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Tbo Central and South American imniigration association aud equul rigbts league oi tii ■ CniteJ iitatei of America flled its j Obarterin i'opeka. Kan., Jan. 5. ] tal isgiven at $.',00' 1,000. The charter state? '■ that lts oiijooc is to encourage j tion to the Central - 1 1 ; 1 Smitli Ainerictn otates wiiere tree homes and guaranteed rigbts cao besecured. There is no probability that Missouri's governor will interfere to save Maxwell. James VVilson bas buuu elected United States sei.ator f rom lowa to succeed himseif. David M. Allen, state prison steward of Indinna has Leen sued by the state to recover $1 0,000. Ultlahoma committee have called a conference con vun tion at Kansas City, Feb. 8. (eorge W. Childs of Philadelpbia says he is uot a candidate lor presidential honors. Oen. John V. Kinnell died at Helena, Muntana. of heart disease, aftur a brief illness. He was adjutaqtgeneral of Kentucky during the war. His home wan at Covington, Ky. The Rev. Jeremiah H. Cfoo.l, founder and president of Heidleberg college, Tiflin, Ohio, is dead, aged i5. He was one of the sadersof theUerman Reforraed church in the west, Henry H. anDyke died in Brooklyn, N, Y., recently, aged 79. He was a Frentont presiduntial elector of New York in 1856, state superintendent of public inhtruction 1857-61, state superintendent of the banking department lHil-i5 and assistant United btates treasurer at New York uuder President Johnson. The president has approved the postal convention recently conceded between the United States and Canada. The total values of imports of merchandise for the twelve months ended Dec. 31, 1881, were Í7OS.M)7,3U, a?ainst $603,439,189 for the same time in 18 6 Values of ex]orts for the same perloJs were $U5,3iO,:5i and in:f, 104,021, respectively. Fnel is so scarce in many towns in Minnesota and Dakota that the farmers have torn down the xnow fences and sheds of the railroad eompanies and bnrned them. Twisted hay and straw has been usei fpr weeks to feo.l the stoves. The reports of trouhie in Cuha are de nied by the cansul-general in New YorkTen tona of Texav cotton anl seed were sbipped to Zanzíbar, África, the other day. rorty-to long term prisoners In the Kentuoky penitentisry formed a plot to escape, and only a'ter a desperate battle were they oonquered. A dynnmite explosión occurreil in a i;uarry neur Youngstown, Ohio. The foreman was killed and four Italians wounded The national anli-saloon republtcan conference wi 1 be held in New York April 18. Arcbbishop Corrigan has resigncd as trustee of the propo ed Washington Catbolic uniyersity. Tho secretary of treasury has awardo 1 silverlife saving inedal to Capt. C. W. Johmon of VVlnneconne, Wis., for service rendered in saving lives during the past two years. Speaker Carlista has gone south to rest and recupérate. The home committee on commerce refuses to investígate the Reading strike and refers the matter to the inter-state i ommerce pommission. Threemen wbo were clearing snow from the rallroad track near Holyoke, Mass., were run into by a passenger train and instantly ki lod, The storm tliroughout the east is the worst known in '.iö years. All railroads have been blockaded and for several days trains were abanduned. Drift from 40 to 60 leet deep were formed and, so rapidly tbat it was impossible to keep tracks cl e ar. Mrs. Rawson of Chicago bas been arrested for complicity In her son's attempt to kill her husband, a well known banker o' that city. Miss Etta Shattuck, the school teacher so badly frozen in Holt couuty, Neb., duriug the recent blizssard, has had to have both legs amputated. .he will live. Printers in the government printiug office will ask congress to increase their pay from $i 0 to Í4 00 per day. The house committee on war claims has reported fuvorably to the housu a bilí appropriating Ï36.873 for the relief of the Union national bank of Louisiana. l'ostmaster-Genoral Dickinson objects to paying steamship subsidies millions for the work they do, and claims that if he can have any influence the men who own American ships will not get the raillion dollar appropriations unless they earn it. The swine breeiers' association of Indima bas adopted resolutions urging congress to pass an act requiring adulterated lard to be labelled. The Kev. David Latbrop Hunn, the oldest living gradúate of Y ale college, died ia liuffalo a few days ago, aged 9 i years. Nebraska leads the list for railroad building in 187, with 1.1.3 miles of new track. A naphtha car leaked into the sewer at 1 in;liampton, N. Y., and several explosiona occurred along the line of the sewer to the river, damaging several thousand dollars' Worthof property. Representativa lilount of Georgia, has introduced in congres a bilí which provides for theerection of a postofüce building at every city were the gross reeipts of the office are over $:S,i'OÜ, the cost of the building to range from $15,0.X to $25,000, according to the business done. The plan is substantially the same as that recom memled by Mr. Vüas and indorse by Mr. Dickinson. Prof. Asa Grtiv, the distinguished botanist, died in Cimbii.lge, Mass., a few days ago, aged 77 years. For many years he was professor of botauy in Harvard college. Many lives aro reportad lost by snow slidei on the Canada Paeiflc roaii. A flre broke out on Broadwny, New York, the ocher morning aud property to the valueofuearly t:i,UO;,(HP j wisdestroyed before the llames vvere sub umi. Maxwell, the St. Louis murderer, has issued an appear for "fair play. " The house coinmittae on invalid pensions has reporteJ favorably the bill granting a pension of $2,000 a year to Mrs John A. Logan, and to the pension of Mr.-. A. A. Blair, widow of the late (en. Francis P. Blair, jr., to the same araount. A freight train went through a bridge on the LakeShore road, noarPine Statiom Ind., the other mornini. One brakeman was crushed to deatu in the wreek, and several olhor trainmen were seriously injured. ïhe immense shoe factory in the Virginia penitentiary was destroysd by flre a few days ago, causing a loss of 1175,00% Nina Van Zandt, August Spie9' proxy wife, bas receive 1 a ro u tuina of cundolence from Botiemiaa.ioci;lnits, and it greatly pleased to have achieved international 1 amo. A suit for S"0,000 damages egainst ths Western Union telegraph company ha baen brouglit by frank L. Primrose, a rbilade'phia woo merchant, who lost tbat amount of uioney by a blundered message. The ure.'itest land slide ever known took place on tliu California &. Oregon railroa 1 afawdaysngo. About 10U miles of track are covered TUe road is a new one, and the recent heavy rains had thoroughly soaked the road bed. The women o( Wiseonsin have been defeated in the supreme court, the court liolding that the lngislature of 1385 did not for a moment contémplate the same uffrage to female; as to males. General Master workm in Powderly denies McGlynn's statement that ha (Pow derly) sent an emiassador to Rome. Hugh Maxwell, under eentence of death at St. Louis for the murder of C. A. Preler, ba-i published an appeal in which he asks for lair play, and declares that bis trial and coaviction were conducted in violation of all precedente. The blockade ha been raised on the easteru ruilroads. For seve al days whole armies of men worked to clear the tracks of the leading lines. Iu niany places the dnfts were as high as the eaves of the cars. The senatu posioflioe committee conc ludes that the timo has not j et come for penny postage and has made an adverse report on the bill, o urgent is the demand for fuel west of Minneapolis, especially along the Northern Paoiflo, that orders hare been ssuedto the agents ot this road to ship nothing but coal.


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