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Here And There

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Tbere Is considerable rlvarv between Shü Diego aud !ian Francisco iu the hal ing Imslncs8 whith amounts to about $750,000, a year. The Great Eastern, whleh origlnally eost j $3,500,000, ml was solil a year ago tir l2ö,000, bas agaln been sold at auctloo In Liverpool f or $100,000. Tbe temporary Injunction afralust cuttln the eucalyptus tree (mm certain Rtreets of Alameda, Cal., has buen dlssoived, aml the tieea wlll ow be cut down. There 1,500 temples la China tliat rere erccted to the memorv oí Contadas. In these cditlces 63.0J0 p';s, rabbils, deur, and sheep are sacriñced aouually. The longest Street rallway In the country Is now In operatlon betweeu Elizabet li aud NeMrark, N. J., the ronnl trip belns; nearly thirty miles, for wülcli the f are is 20 cents. An effort Is being made to oí L'anlze a coinpany at C'hattanooga, Tenn., to manufactuie lime írom the slat; of furoaces. It is bclieved thiscan be worked Into a profliublj tudustry. Buenos Ayres Is ald to coutalu more mililonalrea titan any otlicr city in the vrorld. Tbere are scores of private resideuues thut cost over a millioa dollars each, au l oae of the baúles has a pald-up capital of $")7,000,000. A dergymtn of Moucton, N. B., alludcd to tbe Savior iu one of bis recent Kermous a9 'the prluce of tbe auarebiats. " His b.uuderiiiEJ exp.'analion was tbat be mcaut to u.ill our Lord "a prioce aiuous; tbe irlends of tbe vorkiuirrnen." ïcn saw-mills at and about True!;ee, NeT.. tbis 6eason, cut 44,000,000 {ret of luniber. .ast year tbe total was ü7ll00,000 feeU Les tíian 1D,iK)i),0JJ feet of ljiml)-T is oa band at tbe milis, and tbls wiil be clemied out beiirc work eau he resuinuil lu tbe iprlDg. ïlu-re Is aituated near Auckland, New Zeannd, the erater of a laige volcmio, wbich, acMtálDg to sientlsts, may burst torth at any Moment. Tlie AucUlanders, bowever, are go lig to ceuieut tbe botlom of tbe cráter, aiul use it as a reservoir for thoir watur-supplj. At Santa Barbara ruau offers to seareb for tbe alleed buried treusurc of Juaqtiiu Mur etta, tbe outlaw, in tbe moontafod of Veutna county, California. Ho ofltsfs tba sheriff if Sunta Clara ouc-tbird of tbe suiu fuund for nforinatlon of the locality whcre tlie outlaw maile h:s biding place. A certain ilgn of the liollilav scuson Is tbe 'orwarding of remittances to Europe (rom tbe foreiguers oa these shores. These uins, thougta mail, Individually reach au enorinous .uiH'unt. Krom tbe signs alreadv visible, it Is evident tbat American naturalizad citizms i ill reraembcr thelr European relatlves as souerously as ever. At Milton, Pa., the other evunlnfr, a lady lipón coming out of a aicut sliop was accosteil uy a masber. Quluk as a Saab Mie put her tiaud into the basket and pulled out a plece of hologua eaus.iiïe, wblch sbe poiutcd at tbe fellow, crying out: "Leave me, you scounilrel, or I will slioot you." The masber saw ivliat he thought to be a pistol and qulckly made hls escape. The rats liavo, darlug tbe past fer montbs, so annoytti the farmers oear Washington, Pa. , iliat in niany places "rat-liunts" have bien iiidalged In. Tü most sucuesful oue bas just ended witb a bit; suppur ut Lone Pine. V. ('. Cunillt was the captain of one of the snles liuntnii; tlie rats, and succeedcd in klll íiií; 7,0.0. Tlie other uide, with S. D. Miller as cnptain, cot away with 5,46'3, niakiti a total of 12,483. The United Statvs hoads tbe world In the matter of locoraotive engines, with a horscpower of 7,503,000. Theo comes Knirlund with 7,000,000, Gerinany ith 4,5IO,OOU, France with 3,OOO,0J0, and Austria tb 1,5;W,(KX). The iuirse power of tb team-tnitnus of tie world i ■■presenta the work oL 1,00 i,00.),000 uien, or more tban doublé the inau power of the wbole vvotklij populution. This lucaus thut steamft bas trebled man'a working powers. A shoe fllled with flowers Is the very newest tiiing for bridesmulds ti carrj, and charmlugly pretty it is, says The L'ourl Journal. Tbe l'nst weddiujr at wb;ch thls idi-a was oarried out was that of MlM Stewart nud Mr. Carberry Rice Vaujjhan Pivsp, whlcb took place aboQt a montb aico. Tlie m-xt wedding at wblcb the brlüeunaldii carrled hoes was that of Sir Robvrt aud Lady Emlly Peel' eldet daoghter aud Mr. Bi ron. Tlie shocs in the case werc of pluk itin flled UU a mixture if pink and ol luuiza colorad rosus, and hung Irom the anu by pink ribbons. Shoes were earrtod by tbe youthful mamben of the bevy of bridesmuids of Miss Whiltaker'i weddlntc The sboes ivre ot pink satiu fllled with flovrers of hue tn match tbat color,


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Ann Arbor Democrat