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WAMTED! Kiriv Brlck Layen. Enquire of R. E. Livesey, Rooms 483-9 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Wages $4 50 for 9 hourt work. Women carpenters have appeared in pondon. When one thinks about It. thero is nofh nR in a carpenter's tmde that a woinan cannot master. . 1T. FREE!- To Merchants ünly: One Wïiliams' "Perfeetion' i lectro-ttlagnetic Battery. Address at once, R. W. TaNSILL & Co., Chicago. Hester Morris of VVyoming territory. is said to have been the Hrst woiiim in the country to be appointed justice of the peace. Th" (ovcrnment census of 1SS0 frlvoi the following intere8iit figures: The uvrrugi valué oí a farm In the State of New York, Includlug land, feuces and bulMings is H,56: the average size of a farm in that State is S'9 acres, makiDg au average investment of 4tï for every acre. In the State of Ohio, the verane valnc of farm property Is tí4 per "cre. In Dakota Unv farmer nas an average inveatnicuL u his farm property of ouly $5.9l) per acre, and be raiiea a flncr rade of "wheat than does the Eíítorn farmer wlth eight Umea the amount invested, and with acorresponding increaxc of annualoutlay for taxes aad interest on the iiivcstmuuu Salvntion Oil is an infallih'o rure tt.r heailarha. ha kuelie, p in in the side and limbs nnd all r aumatism and neuralgia tffection. It relie esp in and extlr patet the disenso that causea ít. It is said of an old pnysioian in Philadel phin. when called upon to prescribe foiJ a ?oigh or cold, tliat he invuriab!y refusei to do so. bnt röoommenda ii is patients to take Dr. Buli's Cougti Syrup. Society ladcoloth tala year will be chinchilla, trimined with lui . A BtOOdy A'tt:iv is often the result ol "bad blood" in a family or comuiunity, but nowhare is bac blood more destructiva o. bappines an bealth tlniii In tlie human systoru When the life current is foul andsluggUh witl impurities, and is slowly dlstrl nting (tl pobooi to every part of the body. the jjeril to heul h and hfeeven, is imminent. Kar y syniptoms are duli and drow-y feel Inga, severa beaduches coated tongue f lo ir appetite, indigestión and genera assitude. l)elay In treatment may entai tlio most serious conseqiiein'es. Don't let disease pet a strong hóld on your consti tiitii. n, but treat yourself ly using Dr I'ierce's Golden Medical Di-ro.ery, anc lie restored to the ble sings of hoalth. At druggists. H'mnets of poppy-red tulle are only suited to the youngèst and frehest faces, and even on them should be contined to afternoon wear. denks' Dreiim. Jenks had a queer dream the other night. He thought he saw a prize fightprs' ring, and in the middle of il stood a douglity litt'e ohampion who mei and deliber itefy knocked óver, one by one, a scor or more of bir, burly-loo -ing fellows, as they advanced to the attac , Giants as they were in size.'.the valiant pigmy proved more than a match for them. It was all so funnv that Jenk woke up laughing. He accounts for the dream by the fait that be had just come to tbs conclusión after trying nearly every big. drastic pill on tho market that Pierce's tinv Purgativo Pellets e'isily "knock out" and beat all the rest hollow High standing collars to gowns divide favor with low and rolling collars. A WonianNSniM-1 1VIII. She is prematurelv deprived of her charms of face and form, and made unat tractive by the wasting etfects of ailments and irregularities peculiar to her sex. To check tuis drain uot only upon her strength and health. but upon her amiable qualitie-i as well, is her h'rst duty. Thls is safely and speedily accom plished by a course of self treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorita 1 rescription, a nervine and tonic of wonderful efïlcacy and prepared especially for tbealleviatior of those sullering from "dragging down' pains, sensations of nausea, and weakne s incident to women-a boon to her sex Druggists. Old rose plush is a favorito trimming material for white China silk dresses. Tested by Time. lor Jironchial affeo tions, Coughs, etc, lirown's Hronchia Troches have proved their efflcacy by a test of man y years. Gold embroidery with serpent green velvet is the trimming much all'ected foi the Tosea hat in lino green straw. Li .mu-i if -i .i i ti ui .tl .cjiitfitn. As veil as the handsomet, and others are invite 1 to cali onany druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's JSuisam lor the Tl.roat and l.ungs. a remedy that is sell ing entirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute t'oughs, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. Large bottles M cents and $1. Pointed caps at the top of sleeves anc epaulettes remain in tavor. Asthma can be cured. Ask your drug ?ist for Laux's Improved AsthmaPowder rial free. Hottinger's Pharmacy, Lin coln Park, Chicago. C'onMimptlo i iurely Cured To the Editor:- Please inform your readers that I bare a positivo remedy for the above namec disease. By its timely use ten thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be gld to send two bot tles of my rmedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if thej wUJ send me their expres and P. O. ad dress. ResDectfully. T. A. Slocüm, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St, New York. In the three years from 1884, the corn erop o: Dakota has more than trcbled in quantitv,wit) the certainty of constantly incroasing, ïn the future, thisestablished ratio of progress. A man who han pructiced medicino f r 40 year ousht to know Balt from simar; road what ho says: TOLBDO, O.. .T;in. 10. 1897. Mesdl.F. J. Chony A Co. i leiitifinen:- I have ' e i in the general practtoe 'f medicine for most 40yeitis.avi vouldflky timt In all my pvactlci1 an ezperienoe, have ie .r seen h prip.ira'lnn that 1 would prescrli e wi.h :i mucb oonndeme of suc cesB as l cnn ïial's Catarrb Cun, tna.mia-ture.1 (y you. Have pr34crlbe.t it afrreal many tnnuand It eTi'Ct. is n '-r. i.l. and w .lili soy in conclusión that I have jet totintl a t-ae oí Catarrii tiiat it would nt cure, if they would tuko it aooord' ing to direotioua. Voiirs 'niv, I,. I.. GORSUO I.M.D. . siniimltSt we wilt clvc ttOOftir any rase ..f 0 Ltftrrh teat can not be cured witli HliII's Calarrh Curt'. Tukea internally. I'. .1. ( IIKNF.V ie 00., Prop?., Toledo, O. WSold by Drugg m. '.." cents. The new spring goods show a rovival oi the heliotrope shades so fashionable eighteen months ago. N1XJKRS AXD LECTIKF.KS, Vre-vent jour Coldn. Keep a few Moxie Dozenges in your pocket. One on the tongue keeps oif a cold during exposure and preserves tho voice. They will break a recent cold in twenty four hours. and not sunpre s. or leaye you more Hable tu take co.d after their use. We have scores of letters from actresses. lecturers, ipora singers and clergymen, sa. ing they are ju-t what is wanted for this line of protection, and they are invaluable to keep the voice clear andstrong. They are harmless in large quantities. Moxie Nbbvb Food Co., Lowell, Mass. Green in all save in grass and windowblind shades, is a favorito lor both spring gowns and honnets. FOR sii4 FOR CXTRES Cata, Swellings, Kruises, Spraina, Galla, Stralna, Lameness, Stiflueüs, Crackod Haela, Sera telles, Contractioiis,Fleah Woondl, Stringhalt, Sore Throat, Dlatemper, Collc,, Poll Evll, Fístula, Tumor. Spllnts, Ring' bones and Spnvin In its early stages. Apply St Jacobs Oil In accordance with the directlons irltli each bottleInvaluable for the Use of Horsemen. Cattlemen, Stablemen, 'Ju rlinou, Ranchmen, Stockmen, lrovirs. Farmers. FOB FINE HDKUS, CHOICK STOCK, Commun Henlü. Sola by Dnigffists and Ikalers Evfrtjjhert. THE CHARLES . VOPi FB no B ..'-.. NORTKERN PACIFIG. 11 LOW PRICE RAILF.OAO LANDS 1 I'lLi:i: Ciovernment i.4lS. BFMILLIONR of ACRES of each In Minnesotti, North Dakota, Montana, IJtvho, Wanhlnirton añil Oreg-nm. CClin FA1 rublioation witii Mapsdc?oribinfcrTHa dCnll ■ II 1 BKST 'irazinirand Ticiher Lan.lnnowopen to Srttl.T-i SENT KKK Addrew CIC D I IIIDDRII l'MiidCuminliilonftr. AS. P.LflmPUnH, st. paul, minn. SCOTT'S EMULSiOH OF PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphltes of üme & Soda Almo9t as Paiatabloas Milk. The only preparatlon of COD I.ITER OIL tht can bo taken readüy and toloratcd for a lung UnM lij delicate itomarhs, AKD AS A itEMIyOT FOR fONSUMPTlOy, 8CIÍOHI.O1S Al FKtTUtNS, ANAKMIA, tíKSEBAIi DKBII.ITV. ('OitiltS Ai T1IUOAT AFl'KCriO.NS, and til W'AS'l'INU DISOKJtKKS OF CHIl.DRKX it U luarullmis i jts ri'saMa. l'rescrilied anu cniluriifiii by tiic bes 1'kyaicilUUI IQ the coun tries of the vorld. Por Nnle hy 1 llru;;eit. #3Send for Pnmnhlet on Wast me Dignases. Adbea. CUTT b UOWltü. Kew Yovk. The eiToneous ffle W somewhat prevalent that the northwestern part of DakotaTerrltory betond the Mouse River la all Bad Lands. A vleit to that part of the country will disabuse the minds of such persons. Some of the best country in the Tcmtory, for agrieultural purposes, ís to be fouud there. Colonies from the East have airead; been planted there, and Calebs and Joshuas have beea apying out the land this seaaon, with a view to cstablishiug other colonies nextyear. The inexhaustible fleldsof easilv aecessihle. lignite coal make the fucl question one of important economie consldcration In favor of that country. Cheap l.:iiut Excursión. To enable all partie-; intero-tad to make a trip to tlie country reached bv the Chicago íi Northwestern Raitway System, that company will run a series of cheap land excursions during the inonths of March. April, May and .une. Tickets for these ex 'ursions will be sold from all principal stations to various points in Iowa, Minnesota, Imkotn, Nebraska and Wyoming, inoluding the famous lilack Hills region, at the very 'ov rate of one fare for the round trip, and will be good for return passage at any time within thirty days from Hate of sale. Kor particulars apply to the nearest ticket agent, or ad iress: E. P. WiLsoN. Ueneral Passenger Agent. A shoulder cape, with long scarf ends, that are knotted in the front, and fall be low the knee, is a new spring wrap both graceful and stylish if sufBciently well worn. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggistssell it. 25c. Mrs. Krupp, widow of the great guEmaker, has an income of Slö,IXW. For The Nervous _ The Debilitated ( The Aged ■ PRES Nervou Prostration, Nervous Headn ache, Neuralgia, NervousWtjkncis, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and al! ■1 affections of the Kidneys. AS A NERVE TONIC, It strengthens and Quiets the Nerveg. AS AN ALTERATIVE, ItPuriflesand Enriches the Blood. AS A LAXATIVE, It acta mildly, but surely, on the Bowels. AS A DIURETIC. It Reguiates the Kidneys and Cures their Diaeases. Recommended by professional and businessmen. l'ricc $1.00. Sold by druggisti. Scnd for circulare. WLLLS RICHARDSON & CC, Propretors, B'.'RLINQTON. VT. Rgl Ely's Cream Balni ■ I i'i'r.'li (af onre a-nl cures P$l ÜOLD Ín HEAO. w f9im " iitarrh aníl Hay Fevcr HoO.L;óJÍ3Baiii]v l:ilm Int. cnch DOêtrl], Hi?%'':i'v BBOB, '; OreenwlohSt. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic veakneasea and distressing ailments peculiar to femak'8, at the Invalida' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Jiuffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experiencc in nicely adaptinfr and thoroughly tcstins remedies for the cure of woinan's peculiar iualadies. lr. Plerce'n Favorito Prescriptlon is the outgrowth, or result, of this griat and valuable experiouce. Thoueands of testiiiKnijils. n-roivi'd irom patients and from physicians who have tested it in tho moro aKRiavated and obstinate caseB whieh had bamed their skill, prove it to be the most wonderfuJ remedy ever devisel for the relief and cure oí sufferinjf women. It is not reeoninu'iidt'd as a "cure-all," but as a moet perfect Bpeeiflo for woman's peculiar ailim-nts. Au a powerful. iiivieoratlng tonlc, it imparta etreiisth to tlie whole systein, and to tho womb and its appendages in particular. For ovcrwoiiit'd. worn-out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakei"s. Beamstrcsses, "shop-irirls," housekeeper8, nursinir mothers, and feeble women penerally. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Preseription is the grreatest carthly boon, Iningr unequaled as an appetizing cordial and rostorative tonio. Aa a Noolhiiit; and BtreiiKtheniiiK er vi ni-, " Favorito Prescriptiou" is unequaled and is invaluablc in allajine and subduing nervous excitability, irrltaoility, cxhaustion, prostrfition, hystoria, spasnis and other distressintf, ner vous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic diseaso of the womb. It induoes refreshinf? sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondenoy. Dr. JPlerce's Favorlte Preseription i a leKicimato medicine, cai't-luJly compounded by an e.vperienced and skillt'ul physician, and adapted to woman's delicate ortcanization. It is ]urely vcifetable in its eomposition and perfectuf harmless in it effects in any conditton ot the system. For mornintr sicltness, or naiiBca, from whatevcr onuse arisirii?, weak stonmrli, indigestión, dyspepaia and kindred symptoms, its uec, in small doses, will prove verv bénefldÁL "Favorito Preseription" is aposi tive cure for the most complicated and obHi.inate cases of luucorrhea, execssive tiowing, pninful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or fallin of the womb, weak back, témale weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearingr-down sensations, chronic congestión, inflammation and ulceración oí tlie wöiub, inliainmation, pain and t'ndorness in ovarios, accompanied with "interna! heat." As a regulator and promotor of functional action, at that critica! perlod of change from girlhood to womanhood, "l'a"n-ito Pn-scriptioa" is a puiircilv safe remedial agent, and can produce orily k"1 resolta. It is eaually effloacloua and valuable in ite effects wnen taken lor those disorden and derangements lnoldent tol pat later and most eritical period, known ai " The Change of Ufe." "Favorito Prestription." when takpn in conneetimi witli the use or Dr. Pleroe'fl Golden Hedioal Dlaoovery, and small laxatlve doses of Dr. Pieree's Punrative Pellets (IJttle Liver Pilis), ciires l.iver. Kidney and I ladder dispases. Their combined uso also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and serofulous humera from the system. "Favorite Presoriptiou" is the only medicine for woinen.sold by dl'UgglHtSi under a puNitivo tsnai antee, (rom tbc manufacturera, that it will rive satistaetion in every case, ormoney will berefunded. Thisguarantee bas been printod on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Inree boules (100 doses) $1.00, or sis boules tor $..OO. For large, illnstrated Troatise on Diseases of Women (ltlO pages, pajer-covere4Jt send ton ' cents in stamps. Addrcss, World's Dispensary Medical issociation, 663 Main St, 111 FFALO. N. T.


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