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Special Council Meeting

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A special oouncil meeting was held Monday evening, with a full board in attendaure. The following business was transacted : Heitizman & Laubeugayer were granted permission to lay a sule track ou the north side of V asliington etreet, the switch to be on the south side of the street on the propeity of the company. The condition being, however, that the railroad compauy will properly plank the sidewulks on roudway and maintain the planking. The question of putting the blocks between Liberty and Willinm, aod Maynard and Fifth streets in the fire limits, was referred to the lire committee, and to report at a special meeting WedneRday evening The bonds ot the recorder, aud constables Godkin, Schall and Kvuu were accepted. BESOLTHTONS. That the recorder be permitted to use any ro"in or rooms in the city building not otherwine occupied. That an allowance of 80.00 per month be given Mrs. Evans for the year. That a special ommit tee be appointed by the mayor, to continue during the present council year, to be composed of tlie mayor three aldermen and the city attorney, which committee shall have obarge of all disputed matters of fact, and all disputed mattere of mixed law and fact, and to take such action tbereon as shall seem to said committee best to protect the city's interest, in all such oases, subject, bowever, to the action of this oouucil. Oarned. And the mayor, citv attorney and Aid. Sutherland, Miller and Allmendinger, were appointed members of tbe commiuee. MISCELLAXEOUS. The mayor announced the followlng changes in the committees: Aid. Allmendinger was made chairman of tha sidewalk committee; and Aid. Kearns was appointed on tbe finance committee in place cf Mr. Allmendinger. On motion of recorder Baoh the saloon bonas were placed at $3,0D0. An adjournment was then taken until Wcdnesday evening. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINO. There was a full board present. The financial committee reported the estimated expenditures for the year at $25,172, receipts from all sourceB $21,000. The followingboundanes were brougbt within the fire limits: State to Maynard street, and from William to Liberty streeta . l'he city treneurer was instructed not to pay any orders on f unds which are now or may becotne exbauRted. Treasurer Ioore's bond in the sum of $80,000 was accepied with the following sureties: A. Dunn, 8. G. Miller, A. Kelcb, George M. Henion, B. J. Conrad, Benj. Browa. Marshal Sipley, surety, Caspar Rinsey. Constables, T. r . Leonard, snreties, Ñ. H. Druke, A. G winner. Jno. Earl, sureties, 1). W. AmBden, D. Rinsey.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat