, when he is only the head of a church whichstlie coustitution, by impliaction, prohibits. The Mormon legislatura convened Jan. c. There are three geutlies and twentyone raormons in the lower house aud two gentiles and ten mormons in the upper, Thi coui t y will iuruish $10,0OU,UCO oí the f50,ü0ü,OU i neeessary to bulld the Te. hauntepec canal. The United Statos supreme court has decided that the mayor and council o Lincoln, Neb., have been unjustly held by the federal courts, as the federal courts have no jurisdictiou oyer the removal of municipal oílicers. In thi caso of J. K. McLean vs. Postmaster-General ' illas to compel a readjustment ui lower grade postmasters, the United States supreme court sustains Gen. Villas in the opinión that congress does not contémplate a change oftener than once in two yoars. (jeu. Poe's report regar, lin? the com merce of the St. Mary's falls canal, submitted to tbe house, shows that the canal was open 216 days, and tbat the passages were 2 : percent, greater than the previous one. The president sent messages to congress the other day atteution to the formsol the existing aubmarlne treaty; submitting a report of the ladiau commissioners who have reached an agreemeut with the Montan i Indiana for the reduc tion of their reservatious; recommending a maratime conference at Washington to devise measures ior the protection of life and property at noa; and recommending approval of the Washington meridian conference wbich favors tbe establishment of a prime meridian and universal day. The liorse car atables in Meridan, Conn., were burned the other day, with 14 cars and SU horsus. Ur. l'eter Parker died at hls residence in Washington recently, aged 4. He was United States minister to China 'M years ago, and has lived in Washington nince ltSi. He held the oftice of regent of the Smilhsonian lustitute for many years. Catliolics of Riobmond. Va., adopted a vote of thanks to President Cleveland for bis gift to the pope. The secietary of the interior recommends that the relations Letween the interior department and the inter-atate commerce commission be severe'.I, and that here ifter they control their own expenditures an 1 report direct to the president. The annual report o the board of man. agers of the nat o ïal home for dlsablod volunteer soldiers bas been submitted. The average number of inmates present during the last fiscal year was 9,731, an increase in five years of '„V'SÜ, Or fortyfour per cent. The existins branches are now filled to tbeir utmost capacity. Hor. West's message to tue Utah legis" lature takes strong grouivis against polygamy. There are -0 incbes of snow on the level throughout Dakota, and numerous enormous drifts. Many livos are reported to have been kist. James C. Talmage, son of the late A. A. Talmage, shot and killed C. J. Tidd, tb night telegraph operator at Brunswick, Aio., the other niht. The youim mei had quarreled over a teiegraph order. The Apaches are again on the war path in Arizona. VVilliam Cleveriy died in Wel' floot, Mass., the other oay, aged 9& He was a veteran of the war of lSli, and was the only survivor of the Dartmorr prisoneasThe poor house near Birmingham. Conn . was destroj'ed by lire ths other atternoon and three lives were lost.


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