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VVoolgrowers of xouth western Ttiins adoptad resoiuliom uskiug eongress to ((ore tuu rooi tiritT of lo 7. umi daclaring vhdt the tari r rrduction of 1S83 lowered the prú't of vt ol one-balf, and tbat the ot ut growing wool in the United States is froiu ioiir to nine cents perpound graater tbau iu Moïuo, South America or Australia .n the regiouof Eureka Cal., is the redwoud forests ia the wond. 1 t, has just coma to light that a Uritijh syndicate ha ecured Ü4.ÜJU u -res of the beat of lt luruugh falsa entrtej. An investigation wiil follow. A distiuct shock of earthquake was fel throughout toe Carolinas aud Georgia on the Uitli inst. A vory heavy snow storm ig reported in Dakota and Minnesota. Kailro ids have been comtletely blockaded for several uays. Ureat loss of life is feareJ. Hou. James i!. Beek has beau formally eleeted senator by the Kentucky legislature for the third consecutivo term, at the conclusión of which hu will hare servad eighteen year, from March 5, 1877, to Alarcha, lsJa. Uen. Bragg of VVisoonsin has been nomi nated as United Staten minister to Mexico. A car ful. of sleeping immigrants broke .rom a train on the Southern Faciflc road u lew days ago, plunged over an 80-foot emüankinent, and caught Ure. Several ;iuss.noai's were fearfully burued. A passenger train on the Atlantic & Paoilto road was wrecked uear Coolidge, S. Ja., l' jumping the track. Misi Florence Wilson of Wuodslock 111., was killed and other passengere fatally injured. ïhe armury in Co'.umbns, Ohio, where au exhiüition of dogs, poultry, pigeom and other pets, was being held, was destroyed by iiro the other morning. ïhree hundred valuabla du were burned, and hundreds of pigeons and chicnens were creinated. Two large buildings In Lowell, Mass., owned by the city and occupied as a flre de,;artment and arraory were totally des tioyed by flre January 13. During the progress of the flre 2),000 cartridges exploded with terrible force. i rjsipelas is killing off tbe Indians of ihe ugeucy at Poplar River, -Mout. Uon. Elihu E. Jackson was inaugurated Kovernor of Mayland on the lltu lust. Six Italians were badly injured by an explosión of dynamite at Koc.iford, 111., the other day. Dr. McUlynn has been elected president of the Central Temporáneo allianoa of Brooklyn. The total value of exporta of mineral oils for the tweive months ended December ai, ÏST, was 4", L)!,;■ a-fainst $47,016,'.'.). during the same period in 1S86. Senator Hampton has reported favorably from tbe commlttee on military affairs the bill granting the right of way to the Duluth & Manitoba railroad company across the l't. Pembina military reser vatiou in Daltota. President has pardoned counterfeiter Levi G. Prattof Iowabecauseof sympathy for Pratt's wife. Values of exports of breadstults for tweive moutbs, ending Dec. 31, 1887, was tl.W,3ül,7üo as against $148, m,Q-0 for tweive montas euding Dec. 31, 1886. Prominent democrats met in Chicago the otber day and decided to form the nortliwe-tem associatiou of tarilf reform democrats. I' red Klier, a cigarmaker of Omaha, was found early on the morning of tbe Uth inst. '.'rozen to dedtb witbin a block of his boarding housa. Xwo nobool children, Wexell Beek and George Allen, started for their homos about tbree o'clock the afternoon before aud bava not been beard of since. Many per ons are reported frozen to daath iu the blizzard in the northwest on tbe I2th and 13ta inst. The storm is tbe worst known iu years. Tbe wind blew a gale, aud tbe air was so full of snow tbat a building a rod away oould not be seen. An attempt was made to wreek a train near Valparaíso, Ind., the other day, Tbe snow plow came along flrst and knocked tbe obstruction off the track. "lirandma Uarfleld," as President Garfleld's mother is calledby those who know ber, is ill at the old bomestead at Mentor, bhe wants to see "Jimmy" as sha terms her dead son, and although not very aick, it is thougbt that ber end is drawing near as she is very aged. Marcus R. Mayer, who so succesfully swindled the residents of the City of Mexico out of nearly $ 0,000 by a spurious advance sale of tickets for a series of concerts by Mme. l'atti, about a year ago, was arrested in New York a few dnys since. He bas been held to await the arrival of tbe authorities from Mexico. Several of thelargest blocka in Indianapolis were burned Jan. 13, causing a loss of nearly $1,OOU,000. Snow carried down an e'.evator at Raymond, Dakota, containing oU,000 bushels oí wheat. Commander-in-Chief Rae of the G. A. R. has gone on a trip through the eastern states. Indians in British Columbia are dying of scarlal. fever. Three men were instantly killed and several injured by the collapse of a shed near Gardnerville, N. Y. The men were trying to brace up the shed to stand tbe heavy weight of snow on the roof, when it gave way. One hundred emigrants left Belfort France, for Dakota on the 16th inst. The Missouri Pacific round house at Fort Worth, Texas, burned a few days ago, and 12 locomotivos were destroyed. Tbe conference of wool growera and manufacturera beid in Washington reacbed an agreemeut, whicb will be for mulated fortbwith nnd presentad to eongress, The agreemeut advocates a return to tbe tand of 1867, and corres,. onding readjustments of the wool and worsted rates. The Thoebe-Carlisle contest for a seat in the house of representativos has been ended, and Carlisle's title to the seat contirnieJ. V. B. Norton, ax-member of eongress, died at Pomeroy, Ohio, a few days ago. Uon. Oscar B. Hord, ex-attorney-general of Indiana, is dead President Dia, of Mexico and his cabinet announce tbat they will do all in their power to promote the immigration of Americans to lower California. ilenry OUtrom, a ij wade living near liraiuerd, Mimi., killed bis wife and saven children because he thought they would perish for lack of food aud fuel in the in tansely cold weather. The iiouiinations of LamaV and Vilas to the position to which they were recantly nominated have been continuad by the senate. Botb brancfies of the Washington Territory legislatura have re-enacted the woman's suQ'ragp law, but exempt women from jury duty. W. U. Bigelow of Maine, formerly a apacial agent of the postortlce department has baen appoiuted postmaster of the aenata. President Cleveland' message to con greas on the Pacific roads urges prompt action and maltes various tions. Tbe secretar? of the treasury ays tbat 1 under existiug laws it is impossjble to prevent the sniuggling of opium on the Pacific coast, and suggests a reduction of tbe t :riff to lessen the inducement to smuggle. The secretarv has submitted to j congrega the draft of a bilí prohibiting the importation of opium containing lees than ; 9 per cent of morphine, and authorizlng the seizure and dentruction of all opium preparad for smoking. The senute has ordered the conflrmation I of the inter-state commerce commission. Fifteen persons perished in the storm in Custor connty, Neb. Mrs. Mary E. O. H. Dow, a wealthy resident of Dover, N. H., and a leading advocate of woman's rights, has been elected president of the Dover street railway company. tjhe is the first woman ver chosen to fUl suoh a position. A train on the Lake Lrie & Western road iras wrecked 40 miles west of Findlay, Ohio. the other morning. Allen Uilbert, a traveling man from Fostoria, was crushed to death. Twenty-flve other persons werc injured, some it is thooght, fatally.


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Ann Arbor Democrat