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E V BR Y TH I KG NEW! W. G. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE ! !io. 21 North Main Btreet, adjoiniutf the DufTy Block nnd opposite the Postoffice. Best Turnouts in the City AT REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Crders altcnded to d anv part of the city and vioinity. Telephoiie connection. HACKS RUN NICHT &'DAY. LIVERY AND FEED BARN. T ÜST Opencd by HIRAM KITREDGE, n t:ie rear of the Dtiffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations for 75 rlorses. Patronage Solicited. H. KITREDGE. ANV ARBOR. ----- MICH. M. P. VOGEL, Eight yearswith Henry Matthewsi has opened a Meat Market A l1 IVo. 1 S Hnron Ht., Ind witl keep on lmod Fresh, Salt, nnd Smoked Meata, Poultry, and Game whtn in scnRon. M. P. VOCEL. Ann Arbor, Mioh COLLINS & AMSDEN, - - OEALKltS IN - Stone Lime. Water Urne, Cement Calcinecl Piaster, Plastering Hair, and 13, FLI O ISL . AND MASONS' SUPPLIES IN GENERAL. Also all kiuds of VVOOD and COAL. - also - Flo-ar and ZFeecL and Baled Hay. ut FICES, No. 33 nnd 36 East Hurón CEÖTOLPl PROPR1ETOR OF THE New Livery Stable Boardine and Varaiers' Feed Barn. At Uaxter's Old Stand, Oorner Huron and Second Street. rüRNOUTS ALL.NEW'AND NEAL CharRes Reasonable. Telcphone Connectlor. FuriÉre Store I give tbe BIGQEST BARQAIN3 in the Couuty iu the Furniture Line. j Coll, öee HTid be Convincert. No. 11 j Eflst A nn Ötreet. eix dou Lait ol th I Pcwtoffic Mack & Schmid's JANÜAEY Clnsiit Sale. We've marked down our entire stook of WINTEB GOODS, DRESS G00D3, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES. riannel Blanketa, Lndies' and Children's Cloa3s:s Kuit Qoods, Hoods, Toboggane, Nubias, Skirts, etc, eto. We nre oilering the most marveloua' values ever shown in Ann Arbor. These gooJs must be oleaned out. 'he loss is ours. The gain is yonrs MAOK & SCHMID. t 11 II nnd S-5 Thcm. Ann Arbor, January 12. 1888. Why H a red rose like the presentaron t a body to a medie d college? BecauBe 's a dead gire away. (Oh! timfs Hwful! f ill tha brotlireu please credit it?) WMNERHRENNEI No. 16 South Main St. A FUL!. LINE OF FBESH GROCËRÏES ust Opened, of TEA.S, C0FFEE8 SUG AKS an d SPICES . We also oarry a full line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. LEAVE ORDERS. FOB CE CREAMS AND ICES OF ALL KINDS. MALAGA CRAPES, Bananas, AND FLORIDA ORANCES, Constantly on hand, at HANCSTERFER'S. No. 28, South Main Street, the Ann Arbor Savings Bank rgaiized 1S69. un ier tho General Banking Law 'thlseta" has now, ir--' -iding capital Stock, te., eto. OVER $300,000 ASSETS.' Bus'ness men, Guardlans. Trustees, Ladles nd other persons wlli lind this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT lace at whlch to make Deposita and do business. nterest is Aüowed on A! Savings Deposita f 81 OOand npward, accordlng to the rules of ie ban c, and interest compounded seinl-annully. Moneyto Loan m Suma of $28 to 10,000. ecu red by ünlncnmbered Real E tate and otlier ood securitieg. DIRECTOKS-Chrl-icaln Mack, W. W. WlneB, V. W. HarriuU i. WHilam Denble, David Rlosey, Daniel Hlscock and W. B. SmltQ. OFFICERS-Chrltlai Maok, President; W. W Alnas, Vics-President O. E. Hl-cock-, Caslier. Jno. Eisele, Keeps All Kinds of Prá G rocen es AND Ganned Goods. Xlie líi'si f5O eentXoa in the Oitv. o. 2 Detroit St-efi. Ann Arbor. JOHN MLTEULIG, ONDERTAKBR. UOOMS No.35 South Main Street over A. L Noble's store. RESIDENCE 61 South Main S.t., Ann Arbor, Mich, JOK MARTIN, Lat wiih John MuehUg, and atlll oocupyinf th same roomt, la prepared to do all kinds of W Upholsteriog and Flnlíhing done oa Short No% tiae. Leave your ordera for anythlng ia tbe FURN'ITURE LINE. Stop over A. L. Noblu's Star Clothlng House, 35 Squth_Main st., Annl Arbor SPOlERPAT. COLLAÍ Cannot Choke a Horse. BBk. Cíl Adjusts itself to any Horses Neck. 7 5Í Has two rows of Stltchlng. MMk Wlll holA Hames In place. t Nont Genuine unltss tamptd jSÈÊW W MKYOUH JJ E ƒ K E Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A'Stock Pattern with us and can bo ad in sip arate pieces as well as sets and matched foryearsto come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBUR, - MICH. We ooma bofore the poople wlth he hrísst and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADlNC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Sntirely coo nnmrous to menMon for the outtinffor tli.i din ilm-Br Xnñ ■ we hwe the enrices of one of the bet outters, and algn our ut maker are amonn the best, embl-s us to lease the ra st tahtonable dre9ers. No-v all we haveto ay Is come o and we wlll gunranfe 'ou the lowest prices in thn Rtate for first-class ;oods. No trouble to show goods. Rememborthe place, No. 6 East ■luron Street, four doors west of heCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. JalacFGrocer ! I have Just received a fresh new stck of Cauued Goods, kth Forelen nnd Domeetlc, whlc1, I can sell at ORE AT H AR' J A1XS. My Fine Teas and Cotfees ARE UNEXCELLED. have the flnest and most compUte stock of BTUDENT, UBRARY, HALL and TAND LAMPS f any one in the county. Aleo a large ine of Crockery, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purohase while the selectlon is comiHte and conviuce yourselvea that I give the BEST BARUAINS of auy olher store In Anu Arbor. 2O Bars Babbit's Best Soap for SI. OO. FREDT. STIMSON. No.9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Mich EXINGER&BOES,1 Proprietors of thO EXCHAHGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW.: TEBMS $1.00 PER DAY.j n oonnection with the Hotel are Barn Accommodations. H. LAUBENGAYER SELLS Bottled Beer In Pints and Quarts and delivered to any part of the City F ree of Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or Icave orders at the Postoffice. The Palace Liverv I nt lest ui Best Trniils IN THEICITY. LI VER Y AND SALE StalDle. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St.. Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone No. 31. COAHi. The Best Coal in the City. For Both Hard and Soft Coal cali on M. STAEBLER, NO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Teiephone No. 8. HENRY RICHARDS, Is again in business. This timo in the rear of Jno. Finnejjan's Agncnltural Hall, Detroit street. -ALL KINDS OFHARD Al SOFT WOOD on hand. and orders taken for COAL. I will also lay in a stock of HARD WOOD LUMBER for the SpriDg Trade. Old friends and customers ure invited to cali and see me. Henry Richards. RINSEY k SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. liave on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Susars, In largo arnounu, and at CasIbL Prioes And can sell at Low Flpire. The large inrotee of Teas thnv huy and Bell, is good proof that In Quality and Price thev Give Bargains They Roaat thelr own Coffees every week, an none but i rime articles are used. Their Bikery turns out ezceUest Bread. CaX udennen. 011 asd wa Una.


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