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Democratic State Convention

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The Demócrata of Michigan will meet in State Convention in the Detroit Opera Detroit on Thurxday Jtdy 19, 1888, at 11 o'clock a, m., to nomínate candidatos for state offlcers and tor electora of President and Vice-President of the United States, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the conrention. Accordlng to the rale adopted by the state convention held at Detroit in 1880. every county is entitled to one delégate for each 500 votes cast for governor at the last eeneral election, and one additional deleeate for a fraction of not less than 250 votes, but any county is entitled to at least two delegates, All delegates must be residente of the counties they represent. The delegates from each Congressional district will meet in caucus at 10 o'clock a. m., on the dar of the eonvention. I. M . WESTON. W. J. McGïK, Ass'tSec'y. Chairman. Under the above cali Waslitenaw county is entitled to 18 delegates. The Demooratio National ticket is one wbioh tfives satisfaction to the entire party. With euoh glorious leaders as Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman the oountry will undoubtedly be oarried by the demooracy next November, thus socuring democratie mie in the next fonr vearg as in the past four yeara by the party now in power. Mr. Cleveland was nominated by acclamation, as was a foregone oonolusion. Mr. DouonEirrx's speeoh was a masterpieoe of eloquence. The people have full confldence in the administration, and it is almost certain that notbmg oan prevent its continuance so long as it is oharacterized by the wise and jadioions policy which has so f ar been ezemplified. The demócrata of this city and oounty will hold a grand ratification meeting on Saturday evening at 7:30 sharp, in the court house square, to celébrate the nominations of Cleveland and Thurman. In case of bad weather it will be held in the rink. Music, fire-works, and a grand hurrab. The meeting will be addressed by some of the dalegates to the convention who will stop over on their return trip, delégate Whitman having been telegraphed to secure them. Let every democratin theoity and county turn out. The red bandana, emblem of victory, is flung to the breeze in our city.]


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat