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About 10 o'olock on the morning of.Tuly 16, a terrible explosión of gas oceurred in the vault in the lounty clerk's office in the city hall, Detroit. A sheet of bluish red llamo shot out of the vault. tloir and for an instant enveloped the cutiré file room, a blaat of air rushed from tho room witU a forcé almost incrcdible, shattering the live windows of tho three oftices- sash, glass and shutters, scattering the fragmenta acrOM Griswold Street. The niassive vvaü of the vault was blown out several inches in the office, overturning an immense file case, weighing fully 10,000 pounds, and in mie place above the vault door a hole was torn through as if a camión ball bad passed Ihrnugh it. The wall at the back of the vault formeel one side of a narrow hallway leading to the auditors' office, which is in llio Griawold-Fort street corner of the building. This wall, two feet thick, could not withstand the fearfwl force and was bnrst out as if made of paper, bricks and mortar being scattered far and near. Tho section of wall blown to picces was of the hight of the hall, about fifteen foet, and about flfteeu feet wide. With it were carried by the force from within the contents of a file case whieh were buried with the brick and debris beyond all possible recovery. A door leading to the file room from the hall was blown out andbadly ahattcred. its panels beiug torn out, and the door casing loosened. aithough a huge safo which stood before it left it but little exposed to the force from within. Simultaneous wilh the explosión was a heavy roar and tiemble which shook the entire city hall, solid as it is, from the ball on the toiver fiagstaff to the foundation stones. All the files in criminal cases wero in the vault and ax'eprobably totally destroyed. Other valuablc records sre in some cases totally and some partially destroyod. A number of persons were at work in the office at tbe time, but only ouo was soriously injured. No Budge for Veterans. Among tho supremo court decisión handed down on the 12th inst. is that denying a mandamuB in the case of Whitney & Saunders to compel the Grand Rapids township board to approvo their saloon bond. The reason fot withholding approval was that their business was in violation of an act of tho legislature of 1887, which prohibited the sale of intoxicante within one mile of the soldiers' home institution. Tho relatora claimed the law to be an invasión of property rights and in violation of the state constitutitm and the fourteenth aineiidment to the United States constitution, deprivng them of property without due procesa of law, etc, and therefore void. Justice Morso writes an opinión, denying the man damus in which Juatices Long and Champlin concur, upou the gioui.d that the lugislature has full power to pass laws regarding the control of state institutions and the welfare of lts inmutes, which has never been questioned, and thatthis law is clearl.v in line with this, and therefore not in con flict with the state constitution. Chicf Justioe Sherwood files a separate opinión, practically sustainingthelaw upou f,he ground that it was siinply an exercise of the pólice power of the state, and the wholcaomo èffiset öf {.l)e natural exercise of this power Is so (ar reac'hfng that t cpnflicts with no constitutional rlght. Justice Campbell nies a dissentlng opinión, taking the ground that no property rights are involved, it being simply whether the legislature has the power to pass a law, applicable to any particular person or local - ity, which does not bear equally upou all the citizens and in all the torritory. In his poinion it has not, and the relators should shquld have the relief prayed for, and the writ shóiild iseue. One fhousand Humelcss tepple. - 4OU,()ÜO Loss. A flro broke out in the third ward in Alpena about noon on the llth inst. A ii, n . tviud had been blüwiug all day from the northwost. 'i'tiis soon caused the flames to spread, and before they wers snbdued a tract half a mile long and three blocks wide was in ashes. 'The loss is estimated at about #4(KJ,(XH). Tho burned housos were mostly owned By laboring men. Over one thouRand people are homeless. Household gooda aro ióattered promlscuously around tho stroets andjprobably will ncver be found by the owuers. Mrs. Sharraneau, burned about the body, Will die. A sister of J. Nestor was fatafl.v burned, also two children, whoseualnes cannot ba outuineil at present. VVOLVfiRINE WHISPEBINÖS. Patriok Riley and wifo of Jackson havo been arrested on a charge of stcaling wool from tho warehouse of John W. Barrj'. Biley has boen a trusted employé of Barry for a number of yearg. Barry njissedsmall quantitios of wool at various timos, but until a few days ago no effort was made to investígate the matter. Riley claims that ho knows nothing of the affalr. Mrs. Riley was arraigned and pleaded notguilty. It is rumored that G. V. N. Lothrop, United States minister to Kussia, bas tendered his reeignaüon to take effect Aug. The supvemo cort has grauted a ncw trial to Juizaboth yandorhooi, oonvicted in the Uerrien circuit December 16, 1884, of murdering her husband wlth poison and sentenced to ímprisoument for lifo. Pending the now trial the prísoner is to be admitted to bail in the sum oí 8,000. John Mangold, eonvictod la Grand Rapids of violating the Sunday clause of the new liquor law, has beeti grautod a uow trial by the supreme court. Forest flres are ragïng in Cheboygan county. M. T. Green, president of the Chicago lumber company,spent three days in Michigan last weck, and bought 25,000.000 feet of good lumbor; 7,000,000 of Holland & White, Irondale; 5,000,0(10 of Hackley & Hume, Muskegon, and 1H,OO0,OOO of tho Metropolitan lumber oompany of Metropolitan. Mich. One half of this lumber wili be put in stock at Chicago, for the oastern trade ; the remainder 9hipped from milling pointe. Mr. Green also purrhased on this trip 85, 000,000 shingles. The soldièrs of Davisburg and vicinity, will hold a grand reunión and picnic ia Davlsburg August is lss8. AU sólfliers oomlng trom a distanoe will be carecí tor. Company (i. Thinl Michigan Volunteer iiïfantry, will also bo present as u oompany. The eloct.ric Ueht works ;n Port Hurou were destroyed by firo the other morning. Maj. Davis, in charpa of harbor improvoniciits in Michigan and Wisconsin, luis sub mittod the following ostlmates for Michigan barbón: Ontoñagon harbor, {aio.uoti; Maniuetto liarbor 1100,000; Harbor of Kcfugu, Grand Marais, ijyoo.000; Menoml nee harbor, $M,000: Manisteo harbor, 1350,000; Pentwater Harbor, f40,000; White Kiver harbor, $.JÜ,IXX); Muskegon harbor, $100,(MN); Grand Haven ilSd.lHXI; Black Lake harbor, $15,000; Saugatuck harbor, tTi,UOI); Sontfa Haven, SKI.IMKI; SI. Josepfa harbor, .íii.ikx); l-Yankfort harbor, $50,000; Portage Lake, $150,000, The wife of VVm. D. Levieo and Bvé c:nsold sou were overtaken by foresl iires and burned to death on the aftornoon of the 12th iust., while roturuing to (ilad win trom a neighbor's, wlthin a mlle wi1 Baker's Mills. Tho postónico at Michigan Center, Jack sou oounty, was robbed on the aight of July 11. It is expeotcd Ihat 0,000 soldiere will attend the O. A. K. encampment at (ron ville Aii-rust 7, 8, '■. Tho nioth animal reunión of the Ninth Michigan infantry II ln held at' Grand Ledgv Ait!iist 8: Cerliflcatea for roduced fare will be sont on appllcation O, A. Kelley ia secretary. John M. rVench of Lansing reoently celebraU'il his uoth btrthday. He is hale and hearty, was amemberof the legisla ture in 1H4J and has been a resident of I ,an Blng tor twenty-three years. Marshall business mesare trying lo in duce the proprietorg of a spring tooth har row concern U lócate there. ' ' ' Sixty Canadian hiborers on the Grand Trunk railroad at Port Huron, Fort' Gra1 io aud othor points on the Clair rivfir, who crossed tu and froii) thoir tiojnes, morning aud night, have been compellod by Custmns Collector VVard to croas to Canada and re turn no more. This was dono under the provisions of tho alien labor law, providing that no foreign laborors oan bu bronght to tiiis country andereontract to any oompany or individual. Hon. Daniel L. Crossman, elerk of tho house of representativos, who has been ill at bis home in Williamstun, is iinproving. The coroner'a Jury in the case of James Apsey and his stepson, Hay, who were killed at Meridiar. a few d:iys ago, iiud that Apsey trled to oross the railroad ahead oí a rapidly movlng train; that Knpineer Bigelovv did his best to vvarn thom and stop lii train, and that neither Bigelow nor the Do troit, I .aiisin;.' & Northern conipany is re sponsible ior the casualty. Ed. Palmer, the man arrested in Alm somc time ugo ÍOT the niurtler of his wift has been oonviotod of muriler in tho seronc degree, and sentenced to 20 years in Jack son. Whitney & Saunder, proprictors of th Koot house, udjoining the soldier' home i Grand Kapids, whose motlou for a man dumus to compcl tho towuship board o Grand Kapids township to approve thei liquor bond was denied by the superio court, will at once appeal to the Unitec States supremo court. Eugeno W. Iteed, a barberof Grand Rap ds, is ander arrest foï sciiin;? liquor wit) out having paid the Uuc. Keprssentative Fords resolution for th appointment of a rouuriittee of ñve to in vestigate the subject of the importation o contract laborera and the landing of paupe immigrant has passed tho houso. Later ostimates place the loss by tho Al pena fire at $300,000: insuram-c H25,000. Rev. Martin D. Shutter of Minneapoli lias been called to the pastorato of the Chureh of Our Futher in Detroit. The pjyimiiiatlon for u West Point eadetship forThe teuth district will be held a Bay City August 2S and 2!t. Hepresenta live Fisher umioum-es tho followlng cxam loing board: F. W. Lonkenian. Grayling Columbus V. Tyler umi .VI, U. QQbert, Hu. City, and W. H. Simpson, losco. The Chliipuwa Vallcy rond is tobe. buil from Mt. Pleasant to Big liapidi, Lee S. Wllson of St. Joacph, was eleoted supremo trustee of the patriarchal oirelo a its annual conclave in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Last August the planlns mili and box factory of Hand.v lii-us.. iu West lïay Cit.v caught fire and was. totally destroyed. The tirm asserted thaf. theiv prernise were set on hre by a spark from a passing MHihiai Central locomotiva and broUKht suii lííainst th railroad for $10,000 damagvs The jury avurdudth(i plaintiff $8,000 damiiges, Mrs. J. N, Poster, w!fo of editor of Coldwater Courier, died on tho 13th inst., from a complleatlou of discases following measles. Doreased was atonotlme matron of Lansing reform Bchooj, also in utate public school at Coldwutoi'. Frank Mason, ajrod 1!, son of Ezra Mason, treasurer of Shiawassee county, who was accidentall,y shot with a revolvei by his 13-year-Old brother on the 24th uit., has since died of his injuries. Fred Carlisii-, a gentleman representing a syndicale of Detroit oapitalists, Isagitat Ing tho revival of the St. Joseph Valley aorrow guage railroad, and its extensión t St. JonepU and SoutU Urud us a standard guage. In the city of Adrián there stands a ti-eo rarely found in this latltude. ]t is alarbe balsam poplar, and lts branches cover an urea 135 feet In diameter, while its trunk near the ground is is feel ia clrcumferenee. The tree is noarly 100 feet high, and is as bandsome and majestic as the famous tall sycamore of the Wabash. lts leaves reaemble tho balm of Gilead, chiefiy because there's DOthlng mean about 'cm, and of all the trees Óf Mjehigau the Times, has. s.ized up this a the tincst Supervisor Stephen Reeves' bam noar Pontiacwasstruek b.v lightnlng and burned. Si'vrral luns of hay, a Belf-bindtng reaper, and other farm tools were destroyéd. Aoasethai is altracllng mnch attention f rom the medical rraternity in Bay City is that of Eli Hoover, aged 78 years, who' on the I5th insi. entered upon the twentv seventh day of a perlod of festín?, during which time he has n,i eaten anything in the wa.v of food, not even milk, orthestimulams, tga and cyffet;. Mr. Hoover weighed over two hundi-od pounds u lien he began his fast, and at the end of twentj fteven days bis pulse is ftrote, and, tbough wcaker, he gires eyidanca ofability to boKl oot for a considerable Hu lian been in bM for uine uiouths, bat lias ooi been consider ed au invaliil. o iiidllcciiKMil wül a, il tn get the oh) man to take anything but water, and physicfana can do notning for him. Lieut. (Jon. Pop submils the followlng eeümates for continuation oí work on the Michigan improvements: Por coatinuing the work of improvement on St. Mary's riverbetween Lakes Superior and Hurón. s;.'.':í.",8T.r); St. Mary's Falls canal, :.;.IHKI; dry dock at St. Mary's Falla canal, $150,000 ; Hay í.,ake channel St. Mary's rlver, 1500,000; Cheboygafl harbor, Mich., $.%?A) for completiou ufworki Tnnnder Bay, $34.510; Saginaw riyor, $187,050; Sand Beaoh, Lake Huron, $12,(KX); St, Clair Flat canal. $105,000; Detroit river, 1130,500: Grosso Pointe channel, 1300,000, Tho citizons of Ithaca have raised a subscription and rotained James L, Clark of that place, to po to Detroit and doloiul Klfa Clark, the Ithaca girl who is charged with the Burder of her lnfant. The queetion of BcndiiiK to Kansas for Bussell, who is rharged with betraying tlie jfirl, is being discusscd, and if there is anv probabiiity of fretting him, requisition papers will be made out at unce Considerable gvmpathy has beo manifested for the unforlunate girl, David McDonald and flfteon other Kalamuzoo druggista potition congress for tho repeal of the internal revenue tax upon druggists as liquor sellers, Iiepresentative Chipman has presented a resolution calling for a report from the seoretary of war upon tho necessity of establláhing a life-saving station and light houso on the middlo groúud below Bolle sic. Tho statutes 'permit uo surveys for tliis purpose uutil the engineer reporta a necessity for the improvement and submits an estímate. Junius E. Beal of Ann Arbor, is endeavoriug to secure a renewal of the copyright of Dr. Chasfi's famous recipo book, which tho Beall have pnblished fur many years, Mat Brenan and two acoomplices are in all at (rayling on a chargo of higlnvay obbory. The bodyof EmmaSpaldlngofMeGrejror, a., who jumped overboard from tlie P. St '. .M. steamer .W i. June 38, was found ul.v 17 near Eenosha, Wis., havlng driited ibuui kh) miles. Theremalns were sent to ácGregor for burtal. Theagricultural college hasisauedabulleiii "ii the jack pine plunis of the northern ountii-s. Theoii w.'ll schenie at Clltl'ord has been tbaudoned. A soldiers', sailors' and oitixens' encamp nent will !■ held in Bellevllle some time ii September. Representative Pisher has appointed lev. E, O. Fuller of Caro an additional neurber of his committee on examlnation f applicants for ili.' West Point cadetBhtp. Capt. Klobolson of the Detroit house of i"", read a paper before Lbe prison ongress al ltsannuul BesBion in Boston ul.v 18. John Jackson of Mt. Morris, met with a tainful accident July -t. and dled on the ;th Inst. wat engáged in celebratüis heday whenan unexpected explosión of ■unpowder blewthe Besfa almost entirely rom hls lower limbs, oausing him most iii ense suflèring until the tí me ol bis death. Daniel MoVean, tor si yarsan inmate I' Uie Külaniazoo us.vliiiii'. huiiv himsclf here the other night with a rope which be tad made by twistiug strings together. The burned district in Alpena is rapidly teing rebullt. A party oí young men went to baChe in Vili s i.-.ikc, JohnstQwn tawnsbip, Barrj ounty. Preq Qleason, aged :J i, beoame en ii in the lniiK grass. John Willson mcl I .uuis Burnam,aged Uj and ni respective y, attempted to resoue him and al! were rowned. Their bodiee not recovered intil late at night. The Bve-years-old daughter of George Vebber, a farmer living ove miles mi-( ii of YankeninuUi, burned to death the other inornlng, her clothing taking Bre from the Uitdien stOVê. She live.l nnly an hourafter the accidedt. ■ Mrs, Carm0ha] gf rtght ïiiits.iaie ■■' nty, whp ffw irrcsi.(( gome timo ago, ■ii..r. i-i with polsonitig hei' husband, lias boen lield fur trial at the olroult conrt. James Wicks, an old gentleinan 80 years of a(ie, was Uil ed by the cara on the Port Wayne branch ol the Lake Shore rail oad, oneaud onfl half miles aoutb ofMontgomery, a few day ago. The old gentleman wás Bshlng on the railway bridge and being quite deaf diil noi heai the approaching train until it. was upon him. I.. 10. Martin, a gradúate of Kalamazoo college, class of '.iy', has roñe to Japan, where he has secured a position In the governinent schools.


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