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All sprak in hlLh terms of the stock they see on thu "DakotaCattle Nursery" farm, at Grand Forks, Dak., of which Dr. C. J. Alloway is the manager. It ia au item of some interes', to sen and farmers, that the hlghest pri epaid at the Balnof Polled Angng cattle from the farm of the Hou. M. 11. C k nrane, Jlillhurst, Cana la, held in Chicago in ltSSG, were paid for auiinals the produce of cows actually owned by the Dakota Cattle Nursery Company. U ís prophetlc of the great future of the live stook Interests in the Northwest that some of th' flnest and bost bred cattle in the country are to be iouud in Minnesota and Di.kota. Scfiieo in Ilie Itorïtv Mountaln. The scenery in the Rockies is grand beyond description. To give an idea of it the Denver .v Hio Grand It. I!, has just issued four elegant tint views, showing "Currecanti Needie," ''The Portal," "Sultan Mouutain'; and "The Second Tunnel. Canon of the Grand liiver." These pietures are on cardboard mounts 11 x 18 inches in si.e iiiid "wil L be sent prepaid to any addres-; on recent of forty cents In posta go stnmps for tbe et, or ton cents in stamps eacli for any one or more of the views. Address, S. K. llooper, G. P. & T. Agt., D. & K. G. R. K., Denver, Colo. 18S7 bas been anotherprosperousyefir for the farmers of Central aud Northern Dakota. Crops of all kinds have turncd off a surprisingly lare yield even for that productive country. Tno farmïrs all have plenty of ready money ; are feeling good ; and are hopeful for the future. Hundreds of instances can be cited where this ycar'e erop of wheat wlll pay for dweiling, barn, teams, farmlng utensils, and still leave a cemfortable little stakcforfutnre noeds. Letus eee how this has been done. All of the best tilled farms have made a gross return of f21 per acre. It is the general rule that the cost of raising a erop in Dakota is $8 per acre. This leaves a net revcnue of $13 per acre on $5 land, or 260 per cent profit. Asthma ean be cured. Ask your drug gist for Laux's lmproved Asthma Powder. Trial free. Hottinger's Pharmacy, Lincoln Park. Chicago. It was a bald headed man who originated the motto: 'There's plenty of roomat the top." 'vBrown's Bronchial Troches" are wide;y known as nn admirable remedy for Bronchitis, Hoarsouess. Cougbs, and Throat Troubles. Sold only in hoxes. Now that sprinp lamb is in the mir'et Mr. Gould is anxious to get back hom ■ NERVES! NERVESÜ What terrible visions this little word bringi before the cycs of the ncrvoui. - Headache, Neuralgia, Indigestión, SIeeplessness, Nerveus Prostration, All stare them in the face. Yet all these nervoui troubles can bc cured by usiug For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONC Also contains the best remedies for diseased conditiens of the Kidncys. Liver, and Blood, which alwaya accompany nervc troubles. It is a Nerve Tonic, an Alterativo, a Laxativo, and a Piurctic. That is why it CURES WHEN OtHERS FAIL. $i.oo a Bottle. Bend for füll partículars. ' WELLS, RICHARDSON & CG , Proprietors, BURLINGTON, VT. W%7 S & íaxvl L i T T L E pkLïï?P LIVER le% PILLS. BEWAItE OF I3I1TATIONS. AXWAYS ASK JFOB DR. PIEItCE'S PELLETS, OR LITTLE SUGAJt-COATED PILLS. Belne cntirely vegetable, they op"t-ate witnout disturbante to tliu systcm, dlet, r occupation. Put up in slass vials, hermeti■ully sealed. Always freeh and reliablo. As i laxativo, alirr.'iii ve, or purgativo f hese littlo PeJleta givo tho most perfect utisfaetion. 51 HÜÜIE, iQ, Silious Ileadaclic, 7 TSt i.zinCRN, LX '%L. mi, Indiftnii y - j T iiilions Ailacks.amhill . nft Jffl. lerangcments of the jM. wmv ',ch and bowels, are & Jj. ËsËr yrelievedandpermanently 'Mi K ■tired by the uso of Dr. ieroe's Pleasant l'iircativc Pellets. n ezplfln&tion ol the remedial powrr of these vlk-is over so ï? a vurioty of diseuses, it nay truthf ully be said that their action upon he system is universal, not a gland or tissuo scapingr their sanativo influence. Sold by Iruifgists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at tho 'hvmical Laboratory of Would's Dispensaby ■Ieuical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. i itünnromi' JBt THB 's offorod by tho manufaeturFf' V ers of Dr. Sajfc'i Caterrh { vY Itcmedy, for a case of t iijjl ■■■#.?■ Chronio Nasal Catarrh which ■ , . Vír Wjf tiiey canuot cure. SÏMPTO1US OF CATARRH.- Dull. heavy headacho, obstniction of tho nasa] passages, discharges falling frora the licad into the thront, sometimos profuso, watery, and acrid, at othera, tliick, tenacious, mueous, purulent, bloodjr and putrid; the eyes are wcak, watery, and intiamed; there is rfnj?ing In the ears. doafneís, haekinpr or coughinir tS elear the throat, expectoration of offensivo matter, togethcr with scabs f rom ulorrs; tho voice is chanfed and has a nasal twang; tho breath is offensive; Bmell and taste are impaired; there is a eensation of dizziness, with mental depreesion, ii backing oough and (?en■ral dcbility. Only a few of tho above-namcd iymptoms are likely to be present in any ono ■ase. Thousamis of cases iinnually, without nantfestinff half of the abovo syuiptoms, reduit in oonsumption, and end in tne grave. Xo disea&o is so common, more deeeptive and ciangrerous, or less understood by physicians. By ita mild, soothintr, and healing proporties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh kemedy cures the worst cases of Calan Ii, "colu in tlio liead." Corvza, and Catarrlial Ileadache. Sold by diusgists ewi ywhere; 50 cents.. "Untold Agony f rom Catarrh.'" Prof. W. IYArsNF.i!, the famous mesmerlsf. of lthaca, N. Y.. writes : " ïSomo ten years ago 1 sutfered untold agony from ehronie nasal oatarrh. My famüy physician gavo me up as incurablfc., an;l sald 1 must die. My case was such a bad one. that every day, towards sunset, my voice would bccorr'e so noarse I could barelv'speak above a whisper. In the morninfr my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost stranglo me. By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itcmedy, in three monthe, 1 was a well man, and the cure has beca permanent." "Constant]} nanking and Spitting." Thomas J. IIüshixo, Esq., 902 Pine Street, St. Louis, lío., writee : " 1 wiis u great sufferer from catarrh fortliree years. AL times I could hardly breathe, and was constantlv hawking and spitting, for the last cigiit months r:inild not breathe througo tbe nostrils. I I bousht not hing could be done forme. Luekily, 1 waa ad'ised to tary Dr. Sage's Catitrrh Kemedy, and I am now a well man. I believo it to be the only sm-e remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experienco astouudiug resulta and a permanent cure." Threc Boules Cure Catarrh. Eli Eobbins, Runjan P. O., Columbia Co., Pa., says : " Jly daughter had cataiTh when she was flve ycars old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy advertised, and pro cured a bottlo for her, and eoon saw that it helped her ; a third bottle effected a permanent cure. She is now ! and sound i'-' partv." AWell Drüls fltSk Fon Every Purpose ƒ CXSOLDONTRIAU. H Igoulds t austfn, El9 I '67 4. 169 LAK E ST. WcHICAOO. ILLINOIS. I GURE MS ! When I &ay cure I do not moan merely to rtop tbeni fora time and the-a havo tin-m rot urn aKflin. I moaa care. Ihaveinade tbo disaas oí FITS, KHILKPBY of FAÍLINQ SiClCNESSaUfo-longstudy. I my remedy to on ro the worst caseB. ticcauso ethers havo failei is no r-:i3im f.r not umv roc.nvinc a Cure. Send at onc ior n trt'jitise and a Fit-o Jlottlo of my infaüible remedy. .:: l lst OfTtco. U.U. KOOI ' . ;ii! t. Nc-m ork. r Ktt HU nRCO lnF the Puwio DomKui An Ui uai to oour U Kicii Lioil m tb 8un ttua- 6a kt #1.2ó )CT H9T%, Wlal UtUt ild V lift f ChUiircifr Thn thM ImU m 1,o tmg thn, u vli u f&rinfomatioB of kil Sti asi Teiri'-oiitf, laoi 1 0 E# sna ryiT. tbo beuiJful Lurrfti1nr. m PktnTtHQ Funwu of tk tMttá taufc Addrui TUL WLSTIUN U'OKLJ. CUUaxo UL FSHÍÑGTÍOKLESs= Clottltng. Ktxed Amnmnition of nil kin I. Luwit . Prlces (iuir:iiiii'cii. Pend for Catalogne. JAMES il. risK, ■.:;!. ;t alle St.. Culoano, in. ■ ■ ■% ■ Hi%Kntirht's (Fnoünfn Steel und : fS g L Ol.MHiv,„val Mis for lrrc-KUMS I B P _klar ïjior.thly peiioiiy. &re iafi, I rtWbBIW'[!"'' nil tho only t-oiiu■Miiit Beirt ai rhere ( n rcipl of l.oi i y ALiriua - P. KKIGHT. Drugciat. W S'.ivt-t, t'll lc:iSO.lU. . a__.k Fresli, Reliable. Only i anJ ■'. : vECliC l'llIS 1"-" llir'"' PackUit". U.UIX1 jr CUiS Novelty rnsi'iits I'kkk. Mnin■ motb OWÓ Kiirms. One Acre of (irn-s. Heiuiilfiil Huiilra Balde HtliK. il w BUCKBEB, Bocklord 8eed Frm, Bookford, LINtCN BLUUBI l.'umpk-xlon ro.lfr 1.Vd4 60oboxe:8tchetPowderlO, I i". J Grover Cleveland uses and reci mmonda l'i,(MIKX BItUM" (Joods. Popular ererywhora Bnl n recelpt of prlce. Ad. Ir ( r!!rell?rÓr ASlulfl3 KIDDER8 PA8TlLLE8.,-s-I HHHHHB99ESHBSHiuuiLwnaMw HFUPIAU0 2O.yrs. Prnotk-o In Pensiona Ulr alolISaQiS &SoldlerClalms. Succes ■■■■■ Vis' orno fees. Send for uew laws. C. M.SITES & Co., AttyV. WathlngtonJXQ lf 1 1 p yuiir mo'assfl rrom Bagar, :it font V' AK r tKiiin'. llK'its'. in tho world. K ■ 1 1 1 ;nlllfïll.strootlonsf.)r„c -. A. uiilRUU, tOJK; Muencb t.. Harrlsburgi Pa. fHrP By return mail. Full Uencriptloa kif Bi) MochIj'. Npw Tallar Sj.ti-m af DreM mtk CuttlDff. HIX T)Y CO.. Cincinnati. a ■IaPíiVC KiiMipi sin Uotel, Bre proof, ÜSOrooms, mCwUI near depot. Rat es Í1.00 and upwaMs. N.W.cor.l link and n .':; ronsts., Chlcaïojllli o:s.. mUmi M anytotaf als n Ihfl worid Eltfaw j-x CosIlroniM rüEíí. TWBSSnUa. AiUlro, TBI;K& Co., Augut;t, Mutuofl FllEK. Mu$ nol undtr uu honfifl ff. "'-'M CTCIinEI O Stami, 8eals BraaiCheoks, nurntng O I CilulLO) Brands, Steel Stainps, Rubber Slarnnt. Boue Noa. C. HanaoDO, 8o.Clark8t. Chieago, 1U. nt n uworthlóOüperni. l'ettit'sKyeSalvelswortli ÜULU SUUI,but Is tol.l at U) oenta a box by duale W. N. U. D.-6-Í4. When wrltlns: to Advert!scrs please eay uu saw tlio atlvertlHeincnt ín thL l'aper. DROPSV Bfr TREATED FREE. ■ Have treatecl Dropsy and its complicaMons vriththa most vvuniii-iful success; vegetable remedies enttr ly harnilus. liumovo all Bymj tOTOS Of dropsy In eight to twei o patienta pronouncvil bop tlif hcst OÍ physldaJlS. Kroiu J. : rt dOSC the nymptom rapülly disappear, and in ten diiys at least two -thirds o all symptoraa are remoTod. Some may cry huminijí without knowlng anythlng aboutit. Kememberlt doe nol oost you anytningto reatize the marlt of our treatmenï for yomxHf. wo aro constan tly curJng cases of jong standing - casca tbathave been tapped a number of tunes and the patlont doclarcd unabiu to live a weck. Gtve a full h i story of case, name, age, sex. how longaflllüted.&o. Send for freo pamphlei, cont&ining testimoniáis. Ten days treatint-nt furnlahed FREE 'y mail. It vou order trial teod 10 cenl .1 Btampi to pay posture. Epllepsy (Pits) post tivcb" cured. (L.:ïrMontionth is paper.) 1H. H. GREE?Í A SONS. M. Ds.. ' 2Üj HoriettaSU-ect, ATLANTA, O Thisis íéT S F FIN" A the I I F r III M WELL BORING i MACHINE! ml Enown as tho bost in X í] Á,Smt_ n uso for boring wolls -ClC' BaSTT" TÍ from ö to 44 inches iQjgJiBagTj tWliM am It aleo drills rock. THIS IS THE GREAT flIK S1JI "OTTTOI " 1 vliij ! ml S Tubular Well and EJli pceting Machine, kÍíT1a"0I1I0 " ous for succeeding wherc (Tl 1 vuiv otners have failed ! asff 11 __ Self cleaning ! Drill ÏV (ÍH W - drops CO to Uü times Ifh BLIJ Vxdö a miuute ! EvfiH Xl ?r? Catalogue FREK. bTJH VJBI LOOMIS ft NYMAN MiMêBT TIFFIN, OKIO. SS51 RADWAY'Ö PILLS O The Great Liyer ana Stomacli Reinefly For tho cure of nll tlliordprs of tho Stomach, Ltver, Bowels, JCÏducys, Bladder, Nervoua Dlscoscs, Losa of ' Appetlte, Headachc, Constipatloii, Costivcncss, i digestión, Blllousncss, Fover, Inflammation of tho , Piles and all ilorangements of tho Iuternal Viscera. Tarely vegetable, contalnlng no mercury, mlucrals, or deleterlous drugs. PERFECT DIGESTIÓN SAÏÏ one of Kadway'a Pilis t-vcrv morniog, about tea o'clock, u a dlnner pili. liy so doliij; SIGKHEADACHE, Dyapepala, FoulStomacb, Blliouaneas, wiiibeavoided as tne fl thai Is eaten oontrlbutea lts nourlsiiinií propertles for theupport of the natural waste of the y Observo tbe FoHowing svniptoms rosulting fr -tu Dlseaseofthe Dtgestl i ..ustination, Inward Piles, Salines r the IÏUwkI in the Head, Ai-idiiv r the Stomach. Nausea) Hcartburn, Disgust [r Food. Putlneu or Wetgbt in the Stomacb. Sour Eructatlons, Sinking or Fluttertng i r the Heart, Chokiug or Suffocatlng Sensiitions when iu a lviug Dlmuess of Vision, Dota or Webs brfnre tho Blght rever and Dull Pain In the Head, Driicicnoy :if Persplratlo i, Yeliownet of the skin and Kves, Palnititht 81de, iiu-t. Limbs and Sudden t'lushcs of Heat, Rttrnltiiu the FSeah. A few doses of RAD WA YS PILLS will free the system of all thoubovo named aiaoraorft Prlco 25 ets per box. Sold by all drugglsta. Bend a letter stamp to Dit. HAUWAY&CO.. No. 3' Warren utree t. New xorK. iJf InfuriuaUon worth thousands wlll bo sent toyou. TO THlï PUDLIC. Be sure and ask for RAD WAY'S ' wid sco thut ilie name " RADWAY " Is on what you 9


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