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Congressional Summary

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January 5.- Senate- After routine buslI nes Mr. Mitchell called up the joint resoluiion introduced l.y him tor the appointment of acouimission to select a site for the naval station on the Pacific coast, and addressed the sonate in advocasy of tt. The resolution was referred to the cominittee on naval atfairs. The lilair eduoational bill was discussed atlength, and the senate adjourned. UorsK- After a few bilit of minor Importance huil heen introduced, the Speaki eer aunounced the standing committees, and the house adjourned until Monday, to euable the com.nittees to organizo. Jamahï II - Sbnate- A large numher of I)etitions and memorials were pre;ented. ! Billa were introduced and referred as fol! lows: To establish a b:reau of adulteratiou and to regúlate and prohibit the m. ortatiou. manufacture and sale j of adultérate 1 articles of food : and drugs: To créate the lakes and j guit' waterway commission; to prevent t the siiiiiin-try cancellation of pension certifícate. andproviding for a hearing in BUch asea. The senate took up the resolution oTered by Mr, Irown of Georgia, on the th of Jiimriry for the repeal of the .ntornal Kevenue laws. Air. trown addressed the senate in favcr of thj resolution. The Senator den ared the internal revenue systern to be an outrageous system of espionage, iniustice and wrong that ought to have been abolished long ago. He moved that the resolution be referred to the committee on tinauco. Mr. Heek of Kentuckv objected to the reference. The senate had just listened to a defense of the ( ieorgia moonshiners and to rt 11 nttack on the government and its oflicers. He wished a chance to reply to it. I The resolution was laid on the table and the Blair edueation bill was then taken ! upand Jlr. Vest of Missouri addressed the senate in opposition to the bill. After passing tho bill appropriating $1,100.000 j tor a (overnment building at Alilwaukee, Wis., the senate adjourned. Ho. sk. - Mr. Baker of Illinois resigned from the comniittee on cairas, and his resignation was aceepted. Mr. Perkins of Kansas, sulmütted a proposition that every meinber of the house not the chairman of a committee be allowed a clerk at a salary of slUO per month. The proposition was referred to the committee on accounts. Aiuong the bilis introduced were the following: Autliorizing the purchase of foreign built ships by United States eitizens, and to orinit the same to Ie registered as l nited States vessels. & resoiutiou providing for the appointment of a special committee to investí ;.!ite tbe causes underlying the present labor strikes. Autborizing the secretury of the treasury, witii the approval of the president, at any time to apply the surplus money in the treasury tu the pur ha e or redemption of 1 nited States inteivst-learing bonds, provided that the i uu o purchased or redeemed shall constitute iiD part of the binking fund, but hall be cancel. ed by the secretary of the treaaury. 1 epeallng the civil service aw. Mr. i utchei.ii of Michigan: To créate a loard of piibli : buildings and provide for public buildings in cltlei of lesa thau 100,100 inhabitants; also, for the creation of a commission to revise the pension laws; aiso, to reform the civil service by the oram.ution of a bureau of civil appointnieuts. Air. u'Donnell ot llichigau: To repeai the dutv on ngar and to provide for tüe payment of n bounty of Íá,u00,0il0 i year tor iwo years for the cultivation of sugar in the i nited otates; a!so for the erectiou oí a public building at Jackson. For the mipoitation of talt free of duty. Jam.uu il, Skn.vh,- A number of bilis were introduced, after which the bill to credit and pay to the seyeral states and territorios an 1 the District of Columbia uil moneys coUected under the direct tax of August 1 ui. war taken from the calenliur und considered. After considerable uiscussion tne Lili was laid aside without actiou. '1 he senate then proceeded to tho consideración of the Blair educational bill and Mr. Wilson of Maryland, made a constit utional argument against it, at the conclusión of which Mr. Coke obtained the üoor and the senate proceeded to the executive business. Senator Edmunds Irom the judiciary committee made an udvert-e report n the uoniinatiou of L. , (.'. l.uniur to be associate lustice of the supreine court, and Senator Pugh, in behaif of the minority of the same coinmittee, submitted a favorable report. Calendar. Senator I ilmuinls made a favorable report trom the judiciary committee on the noimuation of VV m. F. nas to be secretary of the interior. Calendar. .Senator Sawyer, from the postotlice committee, mude a favorable report on the nommatiou oL Don M. Dickinson to be postmaster-genei a'. Calendar. House. - After the introduction and reterence of a large numLer of bllls, the house adjourned. Comml t es a, polnted. Speaker Carlisle has completed his list of assignmeuts to committee service. Tho ways and iumíi committee is as follows: Milis of Texas, ehairimu; McMillan, Tennessee: Breckiuride. Arkansas; Breckiniidse, Keutucky; Turner, Qeurgia; Wilson, v est Virginia; Scott, I'ennsylvania; Bynum, Indiana, ivelley, Pennsylvania; Browne, Indiana; Reed, Alaine; McKinley. Uluo; Burrows. Michigan. Committee on appropriations: L'.andall, I'ennsylvania, charinan; Forney, Alabama; Burue, Missouri; Koran, Ohio; Bay erg, Texas; Clements, Georgia: Félix Campbell, New York; Gay, Louisiana; I ice, .Minnesota; Cannon, Illinois; Kyan, Kansas: butterworth, ühio; Long, Massachusett-: McComas, Maryland; D. B. Henderson, Iowa. The following are the chairmen cf some of the other committees: Judiciary - Culberson, Texas. Banking and curreuoy- Wilkins, Ohio. Commerce- Clardy. Missouri. Kivers andharoors - lilanchard, Louisiana. Agriculture-Hatch, Missouri. Foreign aifairs - Belmout, New York. Postotlice and post road - Hlount, Georgia. Public lands- Holman, Indiana. Indian all airs - Feel, Arkansas. Mines and mining - O'Ferrall, Virginia. Pubüo buildings and grounds - Dibble, NoutU Carolina. Pacinc railwavs - Uuthwaite, Uhio. F.ducation -, Georgia. Labor - U'Meill, Missouri. Militia- McAdoo, New Jersey. Patents--Veaver, Ohio. Invalid pensions - Matson, Indiana. Pensions - Uliss, New York. Claims- Lanham, Texas. War claims - Stone. Kentucky. Private land claims- McCreary, Kentucky. Kxpenditures on public buildings - J. T. Campbell, isew ork. Accounts - Shaw, Maryland. Library - Ktahlnecker, New York. Knrollod bilis- Fisher, Michigan. Printing- Hichardson, Tenuesse. Civil terviie - Cleuients, Georgia. Klectiou of president and vicepresident - Ermentrout, Pennsylvania. Census - Cox, New York. Indian departmeut claims- AVhitthorne, Tennessee. Alcoholic liquor trafflc - Campbell, Uhio. Michigan is represen ted as follows: Tarsney, on comuierce; Fisher, on rivers andharbors; Chipman, on foreign relations; Ford and Outcheon on military atfairs; Allen, on Indian aifairs; Tarsney and U'Donnell, on levees and harbors; Tarsney, on labor.


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