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If 70a never w a salt-cellar wilk, watch rour procer use hls legn. The boa conatrictor inlgbt be put on the Hit of great contrtctors. Scandal-mongers belleve In the cash ej tem. They KlTe no credit to ar one. One wy of brln?ing bout turf reform. Fake more care of jour grasa plot tolt tuin mor. flow to beat carpeta without Ketting bot - use mattlufr. It beata carpets for coolnet. Unsuccessful novelista eovj toe rattleiniLe. HU tall makea a uolsa in the world. Some wlves prore luch treaeures tbat tlirir busbands would gladly "laj tbem up In Uearen." Husselt Safe once lost 1 vallet contaluInjr. $44,000, and a tlerjrjrman found it and re■tored IL One war to make a tlilu clilld fat Is to throw hlm out of a wlndow. He'll probably come down- plumb. Some oíd maids are particular as to bow the; traTel. Thej llke a smack at sea, and dd land want a good 'bus. Strarijre that the woman who nerer can remember her own ace can teil jou In a twlakllng that of all her female frleuds. SIneular- Isn't UI - tbat whlle tbere are live new Methodist Blsbops, thera Is onlj one N'ew-rnsn among the Dumber. Old Hercules was stront; eoough, no doubt, to lift the corner of a house. What would he tbtnk of the modern sho)-llfter? The rate of mortallty mong the Indlans tncreaset bout ten per cent, a rear. The more they are clTiltzed the faster ther die. The canoet of some makers are more oomfortable tban those of others. The most uucomfortable to eet lnto are the rol-canoes. Dde City, Fia., tures out an alligator fourteen feet loog, and wlth a spread of jaws to close round a pork barrel. That III do for a starter. George Francit Train bid bl country goodbye lait fall and went to Hallfax. He bas ruturned, howeyer, as they had no use for hlra OTer there. It haf been a year now si nee any Michigan husband mlstook hls wlfe for a barglar and shot her dead. The courts got onto the trame and made It UDsafe. A NeTada ranchfhan shot, trapped and polsoned 4,200 rabblts In four montbs, and then flfured up that about 5,000 new one had come to SU tbelr places. Erery memoer of tbe Blake famlly, at Cantou, O., who bas dled In the last twenty years, bas dreatned of falllng lnto a well abou t two weeks before death came. A Clnclnuatl boy bas eyes wblch can see in the dark as well as tbe llght, and hls parents ara nerrous when they thlnk of what an advanUge he will hare as a burglar. A Yl_ 11 _ _1 _- 51 , .lij, A_ l. _ fc A i mimueipni uociur warranu mat wear Inií French-beeled iboes wlll crtpple any female laside of two years, bat tbat won't deler a single woman trom wearlnc ttiem. People wlth social longlngs who more luto new nelghborhoods and tlml thelr nelghbors do Düt notlce tliem, sbould bu; a blí bound and tle liliu lo tbe cellar over nlght. Tbe Dfty membera of tbe Methodist conference who got one Tote eacb on the flrst ballot for bllhopa are embarrassed by the suspicluu that tbey inay have voted for ihenuelres. John Uuikln bas wrltten and publlsbed lity-fonr books, sucli ai tbey are, and he doy announces hls willlngoeaa to trlve sorae one else a cbance to brío? out an eqaal number. A New York State man Ís maklng a klte lree enougli to draw a bugey, and he propoaes to be drawn around the country In tbat mauner tbls sumiuer. He may fly lt too hlgh. A St. Louis college sold a lot of old and worthlets books for 1300, and two months later bougbt thcm back froin an old-book store as Taluable relies and worth the $600 asked. A Kentucklan who won $3,000 on a horsa race ünured up hts old debts and íound ha would huye jast $22 left after paylng them. He therefore sklpped the country wlth the money. Georgia bas a woman lawyer and Ís brafcglng about lt Michigan ha flre or slx, and, yet wlth a single exceptlon, one ecarcely erer sees the name of one In print- eren in cotttt records. A Connectlcut man threw a lot of mud luto a nelghbor's well, and tbe nelehbor sougbt for and got a warrant charglng hlm wlth "coinmoD corruptlon." The case dldn't hold, bowerer. "This Is the way we do lt," cxplalned a cowboy In a New York saloon ai he grabbed for bis hlp-pocket. The revolver carne out, feil on the Hoor, and a bullet plowed lnto the cowboy's leg. It Is sald that a Nevada man ba lnTented a ratlroad froj? that won't dlaturb a tleeper by croaklng. What a blesslng lt would be lt be would lnvent somethlng to keep Uepers from inorlne. A Chicago woman makes mort money out of lettuce and radlshes tban any common farmer In Illinois out of general cropa, and one who raises nothlng but mushrooms banked $3,000 last jear. "Whlle the rleh roll In thelr carrlages we struggle for bread I" howled a Chicago Anar. cblst A reporter looked blm up and found that be was worth $5,000 and lending money at forty per. cent Interest


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat