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Sixth Ward Hose Co. John Hall $ 10 00 Wm. Hatto 10 00 Wm. Brlggs 10 00 F. Harker 10 00 B. Bark er 10 00 Win. Cleaver 10 00 A. B. Wlnes 10 00 F. l'rocter 10 00 Ctinuncov Thompson 10 GO Frank Judson 10 00- $ 100 00 liaron Hose Co. Thos. Godktn.Treasurer $120 00- 120 Oo Union Ilook & Ladder Oo. F. Camplon, 4 mos $ 3 33 D. Flynn, " 3 33 Oeo. Ishell, " 3 ;tt Bd. Jucohus, " 8 33 Elmer Jacobus,' " 3 33 H. Kannenburg, " 8 88 L. Knrtz, ' 3 33 H. McLaren, " 3 83 S. McLaren, " 8 88 Wm. l(.ss, " 8 88 Chas. Roehin, " 8 88 Geo. Sweet, " 3 ;i3 Jno.Sweel, " 8 33 A.Schnltz, " 8 3:3 Jno. Hoebeek, " .... 3 33 k. Soblotlerbeok, " 3 33 (;. Denman, " 3 38 Geo. Allmendinger, " 3 33 F. J.EIsele, " 3 33 A. l'. Kim. " 3 33-t 66 60 John J. llohlson, expenses oí Com. to Adrián 15 75 H. Richard, wood for F. D. . . . 2 75 Seybold dt Allmendiiifjer, repairs F. D 50 Tel. & Tel. Cons. Co., blll to April lat, '87 25 00 Wurster & Klrn, repairs on engine, etc 4 50 Chas. H. Smlth, burylng dog.. 50 E. Wanner, matches 50 S. Seyfried, wood F. D 5 75 D. F. AllmendlUEjer, 1 doz. band tfrenades 10 00 Wm. Fletoher, opening hydrants 6 00 Jas. Bobison, horse liire 1 00 John Muetilig. repairs chair.. 1 25 Spencer Crawford. salary 2 00 Special Pol ice (F. SIply) 15 00 Wm. II. Campion, salary 50 00 Mlchael Clark, " 50 00 Daniel Amsclen, 'l 50 00 Fred. Sipley, " 65 00 C. Balfranz, bridge on Spring Bt 500 G. F. Allmendinger.stalienery 86 H. Neuluifl, repairs to ballot boxe. 60 H. J. Browu, marshal's orders, 1 00 J. Roas, " " . 60 Geo. Colllns, " " . 44 75 Kinsey & Heabolt " " . 7 00 H. Mattbewt, " " . 3 00 11. Richards, " " . 38 50 C. Blosey, " " . 7 15 B.Seyfrled, " " . 42 50 T. Blgalkl, " " . 10 13 H. Waesob, " " . 1 71 i!;iti:m &Taylor, " " . 9 51 J. f. sinim. ' " . is oo W. II. Mclutyre, " " . 18 US M. Ware, " " . 40 00 H. J. Elsele, " " . 2 00 John Gall, " " . 66 J. Goetz & Son, " " . 2 00 H. (. Hora. " " . 3 l K.B. Hal!, " ' . 3 60 J. w. BoblBon, " "il oo LodhoizBros., " " . 32 67 E. Wagner, " " . 4 50 C. Brnsh " " . 1 00 C. Schultz, " " . 3 50 T. A. A. & N. M. R. B. Co., marshal! orders 1 40-$ G05 13 Mrs. Evans, poor ald 6 00 John Flynn. ' " 8 00 W. F. Sehlanderer, refunded llquor taz 16 66 Geo. 11. Pond, inaking out aunual report 50 00 Transferid to city cemetery fund 100 00-$ 180 66 Makcii 7, 1887. A. L. Noble, copying El. Lt. contract 88 E.B. Hall, coal, flre dept 39 91 Heury Marsh, reinoving gasl. lamp 9 00 Jacob Hauser.Janltor. Jan 15 00 " ' Feb 15 00 Earl Ware, wood 5th ward E. H 275 Bobison & Sorg, expenses to Chelsea 8 00 S. Crawford, Janitor 2 00 Fred.öipley, salary 65 00 " " hire of special pólice 4 60 Dau'l Amsdi-n, salar; m oo Wm. Campion, " 50 00 Mlchael Ciarle, " . .. 50 00 J. Morrison, cleaning hoee 2 00 " .... 2 00 David Collins, " "... 2 00 " " .2 00 T. J. Keech, set of si&nalttags.. 9 00 Geo. Collins, marshal's orders. 38 00 S. Seyfried, " " . 43 7R J. Muelili;;. " " . 11 50 A. Seyler, " " . 50 H. Richards, " " . 28 25 J. Ross, " ' . '■' ■■ 1 w. n. Molntyre, " " . 13 25 J. F. Smith, " " . 6 75 C. Rlnsey, " ' . 6 81 John Gall, " " . 60 Hagan & Taylor, " " . S 'J" Geo. Weeks," " " . ! U M. Ware. " " '■'' 60 M. Staebler, " " . 3 70 W. f. Lodbolz, " " . SS 88 H. Waeseh, " " . 1 50 II. J. Kisele " " . i 00 E. Wagner, " " . 2 0 H. G. Hom, " " . 1 50 T. Blgiilki, " " . 7 (i-i J. J. Goodyear, " " . 81 Goodspeed & Co., " " . 1 35 J. (Joel, & Son, ' " . 2 37 C. Brush & Co., " " . 1 50 Rlnei-y & Seabolt, " " . 8 00 H. Matihews, " " . 1 50- 592 19 Jas. Kearns, reoordlng deeds.. l so F. Slpley, for -Mrs. Evans, poor aid 600 Jotin I'Iyim, " " . 8 00-$ 15 80 Ai-RII. 8, 1887. John Morrlson. cleanlng hose. 2 00 Morman Williams, - " ■ 2 00 David Col Una, " " . 2 00 J. E. Harklns, repairs, F. II... 6 10 John MorrlBon, oleaolog hose. 2 011 Eiu-1 Waro, WOOd 6th w'd. E.H. 5 50 ' . 2 75 Wm. II. Uamplon, 1 week's salary 12 60 Dan'l Amsden, salary 50 00 Mlcbael Clark, " -60 00 Freü sipley, " 65 00 Ja. Nelson, burying dog 50 A. Kearn, ■ " 50 s Orawford, Janltor M ihj J. Hauser, " 15 00 Win. Cléaver, nalary 6 25 J. Jadson, latortb ward.B. H. 2 26 J. Jad8ODj drawiug hose cart. . 2 00 Wm. draver, labor fltli wanl B.H - 175 Henry Marsh, drawing hose aart i 00 Botton Klre Engine Co. sup_ pli - 54 20 Hagan fc Taylor, marshal's orders 13 98 Lodholz Uros, marshal's orders 3078 T Blgalkl, murslial's orders. 1U 00 W h. Molntyre. " " . 10 oo John Hoss, " " . 1 79 Earl Ware, " " . '-'' ■' E. Wagner, " " . 8 00 II. Richards, ■ " . 80 25 S. Seylrled, " " . IliiiMjy sabolt, " " . 8 00 Geo. Collins, '■ " . 40 25 C. Solniltz, " " . 3 7U H .). Eaoie, " . i in John Gtall. " " . 1 II. G. Hora. " " . 1 71 .1. Qoe z. &Son " . 3 00 Bills 4 Langsdorli" " . 125 linis., " " . - 88 John Burg, " " . 2 00 Gaspar Rfnaey, " " . "3 Doty iV Peiuer, " " . l o j Volland, " " . I 00 Geo. Spatheir, " " . 15 00- 558 00 E 1). Kinnc.v, salary and special services 50 00 Dr Jolm Kapp, Board of Health 25 00 Dr V. 1'. Breakey, Uoard of Health 25 00 Dr C. C. Darllng, lioard of Hoallh 2500 Dr T. .1. Siilüvun, Board of lloaltli 25 00 ( üoardol'Healtb 25 00 Mrs. Evans, popr ald ö oo Jolni l'lyuu, " " 8 0Ü- Í 192 00 V. V. Roblson, registration anü Hi-ci mu and use of office 15 00 T. R. Mtuer, reglstralion aud electlon 5 00 G. F. Allmeudluger, rgistration and elcctioa 5 00 E. B. Pond, registration and election 5 00 W. W. Walts, election 5 00 Chas. Meyer, registration and ilon 5 00 Geo. B. Schwab, Inspector of election 5 00 Chas.. 8. Kall, clerk of elecllon 5 00 jotm Wal., reglatratlon and election 10 00 Wm. Herz, registration and election and nse of room 15 00 Albert Maun, clerk of election. 5 00 Cboinau Kearns reglstratlon nul election 10 00 Wrn.Netlhainmer.registratlon . and eleotlon 10 00 John h. Dow, Inspector of electlOD 5 00 W. E. Walker, clerk of reglstrallon f 00 F. E. Wiuegar, clerk of electlon 5 00 Jhas. K. lllscock, clerk of election 2 50 l'lmolhy lï. Kuating, rcgistration and election 10 00 John M. Swïtl, remist nilinii and election 10 00 II. I!. Dodnley, clerk ol election 5 00 E. N. Glloorl, clerk of etectlon. 5 00 Chaö. Donuelly, clerk of elecÜOO 6 00 N. Di Gates, clerk of election. 5 UO Thomas Qodkln, clerk of election 5 00 Walter Wright, clerk of election 5 00 Chas. A. Poland, registration tind election 10 00 Bar] Ware, registration and eleotloD 10 00 A. F. Martin, registration and election 5 00 Kobert Glazir, registration andelectiou 10 00 ChanniiiK Smlth, clerk of election 6 00 J. B. Steere, clerk of electlon . . 5 00 J. H. Stark, Inspector of electiou.... 5 00-207 50 AriUL 17, 1887. Transfer to City Cumelurv fuud 2B 87 Transfer to Gen. st. fund 800 00- 826 87 May 2, 1887. Dan'l Ainsdeu, salary. $38:13 Fred. Slpley, " 85 00 Michael (Jlark, ' 50 00 S. Crawford, Janltor S00 J. Hauser, " 15 00 J. Hauser, Storing lamps 3 00 Morris Ware, cleanlngotb ward E. II 2 00 JeffDavis, labor 150 Jas. W. Koblson, borse hire.... 2 00 vvm. Herz, repalntlng brldges 1U7 77 H. Neuhoil', repalrlng ballot boxes 40 list. 11. A. lieal, supplles 33 25 S. Ueyfrled, inars.liars orders. 32 5 Geo. Colli. ih, " . 21 26 Collins & Co., " ' . B 25 John Gall, ' " . 1 Jl O. M. Martin, " ' . 10 00 Jolin Uoebllg, " " . 5 00 Hagan ftTaylor, " ■ . 51 H.ïloni, " ' . :: IJ H. Waesoh, " " . l 55 W. II. Mclnlyre, " " . 20 00 Morris ff re," " ' . SS 00 . F. Iodllol., " " . 1") 72 Blnsey & Seabolt," " . 0 00 C. Klnst-y, " " . 24 J. A. t'ol lemus, M 25 Theo. liigalki, " " . 8 UO II Richards, " " . 2850 John itoss. " " . 2 04 il. Uattbews, " . 1 50 E. Wagoer, " . 2 00 J. Goei z& Son, " " . 2 89 CO. Biush, " " . 1 00 H. J. Elsele, " " . 2 01) E, H. Hall, - " . 2 00- $ 6:35 71 Morse & lianks, for damages BDstahifd, by reason of defective bridge 50 00 G. F. AllmeiuMnger, clerk hlre llnance oom 50 00 Mrs. Evans, poor aid 6 00 JobnFlynn, " " s ou-$ 114 00 Junk 6, 1887. M. Kusterer, drawlng hose cart 2 00 Arlhur Sweet, drawing hose cart 2 00 Brush &f Co., drawlng hose cart 1 0) Fred Sipley, 2 dark lanterns. .. 8 00 " salary 65 00 Wm.Campion, " 50 00 Michael Clark, " 50 oo Jacob Hauser, janitc-r 15 00 8. Crawford, Janltor 2 oo Chas. Spoor, supplies 4 75 11. E. II. Hower, adv'g 2 35 K. H.Belser, glamp for ilnance com 1 j Geo. V ahr, supi;lies 6 70 Brush X Co., Imss hire 5 00 J. 'f, Sullivan, ont-third siiltwalfe or N. State st . . . 28 88 S. Wood & CoRewer pipe 302 W Richard liiirns, labor 10 00 John Flynn " 6 75 H. Kittrldge, gravel 1120 M. Sullivan, labor 75 Wm. Cus-, " 8 '.5 Jas. Gregory, " 10 00 J. B. DoW " ij (K) J.O'Grady, " 00 Cha. Long, " 9 00 Edward Burn8, " SI 00 T. Bigalki, marshal's orders. 7 M p. Burg, - ' " . 1 3ti H, J.Brown, " " . 2 50 1 leo. Collins, " " . 13 00 H. J. Elsele, " '■ . 2 00 John Cali, " " . 75 Joh Goetz&Son." ', . 82 Hagan &Taylor, " . i üi W. F. Lodholz, " " . 8 08 W. II. Mclntyre, " " . 14 24 H. Matthews, " " . 1 50 Rinsoy &Suabolt, " . 8 00 John Koss, " " . 1 4 'aspar EUnsey, " " . 18 91 II. Klchards, " " . 11 OO Jtlmson Bros., " " . 3 07 K. Wagoer, " " . 2 00 H. Westa, " " . I 40 Morris Ware, " ' . 15 50 8. Seyfried, " " . 14 00-$ 768 73 M. C. It. ü Co.. for tax voted for Detroit st. bridge ...5,000 00 VIrs. Evans, poor aid 0 00 JobnPlyna, ' " 800-85,01400 Jui.Y 11 1S87. Tascar Imus, pólice duly.. S 3 00 Obas. Edwards, " " .. 8 0 Chas. 8. Fall. " " .. 3 00 Aiberl Pleroe, " " .. 3 oo Nelsonöutherlaod," " .. 3 00 Fred Sipley, sulary tt 00 Mtcbaef Clark. " 50 00 Win. CamplOD, ■'■ 60 mi Spencer Crawíord, " janllor 2 00 Jacob ilauser, " " 15 OH i " cleaning hose.. .. 7 Ou Jas. Smalley, burylni dog 50 vv. II. obamberlain, labor 5 00 O U Royal. labor. Hanover gq, 150 A. V. Kobison.spiinkling sts.. 15 00 Peter Paquette, " "..15 00 A. Morrlson, " court liouse lawn i no Jas. W. Hobison, horse hire ... 2 oo F. Hoxan, " " .... 2 00 Andrewa & Witherby, books for Board of Iliiltli l 85 E. B. I'oud. llowull1 statutes for marshal's office 5 00 :. E. Eberbfton, nalle l oo II. li. Wblttaker, Burveying 41 35 Tbomson-Huston lil.Co.cluiDgIngUgbta 53 68 Antón Eisele. water basin, Iluriiii Bt 15 00 Chas Tesaemer. masón work, Hurón st. íountain 37 10 Antón Bisele, water basin, State Bt. fountaln lo 00 Alber&Soa, braoe toi spout, Btate Bt. foantain 75 Jas. Tolbert, scwer pipe, SUite 8t 28 "0 !■:. Boma, work N. B.tate si.... s n (. A. Kelley, S rods tur walk, N. State st 12 oo Ulobael Clark, ' í sidowalk, N. State st 6 17 Jas. Tolbcrt, lumbor, sldewaíkal M US J. V. Judson, baal ing englne.. 2 uo wooü for i;. H... , - 7", Dan'l Amsden, marabal's ord. 18 i) Tlieo. líiialki, " " . 8 00 Qeo. W. rropsey, " " . 2 00 Geo. Colima, " " . 13 oo Dol.v & Kelner, " " . 8 28 H. J. Eisele, " " . 4 00 Johu Uall, " " . 25 . Goetz. fe Son. marshal's ord. 2 02 . T. Jacobs ifeCo., " " . 1 00 rn ii ii Bros., " " . 50 [asan & Taylor, " ' . 7 2 I. C. R. K. Co., ■' " . 2 30 oh n Moore, ■' . 45 Vm. H. Mclntyre, " " . 14 9 Liiiscy Seabolt, " " . 8 00 i. Richards, " " . 2 0J oim Roas, " " . i 50 . Seyfreld, " " . 16 00 (rs. Schal ble, " " . ii (j. EUnsey, " " . 14 5 Qeo. Wackenhut, " " . 2 00 t. WelnmaQti, " " . 80 i. Waesoh, " " . l 72 Vertier & Brenner, " " . 3 54 lorris Ware, " " . 6 00 V. l I.nilliol.. " . 5 37-S 631 85 amesKearns.Recordlngdeeds 3 tiO Mrs. Evans, poor ald 6 01 olni h'ljiin, ' " 8 00-$ 17 60 Auoust 8, 1887. Michael Clark, salary 8 50 00 Vm. II. Camplon, " 50 00 fred. Slpley, " 05 00 i. CrawlorJ, " Janltor 2 00 . Ilauser, " " 15 00 " ' spriukling court house lawn 4 00 C. T. Farstiall, drawing hose curt 2 00 S. Wood & Co., sewer pipe, N. State st 36 10 ). W. Amsden, marshal' ord. 7 00 C. O. ISrush, " " . 2 00 l'heo. Btxalxl. " " . 6 00 Qeo. W. Cmpsey, " " . 8 00 (ivo. Collius, " ' . 4 00 J. Elsele, " " . 4 00 [ohDUall, ' " . 25 [j. Urun.-r, " " . 25 ilagan Taylor, ' " . 6 00 ?cd. Hoelzle, " " . 25 M.O. R. R.Co., " " . 1 15 John Moore, " " . 50 Wm. II. Mclntyre, " " . 13 y: John Kosi. ■' " . 63 8. Beyfreld, " " . 10 00 H. Wesch. " " . 1 10 Werner & Brenner, " " . 5 oi) o. Rlnsey, " " . 8 37 W. K. Lodholz, " " . 6 38-t 308 91 lohu Kly mi. poor ald 8 00 Mrs. Evans, " " 6 00-$ 14 00 Transfer lo 4th ward fund. . 40U 00 ' Ui " " 300 00- 700 CO Slil'TKMBEK 6, 1887. E. Jay Hale, expert accountant 25 00 Fred. Slpley, salary 65 00 Mlehael Clark, " 60 00 Wm. H. Camplo", " 12 90 Spencer Crawford, " Janltor.. 2 (K) .). Mauser, " " .. 15 00 " ele niiigaudrepalrVng hose 3 00 J. Hanser, aprlukllng court house liivvn 4 00 Dr. V. E. Breakev, fof cuts of city hall .. 12 55 H.C. Wïlraot. posting bilis 1 00 Est. R. A. Beul, BOppTlea M 75 Jas. w Roblson, borse blre.. 100 Jas. Tol ben. lumber for walks. 4 20 J.C. Schmld, lamber and labor walk tüli ward, E. H.... 8 58 0. 1 Iberbacn, aupplles 2 64 E. B. Hall, coal for K. II. . 7 00 Thos. S[H'i'chley,cleaninghosa BtC 2 40 Wm. A. Cliamberlaln, labor.. 1 00 A. (jrinier, " .. 1 50 J. Oovert, " .. ■; 2.", John O'Orady, " .. 3 00 N. 15. Covert, " .. T 10 J.B Dow, ' .. 6 00 John Pogoaty, setting stone, N.Ktatust 6 50 Hutzel et Co., drlnklDg fonntain and plitmbing Huion st 143 81 Chas. Tessemer, masón work OO lotintaili. lluron si.. 3tj (IJ James it Baraay, Bagglng and wiirk on fountain, Hur, .ii st 49 58 .lolm II. Davls, poor ald '(for ;.-.. Uoas] H 00 D. W. Amsdeii, marshal'sord. 17 00 lilil. Je LaiiKsdorf," " . 2 50 Theo. Blgalke, " " . 6 00 Geo. W. Cropsey, " " . 8 00 J. Elsele, " " . 2 00 .luim Goetz &Son," " . 192 Hagan &Tay lor, " . 8 69 J. Loney " " . 1 25 W. II. Melntyre, " " . !6 00 John Hnebllg. " ' . 15 00 C. Rlnsey, " " . 6 27 J. Roblsoo, " " . 1 f0 s. Seyfrled, " " . 13 00 Rinsey Seabolt, " " . (i John ttoes, " " . 60 W. !■'. Lodholz, ' " . 11 38 Werner A Brenner" " . .'i m ii. Weson, ' " . l 40 W. VV. Wlnes, interment fees, UarsbaPa order 3 00 Morris V 'aie. ninrsh:il's order. 8 00 $ 649 12 1' UoNally, services at ilre. 9 00 M. C. Sbeeban, " " " . 2 00 A. MorrUon, " " " . 4 00 'I'hos. Condón, " " ". 2 00 1)0". Collius, " " " . 5 00 John Ryan, ' 2 00 E. Jav Hale, expert accountant 2500 Mrs. Evans, poor ald 6 00 ■ lo in Flynn, " " 8 00 $ 63 00 Septkmukk 12, 1887. Peter Carey, bal. on excliange ofproperly 500 00- S 500 00 ' X TOBBE 8, iSSl. 8. Wood & Co., sewer pipe f 20 78 Hutzel & Co., suppües and labor 54 20 C. H. Manly, abstract, Carey property 13 50 J, B. Davls, surveylng 65 00 A. A. Agrlouliural Co., olsiern cover 5 15 Ann rbor Register, publlshIng ordiuauoe 2 10 I'atrii-k o'Krleu, labor 3 "" Jason Kutters, " 2 62 CarlJoerndt, " 3 75 David Stoll, " 4 50 Jacob Uiiuser, janltor 15 00 g.Crawford, " 2 00 Krel. Sipley, salary tö 0i Mlcbael Clark, " 5C 00 B.B. Oldley. " 85 00 Wm. Olea ver junltorUlh waril E. H 12 .50 Collins it Ainsüeii, marslial's order 16 00 Theo Hignlke, marshal' ord. 00 Seo. W. Uropsey, " ' . 8 00 .1. Klselé, " ■ . 4 00 Jolm QoetZ .V Son," " I llagan i Taylor, " " . 8 58 Kagau Trusa :)., " " . 200 W. P. Lodbolz, " " . 12 57 Wm, H. Mclntyre," " . " 0!) Johu Mneblig, " ' . 5 00 J. A. Polheraas, " " . 86 C. Rlnsey, " " . 8 84 Klnscy & Keabolt, " " ' 8 00 .loltii ll.iss, " " . M 8. seyfrled, " " ■ 15 00 .1. D. su tusón, " " . 2 78 II. ecob. " " . 1 80-3 452 79 Dr, .i. Kapp, oxtra compensatiou as bealtb olllce.r.. 25 00 Dr. C. Oeorge, exiracoinpensallon as lieaitli oflleer... 25 00 Q.F.Seboettle.reAiDded liquor lix 133 32 N. O. BultK, for purchnse of lot in Une orCbarMi street. SUB 01- 468 32 John Klvnn. poor atd 8 10 Mis. Evans, " f ö 00-S 14 00 Novkmukk 7, 1SS7. Fred. Meyer, oleaalug hosc - I 2 00 Samuel fayior, druwing hose can 1 M JeffDavls, labor 50 Geo. Coliins, water lime 1 60 Cari .loi-riiil!. labor 4 oO Patrlck ü'Brlen, " ■ 00 Qeo Stoll, " 50 Abiam Kos-rr, " 8 0.) Edward Barnett, " :i l9 lt. B. Weeks, " 8 10 J. a. Polhemus-sprinkllngsts. 00 B. B. Uall cual Y. 11 18 0 K. Klttrldae, prlollng 3 James & Harney, stone for oroMlngs - i p Batzel ft Oo.. dropUght t 50 Qeo. walker, tar oromlng. .. ij oo J. Hanser salary, Jaultot l oo wlord, ■ " .... 2 00 B. B. Qldley. aerving sldewalK Dotloes 1 oo Fred. Slpley. salary k Jj Mlohael Clark, " 50 00 (J0HI11S& Amsilen, inarsbal's orden 6 00 frank Blgnlkl, marshal's ortl. o 00 Geo. W.C'ropsey, " " ' 1 Ie, " i 5 John Qoetz & Son," . 5 Hagan & Taylor, " ' . w K. B. Hall, " ■ f Geo.Haselsobwert," ' . 1 w Wm. 11. Mclntyre," " . 7 l . Rlnsoy, raarshal's order. 7 86 otan Itoss, " " . 1 80 Insey Heabolt, " " . 3 31 Soyfrted, " " . 37 75 V. i'. Lodbolz, " " . 10 21 I I'. Vogel, " " . 80 i. Wesh. " . 1 50 lorris Ware, " " . 10 U0- $ 421 70 I. E. H. Bower, pub. ordlnnncus. etc 3 40 . C. Sc W. W. Watts, mayor's oharoa 7 50 [rs. Evans, poor ald 6 00 obnFlynn, " " 8 ou- $ 24 90 Dl.CKMHER 5,18S7. . B. Davis, estab. grade on Monroe and Aun sis... 10 00 . H. Divis. ostab. Riade on State and Iluronsts 1150 ed Slpley. salary 5 00 llohael Clark. ■ 50 00 . lluuscr, jitnitor E. II 15 00 Crawford, ' C. K 2 00 '. W. Meyer, " SLb trard E. H 25 00 olm Wiitbrecht, labor on T. & A. A. Crossing 3 50 David Bahr, gravel and labor on T. A. A. crosslng 70 Geo. Walker, tar crossing on T.& A. A. crosslng 10 00 Miinn Bros., relaylng stone walk 25 50 as. Tolbert, lumber 34 55 v. il Cbamberlaln, labor 5 00 Morris Ware, labor 150 " " woimI lor B. H... 4 0Í 3 Eberbaob, nalla 152 ,'. M. Thompson, drawlng bose cari 1 00 C. Mattliews, cleanlng bose. 150 Mrx. Miirrison, " " . 1 50 as. Donahuc, " " . 1 50 M. C. Sheehan, cleanlng engine 8 00 W. P. Lodliolz, supplles, E. II. 4 03 C. Eberbaob, " " . 6 50 }. O. Sorg, setting g-lass in " . 9 95 Chas. II Manly, sid(alk notices 24 75 Antón Bisele est., coplng stone 2 W S. Wond & Co., lumber 9 54 John Feiner, signs for Hauovi-r sqnare. 1 50 Tav W. Robison, bone hire.. . 3 50 Geo. Collins, wood, marshal's oaioe 2 oo W. H. WcKton, supervisor Webster, attenaanee on Grove's childrcn (diphtherla) 42 25 Collins & Aitisden, niarshaPs orden 42 00 Frank BUalki, marsbal's ord. 6 00 ;■ : Cropsey, " " . 8 00 l'lillip, Duffy, " " . 4 50 i. Bisele, ' " " . 2 IK) D.iy & Feiner. ' " . 3 75 Jobn Uoetz&Son," " . 4 37 Hagan .'- r.iyior, '■ " . 8 49 leo. Hescetaobwert," " . 1 00 W. F. Lodbols, " " . 12 i Wm. H .Mclnlyre," " . 4 52 Jobn Muebllg, ' " . 3 00 Hinsey Aseabolt, " " . 146 .lob n Roí 8, " " . 2 30 Caspar Itinsey, " " . U 06 s. öeyfried, " " . 42 60 A. D.Sevler, " " . 1 90 D. K Bobalrer, " " . 2 uo M.P. Vogel, " " . SS II. Wesh. " " . 1 50 Morris Ware, " " . 15 50-$ 586 71 Mrs. Kvans, poor aid ö i 0 Jobn flynn, " " 8 00-$ 14 00 .Ianl-aky 3. 1888. David Oolllos. waioblaa flre.. 3 00 Christopher Alatthews," ' .. 3 00 Jobn Morrlson, " " .. 1 50 C. Matlhews, " " .. 1 50 Alben Roe r, ' " .. i aj C. ü. Carleton & Co., hose washers .. 2 70 J. Bauser, salary, Janl tor 15 00 " " drawlog hcise cart.. 1 00 Hutzel & Co., turnlng off water at lountaiD, etc 175 R. & T. Kearns. anchora for brldgeraillng 3 00 Seybolt & Allmendlnger, repairs on scraper . . 2 60 Collins Amsden, wood for K. II 2 00 Michael Clark, salary 50 00 Fred.ölpley, " B5 00 8. Crawford, " Janltor.. 2 00 E. B Hall, coal for E. II 14 00 David Collins, special pólice dnty 1 50 Collins Amsden, marshal' orders 3ii 98 F. Bigalki, marshal's oiders. 00 (Jeo. W. Cropsey, " . 8 00 Philip DufFy, " " . 4 50 Deao&Ou., " " . 1M Mr. lixiuner, " " . 50 J. Eisele, " " . 2 00 John Goetz A Sou.' " . i 8 Hagan v Tay lor, " " . "84 E, B. Hall, " " " . 3 75 Geo. Heselsehwerdt" " . 2 00 W. F. Lodholz, ' " . 18 si Wm. H, Molntyre," " . 8 99 H. Richards, " " . 2J SS lolin lioss. " " . 0 C. Rlusey, ' " . 7 01 liinsi'v & Seabolt, " " ■ 4 72 s. Beyfrled. :' " 43 00 M. I'! Vogel, " . " . i 30 WernerA Urenner" " . 2 1) Morris Ware, " " . 29 00 II. Wesoh, " " 1 51- 3S273 Morris Ware. wood for E. II... 2 SU J. H. Ml Der for asslstlng on lux rolls 2" 00 Mrs. Kvans, poor ald 6 011 Jobn Flynn, ' ■■ 8 00-1 41 M 816,328 91 RBCAPITULATION. í i B8T W'A i: ii Kr Mi. Tobal.onlmnd Feb. 1, 1887, 1,109 20 ■ saleofairt. Nov. 8Oth.... 4U 00 " :iruiiiution, Feb. lst.. "00 0) By warranta dravo for 1887, W0 41 Bal. m hand Feb. 1. S 928 89 BECOND Waiiii Fr-si). To bal. on hand Feb. 1, 1887, I 1.110 11 oasb per Herz, Feb. lst, 11 63 ■ Jnly 81st.. I M " approprlatlou, Feb. lst. 1,000 00 , 0 129 0, By warranta drawn for 1S87, í.Otw ti" Bal. on hand Fob. 1, 1888, $ MM 35 Tin un W.utii l'rNí'. ïobal.on band Peb. 1, 18S7,S1.023 49 ■' approprlatlon, Feb lst.. "oo 00 By warnuits ilrawn for H-S7, 5Si 52 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, '88, 1,189 W flUKI B W'AUll FUNI). To bal. o Imiul Feb, 1, L88T,t 86Í 12 ■' transfer Aug 8lh.. 40U 00 " appropriallou, Feb. lst.. 1,00 i 00 By warranta foi 1881 l,04-i 97 ' transfer to contingent fUnd 400 00 1,441 97 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, 1888, $ 319 15 Fiftii Wabd Fi mi. To bal. on band Feb. 1. 1887,$ 311 42 " pproprlatlon Feb. lst soo 00 By warranta drawn for 18S7, 375 74 Bal. on band Feb. 1, 1888, $465 68 Bixth Wabd Vvxb. To bal. on hand Feb. 1, 1887, $ 258 54 ' oasíi for dlrt, Deo. 81. ... 18 7U " appropriHtioii. l-"ob. lst. SO) 00 ' transfer, Awt. stu ._soo_oo ? ffl By warrantsfor 1887 S " 19 "' lnU1m;!d.'?...'.UU.üg.en.1 300 00 tl.mi9 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, 1888, $ 354 03 ,:i:ai, Sthkkt Fu.nd. To bal. on band Feb. 1, 1887. $ 151 07 "approprlatlon, Feb. ísi. -',000 00 ■ UMiisfer to contingent f1IMJl 8C0 00 Iuua $2,95107 l!v warranta for 1887 Si.Ois si Bal. on haml Feb. 1, 1888, 472 20 (iKMK VI. Í'IM). To bal. on hand Feb. I, 18S7, S1.22S 90 approprlaUon, Feb. lst. antojo f By warants for 1887 _L!!12! O verdraft Feb. 1, 1888. ... 71 69 City Ckmetery Fus. To transfer from conllngent In ii.l Feb. 7, 1887 $ 100 00 To transfer from conllngent uin.l April 15. 1887.... 26 87 Tocasli, Kil Munly, May 81. 1887 5 00 Tocasli. Kil Manly, Nov. 30, 1887 10 00 141 87 5y overdraft Feb. 1, 1887. ...ï -28 87 warranis for 1887 90 18 $ 117 05 Bal. on band Feb. 1, 1888, 21 82 Doa tax Fund. To bal. on haixl B"eb. 1, IS87, 8 100 00 " tax collected 1887. . . ... 125 60 $ 225 60 By warrant UrawnSept.5,'87 125 60 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, '88.. 8 100 00 Watkk Wohks Fuxd. To bal. on hautl Feb. 1, 1887,8,2f " upproprlatlon Feb. lst.. 5.0U0 00 8 8,288 33 iiy warranis for 1887, (hydrant reutal) , 4,88125 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, 1888, $ 3,407 98 Delinui knt Tax Kunu. To tax ree'd üot. 81, 1887 1 89 Ï9 " " ' Jan. 31, 1888. ... 28 24 - $ 75 58 By overdraft 1,228 19 Overdrafl Feb. 1, 1S88... $ 1,152 56 CoNTINUKMT Kl To bal. Fel. l-i, is7 Jt;,(H8 84 " translcrPontiac st. bridge taz July 1 2,500 00 To cash Allmendinger,M;iy 31 25 00 To liquur lax, June :0 7,'.i74 )." " ' " July 31 912 89 " " ■ oct. 3i e " licenses, etc. Oet. 31 28 50 " Treas. rep. l)ec. 81 10344 ' Jan. 81 14 :w ' transier from Cien. M. rund, Kei). 1 800 00 To transfer from 4tli ward, Feb. I 400 0:j To tran-fer from fith ward, Feb. 1 30000 20,105 54 By warrants for Feb. 'S7... .$1,978 99 " transfer t o city cemelery fund 110 00 By warrants for March, '87 682 98 " " ' April, - 961 80 " transier to clly cernetery funil 26 87 By transfer lo Gen. st. finid 800 00 " warrants lor May, '87 7:t 71 " " " June, '.... 5.70S 73 " " " July, " .... 836 ló " " " Au;;. " .... 822 81 " transfer to4tli ward fuud : '■ ' ■' 6lli " " 300 0) '■ warrunts lor sept. 1887.. 1,212 12 " " " üct. " tL 11 " ' " Nov. ' i;; M " " " Dec " 604 71 " " " Jan. 68 I-M 28 16,328 91 Bal. on hand Feb. 1, '88, 8 3,776 63 BON II Kil INUNIÏTKDNESS. Mot' a Cent. Cas i i . Per City Treasurer'n Monthïy Report: om band Jan. i-t., is7 % 6,85o 17 Recelved durlng year 33,208 55 Total S.á!9,0l 02 Pald out during ycur :!4,b94 07 Bal. on hand $4,169 95 Sümjiary. Wnn, Balance Balance vuuu. ls87 ceipts. menls. 1888. OooUDaeiit. I U MS 81 $14510 70 31G328 91 j 3776 63 General 1228 'M 5999 '.11 7948 79 719 69 Qeu. 8tr8t 15107 2iW (,U atT8 81 472 2B lMt wtrd 11Ü9 20 740 00 920 31 928 89 2d word 1110 11 lüls yi 1U02 67 1126 35 3d ward 1023 46 7(X) OU 583 52 1139 94 4th ward. ... -JOl 12 140U 00 1444 !)7 319 15 5th ward 311 42 500 011 375 74 465 68 6lli wnrd 2M öi 1115 70 1020 19 354 08 UeliD.Tax.. 900 39 75 53 327 70 1228 09 City Ccm'ry 26 S7 14187 117 05 24 82 W alerworks 3288 3:) 5000 00 4S81 25 3107 98 Dok Tax 100 00 125 60 125 60 100 00 Courtll.aid 2156 00 2146 00 10 00 Total S15951 23 $35881 25 $39701 51 $12108 15 Ore'dr'ws 927 26 1947 78 Lees Trans fer account Í34384 23 $38201 51 Overdraft. rüftfjOTHf ' i ff [ frl ; ■pf.:::liii ! I 1 : j I j : ] P ! ■ 5 ] } j í i I : g L S o. et S o. 5 B ti B S Ï B I 85 888 88888 5 " "= 3 S S L 3 S 9 5! 3 s; r & g s " : 3 ïó _ti W O' - O X 1 S M i ffi - ê5 . 5 SSfcS8SSg85S8 ? E gi S g ?i S g Si á1 a S 3 S - : " " 3CC „B-IO00-_--lí í 5 _8 8 gSSSggSSgiga p=" - ti c: t - - J. o w' -x : ;; í- govi;b!oik.t of the city oia.n akuor, 188t-8s, common coun'ciu Wlllard li. siuiin, JAwr. tuu. II. l'ond, Recorder. AI.1IKKMK.N'. First Wii ril- Q. F. AUinendinger, Nelson Satüerlsud, Beoond Ward- William Ilerz, Cbrlstiiin Martin. Thtrd Wurd- rm. Ncithammer, Thomas Kearns. Fourlh Ward- John M. Swlft, (Vacanoy.) Kifth Ward- Earl l{. Ware, A. H. Uummond. ölxtli Ward- (Vacanoy), Levi D. Wlnes. CITY OFFK l:i:s. City Attorney- Cbauuuuy Joslyu. City Treasurer- Jihii Muoru. Marsbal - Kred. Blpli y. City Physlolan- C i. Uarling. City Kngiueer- J. B. Davte, PIB B I) IS í' A RT11 EJÏT. Chler Englueer- R. K. aanford. FlrSt As.-lsiallt. - Moscs Sc:il)i)lt. Second Assisiaiit- A. B. Wiuus. Secretary- N. l. Gal Ireasursr- Moses Beabolt. ülBWard- Johu Morrlson. ■UK WAHUKNS. First Ward- Cuspar Blnsey, E. Lulck. .mil Ward- .1. Uelozmann, J. Wagner. Tlilrd Ward- Johu li. Dow, W. K. Walker. Fourtb Ward- D. J. Loomls, John Fogarty. Killh Ward- O. II. Rhodes, J. W. Johnson. Slxth Ward- A. F. -Martin, H. T. Morton. BO VIII1 Hl' HKAI.JH. President and Uealth üfflcer- W. V. Breakey M. D. Socretary- Jerome Freeman. öaullary Inspector- E. B. Gldley. Mayor Smitb uiaki's some snestions as tocity affairs on 2d page of Coukieh.


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