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An Anarchist Plot

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A gigantic, murderous plot on the part of the Chicago anarchists to blow up the board of trade building, several other largo buildings, and to murder Judge Grinnelï, Judge Gary, Inspector Bonfleld and otber prominent persons engaged in the prosecution during the celébrate! trial of the anarchists, was nipped in the bud by InspoctorBonfleld, Chlef Hubbard, Lieut. Elllott and the central detectives on the 17th inst. The meam to be used in the Wholesale murder and destruction of property was the anarchists' weapon, dynamlte, and enough of the erplosive was found to blow up half the city. Three of the conspirators arealreadyundèr arrest and are confined at the city hall Kverybody supposed that the trouble wlth the revolutionary spirit among the anarchlels had died out, but it seems a conspiracy has boeu brewing aniong the friends of Spies, Parsons aiul tbe rest, and a dlabollcal jilot wu hatched and hundreds of Uves were to be taken. Inspector Bonflc'.d, it is said, has been airare of tho conspiracy for some time, but waitd until the evidence was complete. Several detectives were ordered to meet at the central s' at ion at two o'clock on the morningofthe lithinst. There they donned oisguises, and in oompany wlth Bonileld aud fcUliott pi'ooceded to Deering street station, where a reserve force was on hand l'ho foro procecded to the corner of Thirtytnird street aud Ashland avenue, near where oue of the leading conspirators rosided. It was hoped to catch a dozen or more anarohists at the house, but only two men wero found. One of the suspected men was arrestad as he carne f rom the house about duyliglit. Then the oflicers entered the dwt'lling and anotherconspirator was found. Lndr In pillow was a knife and revolver, aud upo n searolnng the room twelve sticks Qf d.vuamlte were fouud. The offleers next visitPd a house on (uinn street, and another of the nuspeotetf ones was arrested. A large quuntlty of dynamite was also found in this place. Aniong the men arrested wasone of those wno was under arrest soon after the Haymarket massacre, and subsequently released. The others were prominent aaarchists during the trial. It is suted that about 20 ermled men were in the conspiracy and hey were, at a certain hour afer uAidniht to beat the homes of Ciyiuu,ill, Uary, üonflelá, Frank Walkev, Oe. Stiles and others prominent Hj t(f itroseoutlou. Dynamite was to be piaoed beueatli the houses of these, and was to be touched off simultaneously. The board of trude was also to bè blown up at the same time. Further arrests will probably bring to light an even greater antioipatd bluody horror. Jnspeitor Bonñeld says hs. iften know the couspirators, and tha adóJUanal arrests will be made. The nolïce observe the si rlotest 9oc.rf.y in the matter, but Inspector BonHcJd. Wa induoed to say to the Uuttea Prestí representative : '■JuJh-os Uviunell aud Gary were to be blowu un by these follows, and that is all I WiH say, You may add however, that we liavu boen aware of this diabolical plot for some time, and I think there will be anothBr Wholesale hauging. The explosión at the Flayinarket could not be compared this. Hundreds of lives would certainly have been sacrlficed had we not discoyefed it." Aiiiericau. Party C1K Tho e„x('cutivf. commjttee oí the National Aiiuri,-.iw u.irty ha isaued the following oall, A ttaliouiil couvention of the American party vvill be held in Washington on the Hth of August, 1SS8, for the purpose of noaUnatlne raudidates for president and vico president aud for the trausaetion of such uf its business as may probably come beforo it. Delegates, not exceeding two from each congressional district, each territory and the District of Colutnbia and from each statu at larsre bearing credeutials from an American organizationt asso ciation, club, order or society, whoso objects are in accord with the, nrinoiples of the American party, wi Ï& admitted to seats in the convention., Gov. Sharp saya that, in all probability, the platform to be adopted will not differ essentiaUyfrom that adopted at Philadelphiulastyear. In all its ini])ortant features the present system of tariff will no doubt be iudorsed and the tomperance question will no doubt bo indorsed and the temporalice question will not llkely be touched upon. Five Persons KillecL A terrible accident occurred on the Virginia Midland railroad. i the morniug of July 12. The thvfcttgh southern train went througU a UvUe hetween Orange Courthou( qpd Harhoursville, a distance of 48 foet1 killing five persons outright aud wounding upwards of 40, same severely. The railway company was filling it in undor the trestle. The train was moving at a speed of six miles crossing tho trestle, under regular orders. The engine had passed safely over most of the trestle when the smoker, mail, baggage and express ears went down with a groat crash, dragging down the engine and tender and two, passenger coaches. Two sleepers rinatoed ou the trestle. The,eB1giuL v,t down pilot end foremost, thy,s. Breventifig öre. All lights were extisllihed in tho fall. The dead an,cl s,ame f the wounded were taken to, paag while the moro seriously hurt wri tftke to OharlottesviUe and placed in tio cottago hospital, hotels and homes of friendg, A Social Sensation. Tho most startliug social sensatiou that tías occurred in St. Louis, Mo., for years was revealed to the public whei) il was announced that Henrv W. Moore, nanacing editor of the Post -lspa.toh., and the wife oi John W. (rto4v waager of the Urand opera, uóuó hi the Olympic theater, lelt uic vw wpexnor. il appears tnat tne .■■.iUl have beon unduly intímate for over .1 year, ïho evening before the elopement Norton met Moore aud Mrs. Norton at the corner of Lucas and Jefferson avenues aud attempted to shoot Moore, but was disarmed by u friend. Mrs. Norton removed her money and other valuables f rom u safe deposit lompany, amounting to about $30,000, und at 10 o'clock at night she and Mooro left the city in a varriage. Moore ha a most estimable wife, who is m, at Man i tou Hprinjis. The elopera, a'p now under .11 rest in St. Louis, CURRENT EVENTS. The Astora own 8,000 buildings In the city of New Yorlc. Exporten claim that shipments of Indlau wheat are Increaslag. A poundof yennles Is worth $143. Apo.und of fivecent pleces U trorth f455,50. A planter at liroosky Hts, Fla., clearcd $10,00U, olí a cabbajje patcbof UW acres. Three ateamahlpa brought 20J7 Immlgrants to. Castte Uarden, New York, on Saturday iaat. 81nce 1801 the UovernmeDt has pald to rctlred army ocicera the total sum of $16, 530, (XXX New Yorlc city has a storaire oapaclty ol l,0U0,000 barrels of flour auj doek room equal to ii,U00,00ü barrels. The new hatdiluat house at Plymouth, N. II., wil! li twlee as large as the other, lth a capavlt; of U.UOO.OUO eicga. In Cuba the luuir expected ralos have at last become geueral, aud will do mucli toards hasteolDg the termlnatlon of the sugar erop. From Moutreal the total export) ot cheese stnee Jan. 1 to June ' were 24,875 boxea, aeaiust 88, 175 In 18S7, 33,544 In 18S8, 43,000 In 1885, and U5.81O In 18Ü1. Included lu the total iblpmaats from New York city during the week endlog June 2, were 716 Uva caltle, 7,445 quarters of beef and ten lira sheep. The flrst ahlpment of watermelona reacbed New York on Tuesday. Thcre were two car1 oada. They were qulckly sold to the lead tog hotels at {1.25 to $1.75 per melon. Durlofr laat August, September and up to the mlddle of October, between 73,000 and 85,000 lamba and sbeep were slaughtered i one company In Aroostook, counly. M. The arerage acreasre of pruJuetlve Tloe. yarda lu France for the pu' teu years was 6,815,435 acres, whlle '" 1837 It was ouly 4.804.202 acres, a tvtót of 511. 10? acres.


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