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ST. JACOBS OIL. WHT IT HAS DONE. Relief. - In aiiy climate at any season one or two applications of St. Jacobs Oil relieves; often cures permanently. Thia is theaveragc experience in teu years. Cures. - The eontentsofa bottle have cured thousands of extrenie chronic cases. Used acconüiif; to directions tliore U a cure in every bottle. The Testlmony. - Thonsandi of testimoniáis substantiate the above statements in the cure of all kinds of painftü uilmcnts. The Proof. - To make sure of tliis showing, answers to inquines concernlng the permunency of the cures resntted as follovrs; That front date of htaling to tlaie ofretporue cvery cure ha& reitaiutl trinutittnt vitkout remrrence of pain. lts -The twentymllllon bottlos sold can bojustly rateil asso manycure; in almost every case a permanent cure, lm price is the surety of every bottle being tlie same, every bottle being h cure and the poor are protected. Sold by Drugyi-L and Venten Ettryahat Ih Churlo A. VujeliT Co., Bulto., Ud. FACT AND FANCY. Tlie Crawford house, la tbc White mounluln notch, New Hampshlie, built in 1793, Utcbt rcpaired for a ranoMT lioteL In Los Anircli-s, Cal., the citj cimncll Is eoi ililcrlDj; a proposition to levr a tux of $50 pui month on real estáte dealers. The Baltimore school board bas juut TOttn] down a motion to abolish corfioial puiiishmeni In the public sebools- yeas 8, nayn U. A blll bas been lutroduced lu the South Carolina leicinlaiare to reducá the talarles of all the state ofllcers and thelr clerks. Cari Werner, a "straw bondsraan," wi lenteoced to seven jears In the peultentlax} by a New York court the olher day. A uuniber of spurloas postal cards found rerently In Plttsburgu were so skillrully ezecuted that Uielr detectlon was rerj dlfficult One hundreJ farmers' Institutos wlll bc held ■hls winter In Oblo as part of the commemoratlon of the one hundredth annirersary oí th foundlnx of the state. Ministers are so scarce In Idaho that thei have to be lmported In man cases where people wlsh to ret marrlcd. Tralns are stopped tbat thej maj be searched tor mlulsters. In the center of the dlnlng-room of a Mos cow (Kussia) hotel Is a large fouualu ttocked tvlth fisb, from whlch, when ha recelred at order, the walter takes a flsh allve rlth a net. A patrlotlc and devout cltlzen of Newark, N. J., haring fireu a plat f land worth $40,000 to the First Baptist Charch society, non offer! to pat up a (75,000 itruclure at hls tole ex ! pense. The important dlscOTerr has been made hv the bureau of labor statlstlcs of Malne that (1 wlll parchase now as mucli as could be bought In 1877 for (1.17. It will also purebase twice as much labor. At Amsterdam, N. Y., one dar receotly, s heavy stone feil from a waon, and the nexl mornine nearlj erery newspaper In the ! trj contalned accounts of the fall of a tbreeton aerollte in that city. A colon; of Swedcs has purchaaed scyeral lots in the clt.y of Tallapooaa, (ia., and wlll erect on lt a malleable h-on foundry, whlch will be the flrst of lts kind ever put up south of the Mason and Dixon line. Whlle Oeorge Lindley was worklnp on tha banks of tbe Sanamon Rlrer, ncar Decatui III., be pulled a hullow lo from tbe water and found in it a catflsh tbree feet slx Incbes loug whlch weighed forty-two pounds. Beef cattle at Tucson, Arizona, are che.ip and in bic demand, being brougbt up ut San Francisco dealers. Tbe cattle are In splenrtid conditlon. stockmen are reallzlng 4 and ! 5 cents per pound on foot at the rallroad depot. Large nuinbers of pauper childrcn are sbipped annually from Englaod to Canada, and ', inspectors bare lately been appoltiteil by the ; Brltisb gover n ment to come over and see liow the Doinlulon is treatlng her frieudlesa charges. Kvei y glorious act of a great llfe starts orward au oio ment face. lr. Pull's 2ough i-yrup is the glorious act of a lites tudy, ar.d it is a positivo (act that it ' .tanda without a rivul. "Hope 'or u seas n bids the world veil," when a man finds himself in the j ■elentless gra-i;i of neuralgia, buthesmiles i ind take-s eart when his wife Lrings a jott'e of !-a! vation Uil. A Macón, Ga., man had to postpone bis vedding bccause he was on a jury in an mportant case. We %hink, without doub% that your 'TansiU's iunuh". ara-the fiuest 5c cigars a-e have ever had. VV'm. L. Uavis & Co., iruggists, W'oreester, Mass. R. W. Tan 1:1 iV: Co., Chicago, Iil Victor Hugo's old home in the Channel simula is now vacant and to let. None of lis fumiture romains there. Tettki'. A member of the Pioueer-Pre s Staff. troubled for eleven vears with ob tinate toner on his hands, has completely :urod it in les tlia a moiith by the use ot Jole's Carbolisalve. - l'mne r-l'rr , it. l'am. The Fev. I). P. Bunn, one of the oldest l'niv rsalist preachers in Illinois, died at L'ecatur recently. Bronchitis is cured ty rrequent srmill ! loses of Piso's Cure for üonsumption. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by I pushing his head under a gate and choking to death. Moxle Li7AnKt Break a cold in twenty-four hours. and prevent one under the most severa exposure, while tlieir use does not rendor yon tnorelike y to takecoldafterwards. Kvery woman ki-i-p. u few in her reticale for an BmergeiK-y. On cold. dunp days you will see lots of people in tne. drauglits of streel cars, glipping una on their tongüe. 10 ets a package of thirty-six. Drjggists every w fiere MitíNeiivi Food Co., Lowell. j Mass., Proprietors. M. Wilson Gui'ot, a son of the great his toriiin, is lecturinx in Paris on Edtnnnd Burke and Milton. _ ro'inum)tlo i S-ir'êly Cured. To the Editor.:- Please inform your reader thit Í hare a positivo remedy for the above named disease. Uy its timely use ten tbouauds of hopeless cases have bee;i permanenilj cure i. 1 shail be gl d to send two bot tles of my ramedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will scud me their expres, and 1'. O. address. Resoeotfully, T. A. Blocdm, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St., New York. The Marquis of Lorne hits determined upon a literary life, and has a serial reudy for an English magazine. A Mlchlaran Vntrnl Rnllroud Emplov.W ín lila Caie Af'ter it Seven Yais' Content. ALniON, Mich., Deo. 20, 1SS7. 'Whlle em,)loyed as aent of the Michigan Centrai Hailroad company at Angus ta, Mich, about s-even years ago, my kidnrvs bccaine di-eased, and 1 have been a fjreat su terer ever siuce. Have cqnsulted the leiding phvsi :ians of thls city and Aun Arlior and ;.ll pronounced my case Cright's disease. Af ter takin r every highly recommended remedy that I had knowlodge of to no purpose, and while sulïerins under a severe attack in October last, be an tal i;ig Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup, and am t . (l.iy a well man. It attords me pleasure t ren Ier t Miffering humanity any good that I can, and in speaking of the remedy, allow me to say that Ithink it the greatest medicine in th world. E. Li lüfLBE, Agent M. C. R.R. The chapel in which Wesley preached for nearly half a century was recently bought in itt auction for tít.üOÜ. T)i,Kno, O., Jan. V r. Messrs. F. J. Cheney S Co.- (entlennn: - I h .ve ben in the general practica ot medicine tor mot 1 1 yeara. and would say that in uil my practico and experience, have never sean a preparation that 1 could pre-scribe with :is mucU confldencö of succes, as i can Halls Citirru Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many timet and its e IVot is wonderful, and woul 1 suy in conclusión that i have ve' to tlud a casa of Catarrh that it wouU not cure, if tiiey would take it according to direction-3. Yours truly, L. L. (iURdUCH, M. D.. O:üce, 215Summit St. K. J. CHENKY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. I-Sold by Druggists, 75 ets. A Kansas woman wants to start a children's rights association and inake large families tashiounble again. Voutht'ul Inilulareuce in pernlclous prac'ices pursued in solitude, is a most startling cause of nervous and general debility, la k of self-conlidence and will power, impair'e.i memory, despondency, and other attan-lanti of wrecki-d manhood. Sufferers shouhl address, w th )0 cents in stampa, for large illustrated treatise, poiutiu,' out un'ailing means of perfect cure. Wor.d's Di pénsary Medical Atsociation, 0 3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A cablegram says that Mme. Pattl wants to sell lier ra Ie in Wales, because the was robbed there. Advlce to Conaumptlvea. On the appearanc of the flrst symptoins, as a general debility, loss of appetite, pallor, chilly sensatiods, followed by night-sweat8 and cough, prompt measures of relief should te taken. Consumption is a scrofulous disease of the lungs; therefore use the great anti-scrofu ous or blood purifier and stren ;threstorer, Dr. Pierce'8 "(Jolden Medical Disco ery. " Superior to cod tiver oil as a nutritivo, and unaurpassed is a pectoral. ■ or weak lungs. spitting of blood, and kindred ffections, it has nooqnal sold by druggists. Kor Dr. Pierce's on consumption, send i0 cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Associat on, (63 Main Street Buffal). N. Y. Cari Sc'iurz is able to wa'.k with a stout tiok. Tl. Itllluu, dyspe tic, constipated, should aildross, wltii 10 crits in stamps . for treatiso, Worlrt's Dispensary Medical Associátidn, 603 Main Street, Búllalo, N'. Y. Jobn Gr. Whittier is enjoying better health than he hus for soveral years. Ilipa peacbes werepicked at C'olusa, Cal., over a week ago. Suelden changes of weather cause Throat diseases. Tbere is no more effectual remedy for Uoughs, Colds, etc, tban Browa's Bronchial Troches. Sold only ia boxea. Price .5 ets. Tbe rntaü price ot coal at Pasadeua, Cal., is 175 a ton, If afflicted wlth sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Drugfftsts sell it 25c The Beecher monument committee bas $31,000, and J. Q. A. Ward, the sculptor, is ready to begin work. Pire Cod Liver Oil made from selected livers, on sea sliore. by Hazard, Hazard & Co.. N. ". Ab'Olutely pure and sweet. Patients pre'er it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any other oüs iu market. CnAPPEp Hajtds, Face, Pimples and rough skin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap made by Hazard, Hazard & Co., Nêw York. Cures &PreTeutí (■Sdfl fik Colds, fcm%kglMr Coughs. ■R VBC Sore Throat, HAmBctB Hoarseness, J" Stiff Neck, 9}%aHIIBM Bronchitis, If VMwif 4m1tT Catarrh, k miÊ%VJÊfr Headache, BTOwW Toothache, llliaH. Rhoumatism, I Pflai'B. Neuralgia, Asthma, Brulses, II Sprains, Qnicker Than Any Kiiothi Kemcdy. Xo matter how violent or excruclatlng the pain the Rheuinittlc, Bedridden, Innrm, Crippled, iervous, Neuralgic, or prostratcil wlth diseases muy suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will AflTord liiHtiLut Eaae. INTERN ALLY- A half to a teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will la a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasins, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomitina, Heartijum, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, SIck Headache Dlarrhcea, Coüc, Flatulency and all lnternal palns. Malaria in lts varióos forms cured and prevented. Thorc is not a remedial agent in the world that will euro Fever and Ague and all other fevers (alded by RADWAY'S PILLS) bo qulckly as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. ACHES AND PAINS. [ For headache (whether sick ornervoua), toothache, : neuralgia, nervousness] and sleeplessness, rheumatlsm, lumbago, palns and weakness In the back, splno or kldncys, palns around the liver, pleurlsy, swelllng of the Joints and palns of all kinds, the applleatlon of Radway's Ready Relief will afTord Immcdlate ease, and lts continued use for a few days affect a permanent care. Price, 50 cents. Sold by all drumrlats. ,VykLir Oas vxV L ' ' ' oamOeS PILLS. BEWARE OP IM1TATIOX8. AZWATS ASK FOB DB. YIEBCE'S PEZZET8, OB LITTLE SUOAB-COATED PILLS. Beine entlrciy xegetablc, thcy opérate without distiirbnnce to the system, ditt, or occupation. Put up in Klass vials, hermctleally sealed. Always f resh and reliable. Aa a laxativo, alteralive or pnrgaltyc, these little Pelleta givo the most perfect sHtisfaction. SICK HEADACHE. tffc stUioiiR Hcadarhr, B 9LL DizzlnesK, xftr-1 fc üoii. Indigestión, pyí Tm. Hilions AltackH.anilKll IV Tby EJmr1 .leraiiBCinents of the JyJtfw' m)i and bowols, are Jfc B ly relleved and permanent ly Tí cured by the use of Ir. Plcrce's Pleasaut Vurpallvo Pelleta. In i'xplanation of the remedial power of these l'i'llcts over so great a variety of diseases, it muy truthfully be sald that their action upon i be system is universal, not a grland or tissue i escapinfr their sanativo iniluence. Sold by iimeifists, 25 cents a vial. Manufacturad at the lnMiiicnl Laboratory of Would's Dispkmsary .Mkuical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. L sROO REWARD Blr(ÏBWk is olTcrci] by the manufacturFf rGS1vTSiii Ir. Saso'n Catarrh Br v X .:. . Kemcdy, íor a case of l. „h ij ('hronio Nasal Catarrh wblch :-Tr%5 P.f they can not cure. SYOTPTOÏÏIS OF CATAHBH.-Dull. heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the bead fnto tho throat, sometiraes profuse, watcry, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, puruleut, bloody and putrid; the eyes aro weak, watery, and innameJ ; thcre is ringiuK in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoratioii of offensive matter, together witu scabs from uleers; tho voice is changed and has a nasal twacg; the breath is offensive; emell and tasto are lmpalred: thero is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a backing cough and general (lebility. Only a few of the above-named symptomH are likely to be present in any ono ; case. Thousands of cases annually, without ; inanifestinf? half of the above syniptoms, result in consumption, and end In tbe grave. No diseasc is so oommon, more deoeptive and dangerous, or less underetcod by physicians. l!y its mild. sootliing, and heahng properties. Dr. Saffe'a Catarrh Itcmedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "cold iu Uie head, Coryza, and Cutarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists evcrywhere; fiO cents. " i'ntold Agony from Catarrh." Prof W. Hausnek, the fainous mesmerist, of lthaca, N. Y., writes: "Some t?n yearsatro 1 suflered untold agony from chronio nasal catarrh. My family physlcian gave me up as Incunable, and sai'i I must die. My case was such a bad onc, that every day, towards sunsot. my voice would become so noarse 1 could barely gpoák alxiveawhisper. In themorning my cóughingr and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. üy the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ke-medy, In three inoiitbs, I was a well man, und tho cure has been permanent." "Coiistantly Haivklng aud Spllüiig." Thomas J. RusniNO, Esq., tooi Fine Street, St. Louis, .1Í".. wincs: "I wasagreat suffcrer from oatarrb for thrce years. At times I could li.a.llv breatbe, and was constantly hawkingr mul pitlinit. ''-"l for the last clght months could not broatho through the nostrils. I thought nothinir could be done for me. Lucklly, 1 was advised to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh lirrncdy, and I ara now a well man. I believo it to be tho only sure romcdy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give It a fnir trial to experience astounding resulta and a permanent cure." Three Bottlcs Care Catarrh. Eli Robbins, Runyan P. O.. Columbio, Co., Pa., says: "My daughter bad cat&rrh wben ehe was flve years old, very badly. I mw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy advertisod, and proCJiivd a bottle for her, and soon sa w that It holped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent euro. She is now eighteen years old and ' sound nui hearty." MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly Unlike Artificial Syntems. Any Itook Leiirned in One Rendlnff Recoramended by Mark Twaix, KicniRi Prooior, th Selentht, Ban. W. W. astor, Judah P. Eknjamin. Dr. MixOR, ere. Clnss of lOOColunibla Law Sludents: 2ÜU at MerMen ; 250 at Norwich 860 at Oberlln ColleKe; two Classes of 200 eacli ttt Yale; Wat ünlversity of Peon.. Phlla. ; 400 ut Wvllesley College, and three l; ut Chutauqua Unlversity. etc. Prospertus POST FïïlïK from Prof. LOISF.TTK, '„VÍ7 5rh A v., New York. Our Kew Store, -li tvh we now occupy, has about 3 acres of Floor Space. O The BIJTERS' GUIDE li Ifeaucd Sept. mul March, each yrnr. 364 pagel, $yxll% liicies,wlthover 3,500 "liislrullons - a ■wholr Picture 'allrry. GIVES Uholfs.le Prtces direct to consumera on all goocl for personal or uc. Tells Iiow to order, and glves oxact cost of eTerythlng yon use, eat, drink, wenr, or have fan ivlth. These I. VALUAIII.K BOOKS rontaln Information gleaned I from the markets of the world. A copy sent PBEE upon receipt o [ 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, C'hirago, lik W H I Vf 1 1 K K Bmall Balary? Why conII III lïUlllltinuü woikinsr on a Torn-outfarm? Why tryto secure a living from uioh hlg-h-priced or heavlly inortfroifed farms? íVhyworkon rentel land? Why not start for ■ourself? Whynotsecuro at oncesomeof the ow-prteed but very fertlle and well located ands adjiioent to railroads now to bo obtained y those going' to Northern Dakota and Minneota, where you can makoa largfirnetprofltper j:re than on the high priced or worn-out land ou now occupy? Why Dot iro nd look the ituat'on over and seefor yourself, orat least ibtalu further Information, which will be t lent free, ïf you will Addrcsa C. H. w (V ARREN, Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Mlnn. I ISLAND HOME STOCK FAKm --v Percheron Hom. r k V Frenrh ('osrh llonei. r fc W Savagc Sc Faruum, Impor OH h ters and Breeüers of Per f jéfa Hmb cheron and French Coach SHBÊk V ; Bil Hot5es.lslandHomebtock ÊÊ, ■ Farm, Grosse Isle, Wayoa f K B County Mich. We offer a aM Wmg Terv largc sludofhorses to jH-.' ' ' -. UÊ Klcct 'rom, we guarantee B -iri" B our stock, malee pri-es rca. V ■ ■■' WU WB sonable and scll on casr B' B tcnits. Visit&A alwayswel V BW come. Lare calaloutt k Ettr tree. Address W 3F SaT(te 4 Frnnm, -, , Dbikoitm-:!:. NORTHERN PAGIFIG. Il LOW PRICE RJILF.OJO LANDS 1 I'ICIi: Government I,. 'IN. " I-MILLIONS of ACHF.S of each In Minnesota. North Dakot, Montana. Idaho, Waihinifton an 1 Orpiroa. 1 Crun CAD FTihlloutinii withMapsdMcrlbingTHB OCHU mil BKSTABrlcnl'tiroliíraiinBanaTiinber Land now open toSflti'Ts SENT FREE. Addre GttAS. b. lambcrx,'St:"p;ul"mïnn? ■feM&JI ïlv:s Cream Balm ■ GSïïw{-ïl Gives relief at once for Í?á88aSlwJcOM in HBAÏ. fHAYFEVtRSil CUKKS m WE CATARRH. BsWafl Upiy Halm into eaoh nostrll H0ö3Tlk BHOS., K Greenloh St. I CURE FITS ! When 1 wiy cure I do not meon raerely to Btp then for time and thenhme tbem return aBin.I mean s, . radiinl cure. I haTíimado Iho disoa oí FITS, fcPli 1 EPSY or FALLINU BICK.NESS alih-long Btndy. I warrant my remedy to cure the worat cap. Becauaa Dthen have failed is no reaaon for not now rwemog s. cure. Ssodatonce for treutise and a.!"' B;l of my infallible reiiK'dy. Uivn Kxpreas and Puat Umce. 11. G. OOT, 1U, C.. 1S3 Peurl 8t. New 1 ork. .BBkssw ■ I prescribe nd fullyen■BBkl dorse Big O as the only .BBr Coriia Bj specific fortbecertaincur aVi to 6 dats. of tlit disease. aBjreiarutwd sai u (, H.lMiKAlIAM.M. D., VLW aan Btrlctur. ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. ■ r a ooly by Uu We have eold Big G for Ral.. n.HiMi yi, many years, and it has UlTiniChmle10Klv'en-'tbe bc8t of tóUg. Bk ClnolnnatlJHBsS faction. ■Bk. OMo, H D. lt. DYCTTE CO.. ■W Cblcago, Ut IradTWP5arkl SI. 00. Bold by Druggist. "CHRIST BEFORE PÍLATE," FREE. Thls wonderful new engravinit, "Izo 22K8 SET FkEL for every two subcrtpcions to the Illustrator, an MiistiatiMl Monthly, dm paces, 8t 6O cent a vonr. oen(a a copy. Pronounccd "y tue P ress the Kev. Cha. S. Kobfimon, D. pa and eminent clerevmon a- vthe bütt churcli and S. S. magazine. Tillo 'picture Is betver thun the ono la'ely old in lesdlr' B art .toros at RW. We wiii t 1ÍJI.IXJ) wlcrttoP18 Write at omco. T. ■ MOKKOW, PubU.her, Mlnneapolis, Mlnn. TSCuStSWHtH AU USE fAllS. tSi BestCouehSyrup. TasMSgood. usc K P3 In tinie. Sofil bv drnegisiN -iSfL 7j9V2i%b7I 14 % P ' i .i al L! Bü a% ■ " ■ & g% 15 ycars' experlence ; 4 years D A X L KI T V . 'ner in a.S. Futent offlee I M I til O Bend model orsketota for ttm ipluion whether jnatent can e Beoured. N. w ik on iiat"nt free. 6efernces:Commlssloner of Pat i 2ÏL oranymh?; ófflolal of the ü. s. p„tent omce. bbTOCÜISU, AMgngy c. 1M nnl ■ in; PEK DAT inre wllh DonIfi DOLLAnd nlni! a Karin Ledxer iiihI Mlt rtlUial Acomiiianl; Uxl:i: :) pages. Cu nplete account bmilt n d encycopedia In .ne.N0 ' expe ienue noeded. utnts. circulara free. Indastrial Pub. Co., Detroit Mlch. Hf AH B-iORKsit (Ourfoich wj cancurcjou.dearc gfl BI ' KIPPERS PASmLESaJlJg S' gBBBBBBBHBBBBsICbiulcaUiwB.Mas. ssm ■mvlT'O 8. A. P. LACET, lllIrHl Patvtït Attornuys, WashingPfl I ssl ■ W ton, D. C. Instructions and I opiniong on patentablllty puse. 30 y r. experlenca. PrilCinilC OIBcrra' p y. B unty procared, tnoluflOi deserten relteved. 21 years praottcc. Succjen or no fee. Wrile f.r and new law. A. W. SIcíornilck fc Son, AVu.liliiKtuii, I-). C, iml Claclnnutl, Oblo. ______, Proonred by Hoseoo B.wbeolf) ■TrilTrrr, DüiuoiT, Micu. Patenl KO I Pn I mliii-iiicsü only. Inirineomenti , ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ "proseonted and legal oplu1 Ion! rendered. Inventora' Guido free. MTO mn A DAT. SrrmfiiM wnrtlt l;? Brtwuur kalclli Jtein JioUer Co, HoUu. HU. A,n A Hoy TU. Agenta WanUil. 90 best sall il"! II inaarllciüs iji the world. lsumploi ru. QáCwU ïddies41', Utiruii, Men. nni n sworth$jüjper l. I'ettlt'sKyüSulvelsworth UuLU iiuuu,but is sulJ at SS wui a box by dealer w7n. U. D.-6-3. When wrltinK to Ádvortisers please say yuu sw the iid vertisemeut in thu l'aper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat