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Gei Your Property Insuied By C. H. MILLEN, tHÍSURA-NOE AGENT, Ho. South Mam street, Ann Arbor. The oldeft airnicy in Ui city. Established aquarterof a cc ntiiry Kf presenting the follnwlng flretclasK eompanies, with over $30.000,000 uaeti, Home lus. Co., of N' Y ; Ctntinental In. Co., of N Y Niágara Ins. Co., of N. ?.: Olrard Ins. Co., of Phila.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; O mmerclal Union of London; Liverpool and Loudon and ülobe. &!r Katwi low. Losws liberally adjusted and prompt ly paid. ü. H. MlLLKN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keps a Flrgt-class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Frices Beaaonable. Thanklng those who hare o Ilberallr patróned me in the past, I alio cordJaUy toucit trad rom new patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. Am Aitv flrii Worïs D. F. Allmendineer Manufacturar and dealer 1b Pianos, Orí, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Speclalty. Anjone c&lllng at the workx, foot of Washington ■treet, can examine eoods and prloea. I oan conrince you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am offerlng. D. F. ALLMENDINQEB, ANN ABBOB FrecL Brown ! At Clabken'b Oud Placb. fi m ! Ijg_ixo3?s aiim-cL HOT LDKGH E7ERY DR EBERBACH &. SON. AND PHABMA0I8TS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALEBS IX- Mledlolnes, Chemical, Uye Htufffei, Artlit'l and Waz Flower Materiala, Toilet Ar tic les, Triusas, Etc Pire Fint mi Lipors ! Special attentlon pald to the furnlihlne of ïhyulclans, Chemlsta, Schools, etc, with phlloaophlcal and Chemical Apparatns, Bohemias Chemical dlaaaware, Porcalaia Ware, Pur Beagenta. etc. Rirsiclau' Preacrlptlens Carefully Preparad at aUhoun. EBERBACH & SON. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLT DIRECT ROUTE VO UPPER MICHIGAN and the Iron and Copper Reeions of Lake Superior. Traversing a t rritary unequa led for HUNTING, FISHINGand CAMPING. Doublé Daily Train Service between St. Ignace ani Uoughton without change of cars. TVAQNER SLEEPINO COACHEj attached to all Kl„'lit Traína. OBSKEVATION PAKLOR CARS on all Day Trains. The only all Rail Route to SAULT 8TE MARIE. Tickets over this route are on sale at all principal ticket offices. Full Information as to rates, te , coi les of mapsand f o d -rd will befuruished upon application to E. W. ALLEN. Oen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., Marquette Mich KVJVICHIGAN TlMK '1'ABIiE, NOT. 20, 1Ö7. Standard Time. 60IM0 EAÍ1. - - - , i &i .1 ífl 1Í I LiilillM L A. . A.M. P. . P. . r. ■. 3hlcago... _Lt. 6.50 9.00 4.40 8.15 8.10 Kslamazoo.... 1.50 9.50 18 33 2.2T Battle Creek... -J.-'7 7.31 1JÍ5 S.18 Jackon....Jü'. 3.15 4.20 9.15 3.15 4.60 Ann Arbor 4.s3 5.3.1 10.31 4 35 6.08 Detroit _Ar. 6 00 6.45 11.10 6.01) 7.80 p. x. p. u. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 8.80 Talls View 1.17 Buffalo Ar 3.3fi 2 40 8.08 6OINÖ WEMT. . i d II 4 II l ? ?3 ?fi 5 a Lfi - i-- - _____ I ,1 J . ________ _ Í.M. P. H.'p. _. A.M. P.M. Buffalo L. 1130 10 00 1.00 A. M. Klagara Falls 12.45 p. h. 2.1S St. Thomas... 4.25 1 10 5.50 Detroit Lv. 7.0ft 9.10 4.00 8.00 10.15 .nn Arbor..... 8J8 10 30 5.30 9.12 11 85 P.M. Jackion Ar. 9.45 11.36 7.10 10 52 12.54 Creek... 11.20 1.12 8.52 LM, Ï.23 Kalamsoo.„.. 12.17 1.50 9.45 4.45 l.aO 8 07 Cnlcngi Ar 5 40 6 10 10.2U 7.00 7 45 The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chingo at 3.10 Kal mazooG.58; Hnttle Crcelt, 7.33; Jackson. 8 H. no Arhor, 9 45; arriTingin Detroit t 10.41 P. M The Chicago Expresa, a fast train leaves Detruit at 1.30 u m. Ann Arbor S.31; Iiatlle C'reuk, 4.40 ; Kalaiuazoo, 6.15; Chicago, 9 80. hund iv u rcepied. tSatardsy & Snnday excepteo rDaUr, O. w; Rooolïs, H. W. HA YES. O. P á. 2. A.. ükUaoo. Uot. Ana Arbon.


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