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Wolverine Whisperings

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iiAt the annual meeting of the Daughters of Kebecca, in Lansing, the folio wing offlcers were elected for the ensuing year: President Mrs. Sarah Millard of Flint; vice-president, Mrs, Alice Fratt of Detroit; secretary and treasurer, Mr. Mar A. Downing of Bay City. David Heining o! Chicago, has given $10,ÜÜU to the endowment fund of the K])iscopal college at Grand Havea. Bishop Giilespie has given $503 as an anniversary gift of his consecration as bishop of the diocese. There are 'M Mormous in Michigan. JNiles is trying to have the Michigan Central lócate its shops there. James Stewart, the man arrested for the munter of an unkno wu man in Hudaon, has been sentenced to eiglit years in Jackson. Commandant Pierce of Michigan soldiers' home writes thanks to Mrj. Abbie J. Curry, post president Col. Fentou, post W. R. C. No. 6Ü at Kenton, for box of books sent to veterans. He says old soldiers "spend their time in reading, writing, eating and sleepiug, with as few restnctions as is consistent with the neeessary discipline, and notwithstanding their lives have dark clouds mixed in, they all appear to be contented and happy in the home a generous state has provided for their old age." Grand Has tor Dewey of the Michigan Uddfellows has appüiüted the following oflicers: Grand chaplain, Henry King of Broek way Center; grand marshal, John JN'orthwood of New Lothrop; grand conductor, H. H. Hcinmau ot Negaunee; grand guardián, George H. Brooks of llastings; grand herald, Win. T. Siuipson of Detroit. The Methodist ohurch in Charlotte was badly daiuaged by flre the other day. The state association of spiritualists, at the annual meeting in Grand Rapids, elected the following oifleers: President, W. O. Kuowle of Grand Rapids; vicepresident, A. Vr. Day of Detroit; secretary, C. M. Potter of Grand Rapids; treasurer, Mrs. E. J. Winch of Grand Rapids; trustees, Dr. J. B. Sullivan of Stanton, Mrs. Sarah Graves and L. H. Austin of Grand Kapids. Levi B. Fislier, whose horse was killed and himself seriously injured during a rnnaway cnused by his horse's fright at a Michigan Central train in Kalamazoo, has corapromised his suit for damages for $1,000. Little village of Manitou has library of 250 volumes, and town clerksays that no fewer than 5(j of tbem are exchanged weekly by intelligent residents there. In the circuit court in Adrián in the suit of Pattersou against the Cincinnati. Jackson & Mackinac railway for 10,000 damages the jury brought in a verdict of $5,595 for the plaintiff, who was injured on the road near BIonoow last April. At a public meeting in Sault Ste Marie the business num attended and all united in t.'.lm the temperante men that they wouUl kill local optondeader'n a nit. The county would have beaten il 500. A committeeof law and order was appointed to seo that the lnv, are lived up to. K. M. Delmas, a Michigan Central brakeman, was struck by a switch engine in Jackson the otherday and instantly killed. J'resident E. B. VVelch and Secretary Geo. S. Pierson have called the fifth annu" al meeting of the South western Michigan sheep-breeders' and woo'-growers' association, which will be held at tho American hotel in Kalamazoo on Wednesday, Maren 7, at l p. m. Papers of interest to those engaged in all branche of sheep husbandry will be presented. The association is composed of sheep-breeders in Calhoun, Kalamazoo, Allegan, Barry, Josepb, Van Buren and other counties. A largo meoting is expeeted. Peaeh treos are reported to be as yet uninjured by col 1 weather. Th Fjnton normal school is now under control oí a stock coinpany. Ueorge W. Barbour is president. David Honning of Chicago has given ílO.OOí) and Bishop Oillespie $500 towards endowment fund Akeley college at Grand Haven. 3The Kalamazoo Tubular Well company's machinery and tubular well goods have a wide reputation. Kecently a large order was received frotn Smellie & Co. of Brisbane, Queensland, '.i,0JO miles away trom Kalamazoo, and from L. Cortázar, a prominent house at Havana, Cuba. Michael JelTers of East Saginaw offers to endow a flrst-c 'ass orphan asylum in that city, with accommodations for 100 babies. Two chi'dren of Mr. Achoes of North Star, woro playing together, when one ei.eil an old az and thoughtlessly gave "he other a hard blow on the foot. The little sufferer has had a portion of the foot amputated, A. W. Blaire of Dutton has planted fi,000 brook trout fry in the streams near that place. The senate committee givei f 150,000 for the Bay City public building. This is $5),000 below the amount asked. Washtenaw couuty defeated local option by a majority of about J.550. A company has been organized to manufacture brick, tile and slate roofing from the clay found near Farwell. Horace Murray, charged with rape on the person of hls cousin, a 9-yr-old daughter of Joseph Murray of Brady townsbip, Kalamazoo county, has been found guilty and sentenced fo 5.1 years in Jaclcson. The state board of agricultura has decid - ed that ti, 0J0 of the Uatch appropriation shull be devoted to experiments with the pine barran, probable in the vicinity of Grayling. Three years ago Mi-w Hattie Cotton of Constantino lost her voice suddenly, and althouh she was treated by sorae of the most eminent surgeons of the state, sbe received no relief. Miss Cotton went to western Iowa and her voice was restored. Upon returning to Michigan her voice again failed, and this experiment has been repeated three times, the young lady's voice utterly failing at home, but coming out strong in Iowa. Nelson Kowe of Hartford has been arrested a second time, charged with arsou. He was arrested somo time ago on the same charge, but proved an alibi. Since then he has been shadowed by a detective. During the last two weeks of February over lOOforeigners tookout naturalization papers in losco county. Lansing's new jail is completad and ready for boarders. Sault (Ste Marie taks of organlzing a chamber of commerce. A company is to be orgamzed in Flint with JliHi, i c ipital, to manufacture and sell the Winchell windmill. The busine.-s men of Holland have organized for the purpose of establishing fruit canuing and evaporating factory. A. H. Hmith of Ailrian, hai beenappointed inspector of bridges, culverts and trestleson the Lake Shore railroad system and will have to inspect them on 1,1 K) miles of road. The new 10, 000 Tinkham house at Grand Lcdge is to be opeued Marcü 9. It is stated that Suinner Howard, formerly speaker of the Michigan house of representatives, and now a lawyer at Prescott, Arizona, accepted a few share of stock in an undeveloped mine last fall asa retainer in a murder case. A few days ago he was offered $35,000 for the stock, but declined to part with it. Kmmet county is on the side of local option. A Catholic priest left his grip sack with $250 in the depot at Baraga, and some unregenerated thief stole it. Berrien county has decided in favor of local option. Oscoda county votes on local option Maren 12. The postofMce in Adrián was damaged by Ure the otber day to the amount of $1,000. Bruce Matthes was küled by a failing tree near Mecosta a few days ago. Hls father was killed in the same manner about three yeara ago. Peaches are reported uninjured throughout the lake región and western Michigan. Resident of Cass county have petitioned congress to let the duty on wool remain as it is. The senate committee on public lands has agreed upon a bilí to repeal the lumber culture and pre-emption laws, and amending the homestead laws. Col. E. Crofton Fox, president of the state military board, says matter of locating next encampment is still under consideration. He thinks Mackinac island stands an excel'ent chance of beingchosen. Harmon V. S. Peeke, who graduated from Hope college at Holland last year, is now instructor in "Steele academy" at Nagaski, Japan. The Kev. A. Oitmans, also gradúate from Hope, is at head of mission at Nasgaski.


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