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Jan'uakt 11, Senate. - A resolution wti adopted asking the president to transmit to congress tbe report of the l'aeilic railroad compauy. Tlie resolutiou olTered by Mi'. Hale on December 12 for a select committee to examine fully into the present condition of the civil service was taken up, and Mr. Hale addressed the senate in explanation and advocacy of it. Jtie declared tliat his object in offering it was to secure an invegtigation witli a sincere parpóse of bringing before congress the present actual condition of the civil service of the country and also the performances of eertam high and low officials of the government. At the close of Mr. Hale's address, the Blair educational bill was taken up, and Mr. Coke gpoke in opposition to it. House. - The House, on motipn of Mr. Mills of Texas, went into committeeof the whole upon the state of the Union, fortti consideration of the president's message. Mr. Mills oll'ered a resolution referring the message to the Committee on Ways and Means. The resolution was agreed to and the committee having risen, its action was confirmen by the House. The house then again went into committee of the whole on tbe ' Little Deflciency Bill." A longdebate ensued and during its progresa the question as to where the responsibility for the defeat of the deficiency bid at the last session rested, was fully discussed. The custom of holding back appropnation bilis also received considerable attention. The committee then rose, the bill was passed and the House adjourned. Jancaky 12, Senate- After a lengthy discussion a resolution was adopted instructing the couiinittee on judiciary to enquire into the álleged uppression of votes of colored citizens of Mississippi. Mr. Mitchell called up the bill introduced by hiin on December 12, abrogating all troaties heretolore made and now operativo between the United States government and tbe Chinese umpire in so f ar ns they or any of thera pro vide for, recognize or permit the carnage of Chinese to the United States, and absolutely prohibiting the coming of Chinese to the United States, excepting only diplomatic, consular and other otHcers. Mr. Mitchell address the sonate in support of the bill. Mr. S te wart oí Nevada spoke on the game side of the question and moved that the bill, and a resolution requesting the president to negotiate a treaty with the Chinese empire ezcluding all Cbinamen except diplomatic agentg and tfiose engaged in the foreign trade, be referred to the committee on foreign relations. They were so referred. House - Mr. Wilkins of Ohio, under instructions trom the committee on banking and currency, called up for present consideration tiie Lili providing for the issue of circulating notes to national banking associations. The bill was discussed for some time, but uo action was taken. The speaker laid before the house a message trom the president transmitting the invitation of the Frenen government to the government of the United States to particípate in the exposition to be held in Fans in 1S89 to coramemorate the taking of the bastile. The house then adjourned. January 13, Sexate. - The senate to-day too k up the bill to credit and pay to the several states and territorios and the District of L'olumbia all moneys collected under the direct tax act of August 5, 18ol, the question being on a verbal auiendment olfered by Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts, wiiuii the bill was up somedays ago. After some discussion tbis bill was laid aside, and Mr. Vanee of North Carolina, proceeded to address the senate in favor of the resolution otïered by Mr. Brown proposing to abolish internal revenue taxatiou. At the conclusión of his remarks the resolution was laid aside and the Blair educational bill was taken uu, and a constitutional argument made against it by Mr. Ciray of Delaware. After some discussion the bilt went over and the senate adjourned until Monday. Holsk- Air. Hatch of Missouri, from the committee on agricultura, reported a bill making appropriations to carry into effect the provisions of the act to establish experimental agriculture stations. Committee of the whole. The bill relating to permissible marks, writing or printing on gecond, tbird or fourth class mail matter was taken up and passed. After some minor business had been disposed of, the house adjourned until Monday. January 16, Senate.- Mr. Blair of New Hampshire presented in the senate to-day a memorial and resolutions of the general assembly of the kuights of labor in favor of an investigation into the management of the bureau of engraving and printing, and for such legislation as will prevent the debasement of currency notes, etc., also for an iu vestigation as to the present inethod oi suppiying postage stamps, etc. Mr. l' of Illinois introduced a bill for the establishment of a bureau of harbora and waterways in the war department to be omcered by a corps of United States enuineers. Senator Hale of Maine, introduced the house bill to créate a naval reserve. Mr. Hale also introduced a resolution directing reciprooity with any North American state orpolitical división which may adopt a republican form ol government and declaring tbat such divisions be admitted to the union on rote of congress. Among the petitions presented was one asking for a change in postal laws so that 'paper book novéis, blood and thunder stories" shall not be sent through the mails as second-class matter (paying one cent per poundj, while school, law, scientific and religioua books have to pay eight cents a pound. Senator Palmer introduced a number of petitions frora citizens of Branch, ingham, Calhoun, Barry and Hillsdale countiea, praying for the passuge of the bill degigned to protect the innocent purchasers of patent anieles. The senator also introduced a petition from citizens of Benzie county for the passage of th.; bill to restrict immigration which he introduced some time ago. He also introduced bilis for the relief of Emma A. Fish and to pensien Bridget 1 ole y and William A. Stockman; also a bill to fix (by increasing) the compensation of inspector of hulls and boilers. House.- A resolution vu introduced asking for an in vestigation of the alleged dUcriminatiou against American ve.-Mji. - Under the cali of states a number of bilis were introduced, among tliem the following: To reduce the treasury surplus and to grant bounties to wbeat-growers; the bill proposes to reduce the by paying a bounty of twenty-five cents per bushei on all wheat exportad to foreigu countries. Kor the relief of purchasers of swamp and overilowed lauds; to pro vide for the retiremunt of United States bonds before maturity ; to tost the science of 8ielling, and to irovide for establisbing Uw schools for that purpo-e; to place luuaber, coal and salt on the free list; ai olUhing the tax on tobáceo, and the duty on lumber, coal, salt, wool and blankets; to retire national bank notes and to substituto treasury notes therefor; placing all kinds of lumber ou the free lint. - Kepresentative Cutcheon introduced a iiil to increase the pension of the widow of Capt. W" alter Clittord, late of th United States army. The lady now resides in Mr. Cutcheon's district. Mr. Cutcheon also introduced a resolution asking for an inveitigation of the Colorow Judian troubles. - Representativo Tarsney iutroduced a bill authorizing the construction of public buildings for post and other government offices in every city haviug a poslmaster, The cost of the buildings is to range from $20,OUO in towns of HJ,iHW inhabitants to $150,uuO in towns of 5U.UOÜ inhabitants. - Mr. Anderson of Kansas offered a resolution directing the committee on commerce to investígate the xteut, causes and etfect upon the inter-state commerce of tlie continued fai.ure by the Headiug railroad company to transport such inter-atate trattic. Janüart 17, Sexaïe- The bill relating to permicsible printing or writing on second, third and fourth class mail matter, and the bill relating to the inspection of steam boilers were passed. After tbe Blair education bill had been discussed tor some time, the bill relating to marriage betweeu white men and lndian women was taken up and passed, when the senato adjourned. Hol'se.- The ïllness of Speaker Carlisle was announced to the house, and Mr. Cox of Novr York was chosen speaker pro tem. The resolutions adopted at the conference of wool growers, wool dealers and wool manufacture were submitted and ordered printed. The president's message accompanying the report of the Facilic railway commissiou, was read, and with the report referred to the committee and ordered printed. The bill to provide for the issue ol circulating notes to uational banking associations was discussed, but not acted upon. Jackson wants to entertain tbe toutheastern grand army encampment tbis yoar, and bas raised $500 fir that purpose. The Scandinavian labor club of Menominee bas adopted resolutions supportiug Hon. Bartley Breen of that place for cougress. Ii.i.itf.ract !s rapidly Increailng la Lonisiana President Cleveland is learning to ride a horso. Jay Gould's Income is placed at $1,000 anhour. Gen. Sheridan says that h wants no political office. The after-bloom of th goldon-rod s caüed silver-rod. Daniel Webster spok on an average of 70 woi'ils a minute. The boss beet at the Little Bock expositiou weighed 50 pounds. Mrs. Cleveland will not begtn her reeeptions till early in January. John G. Whittier will celébrate ais ei;htiethb:rthday December 17. Mayor Hewitt tbiiiks that the Recordiug Angel writes shorthand. Vermont electa a governor every year, and pays him a salary of $500. TuiKTr-prvE per cent of th population of Mex co are said to be Indiana. "Wainy, weedy, weeky" is the Boston pronunciation for "veni. vidi, vicL" The name of Garfield avenue, Washington, bas been changed to Wyoming. The membership of Dr. Paxton's church New York, represenU $8.000,000. A lakge consignment of stoves hai been shipped to Germany from Reading, Pa. Pbiladelphia built nearly 7,000 houses this vear, valued at over $24,o(X),ooa Miss Ethel Sprague hopes to begin her dramatic career at the Boston Museum. Jay Gould says the French railways are half a contury behind the American. A nashville peddler offered to sell an old rebel flag for $5. There wer no takers. Jerico is 1,100 feet below the sea level. No olher city in the world U so far down. Lieut. CrsiiiNo claims that the Zunl and Chinese niythological languages are the same. A little fíve-year-old's first impression of snow was, "Mammal mammal it's raining pills!" All pnzuficrnters over 168 pounds are calleil heavy-weights. Under 110 they are "bantams." THElargest park in the United States is the Fairmount in Phildelphia. It con taina 2,740 acres. It is culculated that this year' product of the Michigan iron mines will aggregate 4,700,000 tona. The young Kngligli woraan who fiifnred in the Valentine-Baker affair ia still alive and unmarried. The manufacture of fnlse teeth for horses is lueutioued among the industries that ure springing up. Charles Dickens, while in Illinois, will visit the grave of his brother Jeffrey, who is buried at Mol me. Col. Ingersoll is said to be agaiu worried over a tumor in his throat, whicli he fears may be a cáncer. It is reported that the Chicago Timtê is to be made a Blalne organ, wlth J. S. Clarkson, of lowa, as editor. Senator Hiscock is a fatalist, and believes that what is to be will be. This belief sa ves him a deal of luistling. George Francis Train writes from his Canadian retreat that he will soou return to New York, abandoning his idea of expatriation. A Boston man estituates that not less than 9,000.000 kittens are annually brought into tbs sinful world, the majority to be drowned. The population of the states and territories on June 1 last was 60,689,000 in round numbers, and will be 61,441,00Ü on January 1, 188a The largest pluntation in the Soutb is owned by ex-Governor Alcorn, of Mississippi, who has 4,000 acres undei cultivation in Cohoama county. A man and a woman rocen tly ploked cotton in Yazoo county. Miss., on a wager. Their day's work amounted to 609 and 601 pounds respeclively. A PATCnwork quilt made by chlldren in the United States, and an Indian shawl, the gift of Queen Victoria, wei buri-ied witli Jenny Lind, at her request Fannie B. Ward was surprised to find in Mexico pigs in leading string, trotting around witli ladies, like pug9 and pooclle dogs do here in the United States. John W. Young, Bripham Young'i oldest son, is said to be a suocessfiil business man and a shrewd builder ui railroads in Utah territory. He has only live wives. The Society of Physiuians of Vienna was in high featber when the announcement was made that Dr. CostaAlvarena had bequeathed it a legacy of 3 óüO.000 Portugese reis. The joy was mucb modiKed wheu it was explained that tbe money value of all the mllions was about $4,800.


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