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bands anntially over horse raci'S la Australia. There are 25J regislered bookmakers 1q Victoria alone. William Hammond, one of the oldest enelneers on tbe Maine Central rood, was run over and killed by a train at Brunswick, Monclay nlRht. The Pennsylvania commlssioners ot Immlgratlon have rcc.eived a letter from an Interior farmer asking for a wife who can hoe and do faruiwork. Two Americana who have been travellnjr for tbree months throuirli Europc on a tricycle say tbeir joint expenses nre only $6.25 a day, eigutseelnir expenses IncluJed. Jonas Cutlcr, who dled at Brattleboro, Vt, Monda}-, was one of the city's oldest raercuauts. He was 75 years ol J and had been in business at that place slnce 1S. Miss Mlnnie Boyd Las broaht a brcacli of promise sult In tlie Columbu?, O., courts agalust H. W. Waldo Fisher, a young rnarrled wan of Cleveland, for $25.00;) damage. India is now furnisblng an excellent market for the liorses and mules raised in Australia. Some thiuk that the Australian Ëorses wlll ■oon be taUen to the oontlnent of Europa.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat