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No Trouble To Him

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"Whenever I meet ft poraon wliom I believe to ba' niy inferior, 1 treat him with as mach courtesy :is thouifh b wero my equal." Butitisso sellom thnt jou meet sucli a person tbat it o mnot bn rauob of strain upoa jou." - Sebrasku Slute Journal. It Is expcated tbat the eomlng wheat harVest In South Australia wlll avciaere about flght bunlii-1 tn ihe ncre. Unlets wbeat cnn be obtalncd at flfty ceuU a busliH, there will, It la to be feared, be Httle luducement to shipper to buv. Lanterns of scraped horn, glass not belng rniK-h known, were inTCöted, It is sald, ttv King Alfred of Erfland; and It Is supposeil that prior to the Introduction of glass scrapcd horn ui also used for wludow Ughts in tbc iiiuth cenlury. The new Armour elevator In Chicago, whlcb la dow uearly completed, Is a colossal etrueture. lts dimenaloun are 50(1x160, and 150 feet high. Wtien completed It Is expected to furolsh storaee for ï, 1)00,000 bushels of graia. The Alexamlrtn era fixes the creatlon at 5502 B. C. Th Is conmuta! Ion contlnued tlll A. D. 284 but the followlng jear ten jeart irere subtracted. and 5786 became 5777. Tbls colnclded with the Mundane era of Antlocb. Queen Victoria owns the largest book ever bound. It measures elghteen ltichos across the back and welghs thirty pouuds. It contaius the jubilee addresses of congratularon trom members of the Frlmroie league, and Is the most stupendous collectlon of taffy ever made. Probably one of the oldest meeting-houses In the world ia the Bangund church, in Norwar, the ago of whlch Is 800 jears. The pagoda-llke structure Is covered with shlngles and an Inch or tvro of tar. Kun ie lnscrlptlons, interestiug to scholars, ar on the building. George C. illlton, of Fremont, Newaygo cnuiitv, Micli., salil to be oue of the best-lnformed bee men In the United States, estímale the total annual honry product of North America and tbe plants of producers to be worth $40,000,000. California stands tirnt in the production of honey. A Cnlored woman, the wife of Willis Ellls, of Albany, Ga., gaTe blrch the otlier day to twlu boys. Tliey are sald to hare wclgbed the enormous atnount of thirty sevcn pounds, one turnlugthe scales at twenty pounds, tbe othcr at scyenUeD, the heaylest babea erer kuown. Mothcr and children are dolng well. The blue book of Great Brattaln for 18S6 shows that the United Btates has purcbased 1,173 horsen durlnir that jear, whlch is 16 per cent of the 7,326 horses exported.The valuo of horses exported In li8S Is elven at $2.045,2 a-alnst $1,816,840 In 1885. The total Talue of all stock exported in 1836 Is $2,685,435, as agalnst t2,38." 83. The Increase Is'chlefly in horses, which has saved inany a farmer f rom ruin. A Kaffer vanlshed, and eroans were heard. He was searebed for without result, but on the followine uieht groans were still heard. The search contiuued and the man was fouud murdered. Hl munlerer wus arrested and executed, but the trroans tlll coutlnued, to the dlsmay of tbeir auditors. At last they were traced to a mockine-blrd. That blrd alone of living thinirs had seon the deed of blood. A forelgn Journal pertlnently says that the llnirering Idea tbat the Arab horse but for his Inches, would be bettrr than hls Eogllah brother, grows more purely romantic eyery frar. A contest occurred lately in Cairo between an Arab of recognized superlorlty and tn Engllsh mare, tbe latter carrylng fourteen pounds more of welght, botli of exactly tho lame helght and the oriental champlon, although be had been lirst in the betting, was beaten out of slgbt. Thus do the baseless [ancles of the imaglnatlon fade away. A surveyor who was caught in a thunder■torm while enaraged In the woods at Orlando, Fia., left hls compasa on the J:ickst:ifT while be took shelter undor a tree. During the storm a tree very near the rompass was struck by lightnlng, and the effect upon the instrument was to reverse it so as to make the north polnt 9f tbe needie cbauge position and poirlt south. The surveyor, unaware of the change, on itarttng for home with hls compuss foragulde, wandered eight orten miles iu the wrong directlon before he dlscovered the fact. A barber lo London has recently performed t rather clevcr feat. The shop was full of customers, and one of them was undergolng the operation of sbavlnir, when It was uotlccd that the barber had his eyes closed, thoutih he still kept passing the razor over the face of his vlsitor. Aftor ome time, and trhen the operation was nuishcd, what was tbe surprise of those In the shop to bear the barber exclalm: "O, no, not yet," at tha same time opening hls eyes. It tben became evident that he was f ast asleep, and had ihaved the man wblle In that condltlon.


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