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Eater Sunday falls on April 1. A fine ice erop is being liarvested. O. R. Wbitman viaited the metropolis Monday. The league base lall season will open April 26. My Aunt Bridget at tbe grand to-morrow eveuiiig. Saturday night 13 degs. below zero The coldest jet. Miohigan dairymeu's association in Adrián Feb. 14 18. State veterinary surceons' convention in Battle Creek, i'ebruan 7. Geo. Olp bad a valuable robe stolen whilü iu Vpsil iuti laat week. Leap ear parties seem to be quite tbe raye tlirougliout tlie country. H. O Gregory, of Dexter, paid tlie Democrat a visit Friday iast. Evangelme was phiyed to a (tood house WeUuesday eveuiUK at I he grand. U'rauk P. Uosrardus, f Ypsslanti, has been appoiuted posioffi n: inspector. Franaifl Murpliy. the noted teinperance advocate, is about to euter tbe miniatry. iMr. and Mrs. O Comstock, of Tpailanti, vieited MajuT Hieveus and fauuly lai-t week. Have yonr eyes open for the totul eclipse of tbe moon to-morroA' afternoon. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Eli S. Matily wat held from ber late residence, fiftb ward, Üunday. The newspapers speak in the highest praise of Gejrge VV. Mouroe'u "Aunt üridget." tíeo. V. Ciop9ey ís able to be around again. Hjs íujuriea were not as bad as tiret reponed. Mrs. J . T. Sunderland lectured in ypsilanti Tuesday evoning on " l'he license system " Oapt. L. L. Jaues of this city deliverec u course of lecturea ou intüxicants, tbis wtek, iu Uoncord, Mioli. How to celébrate tt. Patrick's day íb just now occupying the miada of aomeo uur leading Irisb citizena. A large nuraberof clerKjinen atteudeJ tbe Episcopal convention held ni thiscit) Tuesday and Wedneaday of tliis week. Tbe aunual uieetiug of the Michigan state temperante allmnce will be held a Jacksou tb ürït Wedneiday in Febru ary. Mr. II. Kempf is in the east. The justiee shops grind slowly. Another big suow storm on Wedues day. Coasting is most excellent, bul ver dangerous. Monthly meeting of the pomológica Boenty, Feb. 4. John Remick smili s a great big smile He is papa dow. Kicbard Lennani, of Milan, was in th city Tue-day on business. Shiawassee, Cass and Eaton counties are now prohibition counties. Mrs. Phoebe G Weed, mother of Henrj S. Woed uow receives n peusiou. Tuesday a niarringe hcense was issuei to a Miss Clara Henderson, of this city. Miss Grace Hiltz, of Chicügo. sang in the Methodist church öunday morning. Quantitias of wood is being brough into the city, and it fiuds a ready markei Mrs. C. L. Pack, of N. Iugalls street. entertained friends at tea Wednesday afternoon. There is lo be a grand masqiierads ball at the opera house in öaliue, .iTriday evening, Feb. 3. The incorporators of the Ann Arbor mutual tire insurance compauy elect oilicerg this evening. Jno. Loney iittended a sessiou of the grand lodge of coloreil masous iu Ypsilunti, Tuesday night. The land league held their first meeting last eveuing. E. Dull'y, president; .Miss Devaney, secretary. Mr. i'. Engone Yale was made the resipient of an elegant meerschaum pipe ast week, the gift of sever-.l friends. The court room was crowded TueBday evening to hear the argmnents before Judge Kinne on the injunction case. Dr. Eddy not Ieavins for Florida last wepk preached in the I'resbyteriau ohurch Suuday mornin? and evening. Alias Ada Worden, of Greeu Oak, sister of Mrs. Wm C. Steveus, of this city, lefi nis week for California fora few inouthfc' slay. Tuis evening in Saliue there will be a hree mile bioyole race betweeu E. W. íeihler of this city, aud G. I. Keibier of jodi. B. F. Watts was tendered a reception ast Thursday evening in bouor of Iris election as grand Uigh priest of the grand hupter of Michigan. Hangsterfer bas some flue samples of ce in ron' of Lis coufectionery store Cd will give you good ice next auninn r s he has harvested a large quautity. Geo. Bluin, one of the mail carriers baR íeen takiug a vacatioti. J. Polbemus ías been busy attending to ihe deliverng of the uiail during.Blum's absence. Dr. Bunn, of Brookly, N. Y , addressed be ladies' missionary society of St Aurew's cburch and the delegates from this iocese, Wednusday niorning, at Hobart hall. The D., L. & N., nnd T. & A. raüroade will coiameuce thetrauafer of pasaeugere nd freight it tlieir new junotiuu, jimt ast of Uiis place, Feb. lat. - Iíowl-11 Demcrat. The Eastern Michigan poultry breedrs' aBsociutiou wili Ue lielil in Lililí Gnard hall, Ypsilanti, Feb 6 11. Tbis xhibition will be of mnch interest to lióse iuterested in the poultry busiuess. A young people"s ooiety is being orauizcd in thu VVhiting neighborhood outh of the city. Keligioua meetings re held each Thursday eveuiug a uunier of youug peoplefrom the oity attendng- Linus Clark, of Green Oak, Livingston Jo , died Jan. 18tb, aged 75 years. Mr ;lark was a brother of Martin Clark of lis city, aud had been a resident of Mientan and lived on one farm for üfty-üve earo. The diocesan miasionary confersnce of ae episcopal church held a veiy bucccüsul meeting in Hobart hall Tuesday and Vednesday of this week. About tifty lergt men and lay delegates were iu atendance. Win. P. Ballingr, ex-member of the upreme court of Texas, died Jan. 2Ü. udge Ballinger had a number of frieuds n this city. He had two daughters who raduated from the high school a few ears ago, and oue sou a gradúale of the uivermty. New York typewriter operators are ndignaiit becnuse the snpreme court ías ruled tba' documenta filed in liie ourt must be of paper at least fourteen ouuds to the ream. Qn aucli thick 'aper a typewriter cannot niake more lian one duplícate copy. Iíev. J. T. Sunderland will exchance ulpits uext Suuday with Kev. Dr. Kexord of Detroit. Dr. Rexford's aubject n the eveniug will be ihat wluch -Mr underland has advertised in hia series f discourseson religious projlems viz: In what ticnee is Jesús a bavior?" George W. Mayes, of Detroit, died uuday at bis residence in that city, iiged 3 jears. liis body was taken to his oll ïome in Dexter wbere the funeral was ïeld Wednesday. Mr. llaves was well cuown in bimiuess circles in tbis city, rbere forseveral years hu waB manager of lie farmers' store. A large joint transfer house is to be rei ted at Manhattan Jnnotion by the lichigan Central and Aun Arbor roads or the purpose of aucommodating f reiglit ver the roads, and to facilítate the eaa] ranafer of the same. This improvement will eutail considerable expense, aa mam ;w tracks will have to be built to icommodate the neceasary business of tiese roads at that place. It niay not be generally known tbat vhenamaple treeiabruiaeii it never heal )Ut decays. and that insect atiraoted b liesweetsap gradually eat into the heart f the tree and kill it. Thecitv. snow plows are bruising more simde tieéa aul aving tho way tor more treelesa atreets u a day Iban a man cmlil do in a week vi til au axe. Unless Rometliiiiff is dooi o stop this wautou destruction Lansiut; vili some day have to pay a heavy penlly. - Lansiug.Iouinal. Perbaps this is by ao m-iuy of our niaple trees died last immer. The Uuitaria-n church held its annual neeimi{ last wenk Tuesd;iy, with a largi? tteudance. Reports were read of the jistyeir's work, from the pastor, the rusiees, the treasurer, the library cora niitee. the ladies' union, the Sunda cliool, tlie Sunday eveniug vouns people's claas, the uuity club, the U. C. V club, and "The Uuitanan " aud the boys' club. The church is out of debt; allit mauy activitiea aro going forward with vigor; the ast probnbly t most irospi-rous tbat the aociety bas ever had. Jue hundreJ aud seveuty volumes üave jeen iidded to the church library during he year. New York Sun. "My Aunt Bridget," a new farce-oomeily by Öeott Marble, was given at Windsor tbeatre, with }e rfi W Monroe and John 0. Ricn in he star parts. Mr. Monnie male a hit i8 Our Bridget iu George S. Kuight' 'Over the Garden Wall," and in thin play he starts out as a star with a play of his own in which Bridget is made the central cbaracter. "My Auut Bridget' s a greit play, aad it gives .Mr. Monroc a chance to show his ability an'an Irish comedian and John C. Rice aa a dancen and light comedian. The oompany is rood, aud the performant-e gave excellent satisfaction. Xew York Times: Geo.W. Monroe and John C. Rice, aupported by their own compauy, appeared at Windsor tlieatre in a play constructi-d by Mr. Scott Marble and called " My Aunt Bridget." Mr. Monroe achieved hi-s present at irry position in the dramatic akies by performinu in a play of Mr. George Kuigbt's a part similar to that which he now performs He is just as good in this as lie was in that. riiat a greal many people in the world hke to see this kiud of actiug is not to be denied. That it hos nny laima to critical notice cannot be attirmed It is merelv necessary to mention as a matter of record that the play wbs given am the andience appeared to be gif a' y peas ed with it. The theatre wa crowded. Lent begins two weeks trom nex Wedncsday. First-class miustrel p'-rforinunce a the grand Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallaee,of Chat tanooga, Tenn. , are in the city. Mrs. Charles Kintner leaves next wee: for Washington, for a short visit. In another column will be found th cali for a local option election Feb. 27. Rev. Dr. Steele preached in tlie Con gregational clmroh last Suuday morn lag. Thatcher Primrose & West's minstre show Wednesday eveuiug February 1 at the grand. Dr. Gibbs, the new medical profewor is expected to begin work the tirst o next Bemester. Prof. E. Baur and Evart H. Scott at tended the forestry convi-ution held in (iraud liapids tuis week. Mrs. E. H. Hudsou, of the Oook house was inarried to Mr. E. D. Fleioher, of Milwaukee, Wis., Wednesday. Mrs. L. D. Wines and neece, Miss Jenuie Wines, were eeriously iujured wJiiU coasting one evening last week. Mr.andMrs. Henry Hawkins.of Detroit are thegue3ts of the fo: mer's mother, Mrs. iVlary Hawkins, of Fou th stieet. Vou can buy a $4.00 Derby hat of Jacobs & Co., for $1.50. They advertise great ruductions in clothing. Si e ad. It you want a good hearty laugh go ind hear Thatoher, Primiose & West's minstrels, at the grand next Wednesday Feb.l. Rev. T. W. Maclean, of 8t. Lake's churcb, Ypsilanti, bas been called to the reetorsliip of Trinity churcb, Bay City. [t is believed he will accept. Mr. Jolin Riuiscl'en berger, of Ann Ar bor towu died Saturday of typhoid fever, aed 64 years. The funeral was held Tiiesday, at the Bethleham church. Feb. 2 there will be an entertainment n the ladies' library building, fciven by Miss Noble, the Detroit elocutionist The proceeds are for the beneñt of the assooiatioD. Tbe Chronicle of Jnn. 21st, 6ays it was tbe only paper in the city to give the cornct title to the play to be produeed by the drarnatio club, Feb. 4th. I would ask the gentlemen which is the correct title as in place in the issue of January 21, it speaks of " The Mystio Bell of Kouquerolle?," and in another "The Mystio liell of Rouquerallea?" It is strange how some men can sit arnund lirhours, dayp. weeks and months and not get tired There ia a ïnau in our ity who can take ihe premium on being be cbampion "setter." He ha tired oui 11 of our oliairs. Somebody please inite Inm for a while and give us a re.' ud ii chance to tr onr chaira and read ur daily morning paper. Tuesday evening Mrs. Matheson, molier of Mrs. Dr. Tiler, was seiiously inured tlirout'li the carelesuneasof a draynan, the shaft of whose dray was driven withgreatforceagainst her s de. She b eudeie.1 alinost seuseless by tho sbook or a time and had to be aseisted home. A urgeon was ealled who found lier badly rmsed externally, but could not speak f the extent of internal injuries at that i me. V'e are in receipt of a ropy of the ouff Journal, published by C. J. Vhituey & Co , Detroit. It is a monthly ubhcation of 40 pages, replete with eau of musical interest from all parts f the country, beaidea contamina everal choice pieces of music. The nee of the Journal is Sl. 0 a year, ucludiuK a premium of $1.1)0 worth of jeet music of your ovvn selection from ïeir catalogue. The Journal should be u every bousehold having a musical nstrument. The monthly meeling of the WaRhteaw porologieal society will be held on je 4th of February, in the basement of ecourt house, at 2p. m. Topics: Some ïmnlal results of removing foresta, by Jrof Mnrk Harringtdn; fruit excliaoge, y president Baldwin. Foreatry is re iving general atteution jut now, and 11 the friends interested in the prosperiv of our heautiful state are invited to articipate in this most important and leglected subject. To fruit growers, the opic, "Fruit Exchange" will be an essena' question. There wül be an exhibit f tíowers and of fruit- green, dried and reserved. Stauding room ouly, the little sign lat never fails to gladden the heart of ohn T . Ford, was displuyed last night t Ford's opera l:onse. But the sign id not accuratelv describe thesituation. 'be attraution was Thatcher, Pnmrose ud W'ebt's miuRtrel. It is a starthug UDg to aunounce that a minstrel per'ormance is entirely new, bnt it is true in jis iustance, for it is radical ly different rom the old-timera. Burnt oork and wallow-tail coat8 have been disi-arded, )y the end men, for white faces anl andsome court costumes. And this is lot the ouly ohange. Anoient jokes ïave given way to uew ouee, and the peciality acts are not iis they were, but ie fresh and novel und iuteresting. In ts entirety the eompany is decidedly the est ever seen in Baltimore. Tuut the udience were of tliin opinión was shown y their sereams of laughtel: and üus


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Ann Arbor Democrat