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Common Council Proceeding

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The monthly meeting of the oouncil was held last Montlay oveniutr and it ook Recorder Bacb. three quarters of an hour to road the minutes, tboro having been so many special meetingn lately. Thcre was considerable business before the council, and it was eleven o'clook before that august body adjourned. The flrst business in order was the FRESENTATION OF FETITIOKS. Of .Tohn Manning, Michael.Donahue and 40 others remoDstrating against the proposed altering ot the grade of N. Main 8t. Rcferrcd to Gen. St, Committee. Of J. F. Lawrence, S. Wood, Henry Cornwell and 24 other tax payers of the 3d ward, recommendlng that N. Main st. bc lowcred to the grade as shown by the records of tho city elimineer and as afreed to with the purcliaser of the old jail property. Ucferrcd to Oon. Street Committee. ■ Of A. Fek-h aud A. M. Doty for a plank walk " on the west side of N. Tliayer st. trom E. Cathaiinc to E. Huron st." Re forrad to sidewalk committce. Of A. E. Martín, and 8 otherê asking for a sidewalk on S. side of Gedde3 Ave. f rom Elm st. to Washtenaw Ave. Rcferred to sidewalk committee. Of S. Bullock, S. V. Balley and 11 others for a water hydrant at the intersection of Madison and W. Second sts. Rcferrcd to Firc Department Committee. A cohflmunicátlon from Dr. W. F. lireakey, licattli offloer, asking that the council take Up and consider a petition signed by a large number of prominent oitlzens about one year ago, relative to the removal of the slaugliter houseo, and ifiving tlie autliority of the council to act in such cases, viz. : Howell's stututes, sec. 1678. Keceived and placed on file. Also a communication from Dr. W. F. Breakey relative to the bill of K. B. Gidley for f 7. for extra services as inember of the board of hcalth last year, not recommending lts allowance. Referred to Financo Com. Aid. Martin, from the timmer coiumit tee, made the following report of expend itures for the month : lstwardfund Jl.TO 83 2d " - 22t 02 8d " " 158 20 4tb " " 174 35 5th " " 18 50 8th " " 99 74 Gen. street fund 282 57 General " 88 55 Contingent " 468 99 Water works" 2,387,50 Total 4,O51 25 In the report were several billa for extra services at fire?, which were opposed by Aid. Alhnendinger on tlio ground of establishing a bad precedent, but were allowed ou vote of the oouncll. Then Aid. Herz made an attempt to fet the gas bill cut down because of the í requent and innumerable times [in January and February several nights ut a time to the writer's personal knowledge] there was no light in the clock tower, but the council were too liberal to think of such a thinjr, though whittling the Electric Light Co.'s bilí for tho sanie reason tbc montli provious. The bilis were all allowed and the following extra ones also: Ann Arbor Democrat, pub. ord $ 4 20 Ann Arbor Electric Co., si. Uglits 550 40 H. Marsh, gravel 10 UO Jame fc Barney, slone flagginK 467 33 John Miller, labor H 37 Oeo. Soüllmmer, labor 7 00 The liquor bonds of Millman vfc McXalley and of August Schnelder rend and accepted. The committee to whoin was referred the matter of opening öecond st. reported verbally through Mayor Beakes that Mr. Bach would scll right of way tlirough his property for $1,000, but recommended nothing. In reference to this business Aid. Herz offered the following, which wasadopted: Resolved, That the Toledo, A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co. be requested to present to thls council plans and esllmated cost for the proposed new dopot. C'arrled. RErORT OF .CITY OVKlCERS. The reporta of city oiUccrs wore Ihun received and ordered placed on file. The city treasurer rtported the followbalances : Contingent fund on hand .$ 0,:i09 08 General " overdraft 3,930 20 General St. " on hand "25 OS lst ward fond !28 20 2d " " 078.40 3d " " til.j w 4th " " 30 18 5th " " 91 98 6th " " 312 17 City ceraetery fuud 60 8i Dog tax " 100 00 Delinquent tax " oveidmft 1,582 57 Water works, on hand 3,407 08 City Marshal reported 11 arrests for June, 2 petit larceny, 2 vagraney, 5 drunk, 1 (irunkrml and tippler, 1 violatiou of city ordiiiancc by uing profane language. City Marshal Sipley reported the followlng expenditures of the poor fund for the raonth. lstward 8 1 00 2a " 8 23 8d " 14 88 4th " 39 94 5th " 58 06 6th " „ 17 70 Total „ 137 81 MOT1ONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Almendinger: Setolved, That the flre departmentcommittee be lnstructed to brlng In a report showlng a plan for the reorganlzation ol the lire cl epartraeut, and showing the probable expense. Carrled. By Aid. Herz Resolved, That John Jacob Flscuer and Henry Allmendlnger be appolnted as special pollcemen for July 4lh, to serve without oost to the city. Carried. By Aid. O'Mara : Retolved, That $400 be transferred from the contingent fund to the 4th ward fund, to be retransferred Feb. lst. next, Carrled. By Aid. Kearns : Hesolved, That frm and af ter thls date the original grade of N. Main st., betwecn Ñorth street and Summlt st. be re-establlshed. Carrled. By Aid. Miller: Whbreas, The Toledo, A. A. & N. M. R. R. requests the city councll to open 2d st., and wherbas, The opening and proper grading of M st. would costa Urge Bum of money, therefore Rtêolved, That it Is the sense of this councll that secoud street should be opened provided the Railroad, will build a depot such as the si zo of the city, the large patronage obtained by the road here, and the liberal contrlbutlons of our cillzens towards the buUdlng of the road, warrants. Resolved, That thlscouncil does not belleve that a frame depot costlDg S3.Ó00 Is such a public lmprovement as would warrant the city In opening and properly gradlng 2d st. Retolved, That a commlttee of three be appolnted toconfer with tho railroad company concernlng the mutual IntereatN of the city and company demand. 8. Dean bein permilted spoke in reference 'to the resolution nnd said that it would be uttcrly uscless to appoint that cotninittee, as the R. It. Co. have not got the money to put in the building, and could not and would not build any better building. He wanted the council to do one tliing or the other, either take the neccessary steps to open 3d st., or refuse to do it. He didn't want the thinj; to dally aloni; any longer. Col. H. 8. Dean also spoke urging the council to take action at once, open 2d street, pay Mr. Bach for lus land, and have the tblng got under way. Aid. Miller thouglit if the city nvested 2,000 or $2,500 In opening 2d st. the R. R. Co. ought to build a better building than the one proposed. Aid. Allmendincer sald that toopen 2d st. would cost the city $2,500 and that this resolution simply asked a conference, and demanded nothinii of the Co., and thought that if the city invested that much they were entitled to somo consideration. Aid. Wines oflered as au amendraent that the conimittce report to this body next Monday night. The resolution as amended passed by the following vote: Ayes- Alda. Allmendinger, Martin, Herz, Keams, O'Mara, Miller, the Mayor and Reoorder. Nays- Aids. Sutherlaud, Spokes, Ware, Wines, and Barker. A)d. Ware presented a grade of Pontiac st. 5th ward, prepared by the city engineer and the same was adopted. The trees around the electric light on Washtenaw Ave. near Prof. Lanley's, wero diiected trimmed by the Aid. of the 6ih ward; and the trees on 8. W. corner of Madison and Main sts., by the 2d ward Aldermau. 41(1. Miljer moved Ihat Miss Sh%v? io Uowed $3.00 per montli. Carried. ïlie General Fund connnlttee was auïorized to jirovide tlie drinking fouDtaiu tli Oupg and remove the old pump from ie square. The dead trees and linibs were ordcred cmovod trom tlie court house Rfjuaro by ie cliairinau of tlie coinuiiltec on parkn. By Aid. Ware : Resolred, That the Chlof of I'ollcn is hereby irected to reoomraend two patrollmen for ppolntmcnt on the pólice forcé. Carrled. Aid. Miller moved that the Mayor bc one of tho committee to confor with the l. R. Co. Carriod and Aids. Miller and teams were made the othcr mcinbcrs. The pólice comtnittee recoinmended the ippointment of Micha'el Clark and James Jurray as patrollmon, and they were so appointed. By Aid. Allmendinger: Resolved, That a commltteo conRleting of he City Englneer, Mayor and City Attornny o appointed as a committee on hall and building. Carried.


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Ann Arbor Democrat