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Rev. Dr. Beardsley About To Cole

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brale ue fortieth anuiversary of li ■ n-ciorshlp of St. Thomas' churcli, New Haven. Conoressmav Randall is a grandf:itln r. . Ili8 grandson was born last Friday, and namod Samuel Raudal), Lanoaaler. ■ One of Oscar VVide's expectations is Ihnt lie will be buried in Westminster nbbey. It s lioped that lie may live long euougb to see it realized. Miss Susie Quav, youngest daugnter of the junior Pennsylvania senator, has one of the preltiest pony phaeton rigs at Washington, and is seen on the popular drives aluiost daily. Maixk bas eight living ex-governors. The; are Frederiok Roble, D. I'. Davis. Hnnnibal Ilamlin, Sidney Perham, II. M. riaisted, Selden Connor, J. L. Chaniberlin, and Nelson Dingley, Jr. Thb constiition of the State of Guanajiiato bas been amended so as to permit tlie ro-electiou of the governor of tho Si ato for a second term although a iliird term is forbidden by the same amendment. Hf.nuy SnACKELFORD, an old engiueur. wiill known among the railroad men of Allanta, Ga., and othor sotithern oities. died Tuesday, from an overdoso f opiates, accidently taken. He was .r8 years old. The legislature of the state of Tamanlipaa has declarcd thiit hereafter the 181 li of Jnly, anniversary of the death of tbe pair ot Benito Juárez shall be eons dered a day of public mourning throughout ihe state. Mi:s. Daniel Manning and her stepdaughtor Mary will occupy the house on K.flli venue, New York, which Mr. .Manu nf; leased for three years a short t ma before bis death, until May when they will go to the country, returning to the mansion early next fall. Flotd Taft. if he does not stop accnmalaÜng flesh prelty soon, will in a short time be as broad and as thick as Dkkuns' fat boy in "Pickwick." He is only 8 years old, yet he wcighs 125 pon nis. Westvillc, Conn., claims to be bis birtliplace. Thk story tliat Mme. Patli contem plalc.s selUng Craig-y-Nos, her Welsh OHHlle, becaiiso of tho recent robbery Ihere must be untrue, for in aconversation witli Labouchere the diviue singer poke of the longing that she would liavd in Souili America to get back to lier Welsh home. Earlï in hi.s career Dr. D. H. Agnew, the em ueut Ph ladelphia surgeon, becHine diseouraged over his un-uid'ssful treatment of a case of trach uolomy, gave up his profession, and enlered the coal bus ness. Failing in that also, ha went back to surgery, and soon gained a world-wide reputation by h.s sk.ll. '_ A Man was reeently tried in a suliiirb oí Londori for murdering a sixmontlix-old nfant by sulpliuric cl down its throat. Tbe man adm tt.'il tin: crime, but pleaded tliat be was unablo lo support an incroase of faiuily, ;iik1 si) lio look Ui is monstrans method of slaying bis youngest burilen. A jury df ciittliroais :iml brutea set the nanrderer free. The extenvon of the oyster trade in Frnnce durlng the last ten years is regurded as ona of tbe most exlraordinary gastronomio features of the times. Daring tbe last year tho bed a have ]roduced 600,000.000 of ojetera, ten tinvs more than in 1876. Tlits working classes have tbeir oysters laih , and every wino shop, even in the poorost quarters. has its oyster tand ouiside. Thb e.xecutive coiumitteo of the Xorih Carolina teachers' assembly met u Baleigh last week, and arrangcd a program for the next meeting, which will be held in Morehead City next June. The ossembly now has a merabership of two thousand. It was decided to lay a corner-stone of the Assembly hall April 2. That ceremony will bu witnessed by several schools, wbicb will inake aa excursión to Morehead City. A TTPICAl Georgia Christmas dinner is described with unction by a guest. It consisted of a half-dozen ponus of crackliu' bread, made from Georg a-raised hogs which had been fed on Georp;ia-grown acorns and goobers. Siiuniering in rich gravy was a dtsli of smoking sausages and llanking tilia was a dish of Georgia-raised chitlins. Thcre was a liver pudding cotnpleting this typical repast, which certainly varied the usual Christmas menu. A i.ovely matrimonial scandal is now agit atino; court soc ety at Berlin, and will soon end in adirorce. Baron Hecbtritz, a popular young ofiieer of the Cuirassiors, was married a few nionllis ago to a daughter of the consul general Baron Bletchroder. who brought hini a fortune of 3,000,000 niarks. Shortly after the bride and bridegrooni had returned to Burlin for tho winter, it was discovered that he had resuraed a liaison which had existed bcifore the marriage; but the secret has been so well kept that Baron 1 Bleichroder-was in utter ignoranco of bis son-In-law's entanglement. Baron Hechtrilz has now brought maltera to a crisis by eloping with his lady friond, I and the affair has created a mighty oom motion. and has greatly enragod the emporer and Prince William. DuuiNa the Seven Years' War in Gerniany Prof. Kastner, the learned Goltengin mathe malician, was rector of the university. Princo Xaver, of Savoy, who arrived before the ancient town one day with his troops, sent i word lo the commander to surrender, ! and also a letter to Rector Kastner in j which he nx hortod him to use his inI fluence and persuade the commander to yield; otherwise he would surround the town and bring about a faminc. KaslDer replied in a note thanking the prince for his kind oflfer, but ndd'mg that he did not care to get mixed up in j military matters, and preforred to let the commander follow his owi' 1 counsels. As regarded the famine. he added he wa3 not especiaily alarmed, inasrauch m he had been assistant professor at the Leipsic university for five I veara, and had conscqueatly learned to ' ondure huuger.


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