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Washtenaw Pomology

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At the monthly meeting oL the Washenaw pomologioal society the committee n trausportation and fruit exohnngfe,reorted through tboir chairnian, Trof. 1!. 2. Nichols, that parties most agieeablo :o tbe frnit growers, whoiu he had adressed, declined to accept the agency, jeing otberwise engaged. It was there ore resolved to leave this whole mHtter n the hands of Prof. Nichols, who will t once make arrangements for transpor;ation and distribution at Detroit. Shippers of fruit therefore better see 'rof. Nichols, who has managed bo well or us, so that thcy get the advantage f his special arranirements. Concerning onsignnient of fruit every one can ship o whom and where he pleases. Shipers a ad fruit growers, who wish to avail ihomselves oC the special arrangement y the committee, should sign the agreemont at L. Gruner's shoe fttore. The Ann Arbor Preserving Oompany xhibited strawberries and gooaebernes, ianned by a new procesa, invented by Mr. E. Morgan. Tho berries presented n a neat open glass jar tasted deliciousy. The fruit uroma by thia process ia well preeerved. The company have expended considerable mouey in erecting buildings and mitable machiuery. Their work is done y steam. Mr. llungerford, lately from ndia, a very oheerful looking Euglishnan, is a member of thia euterprising irm. He attended the meeting for the firet time and made ;i very favorable imression. Tlie partuors are men of culure and edneation, and have the best of the society. Apples ftom Leeienau county were on exhibtion. Thoy wero natural fruit and ooked vory well kept. N. B. Covert exlibited specimens of apples and pears attacted by the oodling moth in different stages. He is a close observer and does very useful work in entomology. I would say now in regard to the pear ike Doyenne d'ete, Kostieer, Bloodgood and especially Oiffard, Clapp's Favorite and Bartlett promise a large yield of fine ruit, while Flemish Beauty D'Anjon, Liawrence, Bosc and other late varieties do not promise so well. The Kiefler ookb very healthy and shows its Mongolian origin, when compared with my pear tree "Transit" which the late astronomer James Watson had the kindness to present to me on his return from Northern China where ho had observed the transit of Venus. Winter Nelis, my best winter pear, is promisiiig. D'Areniberg never fails. Emil Baub, Cor. Sec.


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