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A Dreiimakn-'N Kxpprlcnce. DíAH Sin:- As Mr. llinman. the drug; Rist, told you, I am a (jreat friend of your remedy. I have usad it at intervals duringthepast I2years. lt carried mesafely tlirough t.h e cntical period of chango of , life without a single siclc day and it did ; treat thingx for me ín many wuvs. I always recommend it where I see a caso that neods it. Jt always doen splendidly, often accomplúbing inore tlin.ii vou have ever claimed for it, and more ttan anyone would reaaily believe who did not personally know tbe cases. I now consider mysolf well, but I work hard at my business - dressmaking - and when 1 ani tired and nervous a small dose of Zoa-Phoraquiets and rests me. I always have it in my housi Vour truly, Mits. Mahy C CiiAXDi.Eit. Battle Creóle, Mich., Keb. 20, 1SS0. To H. O. Colman, Secretary. A sash and blind trust that takes Inthree fourths of the concerns of that kind in New tul md the middle statos is saiil to have been organlzed. A blind trust couilcd with sashes may havo a paneful ending. l'rpventloR -verana Medicines. Hygicnic treatment and care of health has become very onerou? amonz our intelligent people, and now science bas come to the rescue in the shape of a lozenge which prevents the bad elfects from sudden changos of temperatura; and aperson ■ going into a cold or damp air in a perspi ration. is fully protected by dissolving one j on the tongue. Bingers, lecturers, clergymcn. anl especially nomen, use large quantities. Their u-e does not increase ' your liability to take culd after the elfects are gone; this is of great value. Tbe druggists cali tliem "Moxie Lozenges." Very : cheap. A shepherd's crook, with fegulation head. , and one terminating in a circle, Joined. makes an attractive hairpin, either whon jeweled or flnished in Roman gold. lf Mutrerer iVoin t'oiisuinptlnn, Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will try Scott's Kmulsion of Cod Liver 1 Uil with Uypophosphites, they will find inmediato relief and permanent benefit. Ths medical profession universally declare it a remedy of the greatest value and very palatable. Reail : "I have used Bcott's Kmulsion in several cases of i Scrofula and Debility in children. Re. sults most gratifying. My little patients : take it with pleasure." - W. A. Hulbert M. D., Salisbury, 111. In soexi-pinB, wild violets and other tiny ; flowers, of rose diamond, and huving rubj centres, aro much admired. Conaninptlo i Surely Curcd. 1 To the Editor:- i'lease inform your readers thit I haye a positive remedy for the above namej disease. By ita timely use ten thousands : of hopeless cases have been permaneutly cure.i. 1 shnll be gl d to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your ' readers wbo have consumption if they i will send me their expres and P. ü. adj dress. Resuectfiilly, T. A. Sloccm, M. C, lsl l'earl 8t., New York. i ' lf You Feel Tired - Weak and weury, worn out, or run down from hard work, by Imporeritlied condlilf n f the bloodorlow state ttf ilie tyttein, you should take Hood'a Sarsaparllln. 'Ilie peculiar tonlng, purlfylnjj, and rltalIzIiir qunlfiit.'s of tbls Buccessful medicine are sooq j ' feit thrmitfhout the ctitlrc syiilm, expelllng disease, [ ' and glvliiK qulck, liealüiy actlon to evry organ. It . j tones the vtumuch, cruates an nppetltü, and ronsca j ' the Hvcr and kldneys. Tliousnnds who have taken i lt wlth benefit, testtfy that. Hutd's Sarsaparllla ; 1 "makch the weak strong." Hood's Sarsaparilla "I liavc taken not quite a bo'tlc of Hood8 ' pnrlll-i. and must say It Is o"e of tlif beat medtcloea ' i for gtvlng an appciitc, purlfylng the blood, and ! lating the dlgestfve organs, that I ever hcard of. It did me a great deal of goixl." Mes. N. A. Stanley, i Canmtuta, X. Y. Makes the Weak Strong "Feellng languld and dizzy, havhift no appettte und no nmbltlon to work, 1 took Hood's Snrsapar.iitt wlth the beat rcaulis. Aa a health Invfgorator and for general debility I think it superior to anythlng elac." A. A. Hikkr, Utlca, N. Y. VI took Hood's Sarsapartlla for loss of appctlte, dynprpsla and general Inngnnr. It did me a vait amount of good." J. W. 'ih.kkhi, Quíncy, I1L Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold 1-y all drupg sis. tl: Blx for $5. Prfiparfd only oy C. I. Hooi) A CO.. Ai-othftcarlen, Lowell Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar I Is the best remedy for H all complaiuts peculiar I m in f Three onUvincd wrenthsof onamcl forffctme ntity,, %vitli diamond centros, mal hiindsomc brooch. The lIiintUomeHt l.iMly In Ml(rhi0rin reinarked to n friend tho other day thai she knew Komp's lialsam for tho Throat and I.uiiKs was a superior remedy, as ït .itoppod her cougli instantly where other cough remedie liad no elïect wuatever. So to prove Ihis and convince yon of its merit, any druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 50c and $1. In onyx brooches, dnll flnished grouncU relievod by highlypolished lines urn Been In many handsome designs. OREAf REMEDÍ . FOR IPA-ITV. CÜRE3 Rhrumntlsin, Nonnilla, Sclatlca, Tjntnba;o, líackachc, Tootliaclin, Sore Throat. BwellJngll, Sprains, is ruist ISuriiB, Scalds, Frust-bltcs. Soid bj Dnijtnisti and Do&lars Erry whr. FiítyOntf ftliG Chirles A. VoLclerCo.. llaito., Mil ORCAMS Higbest Honors at all Gn-at World'a Kxhlbltlons slnce 1837. lOOstylos. tSS to WO, i-'or Uaab, Lasy l'aymcnts, or RcDted. Catalogue, 40 p,, 4to, fret'. PIANOS. Masón & Hiimllndonr.t hcsltate tomaVcthe extraordinarr claim thst thelr PImkm are superior to all otbra. Tols ihcy attributc colly to the rcmarkaMo lmpr .ntroduced by them In l-Si. now ki;own as the "MAMLN L IIAMLIN PIANO BTRINOSB." Full partict.. inawawaaMMiMHil BOSTON. 1M Tromont SI. CBIfl '■ I NEW YOKK. i IviM-llrh n. ('.: ■ ■■■ ' F COMETO IF '(WÊ ■■MALARIA K1 Bfe.JW CETSTHE BETTEROF 19 JR wSPk HÉL Kvory man. woman and chliA onght to take somo I Spring medicine, oaght to "clean bonse" as it were. A prominent Detroit lïankcr says: "Itakcone or two I bottlciof CHOLACOCUE ' erery Spring, íind hftTonot mlssrd a day's work sinco : 1S69. rosrnvr.i.v, tliis medicine w ill cure MALAUÏA, BIOOUSNESS, FEVER AND ACUE, Arfios in tlip bonos that Spring brinjrsto onc-nalfthe : pcoplr. For snlc at DruE stores; (f not, pend $1.00 for a bottle. CHASE MKDICIKE CO., Detroit, ïlicli. Fabrand, 'Williams & Co. Wholesale Agts. KtmèM Ely's Creara Balín ■ ?&AHubI ' '■"■!ir once fot rHAYrlYlRjEj M si A rit A : f J-T mí jíipH fíot a I. i ini'l orSnnT. HEtftcS0' '-'' ■4íAi'l'l' l''m '"'■' -íii-li nosirll, Hs ' ,vW:l-v BBOS„ '■ Oreen .leh S. g cure FaVsi Whcn I wiy cure I do not mean nwrsly to atop thom fora ti ni" tul tin-n liavi; tliwn ratarn an&in. I meto a nidicn) ciirH. I havn mado tbo diBwwa í I-'ÍTS, KPILKPSY or PALL1NG HICK.NKSS all-Vlon tndj. I tvair.nnt iny r"iitily tn mrti tlw worot cnfltts. flecmuso Dthsrs Imvt' failed is no nMAOn for not imw rnrt ivinif cur1. Si-nd t onoe for a treatise and a Freo Bottla of iny Infallible remedy. i1' Bipran and Fit Office, II. G. KOOT, ..i. ., is; IeuxtSt. New Vork. WELLS, c7 Seud f,,r onr catalomic, c, fn Well ItnrinK uí (nl rnmpri'linu M:,, lini.-. ir. LOOMIS A. NYMAN. TIFFIN. OHIOPRPE UnUtC AtthrtthThaTebeiiB fBliJBfiMESüfbihiífaiBifS U CHkiiaui uKt.a Uad u th Ö iIi'jm n m tt.Zü per rOWu 1xt !4 K. l.íl fot CT.I1íB Tlin iho Luidi t-.f MÍ p lUo, mclluli uitbuDUkia o all isla n4 TiMiaita, 1 10 ari MxltfcdTtdwWnjlf.l inrnTn. Picturfqai FtQCTMU 0# í üé (Mui. ddnaTUEWE&TEUÏi WOULU.OIilisra.UL H ■ ntPA1'"141'' tEngmh) tftttui ■ I B ■_ V lvnny royal Pilis for irrotruËM I I l lai iiiontbly períods, are nafo, I Fk0 H ■■%#t'irí-ctiiul nuil llm only genaHMine. Bent ny whm on rwMipt of $1 oí b j alcrbd P. Kn T, Drncsllt, :::wO Stalo Slret, Chlcago.IlL F ARMQ AND FARMING LANDS 1 JniillIIW ''" rent Jind loríalo un long tima and eiHv term. Moner ti loan on real estáte secnrity. HARLAN I'. SMITU East Saielnaw, Mich. ' DYUáMITF I''or nrUnlne, removlnj ntumpn And IRARIII t houlders from land. Cheap and Muli.-k mctlio'l. Prloe Invr. s!iid for clrcnlars iind Drices. U TORPEDO AND DYNAMITB í HuyCity. Michigan. If your dealer does dol handle our Koorts, send direct to us. ■ lurrtl Dl nnil rrrim( 10,&a.nd &Ocbottlftft LIRUCfl DLUUm c.mploxlon Povrder lO.l'.and 50cbox-; Batchet Powdei 10, SS and Mc pacitagen. Mr. Grovor ) l and wummcnilii 'II. MKN itlOOM" Qoods. ]'■' uiar ererywher. Sent oa -I prkv. Addrev F ovic.V jKNCKs.Jackson.Hicb. TJTTTlTlTri H' il H;hh 171-111: and dnaf ,"1 ni I I n ui nllitsbran-hoü. Scml eoodt f r I ' It Wrlte forjarle. U JL JLJJ.LI U si Dearborn, Mi, el. Cliloago, UL M C U C I A al O M rs. Praetlce In Pensions yP RiSlIlNd SoLllcr Clnlm. Suecos ■■rBl#ls# or j,,, f,Hi sent! fornew laws. C. II. SITES & Co., Atty's, Washington J5.C. 8PÖRTSMËN ISSSÍ"SSr?! Tnta, 8elit 1 .1 e Ball and Oood. at hottona yirleea. Kul ror .ataloirutr. AOO lHustratloni. aUgg I.. VAS ÜXKM, 103 Ran:lolph St. Chicaeo, 11L "CÜSS&l .'':■ r.tiirn mail. Full Descriptlon aKpfl Jiauilj-. .New Tntlur Sy.i.-m of llrm 8 ïltti Cuttlnc K(K J9Y 4 CO., Cincinnati. a ññ? ■ I.i ve al homo nuil u iUc more mnney irorklnfor ni I han MVwJl l nnylliinR elfo iti tlic world Kithcr Mx. Costly outfit FJíEK. Term vult. AdJrtw, 'i m : & to., Auuta,'Mie, t C A MOXTH O VItK for :í Hrighl 911 T Yotitttf Mcn or Ij nlli' in t-.u'h coiitity. ]■. W. ZIKOl.Klt i 00., (hlcKi), Ullnola, r N II I lltlwirWati 11 .!■ wlry ui Notionllst;tll Oijli U 1 Utlie chMipest :ulH.cll)lace tobuy good ÉC To A DA Y. ampia worth 81. SO J4"% fÍA'í. IJnexnotunder the. fiorse's fef.t. Wrít4 UV Brewtter Saftv Rein Uuiaer Co...'Jolly, liicJL VjApflV' l'.iiiiip.-an Hotel, tire proof, tril rooms, miUUI Cucar depot, líales SI. Mi and upwards. N.W'.ror.rliu k and an ii. ransts.. liieao.lllinoli. DIPVrl CO ri'Bot Amprlcnn Maniiraotiirprf' CataDlu 1 IL.O I cu :ii" on appllcatlon. üollMl I.I.r a JEFFEKÏ tátg. 0o., at Ni.rlli Franklln StClmago, IU. fifll n fwortli$500pcrB. Pettlt'aEyeSalTcisworth UULU timo, biit is soUl at 25 cenia a box bj do&lon Wrhen W(i! ni,' to Advertisers pleane eay yon saVv th advortisoment Ín tliis l'aiicr.


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