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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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X ïïrlng; You 8woet Flowers and CrOOtl M 1 lei Mbdfcírre TTeariy-cvcrybody needs a rf Hable spT'ngTnedielnftoexpclthe impurltle whïch haveaccuraulated ia tho blood durlnff the winter, to keep up strenÉfth as the warm weather comes on, créale an nppetitt and promotc hcalthy digestión. Hood's SarsnparilU Is thfl most popular and succssful Spring Medicine. Try lt thls spring and you wlli bo conrlnced of 1U peouJiar mcrlt. "For flve yc&rs I wni lick erery iprlny, but lait year took Hood's Sar.aptirHla and hfiro not icen lek day ■!nce."" G., TV..8loan, Mllton, Mass. Hood's. Sarsaparilla Tor flnt-class spring medicine my-wlfe-ana I both thfnk Tery hlghiy rf Tïood'B Sarsapnrüia. Wt both laat spring:. 1 1 cl i 1 ui n grnt deal of -good and ve feH better thronjeh tho hot weatherthan ever before. It curd my wtfn of iiick hoadachw, from which Bhe hat inffervd & grent deal, and relICTed me of a dïzïy, ilred ftallng. I thtnk evcry uno ought to talco somctblDK to purlfy 'he blond befure Llio hot wcathcr comea on, and w hall ceH ! Iv talco Hnod's Siiraaparillatht spring." J. II. Fclrce, Supu Uranlte Hall vay Co., Coacord, N. II. 6014 Ijy tfl lrnffKtt. 1: tx forf. Prppard only 8old by all lmïiru. I:ri forti. Prspared oalj bye. 1. HOOI) & CO.. Apothf caries, Lowill, Masa. by C. I. IIOOD ACO. Apolhecarlc. Loe 1. Mms. KO Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar


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