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dfe S. NOYELTIES EXTRA NOVELTIES -TS- SUMMEB DBESS GOODS. A big bargain in lace, pique and Swiss embroidered flouncings. A cali will show our customers all that is new in Summer goods, at prices from ten to twenty per cent. lower then any otber house in the city. Mack & Schmid. We like a man witli lots of temper. It is a man who gets out of temper that we don't like. EVERYTHIKG NEW! mÈÊBL W. C. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE ! Best Turnouts in the City Funeral Attendance a Specialty. No. 21 N. Main street, Telephone connection. ARE YOU INTERESTED? THE HannanRealEstateExcüaDEe WILL SELL AT Public Auction. OJÍ THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1888, At I o'clock p. m. on the Premisos. That wellknown Known as the Mlllard farm, of Four Hundred & Twenty-Seven Acres, Situated one mlle southwest of Manchester, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Thls farm is under a perfect state of cultivatlon and has a Hop-yard of twenty-flve aerea, wbich brings a handsome income in itaelf. The followlng Stock aad all anieles pertaining to the running of the farm wil! also go to the purchaser: 4OO Sheep, Ewes and Lambs, 6 Horses, I Mulo and l4HeadStock - Steers. The buyer wlll also be entitled to all the growing crops, consisting of 65 Acres growlngwheat, 40 acres of Corn and 3O acres of Oats. Terms- $503 down on date of sale and within 30 days f rom said sale one-third down of the r urdíase price; the balance can run f rum 2 to years. Note- Farties of 10 or oyer withia a radius of 20 miles wlll receive f ree transportation to and f rom the sale. A suitable lunch and other refreshments will be served f ree of charge. Address all Communications to TheHannanReal Estáte Exchange, 153 Griswold st., Detroit, Midi. 1! YUON GREEN, Anctloneer. FSüfi Nötici. The Hangeterfer Ice Co., will furnish Ice delivered to any part of the city for the Seaaon of 1888. 25 lbs daily except Sundays $100 prmonth. " " 4 time per week "1.75 " " " " 3 "1.60 " " " 2 "1.00 " Hotels, Restuarants, Butohera etc, will be furnished by the ton or hundred. Company Established 1875. E.V. HANCSTERFER, MANAGER. Office No. 28. S. Main Street. Anxious To Sell. On account of oíd age and poor bealtb. I wish to sell my shop property and Stock. Elther seperately or togetber, but prefer the latter. I have a complete stock, of ApMiral Implements including a limited nurnber of Tiger öulky Rakes. The New Superior Grain Drills. My Improved Five Tooth Thill Cultivator. The Steel Frame Planet Junior Cultivators. Lansing Wagons. Hay and Stook Raoks. A good chance f )r some thorough going man. Will take In part payment some Rood rentable property in the city. Ann Arbor May 15, 1888. M. ROGIERS. RINSEY k SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on hand a complete stock of everrthlcR In the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Simars, In large araounta aad al And can aell at Low Figures. The large involoe of TeaR they buy and sell, ís good proof tbat In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turna out excellent Bread.Oakes and Craokrs. Oall and see tham. Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stonk Pattern with u9 and can be nad in sepji_ arat pieces aa well as sets and matched foryearsto come as readilv as S White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Grockerv, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, ■ 5 MIOH. D. W. AMSDEN Of the late flrm of Collies & Amsden is doing business alone at the old Stand, No. 33 EAST HURÓN ST., Wliere he will be pleased to receive calis trom all old custoruers and as many new ones as want FEED, HALED HAY AND STRAW, COAL AND WOOD. I also! keep Linaeed Oil Meal, an excellent feed for stook of any kind. CREETING ? We come before the' people with the largestland FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashlonable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirely too nuraeroua to mention for the outflting of the flne dressers. And as we have the services of one of the best cuttera, and also our coat makers are amonR the best, enables us to p'eaae the most fashlonable dressers. Now all we have to say Is come in and we wilt guarantee you the lowest prices In the state for flrst-class goods. No trouble to show goods. Romombertho placo, No. 6 East Hurón Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. The Palace Livery - THE lest ai Best Tnrnouts IN THE CITY. HACK1S, LIVERY AND SALE S-baTDle. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone No. 31. HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all Kinds of H artl "vv ood Lu 111 1 O , Fence Posts, etc. AIso all kinds of Stovo and Cord wood. Terms cash. I am also agent for the celebrated C H! A. MPION BINDKRS &, MOWERS. And keep a f uil assortment of extras for the same. No. 9 Detroit street, Ann Arbor .... Mich. Palace Grocerv ! I have just received a f resh new sto k of Ottiii0di 600 ds, Both Foreign and Dotnest ie, wliich. I can sell at QREAT BABQAINS. My Fine Teas and Coffees AKE UNEXCELLED. I nave the tlnest aud most complete stock of STUDENT, LJBRARY, HALL and STAND of any one in the county. Also a large line of (rocker, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purchase while the election is complete and convince yourselves tbat I give the BEST BAROAINS of any other store in Ann Arbor. 3O Bars of Soap for SI -OO. FRED T. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St,, Ann Arbor, Mich. LIVERY AND FEED BARN TUST Opeuedby fl HIRAM KITREDGE, In the reai 01 the Duffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations lor 75 Horses. Patronage Solicitad. II. K ITKKIM. F. ANN ARBOR. ----- MICH. COLLINS & POLSON DEALERS IN STONE LIME, WATER LIME, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, Brick, MASONS' SUPPLIES and all kinds of WOOD AND COAL. Office, Ho. 36 Eaut Huron Street Ann Arbor, - Mich . M. P. VOGEL, Eight yearswith Henry Matthews, has oponed a Meat Market No. 18 East Huron St., And will keep on hand Fresb, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Ponltry, and Qame wheu inseaBon. M. P VOGEL I Ann Abbor, Mioh


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