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Dakota'e wheat Is all of the spring variety and tberefon the farmer is not suujectcd to the danger of losing his erop by winter-killing as happens frequeutly to the winter-wheat belt. Dainiige to the erop by rust, Hessian fly or ehineh bug has never occurred in the history of the Territory. A MICHICIX CENTRAL lï:iHro:id Fmployo Win- 111a Oase Aftcr a Seven Tfear' ('ontest. Auiion-, Mich., Dec. 20, 1S87. "While employed as agent tor the Mlohi gan Central Kailroad Company at Augus ta, Mich., about seven years ugo, my kid noy - beciime disensed, and I havo been a great sufferer ever sinee. Have consultec the leading physicians of this city and Ann Arl or, and all pronounced my. case Bright's disease. After tuking every high ly recommended reinedy that haii knowl edge of to no purpose, and while Buffering under a very severo attack in October last, began taking Hibbard'sRheumatietyrup and ara to-dny a weU man. It affords me pleasure to render sufïoringhumanity any good that I ran. and in speaking of the remedy, allow me to say that 1 thinkit the greatest medicine in the world. E. Lahzii.khe, Agent M. C. R. R Low ent bodices are usually drapec with folds of silk net. lace or tulle, anc the arrangement and kind of garniture;? np eai'h side of the bodico-front are invariably dissimilar. For strengthening and clearing the voice, use "Brown's Hronchial Troches." "I have coramendod them to friends who were public speakers, and they have proved extromely Bervicabie. " - Rev. Henry VFard Beecher. Dakota's prairies will f urnish the breaa supply of the nation ; the best article at the lovr est price. We ought not to be too anxious to en courage nntried innovation in cases o: doubtful iraprovement. For a quarter o a century Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy has been before the public and passed through the sevorest tost and is pronouneed the mostreliable remedy for that disaereeable malady. Thousands of testimoniáis of its virtues. i0 cents per bottle. By druggists. For afternoon wear aro importad some ve'y stylish and elegant tiiilor-made models, hand ome'y brnided. i'ne of golden lirown cloth is brailed with a narrow twisted cord in gold and in bronzs. lt' Alw.iv!hc tVlly. "Didn't I tol! you so " said a gentleman to an acquaintance whom he chanceii to meet on tho stroot; ''it'salways the way." 'VVhat's aiwavs tba wny!" enquired a mu tual friend of the two men who happened aionj; ust then. "Why, justthis," replied the first speaker; "you see Smith, here. the at time met him lie had one oí the .(ir-! coughs yon every l eard. i'ecom plained of a lo s o' appetito, night sweats. of low spirit-i anJ otber unmistnkablo premonttory symptoitis of consumption. i told h in to get a supply of Tt. Pieree's Colden Medical Discovery at once. He did so. and loo; nt him now! Did you ever see a hoalthior lnokins man ' Tha 'Discoveryf hiis.suatchetl thousands from consumpti s graves. I know it would cure Smith. lt's al way 8 the way." rinces" dres-es nd polonise aro ideal for any one sliuiit, nnd just the thing for those inclined to embonpoint. She Hrok i ho Bns 'i'mtnt because she saw that he liad coased tolove her. II. r beauty hiul fuded, her former hi'h ha i given place to a dull lassitudr. bat had c;u-ea this change ? I-unctiona: deranKeinent: slio wan Buffer ng from lliose ailmeuts peculiar to her sex. And sm t ïieir twoyounglivesdrifted apsrt. How neodles8, ho'w crue; ! Had she taken Dr, Pierce's Kavorite Prexcription she milit have been ietored to health and bappiness. If any la y reader of these liiies s similarly a icted, let her ose no ti iic in procurinc the "i-avorite ' roscription. ' Jt will give her a new ease of life. iSold by dra Cgtetl, unilor ;i iiositive guar antee rom the maunfacturérs of perfect sati factiOB in everv case or money relunded. oo gnar ntee on bottlj urnpper. Mrs. Hicks-Lord says she shall devote l:er unexpeeted legacy oL $1UÜ,OOÜ to charity. You think pcrhaps that Dakota Is too fat north (!). llave voucverthought thatEngland, Northern Franco, (iermany and Denmark aro all far north oí the northern boundary of the Territory and that the sume parallel of lctitude that passes through its central portion cut9 through Southern France, Northern Italy and Anstria! Dakota extendí only from latitude 42 degrees 30 minutes to 40 degiees, barely half way from the Equator to the N oith Pole. The 6Outhernmost polnt of England by latitude ia 70 miles north of the northêrn boundary oí Dakota. Moxïe IjOXenffM Break a cold in twenty-four hours, and prevent one under tho most severo exposure, while thelr use do. not render you more likely to take cold afterwards. Every woman keeps a few in her reticule for an emergeucy. On cold, damp days, you will seo lots of people in the draughts of street cars, slipping one on thelr tongue. 10 cents a package of thirty-six. Druggists every where. Moxie Nerve Food Co., Lowell, Mass., Prop's. The Red Kiver VaUey s the most productivo graín growlng región in the United States. Wheat averaged the past scason, from 32 to 52 hushels per aere, oats from 40 to 105 bushels per aere, and bule; 30 to 05 bushels per acre. Yield for 1887 : WItEAT. OATS. BARLET. IYmbiuacounty.. 4,062,500 1,715.000 444,000 Walsh 4,987,002 2,031,682 229,500 Grand Forks 5,460,000 2.585Í0OO 360,000 Traili 2.6Sl,000 896,000 154,000 Cass 4,741,000 2.722,500 320,600 Richlaud 1,161,995 1,038,654 95,326 Total 23,03S,4SS 10,987,855 1,611,426 A man who has practiccJ medicino for 40 years ouglit to know salt from supar; read what he TOLEDO, O., Jnn. 10. WW. Mesare. F. J. ChoncyJ; Co.- Gentlemen:- I havo been In the genera! practico of medicine for most 40yoavs. and wouldsay that in all my practica and expenence, havo never scon a prcparatlon that I wouM prescrihe wllh as much confldenco of suocess as I can llall's Catarrh Cüre, raanufa':tnred by yo . Have prescribe llt agreat raany times and'its effect is wonderfnl, and wmld say In conclusión that I have yet tofind a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if ttaoy would take it accordtnjr to directions. Vours truly, U L. GOR8UCH, M. D., Otlice, l5Summlt St. We will glve $100 for any oase of Catarrh teat can not be curcd wltli Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken in"IHiyj. CI1HNKV & CO., Props., Toledo, O. 3?"Sold by Druirgists, 75 ceuta. The excellent taffeta siik. the even weft and woof of which make them the most durable wanr of silken goods known, are shown in onibre and changeablo eflfects. Fnollsh PMple Allow a cough to run uutil it gets beyond the reach of medicino. They ofteu say "Oh, it will vvonr away," but in most cases it wears thom away. Could they be induced to trv the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, wliich is sold on a positivo guarnntee tocure, they would immediately seo the excellent effect after taking the Mist dose. I'rice 50e. and $1.00. Trial size free. At all druggUts'. Miss Sangbleu (indignantly) - Waiter. you've got your thumb in my soupl Green Waiter (assuringly) - No matter, miss; it isn't hot enough to burn me. Catarrh Cured. A clergyman, after years of sufTerine from that loathsomo disease, Uatarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prese rip ti on whieh completely cured and s-aved Dim from death. Any sufferer from thisdreadfiildisoasesending a self-addressed stampedenvelope to FroC J. A. Lawrenoa, 212 Kast Ninth St. New Y ork, will receive tbe recipe free of charge. Newly mnrried couples should bo careful not to extract so much sweetness from thj honeymoon as to leave only the whaeks. Itehlac I'lle. Bymptoms - Moisture; intensO itchlng and :tinging; most at night; wor:e by scratehing. if al owe.t to continue tnmori form winch ofteu bleed i:nd uicerate, bei oiuing very sore. hva ne's Ointmens sto) s the itcbingand bleíding, heals u.ceration, and in inany cases removes the tumors. It is equaüy etlicacious in curing all Skin Uiseases. Dr. Swavno & Son, proprietors, Phi adelphia. Swayne's Ointment can be olitaineil of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 ce.ts. Lady- Are you in favor of home rule? Congressman - 1 can't soy. I'm a bachelor. Conaiimptloi Surely Cured. To the Editor:- Pleawe inform your readers that I haye a positivo remedy for the above named disease. By its timeiy use ten thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cureii. I shall bo gl ■ d to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if thoy will send me their expres and 1'. O. address. Resuectfully, T. A. Sloccm, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St., New York. English basket plaid stripes with surah are used with black wool iight weight for sumuier dresses. BURNS and Roalds are instantly rendered palnless and lnvarlably cured witliont a scar, bythe use of CarbolUalve, the great skin remedy. 25 and 50 cents, at Druggists or by maU. Cole 4 Co., Black Kiver Falls, Wis. Charming evening toilets havo lace skirts, with moiro bodicos with sashes to match. STJACOBSOU RHEUBIATISSS. Ootrobnrativc and Conclusivo Tostimony. loncü, Mas.., July 9. 1SST. Gentlemen :--l'r. Lewls DcnnU bal juit :alleJ spon me. and Informa me that the boy Orín Robínton, who wal a poor crlpple on crutches, nd waf cured by St. Jacobs OU in 1S31; the euro hu remaiDed permanent. The yoyr.g man hai been and il not7 at work at manual lator: the caieerU-inly proves the effleacy of Et. Jacobs 011. Dit. OEO. 0. OSOCOD, U. B. Eotdby Dmygi&ts and Dealen Ewnnchcre. Tho Ch.-lrlen A. Vofrelcj-C'o., Drtltov, M1. Neuralgia, Headache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruiscs, Burns, Wounds, Lame Back, And All Pains Of An Inflammatory Nature. Sold by JDrucclX'. SOc. and 81. OO. soxo book ir.vir.rn fiiee. Addre93 WIZARD O1L c0' ""lUM DbTpH. D. PAUL -BB Hb ChtOitic lllseuac r 0m PlI'fSpecialty. S&" SÍ3 .North Clark St.ChiciufO.UL Ut IMP PERCHEKOX IIORSKri ! FRKXH (MKKIAOEHORSKS ! 2f pure Bred Honei on Hand. If you are thinking of purchaslng i stallion or mart, cithor imported or American bred. pure breed orf:r;ulf, ;i:iy atóc wtsight or onlor, write us, describí nu abotu what yon want. and the term1 you wonld llketo boy on, and we wíii answer fonr letter fully and sent! you onr large Illuntrated -at!i]i)(tuo (thoünest draft-honie cataTotnie publlataed) frue by mail. Wfi beliovc we cum makc It to y ur advantiimt to dal wlth ut-. Our prlcOT are re'Onable. Wis Bell on easy trr.niind ccuaranree uur liorns broeders. lATAGE A FAKWM. Importers anti Breedf-rs Island Homo stock Kiirm, ie ïsie, wayno Co., Muh. Please ndrtrc-is all letters: Sarasa & Farnnm, Detroit, Mir.h. AWell Dnïls I il PA Fon Every Purpose il VSOLD ON TRIAl" W. ■GOULDS&AUSTIN, 9 167 & 169 LAKE ST. WHWaíÁ'&áaOHICAGO. ILLINOIS. V Wo makc i spwiiilty of in arm f ao rt turint? Baby Carrlugea 10 eïl OS BRmmR rccttopi-ivati' purtieo. Vuu jlPKBP c&n thcrefore do botter wilh U9 mt- jWftw than with ft dealer. We eend car ■sEKhcflb to all pninu witbin 500 miles V0fUÉHSf of Chtoacro IVrc ofchurge. euj Wfe CHAS.RAlSER.Mfr., 62& u CIybourn avei thicag0) 1IL t% JOMES fHraPAYSthei-REieHT WW 5 Ton Vason Sclrs, SHfln Tr l'.'"m lid U-in lïot for Tl P3? "''JON HS "V í ÍNOHAlÍTQ'.' ■ slï " Dl-Nt.H.V;iiTON. N. ï. lÏTop Buggy - NpÜmb FOR $65.00. jTatwSHJBTsv Otbcr Bngíea, Cor VGflHÉiMBBHvr' rlftt't'3, Sltufhs, HarAOQnBflPKAA r.c5s, nnl a thousand OTlieoMest medicino in tlie woiiii lsprouubly mm Dr. Isaac Thompson's U EtEBRATED EYE WATEll Tliïs arik-le LsacarefnUy propared Physldan'ii pwBcrlption.and has been In constan t uro nt-arïy aceotury. CAUTION.- The only cenuine Thompson1 Ej-o Wnter ha-tnpon the whito wrapper oreach bttle aa ewtraTedpoitnlt of the inventor, dk. Isaac Tnoiipsois with a faC'Sttnifr. !' hit siifnature; nlso h nota of haod stenefl John L. Thompson. Avoiü all oth#re. Thegenulne Eyo Water can be obtaineJ ftom all Drugslsts. JOHN L.THOWPSON,SOWS&CQMTROY,N.Y. ■h B 1 prescribe and fnlly en,A dorse IiIk U a the only ■Curwin H speeific for the certaln cure i AVI TO 6 DATS. V of this diseuso. WOuirutMd not M tJ U.I.N'GRAHAM.M. D., g oMoStriotoro. Amsterdam, N. Y. ■ Brd only by tb We have sold Big G fOT ■SV..M. m.a.ii ft many years, and it has WUUnaiClLKiicilC&n be8t of 8aUg. Hft Clnclnaati.lL.uHBm faction. Obio. fa V. ü- DYCHE A CO., rf(y Chicago, I1L Tr4HlarklSl00. Sold by Druggist. I GURE FITS ! When lBycnre I donitt mean merely to stop them foratimeandtnun have tbem roiurn agMa. I in cm a ndicalcn. Ihave eoi FITS, EPU EPÖY er FAM.IXü BiOKNESSalilo-longBnidy. I Warriint my roinody to cure tho worst cusi-. j;-;mse OUiers haré fallad ü do naBon f or not now röceiving & cure. Sendatonce for a treatisoand n l ree Bottia of my infal'ibli' remedy. (vu Bxpnaaand Post Omce. H. u. HOOT.ii t ..183 PearlÖt. Kcw York. orun rno OUD PACKI oflörto cblldren for ScND rUH UUH ÜAoH readlng to throe oi more bouaekooperaa circular wo wfll 'on't, deorlb Ins AXjAB, sbowlng M fresco desliDs, tslnterostiii-r. telling people horv to docornte tnelr walls Alabastine is Hiiroi)riato wtthour borders: wal) pnptr la liot. Alnbastine mukt" pormunont coats tht harden wlth age. u bv paint dealers Don't titko kalfiomlne h-i :i s ubstitutc. !. VBASTISE CO.. Grand Rápida, Mlrll. ■tina C3Bk WbTfsCbtcaeohendqnnrten Dl CO for FUIK AKMSf We nPI F iro shiuirini: uailj to all I II II Bnüao W par of tiio United States, : 4%BBalH0l Flro Am and Sportlne UwOW Write (ir i'.VIA i.ooïtk. Jennsy & Graham Gun Co., ."io ua,aiin TTSB3 THE BBST. n ■ ni V Stíitiont'1-skepp'liem. St.iiiciani qualitT. ri'L ESTÊRBROQK. ■ ■ ■■■■■ A Knlrlit' (;rjA) Stvl and H BB ItKJl'niiiviivi! I'ills for Irretrugl BIB m J:ftr moTiUilv ieviod.-. afo, I niwIkV':1 '' mul Ihe i:ily cenuHaalno. Sent an wh. ■ ■ n ■ ■ . ipt ..f il ot by Ai.kkkd P. Kmui:t. Draffgist, 83Ö0 SM O.I1L ■ IUPFU Dl nnU Prrfnme 10. J-. and 50cbot:le; LINlEN BL0UM(,„V.x ! and BOoboxoa: BitchetPoi , 10. SS .■ i MPac!K'-_!íS (ro1. ir Cleveland ol ' ■'■"''-'- lil.ooM ' i o " prywber RmiI m racolptal price. .'-d i-l' ottl jLXon.jMkaon,l(icb. BABY .c hMlh SU ,! FJülLt. ? ?. P.: .(..■(". TU ckMa( ud i.h ii-liallwlá.-iaM wal. u Uit) ■nuisSiS BSSSB HHHHBaHHiCLaricWiWB,Aiia ■afSïaU'g'ö S.ct A pTTacÊvT ISA B tIB ■ 3 I'atont Attornc.vs, WashiiiKf ■ fclO B W ion, D. C. Instructlons ond B opiniGuson patentübiüty fkee. 'Jü yrK. experlctice. iê 1 !f" yt'tir mólassoi froin auear, ut your nfiflK f" li"ine. Thu in'ji n tlie world. Kuil IntUK . Barrlsburg, Pa. U f% mm fg SIUDÏ. Book-kecplng, Penmanahlp, n v Iw) & Arlthmetio, Bhorthand, etc. thor. ooshJr tanicht bjr n ■■-. Cnoulür froe, HR'AST'e COLJ.Kt; B, 131 Mals st.. Bulfelo. N. Y. 1LAPAV!L ' :il""iti"'" Hotel, lir-a ' 'ni, FnCuul neardepot. (latos J1.0O and upwards. .'.'lurk and van B ren su., h o ■. iliB" TO SS A DA Y. Samplet vorth Jfkfl WS I.ivtrwl ntultr Uit. horsfs cel. llriíí W lirewster Saftlv Hein Holder Co.,'ioUu, Miclu Ml n y. i vet home and mVeni'wmoiiTworkIiiroru3tha UUafan nt BnTthlnrelH ut Iha rorld Eilbn icx CMtlrtll riitt. Ttnui riiLi;. AddnM, FKUI t'u., Augusta, Main, lll n !sworthiax)per:i-. Pettlt'aByeSalvelsworth UULU inj,but is sol i at 25 tu tu H box Liy doalen W. N. U. D.-8-IS. Wlien ivrltinj: to Advortiscrs pleasO say you aan tho advcrtlaomont In Papan


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