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Quinine Made Him Bald

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mere appeareu upon tnestreetsol tilla cltj yeíterday, aays a Vlncennes correspondent o: the Globe-Dtmocrat, a gentleman of singular and utrlklnRly peculiar air. Hls look were such as to cali for a second glance at blm te dlscorer, lf posslble, what odd thlng dls tingulsbed him frora other men. He was a man without halr, botli on head and face. Tbe dlícovcrj led to lnqulry, and in the conTersation that eusued the strauger polltely pulled off hls nat, digplaying an uttorly anc absolutely bald bead. 'Tou wlll notice," lie sald, "ihat I a ce illgbtly bald. My name is John Bowera. ] usüü to lire near thls clty. Three jeara ago I had as heavy a head of halr and as full a beard as any man ever wore. Thls natura: adornmemt of nature I took no thoueht ol tben, for I was slmplj as other men are. ] now bave to wear somethlng upon my head of course, to protect It Tbe hair on my head, aruia, breast, and legs was also ver; prominent, but that, too, Ís icoue. I lef t here about tbree years ago. 1 went to soutberti Illinois, where I went to work la the woodi cutt:u(t 11 Ioks for a saw mili. I had been at work tor some time, and during that time felt as well as usual. One dar I became a Hule lndlsposed, bul thougbt and cared llttle about lt, bellenut: 1 would be all rleht Ín a day or twa I as compelled to go borne. ] dld not appear to get auy better, but rathei KOt worse. I tben toóle a heary doae ol qulnlne aud went to bed. I bad great faltb iu quinlne, and was quite sure lt would bring me out of tbe kluks Ín a day or twa And lt dld. I became myself again, and felt a! usual, exceDt a peculiar uuuibuess or deadness In my skin all over my body. Tb Is strauge feellng gave me no particular anuo anee, aud I went to work as usual. Id a feu days I dltcovered that t.lie bulr on my head and the beard on my face were dropping off. I could pull out wbole baudfuls of halr from mr head, and my beard carne out without the slightest paiu. Ia a lew weeks I bad not tbe slgu of a halr lef t on my en tire body. The skin dld not fret sore, as I thought lt would, and I uffered no particular luconvenleucc from my novel condltiou. At tirst I feil greatly annored at my grotesque appearance, and I ezpect I was a llttle profane over lt, but now i im periectly rtconciled, Tbe bu mlliatlon l at Brit experleuced has graduallj worn away." 'Do you tblnk the quinlnc dld UI" wa! atked, "Oh. yes, I ani posltlre of lt," be answered "Dld yon Uke an overdose!" "I took partlcularly heavy doses of qulnlne and feit tbe effects at once, aud bare nerei fully recovered from lt. I can not account for lt, and have talked to more than a hundred physlclans and tbey can explaln it nc more tban I."


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Ann Arbor Democrat