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This ie Arbor day. Fine spring weatuer. Huow Suuday morning, April 13, 1883. uur citizeus should be uu the luok uut for burilara. A.H. l'erry haa wbat he calis the raz zie dazzle bat. The hydranta were iried last Suturduv, and fuuud hII nglii. MWf Ina Orcutt bas roturuad f rom a VMlt wilii Int-ud lll JJetrult. Work bas already beau cummenced iu the bui ut district uu state Street. The uew oiiti.ulic cemcti-rv iu Ypsilauti coutmua 14 aeren, uud cust .,2 U. Jaa Hciuliu ba purciianed tüe Olvídale Btalliuu i'niBud Uj JUO. H. Cuuliu Fotulue.1 ümv beiug suld iu tbe luarket are ïmpurieU Iruui ijeila-t, lreluuU. J. Ij. Zcioitr Las cuuiuieuued buildiug a bount; lu cuut ., 1,iU ', nu rt llliaui ülriet 'Ihe buuda suboul iu tbfl tuubip ut l'lttoü. ia Uu uitu itiVived, U..U ktuilb uUL Wttd. Wm. Geer of Superior, t.oldu 1,UUO worth ot btouk ju ibe i'iuiuutii JSatiuuui baiik. bume üue fith are beiug caught in the Hurou river auove tue üioi raiuuud bridge Juu. JVlarka is building a resideuce ou 6. Mam btreet tu cout $1,6 j(). i iiieaulï, oootractur. Sow let the sidewulk from ei stnat r Keuipfa ui-w reaideuue, b. exteuded tu btato utreet. Tüa Observar saya that Saliue is becommg a great auuday reurt tur Auu Aruui bou tous. J. H. ISortiö of Saline let loóse yester day 25,000 brook trout in the ttreaiug' HUOlit lUtí Villaje. A. M. Olarlt ís buildiujf a 84,000 resideooe on Liivuiou atreet, Juo. aooh i doing tUu macón work. F red F. VValace bas tbe tbanki of Thb Deuoobat for a pampblet euntled " The Key to the Great boutü. " .Tuluis Caer is the play íu whioh Booth and Barrett will be eeen at tue Grand opera house, May 7. Acoording to the report of Supervisor O'iiearo, thore are 42 ola soldier in his district - the tuird aud Courtti wards. Alien Fritohett, colored, wlio worked at the barberiDK busiues some years ago in tbis oity, died in Uowell last week of apoplexy. Jno. Walker uew house oorner of Seoond and Mttdison streets, will oost something like $1,500. Krueauff, conti actor and builder. Our oitizens should turn out in torce to-ninlit, and tjive the university glee club a tull house. The concert will be beid in the main hall. All that is now wauted on State itreet to make tüe buBiuen ot tuis thorouüfare complete, is a dry gooda uouse, aud a booi and shoe istore. Work on the fouudation of A. D. Seylers residuuce on Libeity street, hascommencud, aud the buildiug will be pushed rapidly to oompletion. The law proüibits fisliiug withiii 300 {eet ut duiUH uuil ñsli eiiute, arnJ jt ia uu lawful to mix ui Buy kiud iu tüe uilaud wutei'tt ut ihe utitte. buliueiieti ere Ii.jjIiIn eutirluuied last Friday eveuiug l)_ tüo uuitenutjf K'e club, who kVi: o e üf beir popuiuruoii certs iu VV allace 'b upuru liuutu. Dr. Ciibbe receutly f rom Eut{lauil bas u Persiancat wbu-h u u ivul cuiiumij, uud E.B Huil ha a uiukt; wüloli uw Enther bruuK'-t home liuia cuiilrtti House oleaning is now in order. ltepubhcan ward cauous tuis evening. Teachers' examinations at Olielea, April Ü7. Eil Gotr, of Detroit, was in the city y sterüay. 8iiiervinor Gregory of Lima was iu towii Moiulay. State Rtrect ia being graveled, and put in proper ehape T. F. Leona' d bas been in Washington. D. ü. this week. The street sprinklers made their appearance Monday. (Jeo. Olp has moved into Pat Martin'a house on N. Founhst. Polk & Co , are canvassing for a new city and county directory. ■I. W. Maynard has had a new fenoe built in front of his residenoe. Seais are selling lively for the concert in university hall this eveniug. The W. C. T. U.oonvention will be held at the Baptist c'urob, April 25-27. J. W. Kuight is building an addition to his residenoe on División street. W. G. Kobert has opened a barber bliop in the bdüf ui'-nt of the Cook house. M. F. Hmvar.l's residence bas been mattrialy improved by the paiuter'a brush. Ouarley Myers will continue iu tbeemploy of the Albert Sorg painting company. Oeo. Collips and Mrs. .1. L. Foster were miirned April 2, by the Uev. VV . VV. lianiBuy. Grant E. Jenltins las gone to Petoskej to tuke churre -A the Democrat publiahed there. Ez-state senator J. D. Corey, of Manchester, paid The Democuat a cali l'uesday. Mrs. J. R. Miller, of Alcona county, is visitiuR her fatlier, Mr. D. G. Gates of this city. St. Clair Sc Sons sent a coDsignment of wiudmills to Nortü Beud, Nebruska, last Suturduy. Mike Kuster who has been 8ick all winter made lus ürat Hppearance up towii Satarday. F. E. Yale has rented the Cocker place on VV. Hurou strcut und lias already takeu posseasion. 'l'he Delta Kappa Epsilou society house will cust &o 000. Kohn of L)etruit architect. Uince the uew Irw went into torce county olerk Uowlett has issuei 2ü5 mamuje liceuses. Tlitíre will beno regular street commissiouer tlu yeur, hut Aid. ijutu&rlaud will look af ter tue work. The J. T. Jacobs olothiiii; oompany advertise spritig overcoats f rom t-r.0 i to $20.UU. Seo chane. Kev. Wm Galpin, of Hobart hall, officiated at a funeral of an old parishioner in BriKhiou, Monday. Dr. Prescott ia about makiog arrangemeuts (or building an addition to lus residence in the sixtu ward. Aid. Sutherland, chairman of the street oommittee, bas ordered 2,uOÜ square yards of flagging tor oroes-wulks. 8. y. Blitz has retumed from Alpena and Sam Langsdorf takes his place there in their clothing establishment. J. E. Harkins of this city hag put tin root on tne two stores owned by mts. A. Kearney ïu the village of Dexter. R. member tbe concert by the university glee olub to-night. Turn out and give the boys a rouser. They are deserving of it. Hartz' saloon in the fifth wardwas burglanzed Wednesday night, and $10 in cash, and two boitles of liquor was secuted. Albert Borg has reopened his psinting establishment and paper ware house at the old stand on Washington street. See ad. A Dfw plank walk has been laid n round Mr. H. H Kempf'B uew house, Mr. C. L. Pack's aud ilius Kumpt's property on N Iugalls street. The democratie county conveution to eleot ileleiiiitHs to the state couveution May, 11), at Grand Rápida, will be held in tluti city Ma 2. Eiinar O. Durfee duw serving hi fourth teim as judge of probate of Wayne couuty, will undoubtedly be reuominbted thia fall. Persons living within ne block of the lire on tate street, did not hear the alarm, while oihera liviug half a inile away heard it di-tiuctly. .Miclinel Clark still coutinnes to bq patmlin iu. aud it is quite probable that he will ue re appoiuted b tneohief, eubject to coutirmatiou by the oouucil. Tbe old DavidsoD homestead on tbe cornur of Nonh aud Miite streets, has been m iveil to the rear of the lol to make roum for u uew residence. As line a striag of lltili as we haveseen in niuiiy a diiy, we re taken with a honk aud lme Kt f oster's tílutiuu, 'I uesday, by i'ruuk Miunis uud v ni. (Joiselius. Clareuce Bii'leyof .Midlnud isspending h lew díivH ïu tbe city. lle is a son of J. N. Buile.i aud a compositor on the Sun. of wUiuh Iib sireiü editor and propneor. May 2 ín the time üi.d and the uoun iiou.-e the place (r noKliug the democratie county couvcutiou, for tüe pinpoue of eleCtlUK dele ca tes to the a tata couveution. There will be h sale of articles at llob irt wild ttiiH atteruoou b tbe chauoel ociety of si. Audrew' chureb. 'I ea will be erved ai 6 u'ulock b the ladies, aid BuoieU . I ie Michigia furniture company is shippiug Oitr load ufier car load of tbeir furuiture to pinuts eit. west aud sonih. 1 his bas beooiue one of tue instilutions of our city. Tbe Hidewalk committee should get dowu to buaiuess at once. There is a vast deal of work for ttum to do. Show ni favors but serve all owners of idewalks alike. Peter Polson bas purchased a balf interest ia the wood biiNiuess 01 Geo ColIiiib, aud the irm is now (Jolhns & Polbom. Their advertisemunt appears in to-day's paper. The hall ot the carpen ters' uuiou, ntid tbe armory of (Jompauy A were draped in mouming m honor o( the late John Burm, who m an houorary mem lier of both crganizations. Congre?sman Allen thougkt Indian agent Stevens should receive a salary of $1 500 per year for his sevioes instead of $1 UUO and he worked hke a hero for the increase, but it was uo go. Darmg the winter Sweet fe Byoraft piled up on the old skating rink on Miller Avenue, gome 2,000 perch of stone whioh they are now hauhng for different partiea who are goiug to build. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Collins who occupy the old E. W. .Morgan place, were eeranaded last Friday evening by the Saline band. Atterwards some 2U coupled apent the mgbt in danoiug, and had a jolly good time. It is really astonishing to see tbe furuiture turned out by Gruner & Koeb'er. l'biH lirm bas an immense run on bedroom sets. They bave orders f ar in advauce. and are running iheir factory for all it U worth. Sam Borroughs ot Belleville, whote voice bas been raised for temperanoe on several occasions iu tbis city, is a caudidat for prosecuting attorney of Wayne county on the democratie ticket. Summy seems to be a standing candidato for the office. The members of the Washtenaw agnciili umi ui.l borticultural Rociety, are requested to m et at tLeir rooms iu the bus nieut of ihe court house tuis alteruiiuu, ut 2 o'uUx'k. Afill atteuilmice is deMircii as business of importiiuueis tube tniiSaotaU. Ti e funeral nf the Inte .Ino Burns, was ln-iil aturda at ('nlholio churcli, lililí wits iitlriileil liy ii lar'i" OMUOUUIIMof Ir emln wi o folluwed thf n in iim to the ItraVt). oiiiüiii A was uill, ii I-i the Cai ptuteiV Uuiuu. Uw bciutt a wwabwr ol botb orKbBixations. The ünity club gives a social Monday evening. Prof. M. E. Cooley had a valuable dog poisoned reoently. C. Eberbaoh reoeived Wednesday a car load of nails- 230 kegs. Major Stevens and wite visited friends iu Grei-n Oak this week. An son of Edwnnl aud Tillie Camp, tu ward, died Tut.-day. Wm. MoCreery whobroke bis lnp ome montus ago, ís able to be uruud ou orutobes. M. J. Lehman of Chelsea, has opened a law offioe íd this oity over the Farmers' and Mechanica' bank. JRev. Wm. Galpin will preach in St. Luke's ehureh, Ypsilanti, next tsunday morning and evening. The state railroad oonsolidation board approves the oonsolidation of the T . A. A . A O. and the T ., A. A. & N. M. R. B The superiutendenta of the poor will furnish the keeper1 apartments at the oounty houe. A move in the right di rection. Mrs. Taft wife of Prof. Taft of the dent al college was killed in Cinoinnati last SaturJay, as she was stepping from a streel rar. The grain elevator to be erectcd by Heinzmann & Laubengayer will be 24x68 f eet, and three stories high besides the basement. Frank Liewis, of Michigan Centre, an old Ann Arborite. was in town Wednpsday. If he oan sell out bis hotel, he will return here to live. J. W. Moon, of Muskegon, and president of the fire-lad'ier escape company of Grand Bapids. is visiting hls sister. Mrs. M.M. Tuttle, of this city. Edmund Olancy has moved into hi new home on Bowery street, and by the way it ík one of the finest, among the many hnndHome residenoes in the oity. It hal all the modern impro vemen t. Ja. R. Gre?ory was 31 years oíd Snndpy, and the following night he was given a surprise by soma 40 of bis friends wboraet t his residenceon Spring strept, and danoed until bruaii day hglit in the mornintr. Mr. Margaret Taylor, mother of Mrs. Ino. Robiaon and Hum mul Dave Taylnr, of the 5th ward, died in Lunmnir. Mouday night. The funeral was held in tbis oity yesterday af ternoon. 31ra. I', was nearly &9 years of a. Por the year endinff Maroh 31, the busineps of the postof&oe aranunted to $21,400 77: First qnane-, 8',860.68; eeond. $6,475.41: third, 84.229 56; fonrth, $5,99.12. For the ame time the Yp-üanu nfü.:e only shows about half tbis amount. An attempt was made Suturday night to burglanze t r. Fierle's residence. A hole was cut through near tbe lock in the front door, but being bolted at tp nnd bottom, they were unable to get in. The Catholic ohurch adjoining the parsonage waa entered, but Dothing was taken. The republioan olub recently organized in Ypailanti is offieered as follows: President, D. C. Griffen; secy., F. C. Moriarty; treas., A. D. Wells; executive oommittee, S. H. Mareness, John Fuller, Frank Rathfon; John Worden, F . K. Owen A. A. Gravea, Ed. Thompson . Saturday nicht the saloon and restauran t of C. P. Gary was broken into by burglars who only secnred a few pennies and several tilun of tobaooo for their trouble. They next made a raid on G. T. Roehm's place adjoining by breaking a pane of glass in front. Here they got $2. John H. Hall met with a very narrow escape the night of the State street fire. He had ascended the stairs over Warner's store, and was making his way to the roof, when the floors gave way, and both, timbera and Hall carne tumbling dowa. Fortunat-ely he escaped serious injury. Joe T. Jaoobs who bas some 40 head of Holstein thoroughbreds and grade cattle will have an auction, May 1, at 2 p. m. Stockmen from aroup1 Miohigan and several from Ohlo will be present. The nale will take place af his Cherry Vale farra. Joe saya lie has too mueli husmees to bother with cattle. One of the biggest improvements made ou Mum street in a long time, will be commeuoed in July. It will be the remodeling of the store now occupieii Lv BlitE & Langgdorf, and when fiuished they will have one of the tiuest butiue-n places in the ntate. íspier a Detroit architect furnishes the plans and speciflcations Among the political achievements was the election of S. W. Beakes, of the Aun Arbor Argu, as mayor of the university city. Mr. beakes was the former propnetor of the Record here, and lias a host of friends ready to congratúlate lum on his political preferuieut. tle will be found thoroughly competent, and will honor the position.- Our old fnend Uoratio Burcb, was elected Supervisor up at Manchester last week, but it wasn't a new thing for inm for be has beeu Supervisor for these muiy yenr. Manchester iH the oül.v place in tbi-i district wliere the Greenback parts keeps its üua fiying. - Adrien Press. Petcrsnn's Magazine fnr May is at lüiucl, and itH content are varied enou;li t suit tbe most fiiKtidioiiH taete. "IVteraou" is alwava BU frenh ntui briplit, tlmt onemiirht tlnnk itatillin itsteetiK, matead of almuwt reaiiy t celébrate ítgBemiceutenuial. Oíd hubncribers ulwtiyx louk on it as a frieud thui cannot be dispeuRed witli, and new oues never fuil to reret that tbey have not long befare made its ncquaintauce. Capital atunes and poetry are tbe rule, Dot tbe exoeptíou, and, together with its aupeib atee - píate and other illiistnitiono, ín; ke thc oüDlenta of eaoli mnlh a nch treat. Ín ali mattera of dreaa, toilet, and ceedlework, "Petersuu" designs and suggeatioDg are fresh and vnvel, aud its practical Innts to housewives are ulwaya trustwcrtby. Our lady readers should all take tbirt magazine. Terms ouly Two hollar a year. Addrea Pe erí oti'e Magazine, Püiladelphia, Pa.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat