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The Outgrowth Of A Vast Experience

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[COPYRIGHT, 1SS7. ] The only medicine íor woman'B peculiar alimenta, 8Old by drtifrgista, nndcr a positivo utiarantcc, from the manufacturera, that it will givo siitigfaction in every case, or money will be refundid, is Dít. Pierce's Favorite PnEscniPTiON. Thls guarantee bat been printed on tlie botüe-wrappors, and íaithfully carried out for many yeara. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic weakncsscs and ailments peculiar to femaleg, at the Invalida' Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Búllalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast eiperience in nicely adapting and thoroughly tcsting remedies for the cure of woinan's peculiar maladies. i" ■-■ Dr. Plerce'a. m-r- - As a aootlilnff the system for delivcry as to greatly ADnnu ItB Preirrinllon isthi; 1 n. ........ and stroiietliciiinc lesspn, and many times airoost entirely do KOON outBrowtí o? "sul" of A SOOTHING ncrvine, " Favurite away with the sufferlngs of that trying T Ulx.irn thia n.t and vahiahla ■■ Prescription is uneordeal. r,rSSS . sjszrQsasé cures the E&Ls& SSSSSSS fe .viSSSffi Worst Cases. sa ..KSSU-S Síír i, vidor th.. 1i,í aí,1 curo of suL uPn funetional and organie disease of ■ " ahites," cxeessive lering wmneí It iTno r "oommeded L tne woinb. It induces refresbinjr sleep flowing at inonthly perlods. palnful - a"clfi"l"butasaiafltperfectSpecitto and relieves mental anxiety and destrimtron, umintural suppression. prolapfnr wni.iiin' mi-iiliftr dlm-ases spondeuoy. sus or falling oí the womb. weak back, ï apowerlul, In. Floreo' Favorito Prcscrip".female w.-akness," anteversion, retroverA""1" viiioratiiic toiifc, it tion i a legitímate medicino, sion, bearing - down seusations. chronicDnUCDCIII ,„ria stTi-Mu-fh tr tin carefullv compoundcd by an experleueed congestión, jnflaniination, and uleeration rUBtHHJL SSSÏlJtoSSatoSS l"d skillful Physiclan, and adapted to of the womb, milammation, pain and Tnuin uterus or womb and its womaa's delicate organization. It is tendtnicss in ovarles, accompanied with. lUNIIl. nppcuiingcs, in particupurely vegetable in iu composition and 'lntcrnal heat." - - ■- - J iJJt i?r overworked perfectly harmlcss in its effects in any ______ "Favorito Procrip"worn-out" down," dobiUtated condition of the system. I r„„ ,„, ti on, when taken inconteaehers, milliners. dressmakers, seam. In fOR THE nc.-tu.n w",1' thS,u5? 1fTï?r8tre8es;"shop-(firl" housekeopers, nursUnTiirn'o vonte l''8.rltiou " is ' u" """ Pierre1 Golden Medical I)ising inothers, and focble woraen generally. A MOTHER S a "mothcr1 cordial." KlDNEVS very. and small laxativo D? Piorce'8 Ka'oritc Prescription is the ■" ■■"■ .hevmg: nausea, doses of Dr. Plerce 8 PurVeatest earthly boon, beliig unequaled as CORIlliL ness of toniacu and i- - - gatlvo Pellet (L Ittle Uver an aouctiïlnir cordial and n-etorativo toiiic. UUHUIBU (,tiR.r dietnssing sympPilis), cures Livor, Kidncy and Bladder dlsIt proinotes diirostioii and assimllation of ■--"-- toms common to that eases. combined use ateo remove food cures nausea, weakness of storaach, condition. If its use is kept up in the blood taints, and abolishcs caneerous and indigestión, bloating and eruotations of gas. latter months of gestation, it eo prepares scrofulous humors froui the sjstem. TREATING THE STROlTa 1DISEASEMany times women cali on their family physieinns. Bufferlng, ns they imagine, one from dyspppsia. another from heart diseaw, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervoua exhaustion, or prostration, another witli pam here "r there, and ín this way the all present allke to tliemsolves and thefr casv-goinir and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distmet diseases, for which he onwribei hls pilla and potions, nssuming th'cm to be icli, whra, in rtality, they are all only symptoms caused by somo womb disorder The physician, ignorant of the eauBO of suffering, entourages hia practice until largo billa are made. The suffering paüent gets no better, hut probably worse by reason of the deiay, wrong treatment and consequent complirations. A proper medíolne, hko Dr. Pierck's W'Okite Piiksubiption. direrted to the cause, would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. 3"="'1 Mrs. E. F. Moroan, of No. 71 Lexingtnn St.. "1 MrB. Ed. M. Campbeij., of Oaktand, CaHDuvoinilllC Kilst Ilosttm., says: " l'ive ycars ago 1 „ UfllRF fornia. writcs: "1 had beon troubled all rniOlUlKJIO wogadreadful SUBerer from utorine troublos. ""'Ut 'my life .j,), i,ygterlcal uttaoks and parF AU P n Ifavintf exhausted the skill of throe Cnnu Pil irílDUl oxysnis, or spasnis, and periódica) recuri aiLuu. cinns, I was coinplotely discourased, and so rtlUnl UBLirUnnlu. ronces of sev re liendacho, but siuee I have ■.■ ■ weak I could wíth dííileulty eross the room tstmmMmmmmmammmÊM tocii usinpr your ' Favorito Prescription ' I alone. I began taking Dr. Piercu's Favorito Preecription and h , á none of theeo. I also had womb complalnt so bad that using the local treatment recomniended in hls 'Common Pense T oniild not walk two lilooks without the most eevere pain, but Mi-du-al Adviser.' I comraenced to iinprove at once. In thrco fv.fnró i hnd takru your 'Favorito Pro6cription ' two months. I montlis I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble sitien. I öóu d wnlk all over the city without Ineonvonience. All my ■wrotu a lotter to my family papor. bric-tly menttoning hov niy " ,,Ioa oom to be lraving me under the bonign inflnenco of bealth had boon restored, and offcring to send tho full particnlnra vniir mfidiSne and T now feol smartor than for yonrs before. My toany one writing mo for them, aiid enciottng a ttomped-envelnve nhi'slóiaiis told me that I could not be cu red. and thorefore you 1nr repiu. 1 havo reccivod ovor four hundred lottors. In reply, Viïi nlenso noeept my everlastlng thanks for what you have dono I havo dosoribed my case and tho treatment used, and havo Parrnr me and mav Gon blcss you in yourgood works. nestlv adviaed them to 'do likewise.' From a R-ront ninnv I have fjftoï sho "It is now four wars sinoe I took your Fareceived second letters of thanks, that they had oomvorito Prescription ' and I have had no return of the femalo menced the use of 'Favorito Prescription,' had sent tho 81.M rouh'lo I had then. required for the 'Medical Adviser,1 and had npplicd the local „ - __ r,,,,. nf Chtrmcwa treatment so fuUy and plainly laid down thcrein, and wcre muoh Well as I Ever' Wa.-MrB. John ,bT.Vjt ! ' i aswelt as I botter already." falls, Wis., wrltos: "I wish to mform you tnatiam ■. ovor was. for whloh I thank your mediemos. I took jour Dotue Rctroverted TTomh.-Mra. Konr.TTR, of Crah nrehard, of th 'Favorito Prescription1 and onpnottleoijour , JV'cb., writes: " Dr. Piorco- Favorito Premriptton has done me a nnd fnnr Imttles of the 'Pellets.' All of t&í "„'"'y fcct great deal of good. I siiffored from rotrnvorelon of tho uterus, dlgappeared. I do all my own wprk : : am atm io uc uu iu, ïor whloh 1 tooit two bottlos of tho ' Favorito l'rescription,' and I dny. My friends teU me I never lookcd so wen. am DOW feeling liko a diUcient woman." &r favorito Prenrlption i. SoM Prutst. . WW Uorlors Fallcd.- Mrs. F. Corwin, of Post Creek. N. F., Over! large Bottlf $1.00, Six for $S.OO. writes: "I doetored with three or fmir of the boRt dootors in these irta. and I rrcw woroo until I wrotfl to you nnd beiran rsP'Senfl ten cents in stampn for Dr. Piorce's large. illuttrateo usiiiir ur 'Favorito Presoription.' I used throo bottlos of it í lfiü uaires nanor covers) on Discases of omen. and two of the '(Jolden Medical Dlscovery.' also one and a half i'"ov' "" v bottlos of the 'Purgativo Pellets.' I can do my work and sow and Addrcss YVorld's Dlpenoary Medical AsnoviuiiOU, walk all I to, and am in bettor hoal tliRn T ever expooted to M a Main Street BurrAi.o N. V. beiathUworldaffaiu. I oweit all to your wonderful medicines." No. 663 Main btreet, uu.falo, W. N. U. C.-C--2O.


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Ann Arbor Democrat