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President's Proclamation

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Cpp f JAI S B"v Manning, Gen. McClellan and ■ ■■ g 1 1 a inany othors. Whereas, From day to day m dKife Now tiierkkoiie, I do by vast numbers are M%NjlP ?3y) virtuo of the. knowledge poendownwiththefoUdisease I fj 3flf &ám&&?%S& Rheumatism, whicn seems to Bb= . ,'' matic Syrup to be a remedy be greatly on the inoroaso; Kï.: '-'. W oí preat mcrit, both for KheuAüd Whebeas, The natioa mutism and all Blood Dtshas within a short time been -yvls'-v'v jSfer - ease3i called upon to mourn the áiááÉLíví;'"''í Asd flrther, That thl den loss of many of our public lE&ítfmX-itf 'uïtefa '' Medicine be adopted as ana men, suchas Vioe-President ]&& LVWJfeV ' ' , tional remedy by all. RHEUMATISM. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. . . . , . My dauxbtcr Maud had ImBan-.raatury ItheumaI wu out la the wrlst br a broken bttle, f rom tl.m. lier limbs wyre badly swolien She was la whlch I Ruffered extreme pan. I ca'led aductor, terribli a'zony. bhe bas boeii titbing } who pronuunced it sclatic r leumatüui. Myiiïht m:itl.; Syra na 1 ■i-in vour PUatcs. whicb ■Idebecame paralyzd, leu nd arm Dadly wlthered. bas brjte i U up, The syrap corrcoted he rlnduesand ujy joints were o ttitf thai tbere was but ! ttle dn, rleansod the rhynmatlc poison from hr act. on In turm. About slt weeks o 1 be an tablood. una she Is unit abie to be around the hou. iiiiT Hlbbard't Rheumatlc Syrup wlth nmrveluus We con-dder Hibhurd's Uhoiimatic Syrun au resalu. S nee tlien l have lolt oif the u-e of irutchPlanters roiuedlea of great nierlt. e% entlrelr, and only a e a canc. and fur the pat H:'. J. Robekt, few days i olten tortcet lt and walK withou: any Pastor First M. K. Cliurch Kremoot Mich aid. To y t.-iat lt has iirealy beneBtted me but pooMT IPreisen my idea oí your Riieumatio Syrup. iast winter and aprlnfr I was u terrible ulTe.rer C. D. DkNIO. rrooi rheuniHtism In my left shouldcrani arm, suf Dealer In General Qrocerles, lering the most (■xiTuelatlng piln. Two lmitles of Jackson, Mlch Hihhard's Uhmnatl ■ Syrup ctired me. I can wlth contirlenoe ri'coinniend it to ntl who aro suffprlng - wlth rheumatlc dlfflr.ulty. ar. JAMI8 BtBlir. C. . Denlo la a man well known in thia c-ou ilorley. Mich. miinity, and was probaiiiy tbe worst wreef No remedies known o hiu'hly endorse l br It callyofany man tiis country evor aw. He was home paople. In the Ireami-nt of Ktaeuraailimfand paralyied trom rlieumatlc po Ma, and no one err all blood direivoo. Onr Medical ramplilet. treatlnf eipectedbe would recover. He i wi II and t is on Kbeumatim, and 11 illoiM tnd I'kjulïdi slmEj? n;arvclou. FraXK L. 8'tfITH. easei. aent ireiMn'appliut'on. Sl-Member State I-eglslature. Jaok.-on, M:ch. Rheuraaöic Syrup Company, Jackson, Mich. Hjbbard's Rheumatic Syrup UNRITAXKr) IN MEHIT. It to a .fe Famllr Medicine, because lt contaln no pnl.on o aplate. Chlldren, Iiivhü.Ih and delicate persons wlll and lt the bost medicine and Umie they caá uae. Nobome should bo without lt. Always In eason. Sprinu. Summer. Antnmn and Winter. I f yon canuot procure lt of your drugylst, send direct to ns. I'rlce Í1.00; Cbottles f5. Piautera 2ie. A SURF CURE FOR RHEUMATISM.


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