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Treating The Wrong Disease

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[COFÏKIGHT, I8S7. ] The only medicine for woman's peculiar alimenta, sold by druggrists, nnder a ponHIvo (fnarnntee, from the manufacturera, that it will (rivo satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded, is Dr. Pierce's Favouite Prescription. This guarantee has bfiea printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIENCE. The trentment of many thousands of cases of thoee chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to femaleg, at the Invalidé' Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Búllalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapting and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar imüadies. f ■ ui mi i Dr, iMi'rce'n -aaaaaa Aa a o o t li I il g the systcm for delivery as to greatly ñPnnU ite Prescripción is the ACnnTUiun and ■trougtiioiiiiig lessen, and many times almost eutírely do CUd" outitrowth, or result, of A öOOTHING nervine, " Favonte away with tbo suffenngs of that trylngr T t)tia o-i-i.of mul viiimihln ■■ rrescription is uneordrai. Unmamwhiohhtt)e?tbsuL hysteria, spasms and other distressing, I UnnT pioco land obstinate cases Drf.vé t toiie tïie rniwt womiV-rfiil rèmedy "érvous symptoms commonly attendant nUHbl Üflbba. „f lewcorrhea, or evor rtivbïd fortui rMief i Uil .' lv of su UPU functional and organio disease of ■ '"whites," enceseive ferina t ït Is o i "comhi üi ded i tíe womb. It induces refreshing sleep flowing at monthly periods. painful mon"HJiffl! hui m Tl niVwt i1..i-Vi.,r SiiwiBo and relieves mental aariety and destruation, unnutural suppression, prolap Lr wom in's i)fc fi ir s.U - P spondency. sus Sr falUng of the womb. weak back. lorwoinansiipuiiiai him ""■■■., , Dr. Fiorce'a Favorito Precrip"fenmle weakness." anteversion, retroverA' n " I vio-cratine toufc. it io Is a legitímate medicine, sion, liaring - down sensations. chronic Ptl'iFfiPIII immiits atraasth to the carcfully compounded by an experienced congestión, inflanmiation, and ulecratlon rUHtnrUL " ,;, '', vstém and to tilo ui skillful physician, and adapted to of the womb, inflammation, pain and TnUlf uterus or wo'mb and its woman's delicate organization. It Is tenderness in ovarios, accompanitd witn lUnlu. niimMiiiu'i-8 in purely vegetable in iu composition and "Interna! heat," - ■- --- - J i,„ ' ï'„r overworked perfectly Tiarmless in iU effecti in any _„„„_, "Favorite Prcicrlp' worn - out." " down," deblliteted conditioa of the system. - llon," whra taken in conteachers, milliners, dressmakors, In prcgiiancy,"FarOH THE n,''c"1".' Jï",h, thtT i niï' stn-sses "shop-ifirlü," houafkeepurs, Uniii-n'. vonte Frcscription is 'vli l'icrces Golden Medical DisIng nurthera. Ld women Benerally. A MOTHEB S a "mother's cordial," KlDNEYS S"veryif8Di? 'UíV ,V DF. Pierces Favorite Prescription is tho "■"■ rei,CVing nausea, weak"luncl'- Ooaa 0?nPtegrt Purgreutest earthly boon. bolng unequaled as RnRIIIAl ncss of stomach and 77" Kal'"; Pcllc-ts (I.i ttlel .i_ver o appetizing ■cordial and rcstoratfve tonto. UUnLIBL. otiler distressing sympPilis), cures Livrr Kidney and liludder dlIt promotes dlgi-stion and assiinilation of """ toms common to that eases. Their coinbini-d use also removof food cures nausea, weakness of stomach, conditlon. If its use is kept up in the blood taints. and abolislies cancvrous and 'udigestiou bloating and eructations of gas. latter montha of gestation, it so prepares scrof ulous humors liom the system. Many times womra cali on their faraily physicians. sufrerlnir, as they imagine, one irom a.vsprpsia. anoun-r ircmi """""; anothcr frora liver or kidney disease, anothcr froin nervous exhaustion, or prostration, another with pain here or there, aml In tiiis war they all present ttllko to thumselves and their easy-iroiug and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and instinct diat-au-s, lor men ho prescribes bis pilla and potlons, assumingr them to be such, when, in reality, they are all only mnptom canard by sonic woinD disorder. Tlio physician, itfnorant of the cause of sufferinsr. eneouragea his praetice uut il large bilis are made. lüc auneniur patiënt gets no better, but probably worse by reason of tho delay, wrong treatment and consequent complciuion8. A proir medicine liko Dr. Pikrck's Favorite PbbsCRIPTION, direcled (o the cause, would have entirely removed the disease, tbereby diapellingall tliose Uistressing symptoins, and institutintr comfort instead of prolouged misery. 3""5"" Mrs. E. F. Morqaií, of 2W. 71 Ltxinatnn St., P" ""H Mrs. En. M. CAMPBKX, of OaMand, CaliPUV?IPIAIK Eot Boston, Mass., says: "Five yenrg n?o I ñ V f! I f! P foniia, wrltes: "I liail been troubled all rnioluinno wns a dreadful sufferer frorn uterlne trowbles. H ■U'ut We with bysterical amu-ks and parrtlim Havinsr exhausted the skill of ' time physiCnnu Pil irnnuil oxvsins. or gpnsnip, anti ptriodical recurIBILLU. cians, I was completrlr discoura-od, and so iHUM UALIrlinflIu. reccei of eevere ueadaohp, but gincel have ■11 wcak I could with difBculty cross tho room a,_Bv been USUMT your ' Favorite PreBcriptíon 1 alone. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptinn and , h rt non0 „f these. Í nlso had womb coniplaint so bad tnat using the local treatment recommended in his 'Common Sense f míSnoí walk two blocka without the most severe pain, but Mi-dical Advisor.' I commenced to improve at once. In threo ',■"'. t nd taken your 'Favorito Prescriptlon two niontbs. I months I was perfcctly cured, and havo had no trnuhle since. I ! L„ i wï all over tho city without Inconvenlenee. All mr wrotfi a letter to my family paper, brieüy mentioninif how mv ! !rm t)li soVm to be leavinjr me undt-r the lii-niirn inlliicnco of health had been restored, and offering to send the full partloulari v", " "J,,,, nnd I now feel smartir tban for yearê before. My to any ono writing me for them, and enclnutna a tamptS-envelnné nhvsioiMS toW me that I could not be cured, and thor.fore you lorreplu. I have received ovor four hnndred letters. In reply. 'm .Se accept my everlastinpr thanta tor wbg .v;m liave don I have described my case and the treatment used, and have eur]■„ mè nnd mav God Mess you in your good orks. nestly advisod them to 'do likewise.1 From a rreat manv I havo i-Ter si," "It is now four years slnce I took your ïaroceived second letters of thanks. statin,? that they had oomvorfte Vrèïcription , and I have had no return of the female menccd the use of 'Favorite Prescription," had sent tho $1.50 tronble I had then. ' required for the 'Medical Adviser,' and had applind the local „ __- qtiwiiit of CMvvewa treatmont so fuUy and plainly laid down thereln, and wero much Well as I Ever fra.-Mrs. Joni%„,, ,,„t 1 a'm as welf as I better already." FWto, irte wrlt : "sb to jnform v nu that i m ever wa. for whieh T thank your nKrtl,c'n', vour 'Discovory' Rctrovertea Womb.-Mrs. Eva, of Crnh Orchnrd. of the ' Favorite Preacrlption 'and jn" ""Jj1' V,á,i symptomt have JVco., writes: "Dr. Plrrce's Favorito Prescriptlon has done me a nnd fnnr hnttlea of the ' l'ellets. A. I or '"'."," iH:uu my R-et all Íxeat deal of good. I suffered from retroversion of the uterus, disappcarprt. I do n)1 my own worl; : nm "['" '.. or whioh I took two bottles of the ' Favorito Prescription,' and I day. My friende tell me I nover looketi so tu. am now feeling like a different woman." Fawri Mp. U M Hr nrst. e WorUX Ioclor Falleil.- Mrs. F. Corwiií, of Pos Oree. N. Y., Overt Zarge Boittet $1.00, Six for fS.OO. ■writea: "I doctorad wltli three or fruir of the best doctors in , . . f_.tná these pnrts, and I prew wore until I wrote tn ynn ail lieran r"Send ten centfl in stampa for Dr. Pteroo s ,l"r,l!'0' iliuraniu min? your 'Favorite Prescription.' I used three hottle oí if ■j-..ntjsi loo paires, paper covers) on Dtoeosesol omen. and two of tho 'Cïohion Medical PiFcovcry.' also one ond .■ half ' . . bottles of tho 'Pnrcativo l'ellotp.' r can do my work and new nnl Address, World' DisjHüixary ITIcdical liwitiauoii, walk all I carn to, and am in heller henlWi lli:m 1 '" r nrm-'n! I i „ i Main Street IH ; n.o, N. T. be ia thlB world agai. I owo it uil to your wonderfiü : tedicluc;." "" w '


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