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P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collectlona ■ promptly atended to. Monej[ to loan. Housos and lots or sale. Office in Conrt House. JOHN SCHNEIDER," No. 37 North Main Street, opposlte the posto tfice, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Balt Meata of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. THE GERMANIA HOTEL. pORXER WASHINGTON AND SECOND J strpet. Wm. L. Fiank, p'Oprletor. Sampíe rooms for traveling men. Eveiy room bvated bv steam. ■: DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE comer Hurón and Main Kt reets. Resldence No. 8. South División street. Office hours froni 2 to I aud 7 to 8 p. m. Teleuhone No. 114. D. A. McLACIlLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MAS3X1C TKMPLE BLOCK. Ann Arbqr. Office hours from tl to 4 and 7 i to 8 p. ra. Kcsidenco 48 Thuuipson street. Telephone No. 123. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND SUGEON. Offloe and reidence over postofflce, flrst floor. N1UHOLS BROS. ' W. W. & A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonic Temple Block, over Saving Bank, Ann Ar lor. JOSEPH CLINTON, VfERCHANTTAILOR. 8hop over Wines ill Worden'. All work cuaranteed or no harge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTORNFT ATLAW. ö. Office, nos. S and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. UNION BoTTiING WORKS.' In the ünlon Bote! BlocK, corner of Washington Rnd Becond ftreeta, Aiui Arbor. Beer by t'e Bottle or bv the Case, deÜTcred to any part oí the city. I have also Pure Wines and Llquors. JOUN öCHNKüiER, Ja., Proprletor. MARY C. WIIITING. A TTORNEY AT LAW. K-al Estáte, Loan, jfi Coliection and Insurance office. Private ccnsultatlon of ladies eacredly regarded Onice 66 East Hurón street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. (J. W. VOGEL. mw MAliKET. 0, W. VOGEL, Proprletor. Lata of Cheissa. at Thomas Matthews' old stand on Ann Etreet Fresh and Sait meata ItepC on xand, FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official correspon n. dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Eh tate, Coliection, Insurance, Steainship and Loai ' ftency Ofllce No 40 South Mam street. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Paintor. Gilding, Calclmlnlne, Glazlng tnd Paper Hanelug. All work done in the ' best style and warranted to gtve satlsractlon. Bhop, No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Confectionery and Lunrh Rcoms. i Hrst-cUss meals at uil hours. Oysters in every style Bread, Cakes, l'ies and i'old ' Lunches constantly on hand. All kinds of clgars 'ind tobáceo, liestaurant cor., Ann and Fourth streets fiïciory aai Asi Tinto. I will pay $12 per cord, CASH, for good Second Growth Hickory Butts, i Buitable for Axe llandles, delivered at : myshop south of depot, Ypsilanti. Good Second Growtu Ash, suitable for Whiffletrees, Neck-Yokes, etc, also , wanted. C. W, Dickinson. i New Restaurant i JOHNLONEY, Proprietor. Warm Meals Sei ved. Cokl Luncli. : Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue, Tripe, and Oysfers, eto Restaurant open from 6 a. m., until 12 o'clock midnight. No. 23 North Main St. EUGENS OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, - AND- " ' i Notary 101)110. Moneys Col'ected ni any of Europo Drafts Bsuedand paid. Correspondent of Imperial Germán Conaulate. Cin iunati. Acent for ttie American line of iteamera running ln-twven Pinlajelphia, Hainhurt;, Liverpool, and all the prin eipal feaports in N rih Qermany: of the liiif b tween Ni-w Yoric and Rotterdam, and of Ihe : Few York a liremen Lin. Power of attoruey legally maxle out., for any püca in Europe r já money col ected on claim OFFICE: No. 8 eet Liberty Streot, Ann ' Arbor, lien. i


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Ann Arbor Democrat