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Common Council Proceedings

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The regular meeting of tha council was held in the oouncil chara ber, on Monda; evening. A f all baard being present with the exoeption of alderman Miller. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. A communication was received from I). Henning, setting forth that his property lying betweeu the Michigan Central tracks, Fontiao and State streets, had been greatly injured by the raming of thu high embankment leading from the river bridge to the railroad bridga. He asked that the subject be investigated and that they grant him a reasonable compensation for the injury to his property. The matter was referred to the strest committee and city attorney for investigation. The church of theDisciples were grauted the uie of one-third of the stroet in front of the premisos oorner of División and William streets, for building purposes. The finance committee made their report and warrant ordered drawn on the various funds, as followa: First ward $ 12 "5 Second ward 80 07 Third ward, 64 86 Fourth ward, 120 01 Fifth ward 268 14 Sixth ward 175 General street, 193 20 General 65 79 Contingent, tz'.i 17 City cemetery, a 00 Total, $1,214 23 The bill of J. W. Kobuon for $4.50 was presented and a warrant ordered drawn on the contingent fund for the same. Ex-city attorney Joslyn presented a bilí for $69.16 for services, which wai laid on the table. The bill of E. B. Gidley for services as committee on nuisances for $75. 00 was referred to the board of health. II. J. Fritz rendered a report on the examination of the books of the recorder and treasurer, which was accepted. On motion of Aid. Allmendinger a sidewald was ordered laid, on the west side of Jfourth street, extending eighty rods south from Summit street. On motion of Aid. Wines, the recorder was ordered to procura a duplícate receipt book for the use of the treasurer; one reoeipt to be given to any party paying money to the treasurer, and the other to be filed with the recorder. The bonds of Henry Marsli, constable, and Alann Bros., druggists, were accepted. The saloon bond of Larry Kahoe was returned as insufficient. The bondsmen of the following saloon keepers wera accepted: Millman & McNally, William Goetz, P. F. Reimold, George Waidelich, C. Carey, and Mary Sohaible. Bids were received from tha Savings Bank offering 3.10 per cent, and from the Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank oflering 3 per cent., on city money for the ensuing year. On motion tbe bid of the Savings Bank was accepted. The salary of the health officer was fixed at $100, for the ensuing year. John W. Thompson, W. J. Clark and E. P. Mason were appointed tha board of review. A bill was presented for $150, for the rent of the wood market in rear of the opera house. Keferred to the linanca committee. City Marshal Sipley reported eight arresta during April, as follows: drunks 3; assault and battery 1; violation city on [in unce 1; violation liquor law 1. He also reported the following expanditures for the poor. First ward, $ g 50 Seeond ward, 13 15 Third ward „ 35 gi Fourth ward, 1 t8 Fifth ward (i0 71 Sixth ard, ."'.' 33 15 Total $238 so City Recorder Bach presanted hi report Bhowing a balanoa of $3,247.78 on hand. City Treasurer Moore presented his report showing receipts, $310.17; dUbursements, $2,962.67; balance on hand, $4,723.19, distributed in the diffurent funds as follows: Contingent, $j 918 S7 Qeneral, overdrawn, 3 928 73 General streel 98 63 First ward , ;.O63 57 Second ward 1094 34 Third ward 1 a 69 Fourth ward wj au Kifthward. 611 52 Sixth ward 304 50 City cemetery, B4 82 goKtax i8 32 Delinquent tax, overdrawn, 152 57 Water worka, 3,407 os The report was accompanied by a certifícate from the cashier of the Savings bank stating that the entire balance as called for in the report was on deposit. Tbe council then adjourned.


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Ann Arbor Democrat