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President and Mrs. C!evelin:l have been invited to attend tlr celebr itioa in Cineinnati of the cent-nnial anniver ary of the acquisitioo of tUe northwest territory under the urJinance of UsT. It i :aid tLut in several Minnesota towns raiiroud buildings were torn dowu by the citizens tor fuol during the frightful storm. The arcad ful list of fatalitles of the fearful storm in the west and norchwest now reache, 98 . Dr. Norvin Green, president of the Western Union tolegraph company, made a strons p.ea in opposition to the government telegraph bill before the senate conim ttee the other day. The national board of trade adopted a resoiution askiug congress to amond the naturalization laws. This resoiution provides that nu person can be given the rights of citizensbip who does not display a duly authenticated certifícate Trom a uustoms otfleer setting forth the d ita of the urriviil of such person, the place of entry into this country, the port whence he departed for this country, nis place of nativity and the country he shall have left. A collision of two passenger trains occurred on the Minueapolis & St. Louis railroad near the foot of Third street, Duluth, the other day. It was a complete wreek, and a number ot passenger were injured. Une man was decapitated. A. Diebold, a coal dealer in Louisvllle. Ky.. was frozen to death the other night. Mrs. Kred Tassier of Gary, Dakota, who became insane over the fats of her two boyi lost in the blizzard, is dead. Eer sons sou iht shelter in a school house, taking their catt.a with them, and wers saved. John VV. Koss has been nominatad for postmaster at Washington. Mr. Roas has been a res, d nt of Washington since 1STO Philadelpnia had a f l,J5.),o ) i tire Jan. 23. W. T Reynoldi, oashier of the Citizens' bank at T.imestone,!. T., was murdered by masked men, who entered the bank the other afternoon, and demanded that he turn over the cash on hand. Bal i nore Methodist preachers object to i're iilent Cleveland's gift of a ropy of the constitution to the Pope, and have adopted a series of resolutions censuring the Presiden . President Fitzgerald of the Irish national eague received a few days ago a draft for $1 jj( froin Mr. F. 1!. Hayes of Ottawa, Jan da. This is the tlrst monoy received n re -ponst to tl e pre ident's appeal askinqr l.uoO Irishmen to subscribe $1,00) ea;h. The Hon. W. P. Ballinger, one of the foremost 'awyers of the soutuwest, exudtreoftho upreme court of Texas, and urtge of tlie United States mpreme coart, (iied in Galveston a few days ago Postmastr General Dickinson, on behulf of tin Unit.d Ktates, has signed a [wrcol po t conveiition with British Hondiiri . lettia McCullough, widow of the i'nmous tragedian, died in Fhiladelphia a fuw duys a;;o The bill reported to the senate for the a'imis-itm of South Dakota is substantialy the same as that passed by the senate ; tast sesion. 1 he remains of 'Grandma" Garfleld have been placed in the receiving vault at LaUeview, Cleveland, with those of the president. Tne pólice station at Bt. Thomas, Ont., 1 . iii-ii d t .o other niglit, and a tramp was burued to deatb. Charles O'Brien, cashier of the First ational bank of Auburn, N. H., is a de" faulter to the amount of $200,000. O'Brien lias lied, and is believed to have gone west. The estimated loss of sheop in half a dozen Texas counties is 20, 0J0. Senator Uoar lia a bill in the senate to open negotiations Tor making the Weiland a tree canal, and to have a canal built ironi the Lay of Fundy to the Bt. Law rence at the joint expense of Canada and the United States, The Knights of Labor have petitioned congres Kgainst steain printing in the bureau of engraving and printing. A Washington dispatch says that" a inovement is on foot to "doek" members of congress who are absent at roli cali hereatter. l'ostmaster-üeneral Dickinson has isued an order setting forth what may be written or printed on tbird and four tb rla33 matter. Ihe restrictious as to writmg upon matter of the third and fourth cla-sei are substantially the %me as ander tbe old law, but in general all restriction as to printing on these two classes are removed, ezcept as to the reservation of pace uecessary lor addressing the matter and the plucing thereou oí postage i tamps. Holmes the Saratoga undertaker who embalmed Gen. Orant's body, sued the New York Times for libel because thatpaI er said lie was drunk when he did it. A vordict for iö.ixw has bean awarded Holmes. AccordinK to the report of the board of control of the industrial home of Utah Territory, sent to the senate a few days ago, that institution is not a success. TbeDuluth, Northwestern itt Winnipeg railroad company, with a capital of .5,000,000, has been incorporated at Du. ulb. The proposed line is to run from . 'ui.iih y milos to Grand Kapids on the Upper Mississippi, to which point it is eipected it wi.l be built tbis season, and irom there to the Manitoba border and to a point on tiie Red river between the Aorthern Faciflc at Fargo and the Manitoba road at Grookston. It will make an eastern connection with the Dulutti, t outh óliore & Atlantic road. A Germán luborer employed by a farmer near belgrade, Montana, was frozen to death during the recent blizzard. The uiua.wbS ick, and bis employer let him iie in a uoid room without proper food or Dlttd:Cine. The other morning the man was found dead in his bed, and his body was placed in a woodshed, where it was partially eaten by hogs. Gov. Swineford of Alaska is in Washington to urge the claims of that territory for ropresentation in congres. The repubican convention of the Distnct of Columbia met in Washington the i.Llierduy and selected delégate to the nation&l conventiou. The conveution was divided into two factions, known as the 'nr.-i n fuction and the Chase faction. The following were chosen: Chase fac tion - Judge Samuel Shellabarger, formerly membur of congress from (Jhio, and i'red A. Dysun; alteruatea, W. Calvin Chase and il. il. Holland. Carson faction- Parry Carson aud Auilrew Gieason; alternates, ]aniel Cabill anl Marcellus WestWith the exception of Shellabarger, Gieason and Cabill, all the delegates and I alternatos of both factions ars colored. The Cai-soa faction is put down for Blaine and tbe Chase faction for herman. Au explosión occnrred in a cual mine near Victoria, 15ritish Columbia, the other any. Two hundred ininers wera buried, but it is tb'juht will be taken out alive, although som of thein will be terrible injurud. Sincu the present systom of internal revenue taxation went into effect, Sept. 1, 1862, down to June 3, 1SS7, there wa ected from special tax on distillers, $25,138,81; brewers, $4,!32,38;! ; rectlfiars, $7,2' 0,079; capaeity tax on distillers andar a law laying a tax of f 'I per barrel on distilleries having a di-itillery capaeity over a certain fixed amount, $7,32,4S7. The production of distilled spirits during thi9 lime was 1,615,852, 1!4 gallons, and oL fermented 1 qaors, 2b9,7i9,7S2 barrels. The amount of tax collected on the spirits waa (1,099,3 9,980, and on the fermented liquors $294,ii;,119. ____ ONE THOUSAND PERISH. The Blizzard the Worst Ever Known. Judge J. F. Kinney, agent of the Yankton Sioux Indian agency in Dakota, arrived in Nebraska City on the 2id inst., alter being nine days on the road. Fiye days were necessary for the party to travel 30 miles. The thermometer was at 40 below zero most of the time. The judge says the loas of life in Dakota has been greatly underestimated, as the Dakota papera have tried to cover it up. He describes the scène wtaich took place on the cars. The coal was running low. The passengers were crowded into one car, trying to keep warm. Two babies perished. The men discarded all the outer garments they could spare and gave thom to the women and children. Finding these not enough they brought mail sacks from the postal car and wrapped the children up in them. While at oue station in Bonhomme county, the judge says, 19 frozen bodies were brought into the depot in one day. In Bonhomme county the list of dead will reach fully 160. 'ihe estímate, as made at Yankton, of the loss throughout the territory figure up over l,0U0 Uves lost. The connties where the loss of lif was the largest are: Bonhomme, ltiO; Uutchinson, 14; Lincoln, 13; iieadle, 25; Kpiuk, ÍS; llftnd, 10; vvard, 15. The northern and central parts of the territory have not been heard from fully. Roads from the agency to Yankton are linoil with dead cattle, many farmers loting all they had. One man lost over 100. The loss of stock canuot be estimated. Notwitbstanding the reliability of this information Minueapolis papers ay that the story as told by Judge Kinney is an absurdity. Says the Journal of that city: !■ uture reports ure rather likeiy to decrease than increase the list. Uver a week han now passed since the bli.zani ( broke, and the Journal has had complete returns from its corps of correspondent in every important point in the territory. It is siinpiy ïnipossiMe that news has been suppressed, for tüe Journal's reports have been veritled entirely by those of thU morninjj's papers. How a man who con fesses to have beensnowed up for the past nine clavs can estímate the loss ot'life with more accuracy than newspapers in constant telegraphic communication with the whole territory is incomprehensible. Will Have to Hang. The supremo court of the United States has rendered a decisión in the case of Hugh M. Brooks alias VV. H. Maxwell, asumí the state of Missouri. This is the famou Maxweil-Preller murder ca e. Brooks, or Maxwell, the plaintiff in error, is now in prison in the city of St. Louis under sentence or death fur the murder of C. Arthur Freller in April, Ib85. The case was brought to the supreme court upon a writ of error to the supreme court of Missouri, and the decisión is upou a niotion made by the at torney -general of that state to dismiss for want of jurisdict iun. 'ihe court was un able, after a careful exaniination of the record, to lind that the plaintitï in error had been deprived oi any right, pnvi.ege or ïuimunity guarauteed to him by the constitutiou ol tne i inte i States, u'i the motion to dismiss for waut ot.uiisdiction was therefore gran. cd. 'Ihe decisión was annouuced by . ino. Justice Waite. and its euecc is to atlirm the sentenoe Oi death pronounced by the toto oonrt. Lámar jviaes üath. L. Q. C. Lamar, took the oath as a justice of the supreme court on the lSth inst. The oath is as folio w=.: "I, Ij. Q. C. Laniar, do solemnly swear that 1 will administer jutice without respect to persons and do eual right to the poor and to the rich, and that 1 will iaitlilully and impartially discharge and perform all the dutius incumbent on me as as8ociate justiceof tbe supreme court of the United States according to the best of my abüity and understanding, agreeable to the constitution and the laws of the United btates, 80 help me Uod."


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