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Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup

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Our Next President. SICK OR WELL jL "" IIIBBARD'S Yo„ .held unnw what you flÉíyfe, jggfe E]]CU]liatÍí' SVlUll) re laklni. We ulimlt our SBÉL 'föfiSH FOBMILA for your Uliiü ■59vI0Hr K SF AND PLASTERS. conslderatlon. It Is not a pecuflBSggfl Si; iS] g' " lemedies lnwn sn lituhly enllarremedyputuptosellforacent BíIsíPa ilSiHBF dorteil liy lij home people. In tuo _ . ,. , ,. 9flHftLÍítt&fiH eiitini-nt ut tthi-uniutivrn and Hll üose. We challenge the world to . JM F Blood Dmcasei. Uur Medical Tornproduct? a medicino cqual to it In V-'-jfiflÉH H'J' phlet. treatlnti on lthenn atlsii), and merlt ao a famllT rcmeJ7. The JÖM HK: íé!,t"reeln"aprr"":;!" 1lfcas!s' comblnation makes It the ■.'jijffl HSaK. dhl'IM huik t dtd BLOOD MEDICINE S itilJi'UJV1A11L' iKUr IN THE WOELD. i ' JACKSON, MICH. Pactara Caiyraila Asalaiative lt wlll rePiiluar'e RaaI 's rrwerfuily cholanorue. liaSCaia OagraUai Etoretheliowelstotholr wUIVBl S nOOli workltmwlth great energy oii normal conditlou without pain or griptng and has the liver. lt is also an excellent tonlc as welt as ' remarkanle virtuo In the treatment of habitual cathartlc and alterative, actinif upon the neorettve constlpatlon. iiiUlRestion, anti as a tonlc for the aIK' abaorbent glands of the body. ntomneh tt hits no rival, as nsoil tn thls yrup. ManHraUo s nowerfu] in its actlnn. worklnz Rlark Rlthneh A8nKCIl Inthls syrup, lsapowWianiirBROi with great enerKT upon the livor UiaOK UUllUaili, rfu aml useful remedy, actand sraall Intestlnes, and lslnvarlably ued for habng primarily ou the nervous system, kldocya and itualconstlpatlon. uterino organs. Riiritnolr ïlaano eannl forthoenreof Uhi-umiillnirnrtl Rnnf In "" seaes of wonen lt BUIUBBRi tim, Syphills, Kidney, Livor and all UniCOrn nOUIi stnniiH drst and foremost asa Skin used hereln, tonlo and reirulator. lts va lue cannot bo overestlDnlra Raa# 's cathartlc, and aDti-Rcrofulous; mated as uso 1 herein. rURC llvwli hitihly enteemetl for iie ilrtue-sln Tflltiarark l3'tonIc. dluretic, alterativo and cnring Gout, Kheumatlsm, SyphiilB, Seroiula, CanI dmdlaCIVi laxativo. cerand all Skin Diteasci. IITADmTION to the ABOVE, whlch are everywhere rccojrnlzed by the MEDICAL FACULr V as belng the best known Blood Tonica, our mcdlclde contalns RAKK URUGS, renderlng . TJNRrVALET) IN MERIT. It Is a nfp Family Medicine, beonse lt contalns no poUon or oplatra. Uillilren. invalida and delicate persons wil] Hnd lt tho bost medicine am! tonlc tliey can use. No homo should be without lt. Always In Beason, Spring, Summtr, Autumn and Wntn: S you cannot procure It of your drngglst, end direct to us. l'rico 51 .00; 0 boules IS Piasters 25c TJESTIMONIALS WOBTHY OP CONFIDENCK. Mr aaugnter Maud has used Hlbbard's Ar.nioN, Mlch., Doc. Vi, 187.-Whl pmployeti a le byrup and l'laners which you so tronaly ageotof tho Michigan Central Kalltoad Ouiúpaur omDiendvd her to try for Iraffamniatory at Augusta. Mlch., ahout srven Usm. Her llmbs i wore badly swollen, and tl.c poor ; neys dlsoasel. aml 1 bemi attreal. uf(rirl was Ín terrible ; agony. In the mldst of tho i feíer ever slnce. liare conul;e I tl.e leadlng phypan we wouml the Piasters about her Umba.and, I slclans of thl city and Ann Arb"r7 umi aïï proasnresult tilo swelllni; was reduced and Bho nuunced my cas nrlglifs slimTlnB under cajiemo nd reted. The yrup corrocted her o very evére anack ín Oetober latt, becnn takiní IndUcs iun, cleansod tho rheumatlo polson from ' Hlbbard's Kheumatio líyrup, ni ani u well herblood, anü she I now ablo to be around the man. 1(. allords me pléasúfe to render sutT.Tlí liouse. Hlbbard's Rheumatlc Syrup and Piaster humnnlty any itood thut lean, a"d In s re -ikli." oí are remedios of grea. ment. the ren.ody. allow me to sav ih,it I tb uk 1 tho i. . r, . tí i.RoBERT!Il Pastor First M. E. Church, Freinont, Mlch. K. Laiizii.eke, A out M. C. R. R.


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